[quote name='samusaran226']Crap, when did Amazon remove the $20 credit? I was waiting til after I got my credit from Other M to preorder but completely forgot about it and just went to pre-order it now and noticed it wasn't there anymore. If I were to pre-order the game with the $20 credit I have and end up canceling it, do I still get to keep the $20 credit? I'm pretty sure the $20 promotion will be back closer to the game's release but just in case it's not I would like to know.[/QUOTE]
I think Amazon removed it like 3-5 weeks ago, shortly after Walmart removed theirs. Those that preordered when the $20 promo was active will still get it from Amazon.
Yes, if you cancel a preorder that you put your credit to, you should have it again assuming it hasn't expired. From my own experience, Amazon's game credits each have their own expiration ranging anywhere from 2-6 months, so remember to check your email to see exactly when they expire.
I highly doubt Amazon/Walmart will offer the $20 credit again...If you want it cheaper, I suggest waiting til Black Friday, I'm sure they'll be some sales for it.