Bioshock 2 360 $10.99, PS3 $9.98, PC $9.70 @Amazon / $9.99 @Gamestop


6 (100%)

360 $10.99 Free shipping

PS3 $9.98 Free shipping

PC $9.70 Free shipping


360 $9.99

PS3 $9.99

PC $9.99

Let's get ready for Infinite!
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It was $9.99 at TRU and Gamestop. Don't know if it still is. Either way I highly recommend it for $10. A heck of a steal to be honest.
Thinking of getting the 360 version at Amazon. Do I need to have played through the first one to know what's going on in this one?
[quote name='ShinSolidus']Thinking of getting the 360 version at Amazon. Do I need to have played through the first one to know what's going on in this one?[/QUOTE]
they're absolutely unrelated. However I would recommend the 1st one over the 2nd because it's much better. Better story, interesting characters, more focused, overall a better game.
[quote name='Newl']they're absolutely unrelated. However I would recommend the 1st one over the 2nd because it's much better. Better story, interesting characters, more focused, overall a better game.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. Wasn't a big fan of the first one because I kept getting the hell lost. Think I'll pass on this one.
Everyone stay away from the PC version, read the Amazon reviews...apparently you need a windows live account to play, and if you want to save your game, you need to be logged in (aka no offline mode)
[quote name='AceSam14']Everyone stay away from the PC version, read the Amazon reviews...apparently you need a windows live account to play, and if you want to save your game, you need to be logged in (aka no offline mode)[/QUOTE]

eww that's nasty. I'm so sick of games being restricted like that.
[quote name='ShinSolidus']Thinking of getting the 360 version at Amazon. Do I need to have played through the first one to know what's going on in this one?[/QUOTE]

The maps in multiplayer are pretty much taken from the single player levels of the first game. From time to time there's a couple of spoilers about the first game's storyline displayed on the load screens.

I'm actually surprised at how much I'm enjoying the multiplayer. They've got a couple of interesting ideas for deathmatch such as adding the big daddy suit to mix and the risk of leaving yourself vulnerable while you hack/research to power-up your character mid-match. Some of the perk abilities have secondary effects that can be used to counter your opponents' abilities. It's no COD by a long shot, but it's fun.
Hey guys, where do you see your tracking number for an order? I'm looking all over the place and I can't find it. They say that you get an email with the number, but I haven't seen it (it has been a week since I purchased the game from there)
[quote name='AceSam14']Everyone stay away from the PC version, read the Amazon reviews...apparently you need a windows live account to play, and if you want to save your game, you need to be logged in (aka no offline mode)[/QUOTE]

This my friends is called drm, one of the main reasons why I don't game on pc. Lots of games on pc have drm's now
[quote name='strait edge follower']This my friends is called drm, one of the main reasons why I don't game on pc. Lots of games on pc have drm's now[/QUOTE]
Oh noes! I have to be online to save my game? My gaming is ruined.
[quote name='HeSaveDave']I have a certain process I use when a game get restrictive and tries to choke-hold you while you play it. A certain process.[/QUOTE]

Let me guess, you play the game on a console right :)
I was on the fence about this one, but I'm not going to do better then 10. Especially when Infinite Arrives. Picking this up at Gamestop tomorrow........ err TODAY!
[quote name='Darklurkr23']I was on the fence about this one, but I'm not going to do better then 10. Especially when Infinite Arrives. Picking this up at Gamestop tomorrow........ err TODAY![/QUOTE]

Despite not being into bioshock much have to admit infinite looks fantastic, plus it has vita compatibility. I also heard a ps vita exclusive bioshock is also being made
I've looked at all the vids on the XBL dashboard, and Infinite looks amazing. Definitely in my top list for 2012! I've played 1 and 2 of Bioshock, I liked them both equally.
[quote name='strait edge follower']Infinite is a prequal right ? If so, does anyone else think this floating city you are on will sink underwater and become the famous rapture in parts 1 and 2 ?[/QUOTE]

From what I've heard the "Bioshock" in the title is nothing more than a marketing strategy. Even though it's made by the same team as the original and shares similar mechanics, the storylines are completely separate.
[quote name='Thrinn']From what I've heard the "Bioshock" in the title is nothing more than a marketing strategy. Even though it's made by the same team as the original and shares similar mechanics, the storylines are completely separate.[/QUOTE]

After the lukewarm reception to the second one I don't know if that was a good idea
[quote name='AceSam14']Everyone stay away from the PC version, read the Amazon reviews...apparently you need a windows live account to play, and if you want to save your game, you need to be logged in (aka no offline mode)[/QUOTE]
I had a friend who was having problems crashing and getting his saved games deleted. So yeah no clue if they patched it but beware.
That's a great price. I liked the first one better personally, the story and characters were better overall. But the second one definitely improved on the gameplay, and I hear Minerva's Den is an even bigger improvement. I thoroughly enjoyed both games.
Tempting, but I still haven't ever finished the first bioshock. I suppose since it didn't sell that well a future version which has all the DLC included is not very likely?
Chances of that are none and none I think.

Bioshock 2 on PC also doesn't support gamepad natively, and thats the way the developer wanted it. Which I thought was wonky considering the first one on PC implemented the 360 controller beautifully, and yes I play a lot of my PC GFW/GFWL games from my couch. :)
bread's done