Best Price on a replacement PS3?


Longtime lurker, first time poster, apologies if I'm breaking rules or if this is the wrong place to ask this.

In any event- my launch PS3 died on me last night (YLoD) and I'm wondering what the cheapest way to replace it would be. I have a 500gb HDD that I'd just migrate over to whatever replacement I got so I'm really just looking at price (as opposed to needing an HDD upgrade as well.) I see that GameStop (ew) and Fry's both have refurb'd units for fairly cheap- how reliable an option is that?

Any help/tips/deals/advice would be deeply appreciated. Thank you kindly.

Are you near a large city or in a small town? If a city, I recommend googling "PS3 repair ". My launch PS3 died last month. It wasn't YLOD. (My problem was the PS3 wouldn't power on.) I found a handful of electronic repairs stores from my search. They advertised fixing YLOD too. I picked one that had positive yelp feedback. He had a new power supply in my PS3 in 20 minutes. It was $50 + tax. Been working great for a month now.

I'm near San Francisco, so I'll look into that. I was under the impression that YLOD repairs are generally temporary but if it's cheap enough maybe it'll keep my PS3 running until I can find a good deal on a newer one somewhere. Thank you for the suggestion. :)

I'd second just getting it repaired, the issue is common enough that you can find experienced people that will do it for relatively cheap.  Also I would try to keep the launch units alive as long as possible anyways.

As a reference the cheapest new price I've seen in stores is around $180ish, though you *might* do better via used on Craigslist (if you want to take that risk), but that's about it.

And FYI, this is the perfect place to ask this kind of question.

My original fat PS3 game me a YLoD in February and I brought it to a repair shop. They technically fixed the yellow light but in the process other issues came up. I don't know exactly what they are cause I'm not tech savvy enough to know how it works inside, but they refunded me the repair cost when they failed to fix it the second time and I had to replace it with a newer model (which I think is worse, just my opinion) for $180 minus the refund. You probably have more options in SF than I do in suburban Connecticut, so maybe you can get a better deal if you have to, but that seems like the typical number.

You may be aware but just in case if you end up with a new machine and pop the old HD into the new one it will reformat it and wipe it clean. So definitely try to repair yours if there's anything on there you want to keep.

Might be worth a look on ebay, If there is no repair shops near you.. I have picked up some dirt cheap consoles that way.

bread's done