Best Movie Idea EVER!!!

so you want Jack Nicholson and John Belushi making facial expressions in a movie with nothing but nudity and sex? That's sick dude.
[quote name='TheGunslinger6']Dumb Like you[/quote]

a former gamefaqs board member has trouble getting used to "real" forums :p hehe
but hmm..ur movie intrigues me...but i doubt ud get A list celebs 2 do it..y dont u get some CAGS 2 star in it?
we cud get scorch to do the expressions
[quote name='smalien1']No plot, just sex, nudity, chase scenes, shit blowing up and Jack Nicholson or John Belushi making expressions.

Umm...Belushi is this a zombie movie? A zombie sex movie?????? And if there's no plot, why are they chasing each other and blowing things up???

When there's a talking pie I'll start liking the idea.
[quote name='greydemise'][quote name='TheGunslinger6']Dumb Like you[/quote]

a former gamefaqs board member has trouble getting used to "real" forums :p hehe
but hmm..ur movie intrigues me...but i doubt ud get A list celebs 2 do it..y dont u get some CAGS 2 star in it?
we cud get scorch to do the expressions[/quote]

Nope but it's still a dumb idea .
Jack Nicholson and Jon Belushi are great ideas, but to make this a major blockbuster you need to do something never done before: Co-Stars Arnold Schwarzenegar and Sylvester Stalone, for the action of course, then Sharon Stone, Demi Moore, and that blonde from Desperate Housewives, plus about 4-5 bond girls, for sexual content. Then a mind-twisting plot, like world domination through tofu. This ones got big money written all over it.
What? I had this idea a long time ago, but then they made Independence Day, Armageddon and 2 Bad Boys movies. So it's not like this is a new idea anymore. Michael Bay and Jerry Bruckheimer have pretty much played it out.
[quote name='studio (Wombat5277)']do they travel through time?, cause if they do I'm in.[/quote]

I think they kinda have to... then John Belushi will still be alive.
bread's done