BF Circuit City experience at 5 am


Well, I got there right at 5 am (Sawmill Road location in Columbus, OH) and went to the back of the outdoor line which snaked around off to the side of the building. There had to be more than a thousand people in that line, and it took probably 10 minutes for me to even get inside. Once inside I was pretty much in a wall-to-wall people situation.

I managed to get over to the XBox 360 aisle and noticed that people were buying up all the systems (even though they weren't on sale). I searched pretty hard for the game I came to get: Full Auto (which was supposed to be around $18), but found nothing but the card where the game was supposed to be. I saw a couple guys searching for GoW to no avail.

After winding my way through the crowd to the big bin with bargain games, I managed to find Full Auto with a big $49.99 sticker on it! I think there were only two left (three possibly). After grabbing it up (big dumb grin on my face), I also snagged MotoGP 3 (Xbox) for $4.99. . . Next I had to find the end of the line to make it to checkout. There were probably four major lines of people throughout the store, so I just picked one and figured it'd take maybe a half hour to get up there.

TWO HOURS LATER (approx.) I managed to get my games bagged and finally leave the madhouse. The line moved around an inch every minute, and most of the time there were people bumping into me trying to squeeze through to get to where they were going. That wait was excruciatingly long, and there'll be no more morning store shopping for me today.

I'm very glad I got the games, but I'm not exactly sure it was worth it. Just glad to be out of there!

Oops, looks like I was wrong about the 360 systems. They were offering the Premium with one extra game (NFS:C, GoW, & 1 I can't think of) for $399. No wonder I saw a few people grabbing systems up and looking for GoW. . .

I did line outside 2 hours and then it took me 15 minutes to get everything I wanted (Polar Express,Ice Age Meltdown,Olevia 32" HDTV LCD,looked around) and I did line to the checkout for like 3 hours!!!It moved like every 5 minutes an inch!I was finally glad when I got home and now I'm going to go to sleep!
I tried oh did I try to get up to get to CC... but I slept through the alarm and didn't get out till about $7:30... by that time those places at least seemed to have the system of buying an purchasng cheap BF goods, down to a science... but the line... Holy fuck it must have been like 4 hours long to purchase something... so I went home and snagged the following online:

20 WS Samsun $180
200GB Maxtor HD $20
CA Internet Suite $Free
1GB Thumb $8
Assortment of movies for $5 - Doom, Ong Bak, Jar Head, Zathura
XBOX Titles for $5 - HL2, MOTO GP $5
Mario Strikers - $16
Cooking Mama - $16

Not a great haul, but I didn't have to camp in the cold... the LCD and Laptop deals would have been nice though.
i got to circuit city in Maple Grove Minnesota at about 3:30 to find i large line line. I came for the $299 laptop, which would only be about $99 becuase i was planning on signing up for Vonage. they actually had 36 laptops to sell, unfortunatly, i was 89th in line. At 4:30 the manager went up the front of the line asking people if they wanted a laptop, computer, or lcd tv voucher(the only way to getone). Most people just asked for one for the hell of it, some people, thats actually what they came for. The laptops were well gone before they got to me. when they opened the store at 5:00, there was a line of people around the building, i was actually close to the front!!! I went back to the laptops and hopped into the line to get one of the laptops, having a shread of hope that mabey, i would still get one without a voucher. I noticed some kids who i saw were close to the front of the line, it didnt look like they were going to use the vochers they grabbed so i offered one of them $20 for one, and he sold it to me. 4 hours later, after going through three different lines, i finally paid for the computer and all the free after rebate things that came with it and came home.

Finally something worked out in my favor! I am posting from my new laptop right now!!!
I waited outside my Circuit City since 11:00 last night. I was 35th in line and was waiting to hopefully get a laptop for my wife. Everything was great all night, people were talking, laughing, and jogging in place since it was so damn cold. Then, at about 4:05am, some employees came out and started pusing the CC credit card. 2 minutes later, one employee started handing out vouchers for the cheap $300 laptop. Everyone in line, including those who were just arriving in the parking lot started crowding around this guy who was announcing "vouchers for laptops!" and they were gone in about 30 seconds. Needless to say people were pissed. I felt really bad for the girls in front of me who waited all night only to be screwed by CC's complete lack of courtesy and organization.

Then the guy starts yelling for people to tighten up the line and more chaos ensued, causing the order of people to be reshuffled. Finally about 50 minutes later they started letting us in and it was a mad dash to the computer section with people running, cutting and pusing their way to the queue.

There we had to wait for an individual employee to give "personal assistance" in order to get the computers we wanted while everyone else in the store was filling their baskets with all the memory card, flash drive, and MP3 player goodies. Everything else was gone by the time I got through the line to pay for computers. All in all, a horrible experience.
The high point of my CC experience was getting one of the Olevia 32" HDTV's for my dad and he's loving it right now. The low point was this woman in front of me in line who apparantly had grabbed a whole bunch of the Sandisk 1 GB thumbdrives (the $3.99 after rebate). As we were waiting in line, she was scalping them to other customers for $5-$10. To make matters worse, after she had made her purchases (including still a bunch of the thumbdrives) she went back to the cashier and made them print out individual receipts for all of them for the rebates and basically held up the line for literally 20 minutes. I'm normally not a violent person but I seriously felt like smacking her.

As an aside, anyone have any advice for a HD newb in terms of what I need to get my original Xbox hooked up to it to take advantage of it? What cables, etc. would I need? Just shoot me a PM, thanks.
[quote name='help1']I stood in line from 3:30 to 5:00 and got my 22 inch monitor... MY GOD ITS AWESOME.[/quote]

The Westy? I was in line a half hour and I got one.
[quote name='Trakan']The Westy? I was in line a half hour and I got one.[/quote]

Man it seems to be all over the map as far as wait times... I'm in Tampa Florida, and seriously people were lined up for this stuff - the best I can determine - before they finished eating Turkey Day dinner.
[quote name='Trakan']The Westy? I was in line a half hour and I got one.[/quote]

Those were just piled up in front of the store where there was no line. It looked like no one was interested in them at all. I almost picked one up, but once I read that it had a rebate, I left it there.
bread's done