Best Used Game Retailer 2011

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Amazon Warehouse Deals; I was able to use funds from both traded games and traded electronics to buy used games at AWD. That alone wins them my vote.
Gamefly. There games not only come in great condition with no stickers plastered across them, but all DLC codes that come with the game work. Dragon Age 2, La Noire, Dead Space 2, etc all had working codes that were not used when I received it in the mail.
Blockbuster by a mile imo....

Between their BOGO sales during the year and the still ongoing 3/$15 5/$25 on pre-owned games $14.99 and under, they just couldn't be beat imo. That is, unless you got super lucky n got in on the Warehouse Deals penny game glitch(which I didn't).:bomb:
Gamefly for the complete package (DLC included) and AWD for prices on just released and everything else in between products.
Amazon Warehouse Deals
GameFly's Store
Surprisingly BestBuy.Com for a few of the early used game promotions they ran
I'm sure people will flame the hell out of me for this (especially since I'm the first one) but: GameStop. No, seriously. Their B2G2F on used PS2/GC games, GBA clearance and other random sales (50% off PS2 games, $20 120GB refurb 360 HDD, the B2G2F on PS2 games stacking glitch) sucked up a lot of my money.

GoHastings has been trash since they revamped their website/pricing system, Amazon Warehouse deals is too random, and GameFly only had a minimal selection of quality titles. I've got so many GS receipts this year.
AWD in general
Blockbuster gets a nomination for their B1G1 and 5 for $25 sales...
GameStop gets a nomination for actually doing a B2G2, and 50% off on :gc: games (I wish they'd do another one...and I wish more GameStops in my area actually carried good :gc: games...)

The other nominations people have mentioned probably deserve them, but I personally didn't take advantage of them...
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game fly had awesome sales had to big a backlog to order but just got brotherhood for the brother-in-law 16 bucks is better then the 40 i paid for the ps3 version with the 2 dlc that were garabage
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