Bioshock 2 - Summer 2009 and a Prequel

N4g is a terrible site. Half the time the people post 100+ reviews of the same game and other things that I wouldnt consider news
Man, I REALLY hope this is fake. Bioshock is the best game I have ever played, but I really don't want to see a sequal. I'd rather the development team work on a new concept. Not everything needs a sequal.
[quote name='slickkill77']I just dont know if they could pull of a prequel[/QUOTE]

I think a prequel would definitely work. Playing in the time period right before and during the downfall of Rapture? That sounds tight.
i doubt the source is realiable, but i don't doubt a sequel maybe in the works. it's almost guaranteed that a successful video game have a sequel in this generation.
A prequel would make the most sense as Bioshock took place near the immediate end of Rapture...would love to see it start when the underwater city was in its glory...
A prequel is way more feasible than a sequel. A sequel would, just by story constraints, have to do with something other than Rapture. By the end of the game, everything was fairly tied up, so setting something before the first game would be the best way to go. Plus, there would already be something to do, storyline-wise.

I'd be all for a prequel. I, like many others, want to see Rapture before the fall.
I love the idea of a prequel rather than a sequel, but I could have sworn I read that Irrational was working on something that wasn't Bioshock next. I wonder if 2K nixed that when Bioshock sales took off. I hope not. I kind of hope they have the man power to do both concurrently.
I do not want a sequel nor prequel to BioShock. Jesus fucking christ, bioshock isn't some fucking franchise for 2K to shit all over with sequels.

This isn't even going to be made by the same people.

If this is true, fuck 2K, and fuck whoever is working on ruining BioShock.

Making a sequel to BioShock is like making a sequel to No Country For Old Men, or Schindler's List.
[quote name='PyroGamer']

Making a sequel to BioShock is like making a sequel to No Country For Old Men, or Schindler's List.[/quote]

Heh, awesome examples. Just pondering the thought makes me cringe. :applause:
I dont like it, i agree with what peteloaf said work on a new concept.

Bioshock was an amazing rich experience and it shouldnt be tainted by half assed sequal, Didnt 2k work on Bioshock for almost 5 years? if it takes that long to create a QUALITY game then take as much time as you want, but by next year i better see an older project that had much more time in production to show itself.
Would I like to see more of Rapture (particularly leading up to the fall) ? Yes. Do I want it to be rushed out? God no.

Hell, if you must, start a small team working on it now and have it come out in 2012 for the Xbox 720 or Playstation 4. I'm still looking back on the original fondly nearly 5 months later, I don't want that feeling to be dulled by some 2k "B team" pushing out something half baked for a quick cash-in (that will ultimately cost them more by tainting the title).
[quote name='PyroGamer']I do not want a sequel nor prequel to BioShock. Jesus fucking christ, bioshock isn't some fucking franchise for 2K to shit all over with sequels.

This isn't even going to be made by the same people.

If this is true, fuck 2K, and fuck whoever is working on ruining BioShock.

Making a sequel to BioShock is like making a sequel to No Country For Old Men, or Schindler's List.[/quote]

If you enjoyed Bioshock, then you would appreciate that they will be revisiting Rapture pre-complete-meltdown. Seeing many of the area's brokendown, including many of the area's that we couldn't get to. Assuming it's between 10-20 hours, that would be a great timeframe to tell the story of the last months/weeks of Rapture. I, personally, can't wait.
[quote name='joe2187']I dont like it, i agree with what peteloaf said work on a new concept.

Bioshock was an amazing rich experience and it shouldnt be tainted by half assed sequal, Didnt 2k work on Bioshock for almost 5 years? if it takes that long to create a QUALITY game then take as much time as you want, but by next year i better see an older project that had much more time in production to show itself.[/QUOTE]

Yeah. Man, those Halo's every 2-3 years really sucked it up. Or the God of War sequel in only 2 years? Man. They should've used 5 years each.

Why are people assuming this so far, rumored, unannounced sequel/prequel, will suck?
This won't happen, but they should make the next Bioshock into an RPG like Mass Effect/KOTOR (none of that lame dwarf crap). It'd be cool...although I still have to beat this game (have had it forever!).
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Yeah. Man, those Halo's every 2-3 years really sucked it up. Or the God of War sequel in only 2 years? Man. They should've used 5 years each.

Why are people assuming this so far, rumored, unannounced sequel/prequel, will suck?[/quote]

I knew someone would bring up God of War II.

But the Halo games? those were awful/overrated games.
I REALLY do not want to see a direct Bioshock sequel/prequel. Yes, there are elements of the world that I would like to see fleshed out, but I don't know if there's a game's worth of material there. Because of what has already been explained about the setting, I imagine the story line of a potential pre/sequel would necessitate radically different gameplay; given how much BioShock steals from System Shock 2, it seems that 2k prefers to work within their FPS pseudo-RPG mold.

I personally would MUCH rather see a completely new world/setting/IP with similar gameplay mechanics. We already have System Shock and BioShock; I could easily imagine growing out the "Shock" franchise as a brand name rather than just farming the specific world (and brand name) of Bioshock. Bioshock was in itself a huge gamble from a business perspective; dedicating the resources to make a AAA title with a completely unknown IP is a risky move these days. So now 2k has the choice of either falling into the industry trend of sequel haven, or they can use the critical and commercial success of Bioshock as a sign. Rather than creating a literal successor to Bioshock, I think they should work on more of a spiritual successor, much like Bioshock was to SS2.
[quote name='DeathPrawn']I REALLY do not want to see a direct Bioshock sequel/prequel. Yes, there are elements of the world that I would like to see fleshed out, but I don't know if there's a game's worth of material there. Because of what has already been explained about the setting, I imagine the story line of a potential pre/sequel would necessitate radically different gameplay; given how much BioShock steals from System Shock 2, it seems that 2k prefers to work within their FPS pseudo-RPG mold.

I personally would MUCH rather see a completely new world/setting/IP with similar gameplay mechanics. We already have System Shock and BioShock; I could easily imagine growing out the "Shock" franchise as a brand name rather than just farming the specific world (and brand name) of Bioshock. Bioshock was in itself a huge gamble from a business perspective; dedicating the resources to make a AAA title with a completely unknown IP is a risky move these days. So now 2k has the choice of either falling into the industry trend of sequel haven, or they can use the critical and commercial success of Bioshock as a sign. Rather than creating a literal successor to Bioshock, I think they should work on more of a spiritual successor, much like Bioshock was to SS2.[/quote]
Even if they do make a Spirital Successor I'm sure 2k Games will want to name in Bioshock 2 (or something with the word shock in it), so that people know it's similar to Bioshock.
[quote name='joe2187']I knew someone would bring up God of War II.

But the Halo games? those were awful/overrated games.[/QUOTE]

Love the Halo games but to each their own.

How about these titles then:

Rachet & Clank
Jak & Daxter
Advance Wars
Ghost Recon

Anyways point is, the amount of time put into game development is not the sole thing that determines its quality. So the five years argument is pointless.
[quote name='joe2187']I knew someone would bring up God of War II.

But the Halo games? those were awful/overrated games.[/quote]

God of War II has a far better story than Halo 2 or 3, simply as that. Back on topic though, I think there is plenty of story to be told with a prequel to Bioshock. Seeing the protests of people against what is happening, or the construction of the big daddies, or perhaps the processing of creating/embedding the little sisters. There's enough material to warrant an intriguing and successful prequel.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Those examples make no sense.[/QUOTE]

They don't. And the whole "a sequel would ruin Bioshock" argument is asinine. It's a lame and tired argument carried over from the movie industry. Unless a developer comes and shits on your Bioshock disc when the sequel comes out, then Bioshock isn't ruined. Don't want a sequel? Don't play it when it comes out. Simple as that.

Personally I'm in the prequel group. I'd love to see Rapture in its prime.
I don't mind a prequel, as long as it's not a FPS.

Ya, you heard me right.

It makes no sense to have FPS prequel, an RPG might work.
[quote name='Corvin'] Unless a developer comes and shits on your Bioshock disc when the sequel comes out, then Bioshock isn't ruined.

I had that happen once, I bought a gameboy and suddenly Satoru Iwata came out of nowhere, Raped my dog, ate my cereal, Kicked over my TV, used my soap, Kicked my PS2, beat up my neighbors cat and broke my gameboy.

Completely ruined Nintendo for me. Never again.
I thought Bioshock 2 was inevitable. I remember reading a game magazine with an interview with the lead developer. The journalist was busting the guys chops about something in the game and the dev grumbled about it being fixed in bioshock 2.

Not sure which magazine or date. Might of been the EGM bioshock issue.

And even though I haven't finished the game yet. (still slowly working on it), the game is beatiful and I can already see this being a franchise. I would like to see more from it.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']How about these titles then:

Rachet & Clank
Jak & Daxter
Advance Wars
Ghost Recon
All games that were MADE to be "series".

BioShock is not made to be a "series" or a "franchise", it's meant to be a work of art.

Look, if you can't understand why a sequel to BioShock is a ridiculous idea, you are an idiot. In the same way that you would be if you couldn't understand why a sequel to Schindler's List is a bad idea. Or The Shawshank Redemption. Or any great, standalone work of art.
[quote name='PyroGamer']All games that were MADE to be "series".

BioShock is not made to be a "series" or a "franchise", it's meant to be a work of art.

Look, if you can't understand why a sequel to BioShock is a ridiculous idea, you are an idiot. In the same way that you would be if you couldn't understand why a sequel to Schindler's List is a bad idea. Or The Shawshank Redemption. Or any great, standalone work of art.[/quote]

Maybe to you it is meant to be a work of art, but to me and plenty of others out there it would be absolutely amazing to be able to explore rapture further.

Your opinion is just that, your opinion, either state it or keep it to yourself but you don't need to go out of your way to insult people.

Your examples simply do not fit.
I don't see how anyone could object to the existence of any game if it is fun to play. I don't give a crap if Bioshock 2 starts with Tom Selleck waking up and muttering about how Rapture was all a dream - if whatever they come up with is good then I'll be playing it.
[quote name='creeeaature']

Your opinion is just that, your opinion, either state it or keep it to yourself but you don't need to go out of your way to insult people.


But if he did that, he wouldn't have an awesome internet gimmick.

Back on topic.

A "during it's prime" Rapture or even a "civil war" Rapture would be bland and boring to me. I have little zero desire to even imagine a Rapture in its prime, but that's my opinion. All those who want to enjoy a prime Rapture, have at it.
In order to have a prequel or sequel they are going to have to Crow-Bar in story line which isnt going to be half as good as the Amazing story line in bioshock.
NOT Everything has to be a fucking trilogy.

[quote name='Corvin']They don't. And the whole "a sequel would ruin Bioshock" argument is asinine. It's a lame and tired argument carried over from the movie industry. Unless a developer comes and shits on your Bioshock disc when the sequel comes out, then Bioshock isn't ruined. Don't want a sequel? Don't play it when it comes out. Simple as that.

Well said!
Actually, you know what? I would LOVE to see a BioShock sequel, as long as it's a sequel in the same sense that System Shock 2 is to System Shock 1.
I don't think I've ever seen people freak out so much over a sequel as they have with Bioshock. I mean art or not they're running a business with the purpose of making money, if the games good and they have the resources to make a sequel then the chances are that its going to happen. Good or bad, I really don't care, but that doesn't keep me from being interested in it.
[quote name='heavyd853']I don't think I've ever seen people freak out so much over a sequel as they have with Bioshock. I mean art or not they're running a business with the purpose of making money, if the games good and they have the resources to make a sequel then the chances are that its going to happen. Good or bad, I really don't care, but that doesn't keep me from being interested in it.[/QUOTE]

Im not sure what youre trying to say.. just because they are running a business means that "Good or bad" we should just be into paying almost $70 for something.
There is something called quality control, and how about treating your customer with some respect and not slapping a 2 on a half ass game just so you can sell copies to fund the next shit game, right? if im off here please someone tell me.
[quote name='joe2187']I had that happen once, I bought a gameboy and suddenly Satoru Iwata came out of nowhere, Raped my dog, ate my cereal, Kicked over my TV, used my soap, Kicked my PS2, beat up my neighbors cat and broke my gameboy.

Completely ruined Nintendo for me. Never again.[/quote]

You had me until the cat part.
[quote name='PyroGamer']All games that were MADE to be "series".

BioShock is not made to be a "series" or a "franchise", it's meant to be a work of art.

Look, if you can't understand why a sequel to BioShock is a ridiculous idea, you are an idiot. In the same way that you would be if you couldn't understand why a sequel to Schindler's List is a bad idea. Or The Shawshank Redemption. Or any great, standalone work of art.[/quote]

Schindler's List and The Shawshank Redemption are both amazing movies, and as such, Bioshock is an amazing game. But if you think that the story in Bioshock was all that could be told, then you are an idiot. God of War is an amazing game, but along came God of War II which improved upon everything in the first game. Simply put, don't buy the prequel when it comes out.
Okay, seriously guys, you are complaining of shoehorning plot into Bioshock 2... wherein the original had a villain whose best plan of action was the most RIDICULOUS series of events ever conceived for a video game outside of a Metal Gear game or whatever Capcom's next attempt to explain away the RE plot will be.

The plot of Bioshock was dreadful.

The setting, the backstory, the storytelling, all of that was top notch. SO top notch apparently that you are all missing how profoundly, completely illogical, patently absurd, and totally ridiculous the villain's plan was.

Which, I guess, in a roundabout way, makes it something special.

But the plot ain't exactly some sort of pristine egg, that should you even touch it will shatter it. There will be a sequel and it will probably turn out pretty damn good.
[quote name='joe2187']I knew someone would bring up God of War II.

But the Halo games? those were awful/overrated games.[/quote]

Oh, like Bioshock wasn't overrated? Besides, Halo's MP is what made the game, not its shitty SP play.

Also a summer 2009 release is feasible, since all they have to do is take the game as it is now, clean up every part, take out the splicers and put in some normal people, and whala - you have Rapture before its down fall.
[quote name='PyroGamer']All games that were MADE to be "series".

BioShock is not made to be a "series" or a "franchise", it's meant to be a work of art.

Look, if you can't understand why a sequel to BioShock is a ridiculous idea, you are an idiot. In the same way that you would be if you couldn't understand why a sequel to Schindler's List is a bad idea. Or The Shawshank Redemption. Or any great, standalone work of art.[/QUOTE]

Whoooaaa. Takin' that a bit personal aren't we?

And I wasn't aware you were Ken Levine or worked at 2k. Thank you for informing me it is meant to be a work of art.

And I agree with Rollingskull - The plot wasn't dreadful if you ask me, but the explanation of events and the HUGE leap of faith the gamer has to take to accept the plot is ridiculous.
[quote name='jakehoss']Im not sure what youre trying to say.. just because they are running a business means that "Good or bad" we should just be into paying almost $70 for something.
There is something called quality control, and how about treating your customer with some respect and not slapping a 2 on a half ass game just so you can sell copies to fund the next shit game, right? if im off here please someone tell me.[/QUOTE]

Whoa, easy there Silver. Do you have some inside track on this game? You speak as if Atari was just handed the reigns for sequel duty. There is absolutely nothing known about a sequel or prequel. How can you claim a game that doesn't exist is already half-assed and only existing for the almighty dollar in 2Ks pocket? How about treating the developers with a little respect for their creation? You don't think being a GOTY contender and winner puts the potential franchise on another level and what is expected from a sequel? You just assume the developers are oblivious as to what made it a success and just let the suits run it from here? Wow.

Like any developer, I'm sure Levine doesn't want to make Bioshock sequels until he retires, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that, being his first breakthrough success, he won't let go of this baby anytime soon.
[quote name='yummytyson']I don't see a prequel, but a bioshock 2 maybe. There will of course be a new main character.[/QUOTE]

bread's done