Bestbuy Coupon Fiasco

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[quote name='depascal22']for the amount of time it takes to do all that, i can go to work and make more money than i saved, but that's a damn good idea and very creative[/QUOTE]

yeah but if that was as fun you would be logged on to HAW hard ass worker. not CAG.!
I screwed over Best Buy pretty well with this coupon now that I think about it:

Used on: Mega Man X Collection, Sonic Rush, Final Fantasy IV Advance, Ridge Racer, Metal Gear Acid, Mario Kart DS, and Dragon Quest VIII... so I saved $70 at BB's expense.

I'll probably use one last coupon today just because I want to get as much out of this as I can.
[quote name='CloakBass']Me and my brother were at Bestbuy(Panama City, FL) today, hoping to take advantage of the "$10 off any videogame $29.99 and up" coupon(all the fuss on CAG these days) before it expired on Wednesday. We searched for a good while and finally, we decided to get Pokemon Emerald with the coupon. We brought it up to the front counter, had the cashier scan the game and then attempt to scan the coupon(it had been printed off of CAG). I'm guessing since it was a printout, and rolling around in my wallet for about a month, it wouldn't scan properly so he put in the code manually(something we had to do when we purchased Animal Crossing and Mario Kart DS on seperate occasions). My brother payed with rolled up coins and cash. The cashier stared at the coins for a second and then said, "I'll be right back.".

We waited a moment and then the cashier came back with two other workers(one of them was probably the manager). One of them(likely the manager) looked at us and said, "You know what this is? This is an illegal copy of a coupon. This is fraud. We could take you to jail for this. Now I suggest you leave before we call the cops. Next time you guys try this, we will take you to jail." I was shocked, angry and embarassed. However, I just gathered my money and walked out without saying anything. While we were collecting our money, the manager ripped the coupon in our faces and the cashier angrily threw the game against a bin on the wall. I'm quite bewildered and angry at the moment, there was no good reason for Best Buy to act the way they did and treating us like criminals. Doubly so since I know Best Buy themselves hands out photocopied coupons from time to time. Hmm... I wonder if using ones of those coupons is considered fraud. I've also never had one of these coupons rejected before and have never been treated so badly. I can't shake the fact that the only reason the cashier did this was because he was too lazy to do his job and accept the coins.[/QUOTE]

I was told by a worker at best buy on monday that if they accept coupons that are photocopied or Reprinted (not real coupon) that cashier has to repay whatever the coupon is... this is the man reason why cashiers have started to call managers over when you use coupons ....

manager is probally sick of people trying to rip them off and cant really blame them... there is a 99.999999% chance they wouldnt call the cops but are trying the scare the hell out of you so you will not do it again.

all the managers know me very well at both best buys here in fort wayne (cause all the problems i have caused with the BB coupons.. They would only take 30 bucks and i called the 800 line and made them accept 300 bucks)

not worth my time saving 10 bucks using a fake coupon
Just used two more coupons, this time in the same transaction. No problems for me. Good thing nobody really knows about CAG or FW in my area. I get to rape BB and other stores hardcore :). I'm really going to miss this coupon, there still were come GBA/DS games I wanted. Plus I ran out of giftcards :(.
[quote name='slidecage']not worth my time saving 10 bucks using a fake coupon[/QUOTE]

I'd punch my mom in the face to save ten bucks. You are a disgrace to this site.
[quote name='Demontooth']I'd punch my mom in the face to save ten bucks. You are a disgrace to this site.[/QUOTE]

yea go use a fake 10 buck coupon and get banned for going inside a Best buy. (belive me they can ban you from coming into their business, and if they do ban you from coming in and you come in they have all the right to call the cops and they have the right to toss your ass in jail)

i would rather wait till they come up with real coupons then get busted using a fake 10.... hell walk into the store and hand them a fake 10 dollar bill cause its the same thing
technically wouldnt they need a restraining order to actually throw you in jail... they should only be able to escort you off the property...
[quote name='Demontooth']I don't understand why you are calling it a fake coupon. Did someone create this coupon out of thin air?[/QUOTE]

It's the age old argument about whether or not it is kosher to use a coupon that was primarily meant to placate people who were waiting in the launch lines for the 360 but walked away empty handed. For most people it's disgusting that people who weren't waiting are printing out and using this coupon en masse, for others there's absolutely nothing wrong because Best Buy sucks/they don't believe it's a problem at all, etc., etc. Then you have people right in the middle who can go either way.

Personally, I'm in the middle. I feel slightly bad about using it but, then again, Best Buy ended up getting my money rather than nothing since I picked up games that I wouldn't have bought anywhere else otherwise. It also didn't hurt that I went there a few other times with coupons in tow and ended up buying other items for Christmas and for other occassions without any additional discounts. So, at the end of the day, I ended up spending a good extra two hours frequenting and supporting my Best Buys with 2 coupon uses and I plan to go back since now I know they actually have stock in some sections I like.

Well, that and they like clearing their Classical CD section out completely with some hot prices. I can't pass that up.
All they had to do was tell me I couldn't use the coupon. I would have said OK and left. This guy up there is carrying on like I waved a magic wand and conjured up a fake coupon from scratch.
[quote name='Kapwanil']Personally, I'm in the middle. I feel slightly bad about using it but, then again, Best Buy ended up getting my money rather than nothing since I picked up games that I wouldn't have bought anywhere else otherwise. It also didn't hurt that I went there a few other times with coupons in tow and ended up buying other items for Christmas and for other occassions without any additional discounts. So, at the end of the day, I ended up spending a good extra two hours frequenting and supporting my Best Buys with 2 coupon uses and I plan to go back since now I know they actually have stock in some sections I like.[/QUOTE]I think this is the same with me. I don't feel totally right using it, but in the end I'm still paying Best Buy for a game and frequenting their store. Ignoring the "no copies" edited out versions of the coupon, I find it hard to compare this to something like return fraud, but comparable to trade-in flipping on the game buying-moral meter.
[quote name='Michaellvortega']But really it said no copies on the paper and in reallity it was fraud so just forget it never happened. I don't know why people thought it was ok to do this but look down on other things like walmart returns.[/QUOTE]

No kidding. Mention the word "flipping" and you get stoned to death, but oh, there are 1400 replies in the fraudulent BB coupon thread.

As a general rule of thumb, I think you get what you deserve whenever something goes wrong with using a fraudulent coupon. The BB employees probably shouldn't have acted that dramatically, but still, when you try something like that, all bets are off.
I would feel bad, but considering there are some people who have 30 copies of the actual coupon... there's nothing wrong with that, but that's not how Best Buy intended it to be distributed either.
So now that this thing is dead, are all the people who are OK with deleting the "do not copy" information going to edit in a new date, as well?
Whatever that manager said to you, Best Buy cannot throw you in jail. It takes a judge to do that, after you've been convicted of a crime. I think the cops would laugh in their faces if they were called to arrest someone for using a $10 coupon. That's some funny shit.

Next time don't be a dumbass and try to pay with rolled coins. Use that paper stuff, it draws less scrutiny and gets you out the door faster.
[quote name='Stoneage']So now that this thing is dead, are all the people who are OK with deleting the "do not copy" information going to edit in a new date, as well?[/QUOTE]

it depends on BB computers...
[quote name='Stoneage']So now that this thing is dead, are all the people who are OK with deleting the "do not copy" information going to edit in a new date, as well?[/QUOTE]

I actually considered doing that. I won't, but if it works, I'd probably still use it. I'm a Devil Customer.
You know Best Buy has a fraudulent coupon on their site RIGHT NOW for King Kong. It says no copies, so you better not print it off and try to use it. It's fraud!
Well, I called into the store after school today so I could get in touch with the manager and get his name. Turns out they have several of these "managers" and no one was able to help me find who I was looking for. Either that or they were trying to pull the wool over my eyes. I think what I'll do is go into the actual store and just look around for that cashier or manager, ask their names and leave. Without their names, I doubt I'll be able to inflict any lasting damage.
wait a're still pissed about this???? look dude, you went into a store with a printed out coupon, and then when you had to pay, you threw some rolled up coins at the cashier. The manager came over and just threatened to have you thrown in jail and now you're trying to report them? for what??? hurting your feelings?? embarrassing you??? just let this go and let the next deal clear your mind of this affair.
My suggestion...LEAVE IT ALONE. Follow up on it and cause problems and the store very likely (I know I would) will ban you. It is at their discretion to serve what customers they choose to serve. If they so choose, that can refuse service to you and rightly so. You WERE using a fraudulent coupon - no different than if you had printed a fake $10 bill as far as the transaction with them is concerned. Only difference is the US Treasury service could care less and won't haul your ass to jail for counterfiet BB Coupons!

On second thought if you were to run accross an over zelous fed...just check out this definition and I would think that a reasonable person would believe that it fits:

WIRE FRAUD - 18 USC 1343, makes it a Federal crime or offense for anyone to use interstate wire communications facilities in carrying out a scheme to defraud.

A person can be found guilty of that offense only if all of the following facts are proved beyond a reasonable doubt:

First: That the person knowingly and willfully devised a scheme to defraud, or for obtaining money or property by means of false pretenses, representations or promises; and

Second: That the person knowingly transmitted or caused to be transmitted by wire in interstate commerce some sound for the purpose of executing the scheme to defraud.

It is not necessary that the Government prove all of the details concerning the precise nature and purpose of the scheme; or that the material transmitted by wire was itself false or fraudulent; or that the alleged scheme actually succeeded in defrauding anyone; or that the use of interstate wire communications facilities was intended as the specific or exclusive means of accomplishing the alleged fraud.

What must be proved is that the person knowingly and willfully devised or intended to devise a scheme to defraud; and that the use of the interstate wire communications facilities was closely related to the scheme because the person either wired something or caused it to be wired in interstate commerce in an attempt to execute or carry out the scheme.

To "cause" interstate wire facilities to be used is to do an act with knowledge that the use of the wires will follow in the ordinary course of business or where such use can reasonably be foreseen.

Each separate use of the interstate wire facilities in furtherance of a scheme to defraud constitutes a separate offense.


For those that don't understand legalese...any fraud conducted while utilizing your internet connection (printing fraudulent coupons for example) does fall under federal wire fraud jurisdiction if somone so choose to pursue the matter.


[quote name='CloakBass']Well, I called into the store after school today so I could get in touch with the manager and get his name. Turns out they have several of these "managers" and no one was able to help me find who I was looking for. Either that or they were trying to pull the wool over my eyes. I think what I'll do is go into the actual store and just look around for that cashier or manager, ask their names and leave. Without their names, I doubt I'll be able to inflict any lasting damage.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='TexTuna']For those that don't understand legalese...any fraud conducted while utilizing your internet connection (printing fraudulent coupons for example) does fall under federal wire fraud jurisdiction if somone so choose to pursue the matter.


I still don't understand why you are calling the coupon fraudulent.
[quote name='CloakBass']Well, I called into the store after school today so I could get in touch with the manager and get his name. Turns out they have several of these "managers" and no one was able to help me find who I was looking for. Either that or they were trying to pull the wool over my eyes. I think what I'll do is go into the actual store and just look around for that cashier or manager, ask their names and leave. Without their names, I doubt I'll be able to inflict any lasting damage.[/QUOTE]

Ya know, I'd hate to tell you this, but if you havne't made a move yet, you're not going to inflict any lasting damage. Within 48 hours of so of the incidient would've been fine, but whining now will just look like sour grapes.

If you must call- Ask if the Store Manager is in. Not just 'gimme the manage', that'll net you whatever dept. guy is there that day, and you want the one in charge of the whole store.

Don't bother with names, it won't help you now anyway. Just give a date/time and explain you were harassed for using a coupon you didn't realize was no good (Don't bother with a complex story, if they ask a friend gave it to you and you don't know where he got it.)

The best that'll happen now is the manager'll get a 'talkin' to.' And that's it.

And, may I second the 'don't pay with coin rolls' bit? See, cashiers, they often don't care what policies you're breaking as long as you go away quickly. The cashier put in your coupon becuase he didn't care, and you've been fine if it weren't for those coin rolls. No one wants to deal with coin rolls, so called the Manager knowing you'd get shot down and he wouldn't have to take the rolls.

When bending the rules on deals- ah hell, just in general- Checkout Speed is ALWAYS your friend. Think ahead, and don't get in line unless you're totally ready.
If you don't understand how printing an electronic COPY of a coupon that plainly says on it "NO COPIES" and removing the said "NO COPIES" text and doing everything in your power to make the coupon NOT look like a cheaply printed coupon is FRAUDULENT - then I'm sorry I can't put it into words that you can understand.


[quote name='Demontooth']I still don't understand why you are calling the coupon fraudulent.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='TexTuna']If you don't understand how printing an electronic COPY of a coupon that plainly says on it "NO COPIES" and removing the said "NO COPIES" text and doing everything in your power to make the coupon NOT look like a cheaply printed coupon is FRAUDULENT - then I'm sorry I can't put it into words that you can understand.

TexTuna[/QUOTE]What if the "no copies" part is not edited out?
I f you want revenge, just go into the store and "accidently" trip over the carpet edge or something, knock a bunch of stuff off the shelf and then scream bloody murder you're going to sue. Maybe you'll get some freebies or discounts. If nothing else, you will have made a mess they will have to clean up.
[quote name='TexTuna']If you don't understand how printing an electronic COPY of a coupon that plainly says on it "NO COPIES" and removing the said "NO COPIES" text and doing everything in your power to make the coupon NOT look like a cheaply printed coupon is FRAUDULENT - then I'm sorry I can't put it into words that you can understand.


So if I go to the Best Buy website and print out the King Kong coupon, and make a copy and give it to my friend and he uses it, we just committed wire fraud or are you just whining because someone edited out the no copies?
Then the question is what was the source of the original coupon?

If it is one that was placed on BB's corporate website for distribution and reprinting that is one thing.

If it is one that was handed out instore to people - then that is an entirely different issue as regardless of whether the coupon states no copies or not you are using a copy, not an original coupon.

It is all a matter of ethics. Using something (computer generated facsimile) that is not what it seems (an original retailer coupon) may be fine in the eyes of some, but not others.

What gets my goat is that some that do this (which is fraud and as such is illegal) look down their noses at others that flip video games or sell them on ebay - something that they may not like but is totally and completely legal!


[quote name='judyjudyjudy']What if the "no copies" part is not edited out?[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Jedi1979']see now that i believe is assualt...not that i disapprove;)[/QUOTE]

See, if they actually called the cops on that (the spitting) you can counter with battery (falsly threathing someone with calling the cops is just as much battery as saying im going to hit you)

Also, a judge is as likely to accept a charge of wire fraud in this issue as they would a 200 billion dollar lawsuit against a gun manufacture. Now, they might accept a charge of domestic terrorism more likely (Patriot act defines domestic terrorism as ANY crime in the US).

And be definition, any electronic coupon is a copy, as the original stays on the website/email while a copy is downloaded to your computer and printer, then printed out. (Which is the same reason the RIAA stealing bit is bullshit.)

If it is one that was placed on BB's corporate website for distribution and reprinting that is one thing.

No, they give you bullshit on none edited online coupons. Like isnt owned by bestbuy, even when the coupon is in the computer system (Ohh, they h4x0rzed us).
You can print out as many bogus coupons as you want......until it gets to be a massive amount of loss for the store.....nobody is gonna do jack about it......why are some people even thinking its an issue with the law.....Its such a non factor as far as breaking the law is not even worth bringing up
[quote name='Michaellvortega']LOL,sorry it didn't work. But really it said no copies on the paper and in reallity it was fraud so just forget it never happened. I don't know why people thought it was ok to do this but look down on other things like walmart returns. On a side not I used a legit 10 off at BB today and they held it up in the air and rubber the paper and the whole 10 yards to make sure it was legit.[/QUOTE]

heh, i got turned down a lot because of the "no copies" on the coupon, so i used the one that did not have the 'no copies" on it and yeah i am pretty sure that that was defrauding BB. I dont have any second thoughts about and and I am NOT sorry.
Hahaha...that cashier rocks. I wish I could have done that to some asshole that tried to pay me in coins. All the cashier jobs I ever had, you had to fucking count ever single penny in your drawer twice before you could go home for the night. They usually leave you on your lane like an hour past when you're supposed to go home...then if some douche paid in might be another hour after that before you get to leave. I'm sure Best Buy has a time clock...but a lot of crappy jobs I worked, the store closed at 8 pm and you stopped getting paid at 8 pm. I always hated people that hung around till 8:30 when I wasn't getting paid. Then it took me another 30 minutes to count the drawer.
I used the printed out one too, the cashier just scanned it and it worked so no scene here. She was pretty hot so our conversation may have distracted her. I would have probbaly caused a scene in this case, in fact i would keep going back to try it and see if I could create a scene. ah never works :(

I work at the Rzone in TRU and people have come in with copies, I just dont care, i scan those babies even though I know, but that only really happened once because our coupons are pretty hard to make copies of.
[quote name='TexTuna']
If it is one that was placed on BB's corporate website for distribution and reprinting that is one thing.

And Best Buy still bitches about those just as badly... I had more trouble getting a coupon off of Best Buy's website to work (the Jak X / Sly 3 one) then I ever did with this $10 coupon.
[quote name='Michaellvortega']For upcoming Lent I want all the people that used edited coupons to stop using them ok?[/QUOTE]

In return will you get rid of that scary ass looking avatar?
[quote name='Demolition Man']In return will you get rid of that scary ass looking avatar?[/QUOTE]

pot meet kettle
so i'm the lawyer guy and neither you or best buy would have a "case"

but you could definitely scare them into thinking you do - call the store (or go) and tell them that you got a lawyer and that you are going to pursue a case of "negligent infliction of emotional distress" and "defamation" (for openly saying that you're a criminal).

[note: none of this can be construed as legal advice. should you require legal advice, please consult a lawyer]
Jesus, we're still talking about this even though the coupon expired 2 days ago? Let it go, please. Let's get the next deal lined up and execute.
[quote name='depascal22']Jesus, we're still talking about this even though the coupon expired 2 days ago? Let it go, please. Let's get the next deal lined up and execute.[/QUOTE]

Some people took the exp date off.
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