Beware the Rock Band 2 Bundles - Not a Sunburst guitar


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I didn't know whether this belongs here or not (Probably not) but before people invest in the Rock Band 2 bundles that get released this Sunday, beware.

The bundled guitar is NOT Sunburst. Yes it has the same new features and fake-wooden neck, but it's still a black body.


I'll be cancelling my paid-off bundle at GameStop. That shit doesn't fly with me. REALLY deceptive.

The REAL links for it
CC 360:

BB 360:

$70... + $80 for the drums and $60 for the game. $210. An extra $20 for the Sunburst. What a fucking crock of shit.
Do you have a source? Not that I don't believe you, but I have yet of hear anything of the sort.

This is pretty messed up if so. For $190 there better be a damn sunburst on it. really makes the guitar look much nicer.
This is a huge topic of discussion over at the official Rock Band site. And yes, it is true. I wonder which plays better? This one or sunburst? Because that is what it really comes down to. If the one that comes in the bundle is actually inferior and is not just a simple paint job mistake... Oh, boy...
Not a deal breaker for me. It actually looks a lot like the fender knock off that I learned to play on back in the day! Sunday - I am there - too bad there aren't any good deals!
Not an issue for me since you say it has the new functionality, although it does look kind of weird with the darker neck. I wonder why they went with a strange hybrid guitar instead of just 100% the original color scheme.
Atleast they're being realistic.

Sunburst guitars typically run a bit of money more expensive than their solid coloured counterparts.
[quote name='stewie75']Huh? what does any of this mean...[/QUOTE]

Imagine you are buying a Halo 3 edition 360 with a green controller, you open it up and there's a black controller.

Hundreds of dollars on something, they ADVERTISE the special color and SHOW IT ON THE BOX, but you don't get it.
[quote name='M3wThr33']Imagine you are buying a Halo 3 edition 360 with a green controller, you open it up and there's a black controller.

Hundreds of dollars on something, they ADVERTISE the special color and SHOW IT ON THE BOX, but you don't get it.[/QUOTE]

That's not the most valid argument, because you're buying the Halo 3 Edition 360 because it's the Halo 3 Edition 360. You're not buying Rock Band 2: Special Edition because you get a Sunburst Guitar, you're buying it because you want the upgraded drums, guitar, and game, which you're getting. If you just wantede the Sunburst Guitar, buy it separately.
[quote name='MasterSun1']That's not the most valid argument, because you're buying the Halo 3 Edition 360 because it's the Halo 3 Edition 360. You're not buying Rock Band 2: Special Edition because you get a Sunburst Guitar, you're buying it because you want the upgraded drums, guitar, and game, which you're getting. If you just wantede the Sunburst Guitar, buy it separately.[/QUOTE]

The new sunburst guitar was biggest reason I was getting the bundle. I like having visually different guitars to choose from. I already have 4 and wanted this one, specifically because of the new color. This was a BIG selling point for me. I want it all. I collect it all. Forcing me to get a third guitar in the span of one week is a RIPOFF. (Getting the full GHWT bundle, too)
Well, as long as the features are there am cool with this. I guess if you're overly compulsive about finishes then this could be a problem.
Heh, I hope you like paying $20 for a skin: It's the same exact guitar other than that minute detail. Personally, I don't care but I can sort of understand your frustration. Whatever.

Anyway, the box art argument is flawed because there's a real, acoustic drum kit shown there with cymbals and all yet obviously the game wouldn't come with that. The guitar is real too with strings and everything. It's not picturing the products shown, they're just pictures.
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That's got to be a mistake. When I was interviewing the Harmonix folks at EA3 and E3, they specifically said that the sunburst was going to be a limited edition only available in the bundles.

Either something changed (which I don't get why it would; why sell it separate for $80 and not in the $200 bundle?) or something got seriously screwed up along the way.

Both of the guitars they sent me in my RB2 review kit were sunburst.
Yeah, and before the launch of the PS3 version of Rock Band 1 they didn't say a DAMN thing about GH3's guitar not working.

I want to be proven wrong SO bad. But they have a way of hiding shit like this.
[quote name='M3wThr33']Yeah, and before the launch of the PS3 version of Rock Band 1 they didn't say a DAMN thing about GH3's guitar not working.

I want to be proven wrong SO bad. But they have a way of hiding shit like this.[/QUOTE]

Not their fault. Harmonix didn't work on the PS3 version of GH3, so without the tech specs, not a lot they could do except patch after the fact, and we all know what happened there.

Not a matter of 'hiding shit' so much as 'shit happened.'

360 was different - Harmonix did the 360 version of GH2, and Activision didn't change anything for GH3 except the wired/wireless bit, so it's not all that surprising that the guitars would be compatible.
[quote name='SackAttack']Not their fault. Harmonix didn't work on the PS3 version of GH3, so without the tech specs, not a lot they could do except patch after the fact, and we all know what happened there.

Not a matter of 'hiding shit' so much as 'shit happened.'

360 was different - Harmonix did the 360 version of GH2, and Activision didn't change anything for GH3 except the wired/wireless bit, so it's not all that surprising that the guitars would be compatible.[/QUOTE]

Except that places like IGN said it worked and assumed the PS3 would, too, but HMX never commented until it was too late.
I believe that ended up being Activison's fault since they didn't want to pony up the patch without getting some monies out of it. I think Harmonix was led astray until the eleventh hour.
[quote name='Shady3011']I believe that ended up being Activison's fault since they didn't want to pony up the patch without getting some monies out of it. I think Harmonix was led astray until the eleventh hour.[/QUOTE]

They were in talks, but didn't clarify their position or even answer in posts online. Not even that it was being negotiated.

And what about the online voice chat on the PS3? It launched, holding a shoulder button while on vocals showed an animated speaker but NOTHING happened. A later patch REMOVED IT. It's as if they never intended for online in RB1 to even work. I bet RB2 is just as bad.
[quote name='SackAttack']Not their fault. Harmonix didn't work on the PS3 version of GH3, so without the tech specs, not a lot they could do except patch after the fact, and we all know what happened there.

Not a matter of 'hiding shit' so much as 'shit happened.'

360 was different - Harmonix did the 360 version of GH2, and Activision didn't change anything for GH3 except the wired/wireless bit, so it's not all that surprising that the guitars would be compatible.[/quote]

360 was different because MS has strict peripheral requirements (ensuring some level of compatibility) and Sony does not (so Activision could make a proprietary controller). Upside is that you'll get some interesting controllers on the PS3 (like that mouse/keyboard thing), downside is compatibility issues.
Actually got a chance to try one of the new sunburst guitars at Walmart early this week, and they are NICE. IMO, the strummer was excellent and the frets were much less clicky-loud. I'm planning on buying one once I get around to selling off 4 of my current guitar controllers.

It sucks that the bundle is misleading. However, if those guitars have the improved strummer/frets, it isn't all bad.
[quote name='M3wThr33']They were in talks, but didn't clarify their position or even answer in posts online. Not even that it was being negotiated.

And what about the online voice chat on the PS3? It launched, holding a shoulder button while on vocals showed an animated speaker but NOTHING happened. A later patch REMOVED IT. It's as if they never intended for online in RB1 to even work. I bet RB2 is just as bad.[/quote]

Maybe you just bought the wrong system. But seriously, RB2 fixes all those problems except your compulsiveness.

[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Actually, I kind of prefer this. It does come with a strap, right?[/quote]

Yep. All plastic guitars do.
[quote name='M3wThr33']There's videos on youtube you can find of the unboxings and people showing it off. Some got it early.

I just found out a few minutes ago. Even the BOX ART and promo videos and EVERYTHING done for the game shows it. And this comes up out of NOWHERE? That's not cool.

RETAIL KIT Unboxing: (BLACK) (4:22)[/quote]
if you notice for the press kit unboxing, they received all of the components separately (which are the same ones sold separately in the retail stores). disappointing, yes. but they're not really lying about what comes in the bundle.
bread's done