Big Brother 9 is all over! BB10 premieres July 13th! Woo!

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Well that went the opposite of how I thought. :D

I was surprised that Matt voted for Adam after his talk about comp wins being a major factor for him. I have to think he was swayed by the final questions and/or other jurors thoughts. Also I was surprised Sharon went with Adam. I guess she felt Ryan backstabbed her and she couldn't get past it. Ryan did much worse with the final questions than I expected. :shrug: :rofl: at Chelsia voting for Adam because Ryan wouldn't agree to dump Jen. She's ridiculous. I figured 4-3 was the best Adam could do so 6-1 was a big surprise to me.

I think Ryan should have answered Sharon with something like "I wanted to keep you through that week but in the end I decided I couldn't beat you in the final jury and I had to make my move with Adam that week. Adam and I decided we'd be able to beat Sheila in the final 3 comp much easier than you and from there we had agreed to take each other to the final, so I felt like in voting you out I was practically guaranteeing the final 2."

He should have answered the money question with something like "Gold chains and jet skis for all my friends!" His stumbling over saying he'd give something to charity was just weak. 500K isn't life changing money really. It's not like this is so much money you are set for life and can start a foundation in your name.

And was Adam telling Natalie that he voted her the key thing that got him her vote? I think Ryan did screw up by not taking Natalie to the final 2 although I did think he'd win against anyone in the final 5 except Sharon. :shrug:

Good for Adam donating such a large chunk of money to charity. That'll probably be 1/3rd of his after tax winnings. The skeptic in me wonders if he's really going to follow through.

I figured James or Natalie would win favorite juror. I was a little surprised Sheila came in 2nd. I'm surprised she didn't fall on the ground sobbing when Julie told her she was runner-up.
[quote name='wubb']Well that went the opposite of how I thought. :D

I was surprised that Matt voted for Adam after his talk about comp wins being a major factor for him. I have to think he was swayed by the final questions and/or other jurors thoughts. Also I was surprised Sharon went with Adam. I guess she felt Ryan backstabbed her and she couldn't get past it. Ryan did much worse with the final questions than I expected. :shrug: :rofl: at Chelsia voting for Adam because Ryan wouldn't agree to dump Jen. She's ridiculous. I figured 4-3 was the best Adam could do so 6-1 was a big surprise to me.

I think Ryan should have answered Sharon with something like "I wanted to keep you through that week but in the end I decided I couldn't beat you in the final jury and I had to make my move with Adam that week. Adam and I decided we'd be able to beat Sheila in the final 3 comp much easier than you and from there we had agreed to take each other to the final, so I felt like in voting you out I was practically guaranteeing the final 2."

He should have answered the money question with something like "Gold chains and jet skis for all my friends!" His stumbling over saying he'd give something to charity was just week. 500K isn't life changing money really. It's not like this is so much money you are set for life and can start a foundation in your name.

And was Adam telling Natalie that he voted her the key thing that got him her vote? I think Ryan did screw up by not taking Natalie to the final 2 although I did think he'd win against anyone in the final 5 except Sharon. :shrug:

Good for Adam donating such a large chunk of money to charity. That'll probably be 1/3rd of his after tax winnings. The skeptic in me wonders if he's really going to follow through.

I figured James or Natalie would win favorite juror. I was a little surprised Sheila came in 2nd. I'm surprised she didn't fall on the ground sobbing when Julie told her she was runner-up.[/QUOTE]
What I want to know, is the charity Adam promised the money to the same one he worked for?

He doesn't know he's fired for calling the kids retards, and he's promising money. I wonder if they'd have any basis for trying to to tie him up in litigation if he doesn't follow through.

Poor guy.

Not only did they not talk to more of the first-evicted, but I'm really surprised they had previous BB contestants in the crowd, but didn't highlight them or talk to them.

It really needed to be a 2 hour show, with the reunion and questions in the second hour.
I had that same thought about Adam not knowing he's out of a job when he's making that large $$ promise to charity... Did anyone ever figure out for sure whether he worked for a legit charity or a sham?

[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']
It really needed to be a 2 hour show, with the reunion and questions in the second hour.[/QUOTE]

Yeah a 2nd hour would have been great. I guess it doesn't get the ratings to justify it. :cry:
I'm just glad Shelia didn't win anything. She was far and away the most annoying and useless contestant that I have ever seen on any show.

"As a single mom..."
"Well I'm a single mom...."
"This single mom hasn't..."
"Being a single mom...."

She couldn't go 20 minutes without playing the single mom card.
^^ $100K

[quote name='BillyBob29']I'm just glad Shelia didn't win anything. She was far and away the most annoying and useless contestant that I have ever seen on any show.

"As a single mom..."
"Well I'm a single mom...."
"This single mom hasn't..."
"Being a single mom...."

She couldn't go 20 minutes without playing the single mom card.[/QUOTE]

I think that chick on Survivor who didn't have enough strength to chop through a rope with a machete might be a little more useless. :D Courtney I think was her name. But really being a non-factor in competitions has been a time honored tactic to making it deep in these comps. Hell one of the early Survivor winners (Tina) had that going for her.
That's why Tina won though. Colby assumed he was a sure winner because he dominated competitions. The jury wasn't having it though. Giving it to Tina wasn't because she deserved it, it was a "fuck YOU!" to Colby. That's only happened a couple times on Survivor. Most of the time the asshole that takes the reject still wins.
Was it ever even official that Adam was fired?

In the end, he's an extremely nice guy and deserved the money more than anyone there.
I found this link through the BB9 wikipedia page. I don't know how much of it, if any, is true.
Here’s what I think, I think this “Autism Foundation” is a front for Jasinski to try and win the $500,000 Big Brother prize. I poked around the net and found - the UNIAF website at was just a storefront it seems and is registered and resolves to a location in Germany - was registered in April of 2007. was registered on 12/15/2007 to an individual in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. The projects, programs, events, get involved, be informed, and official supporter section of the website are not developed. The About Us page is and includes the following information:
The United Autism Foundation is a corporation, which was only established to serve and improve our community in order to help children and change lives.
Corporation? Interesting. The “donate now” section of the website is certainly working, how’s that for a surprise? I’m not saying that the organization isn’t genuine but the shabby nature of the site, the fairly recent registration of the domain, and the timing of the foundation’s launch with the airing of Big Brother leads me to think that Jasinski isn’t doing this for the altruistic factor
After reading the comments on that page and the page posted above yours, I cannot believe how offended people get over stupid shit.
If Big Brother 10 isn't a return to tradition, I again won't be watching. If I were so brain-damaged and wanted to watch a reality-show-based Love Connection, I'd watch many of the sort on VH1 and MTV. Big Brother 9 was the first season I didn't watch. Stop the stupidity, CBS.
[quote name='chasemurata']If Big Brother 10 isn't a return to tradition, I again won't be watching. If I were so brain-damaged and wanted to watch a reality-show-based Love Connection, I'd watch many of the sort on VH1 and MTV. Big Brother 9 was the first season I didn't watch. Stop the stupidity, CBS.[/quote]

You do realize they ditched the couple halfway through and it had barely any romance, right?
[quote name='Rocko']You do realize they ditched the couple halfway through and it had barely any romance, right?[/quote]

Matt's dick would disagree.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Matt's dick would disagree.[/quote]

Matt got a blowjob early on and gave her the cold shoulder all game. Jen and Ryan fucked quickly and made out early in the game. James and Chelsia fucked for a few days.

Considering the season began based on people finding their soul mate and was represented by a beating heart, I'd say that's not very much romance. Especially when someone quits the show because of it, when it's hardly worse that past BB seasons if not tamer.
I thought the season started out shitty, but the end half was pretty decent. Only problem was BBAD got worse and worse as people left. Dick was a piece of shit but him and Zack's bonding/feuding made BBAD fun to watch. Last year was the first time they had it, so they really need a good cast for BB10 or I think BBAD is going to be yanked. Then again, it's not like Showtime has anything decent on anyway. The Tudors maybe, but I'd rather catch an entire season on On-Demand for that show.
While BBAD was interesting, the striptease and James exploding on Sheila were the only two moments that were really great and made it entertaining.

Hide and seek was also somewhat decent.

Oh, and Chelsia bitching at Natalie with the eggs was good.
Overall I thought this was a very entertaining season of BB. The couples twist was horrible but at least they ditched it early. It is interesting that 3 of the couples had at least one person fall for the other. Natalie became obsessed with Matty; Allison fell hard for Ryan; James and Chelsia fell for each other.

Although it seemed increasingly like James didn't really want to continue his relationship with Chelsia after the show. I mean when he won the $25K favorite juror vote he ran over and hugged Adam (I think it was Adam) and didn't even look to Chelsia.

If Adam's charity is a sham I hope it comes out. I'd think it would have come out by now if it were, but maybe not enough people care about BB for it to be exposé worthy.
[quote name='BillyBob29']I'm just glad Shelia didn't win anything. She was far and away the most annoying and useless contestant that I have ever seen on any show.

"As a single mom..."
"Well I'm a single mom...."
"This single mom hasn't..."
"Being a single mom...."

She couldn't go 20 minutes without playing the single mom card.[/QUOTE]

Whats funny was she loved playing the single mom card but she totally wigged out on Chelsia for telling her to stop playing the single mom card.

Im glad she didnt get squat. The only reason she won a single comp was because it was HANDED to her yet she went about that house like she was the Don of some mafia family.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Has anyone made a thread for the new season? It starts Sunday.[/quote]That's a fine idea. I'm sure someone will.
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