Best Xbox 360 bundle


Like the title says...i cant find any prices worth justifying the purchase. Anything good out there that I am missing or any upcoming sales I should wait out for?
While it's a long shot, You could try to buy one from someone locally, From someone who is going to trade it in. (They don't even give $200 for a xbox 360 pro system in trade credit, You could offer $250 Wich I think they'll accept) If you are doing that, Though, DO NOT buy it from that person in store. Don't ask me why.
yea its hard to find a good deal on one of these systems. it's even hard to find one on ebay as they all sell for almost retail.

if you are a risk taker has an "open boxed" yet unused xbox 360 premium for $300+$30 shipping. the website has decent reviews on and fast shipping but i couldn't bring myself to order from them. the thing is that if the product is bad they have an awful return/ warrenty policy.

if you decide to order from them please tell me know how it goes =)
A few weeks ago Best buy had 360 premium + call of duty 2 + a $20 gift card. A week before Xmas Toys'R'Us had a free $100 gift card with purchase.

Just saying to look out for something like these before you get oen.
i should have pounced on that TRU deal, but thanks for the responses. Ill keep looking for a good deal or maybe ill just get it from costco. btw that consumerdepot looks too sketch, i rather spend a little more to have some piece of mind.
Costco is your best bet. But check craigslist first if you don't mind picking up a used one. I met a guy who bought a 360 premium off a seller for $300 and the seller just gave him all his games because he was moving. He got NFS Carbon, Gears, Splinter Cell and a couple more newer games. I couldn't believe it but I guess if someone really needs to get rid of it, then they NEED to get rid of it.
All signs point to a price drop around July. With Microsoft flushing out inventory on shelves in June, and the new cooler and cheaper to make CPUs coming around then.
My 360 just crapped out and I would rather buy a new one than spend half the price of one to get it repaired. Does anyone know of a place that sells them cheap, but has a warranty option as well?
bread's done