Bing Rewards Xbox points are FUBAR

Perk finally forced all devices to new versions... My nokia 520 and 521 crash alot lately 520 used to be good. My opt F^ is rocking it still but all devices seem to try to load videos to long often. My moto g is the most unstable one... The pop quiz and tv freeze often. Clearing data and reinstalling no help. The ad popup only happened to the moto g and every video played popped it up... The dang thing often never went away. I reinstalled perk and fixed it.

The update for me hasn't been as big of a problem as it seems to have been for others.  I have had a few times where the phones wouldn't load videos and be stuck. After the one day of issues I haven't had any yet again.  The issue I'm having now is that on Android the Perk Live TV will only work on one device at a time.

The first perk update was pretty horrible. Filling up the cache in hours and crashing a lot. but it only lasted a couple of days. They put out a new update and it seemingly fixed those issues. It's great to have the 3 hour timer back opposed to the 1 hour timer.

Can someone that uses swagbucks help me out real quick? Last night i was about to cl8ck the daily survey but i clicked an icon above that without realizing what it was and it instantly saod thatnks for signing up.

I want to know if anyone could take a quick screencap so i can see what was there so o can search and try t8 find a way to umdo what i clicked...unless someone already knows how to undo it because that would be even better.

From any page on swagbucks, click answer on the top and then click surveys. When the page loads you will be on the gold surveys section and on the far right you will see your current total and user name on the blue header and then on the white should be an orange icon, i think with an envelope and then under that it will say daily survey 60sb.

I pretty much need to know/see that orange icon above the daily survey 60sb link since thats what i clicked and its no longer there.
Ok guys it's transfer time for Bing awards for those who had facebook account sign in. hehe apparently Bing is done with facebook. They say if you transfer to microsoft account you not going to loose your points.  

Did anyone transfer, if you did are your points ok?

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I transferred didn't lose my points but lost my status. My lifetime points were reset as well as my gold status. Which sucks because I was only 15 points away from my next gift card.
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what happens when Bing bans you?

they email you with a cancellation of your order?  they 0 your balance?  or they just don't do anything but don't send your reward?

cuz i redeemed about an hr ago and didn't get the reward yet.  it was always sent within 5 mins, for me.

The only time I've ever had a reward redeem in five minutes was the very last one I just did two weeks ago. All the other 20 or so times that I've done it, it took a day.
what happens when Bing bans you?

they email you with a cancellation of your order? they 0 your balance? or they just don't do anything but don't send your reward?

cuz i redeemed about an hr ago and didn't get the reward yet. it was always sent within 5 mins, for me.
my rewards always take way longer so dont worry about it yet

I transferred didn't lose my points but lost my status. My lifetime points were reset as well as my gold status. Which sucks because I was only 15 points away from my next gift card.
I transfered mine when the option was first offered. I didn't lose my lifetime points or gold status, but the funny thing is I get the bonus points new members get for milestones like having Bing for a certain number of months.
what happens when Bing bans you?

they email you with a cancellation of your order? they 0 your balance? or they just don't do anything but don't send your reward?

cuz i redeemed about an hr ago and didn't get the reward yet. it was always sent within 5 mins, for me.
Sometimes your order won't go through and you get an email saying that.

I got a ban once, where the order DID go through, then the next day my points were reset to 0, and I could not sign in to my Bing Rewards.

It can take up to 24 hours to get your reward.

I transferred didn't lose my points but lost my status. My lifetime points were reset as well as my gold status. Which sucks because I was only 15 points away from my next gift card.
heh I know that sucks. When I transferred my accounts It didn't reset my lifetime points and my gold status still remains gold.

I transfered mine when the option was first offered. I didn't lose my lifetime points or gold status, but the funny thing is I get the bonus points new members get for milestones like having Bing for a certain number of months.
yep they do give you bonuses for being with Bing for a long period of time. Also transfer gives you bonus of 10 points hehe

Hopefully is a glitch and it will be back to normal tomorrow, if not then Microsoft should make every weekend double credits permanently
And as it turns out, none of that happened. They haven't done a double credit promo in about two months. Hahahahahahaha...

*cries in corner*

And as it turns out, none of that happened. They haven't done a double credit promo in about two months. Hahahahahahaha...

*cries in corner*
And with this it seems I have made the Bing gods angry. One of my two accounts got closed. It said "Your account did not comply with the Bing PoS, I mean ToS, and has blah blah blah..." I used bots on both accounts as there is no decent way to earn those points without them. I'll try to fight this, and if I fail, I'll just make more accounts.

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That's why I stopped using the bots.  I just right lick on all the image suggestions.  I only run one account now so it doesn't take as much time as it once did. I did have folders of pages  that I would open up, but that will get you banned too and was probably why most of the accounts I have had were banned.

Head for the bomb shelter! Bing has a new promo that will give you extra points! I repeat- Bing has a new promo which will give you extra points! Everyone please run in a calm and orderly fashi- Oh who am I kidding! Run for your lives!

Ahem. February bonus. Do 40 monthly searches for a 10 credit offer. Daily limit, terms apply.

I wonder if this means that we will get 10 credits every day for keeping a 40 monthly search status or if we will get 10 credits just once.

That message verification came back for one of my accounts, anyone know of a sms that works for bing?

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Well, screw that. That account got banned today, had 1000+ points on that one. Definitely pissed this time. I was looking to order 1 month gold to get bioshock infinite. After my next order with my last account I'm done with bing.

Listen and hear me well, o fellow members of CAG.

For years I laughed at those who came here to gnash and grind their teeth in indignation as Bing banned one of their many botted accounts. For years, I watched with ire as people spammed bot links without care. And yes, I gloated as my legit account stood strong against the storming banhammers that came and went.

Well, no more. Today my bastion of an account fell. No longer shall I laugh at the scammers. No longer shall I view multiple account users with scorn. You all knew the nature of the Beast better than I did. And now I have paid.

But I shall have my revenge. Once I gather my resources and purchase some VPNs, I will attack Microsoft for double and triple what they have taken from me and mine. Their walls will crumble under my might, and I shall feast on their entrails.


Or you could just email them. I had one legit account that was banned. I emailed them and they admitted it was closed by mistake and opened it back up.

Already in the middle of doing that. They've told me twice that my legit account was in violation, so either they're insistent on being assholes and won't budge or I need to talk to someone besides a CS peon in order to get somewhere.

Not sure what you told them, but with me they initially replied saying I had violated the TOS even though I hadn't. All they did was give me a generic list, so I asked them to specifically tell me what part of the TOS I had violated and obviously they couldn't come up with anything so they re-opened my account.

fuck you Bing, you ass bandits. They just closed another one of my accounts. That's the second one. I ordered a reward and got an email telling me they could not give it to me. I logged in to my account and saw that it was banned. And for another, non-banned account, I ordered a reward and they did not send it to me. I had it resent, but it looks like they're not going to give it to me at all.

Good news! I got my account back and they gave me 50 points for all the bullshit they put me through. I hope to whatever that I never have to deal with that kind of shit again. Idiots.

Why are you guys complaining about free stuff? If you're somehow violating their TOS or being a swindling ass then you deserve what you get.

And honestly if you do have bots or alternatives for bing rewards that's honestly really sad and pathetic.

I didn't think anyone could make a post worse than mexicanfan, but you've somehow done it.
ikr? We now have two posters who've demonstrated a lack of reading comprehension, or worse a complete inability to read.

What part of "I had one account I used legitimately and Bing shut it down" doesn't translate into "wtf is wrong with Microsoft/Bing?"

Anyone who can't follow that 1st grade line of logic is a certified assclown with expertise in the fine art of assclownery.

ikr? We now have two posters who've demonstrated a lack of reading comprehension, or worse a complete inability to read.

What part of "I had one account I used legitimately and Bing shut it down" doesn't translate into "wtf is wrong with Microsoft/Bing?"

Anyone who can't follow that 1st grade line of logic is a certified assclown with expertise in the fine art of assclownery.
What the fuck are you talking about? If you've read some posts on here you'd see there's people who use multiple accounts for bing rewards. And considering what website this is, I'm honestly not surprised at all.

And that last setence would've been funny if we were actually in middle school in the 80's. Catch up dick breath.

Why are you guys complaining about free stuff? If you're somehow violating their TOS or being a swindling ass then you deserve what you get.

And honestly if you do have bots or alternatives for bing rewards that's honestly really sad and pathetic.
While my first post was a bit of creative hyperbole, I have not now nor have I ever violated the TOS or been a "swindling ass".

Besides, it's less about the free stuff and more about the arbitrary way Bing Rewards goes about enforcing its rules. They banned me without warning or reason, and had I not called them on their absolute bullshit, I'd still be without an account right now. How the everliving fuck having to live up to a one-sided agreement is fair is beyond me, benefits be damned.

While my first post was a bit of creative hyperbole, I have not now nor have I ever violated the TOS or been a "swindling ass".

Besides, it's less about the free stuff and more about the arbitrary way Bing Rewards goes about enforcing its rules. They banned me without warning or reason, and had I not called them on their absolute bullshit, I'd still be without an account right now. How the everliving fuck having to live up to a one-sided agreement is fair is beyond me, benefits be damned.
My comment wasn't for you lol.

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As someone that did use 5 accounts and run a bot I say take the ban if you're violating the TOS and stop crying.  I had accounts banned a lot like most that were active in this thread about a year and a half to 2 years ago.  Sadly I don't think it was the bot that got me. I had searches saved in folders that I would open all at once.  I think that is what got me. Sure it sucked and I wasn't happy but I did eventually get over it.  I have my first account still and I do remember one other account not being banned, but I can't even remember the log in and password for it.  Not long after I went down to just the one account Bing started making all the changes when it came to trying to redeem. I remember people were using services to generate a fake phone number so they could get a one time text with the code needed to redeem.  Thankfully I didn't go that far.  Sadly I still see posts on other sites from people trying to get away with more than one account, or more accounts than people living in a household. 

Most Perk users seem to be just as bad as the Bing users that were making more accounts than people in the household.  They all want to run 5+ devices for all apps then cry about load times and getting banned when it's intended that the user interacts with the app not just set it and leave it run all day. 

I'm sure from most of the free gift card services like Bing, Perk and Swagbucks users have been banned that were not in violation of TOS, or were unknowingly in violation and were banned.  They have a right to complain, and I do feel bad for them.  I'm sure at some point it will happen to me now that I'm using Bing legitimately.  For anyone that has been banned that has run a bot, opened a folder with saved searches all at once, ran more accounts than people in your household, or any other violation you got caught. Sucks for you I know I had the same happen and got over it. I'm sure you can too.  If they were nice enough to let you keep one account then use it and stop violating the TOS and run some of the other services for free gift cards.  May need to do a little more work, but you get a lot more than just with Bing.

I'm not point blame at anyone, or trying to say that the ones posting got banned because the violated TOS.  Bing has a BS way of judging that does get things wrong.  It also seems like when a few people get banned the flood gates open up and Bing does a mass banning. 

What the fuck are you talking about? If you've read some posts on here you'd see there's people who use multiple accounts for bing rewards. And considering what website this is, I'm honestly not surprised at all.

And that last setence would've been funny if we were actually in middle school in the 80's. Catch up dick breath.
Hey I'm proud of that last sentence!

And I've been following this thread closely enough to know there are people frustrated who've had their one account shut down while legitimately following the rules.

I'm tired. No clue why I'm actually responding to you/this. People like you are exhausting. And sad.

Hey I'm proud of that last sentence!

And I've been following this thread closely enough to know there are people frustrated who've had their one account shut down while legitimately following the rules.

I'm tired. No clue why I'm actually responding to you/this. People like you are exhausting. And sad.
I like how you say I don't read when you don't clearly read. You say you followed this thread with that's obviously complete bull. Try again.

Jesus Christ people.... Knock off the crap please, this is a thread about bing rewards, not a thread to bitch at each other.
Yup, not to bitch at other people but to bitch at bing for banning their 10-20 accounts for the most part. Get real. This isn't about op's problem anymore.

i was going to start cashing out for Swagbucks again too.  I guess I'll keep it as Amazon.  At the 475 it was hard to bite unless I wasn't going for the 5 dollar cards or the new 25.

WTF! I'm doing bing searches on my phone while watching the Clippers and Spurs game. There was a commercial with a horse, so I started my related searches with the word horse. Without really looking I was clicking related searches while watching the game. When I looked to see if I got all my mobile credits I saw my searches had turned into 'humans mating with horses'. Be careful what you begin your search with.

Alright, after getting ALL my accounts banned a few months ago, I finally started this up again and made a new account today. Gonna make four more over the course of a week or two and keep this up until I get bored or they IP ban me or something. Can't pass up free Domino's gift cards.

well i managed to make some points for a 3$ gift card but bing wont let me complete purchase until i confirm my phone no. any way to bypass this?

well i managed to make some points for a 3$ gift card but bing wont let me complete purchase until i confirm my phone no. any way to bypass this?
Go ahead and confirm your phone number. Your phone number isn't the means that Bing uses to ban accounts, so you should be fine. They won't spam you either. I confirmed my phone number and they sent me the code like they were supposed to, for multiple accounts.

bread's done