BIOSHOCK - Gen. Discussion & Info

Wow, totally worth the download if you're on the fence. I LOVE the way that fire works in this game-- It just works so well! The plasmids feel really good.

My favorite moment of my first playthrough: I lit up a splicer (who was screaming "IM GOOD LOOKING!!!") and he ran to the John to try and douse the flames, some unsavory character left a bottle of Whiskey on the seat...BOOM!

Haha, awesome, Well done Irrational now 2k!
Roger Ebert needs to play this fucking game, it's a work of art! Nobody can deny that after they've played just a few minutes of it. Loved the feeling of the game, took a lot of time just looking at random stuff in the game.
Fantastic demo. Far better than anything else I've seen this year. The demo makes it a must buy--maybe even day one, which I never do.
didn't really have trouble downloading the demo, didn't exactly time it but probably under an hour or so to finish the download.

anyway the game looked great a definite buy at release game for me. As said before the atmosphere is very well done, got creeped out at some parts but mainly due to the fact that I get scared easily :lol:
Amazing game, but not for me :whistle2:( I just never got in to the whole creepy game kinda thing. Doesn't mean I don't think this is an amazing game though. Very well done.
[quote name='Popnmusic']Took about 4.5 hours for me. Wow. I was stuck on 70% for an hour.[/quote]

yea soooooooo slllllllllooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww :drool:
Started it at quarter to nine last night, and right now, as of quarter to five in the morning, it's at 65%. Awesome.
Wow, I got it downloaded in like under an hour i think last light. It's a great demo, yeah, and I find it hilarious that aparently you can get drunk, even if only for 5 seconds. Quickest buzz ever.

Yeah, great demo though. Loved it. I'm not getting it day one though, maybe a couple weeks after.
[quote name='aerotive']I like the whole art-deco look of the city.[/QUOTE]

That's the first thing that drew me in (along with the glimpse of the underwater Ayn Rand-inspired dystopia). What ambience!

The game is at beautiful and atmospheric as I expected. Just gorgeous and creepy. a little less interactive (in the environment) than I expected, but that's about the only negative I've found so far.

Did anyone notice
(I suppose it's a spoiler, but want to keep kids happy) that Andrew Ryan looked stunningly similar to Orson Wells?
Wow all I have to say is Wow. That was definately worth all the trouble. But this demo actually made it worse for me, now I reallly can't wait for August 21st. Also did anyone have trouble in the room with the security turret? I died there several times trying to beat that room.

Also did anyone else notice the dead big daddy? I just wonder what killed it.
Got to 84% by background downloading for something like 7 hours. Then I wake up and it says you can't download this item. Now I'm back to 3% and crawling again. I love paying for premium services when people paying nothing have the demo already.
What! This is fucking bullshit. I leave my 360 on low power download all night, and it didn't go up at all! It just stayed at 33%! So not only did I probably shave a year off my 360's life, but it didn't benefit me at all. fucking. bull. shit.
Yeah, this download was ridiculous. Between this and the trouble I had getting Stranglehold, I don't know what MS is doing. I started it at like 11 last night, let it download in standby all night, and it was at 92% this morning. I had to cancel and re-download it like 5 times for it to finally finish...
They really need to institute lines for big downloads like this. That way the people who start the download first get their shit done in a timely manner and so does everyone else who downloads (they may have to wait to download, but once it starts it goes fast).

And myke did you watch the opening video (not the one in game, but at the menu)?
When they pan down there is a KNO radio station featured prominently.
I just don't know what happened this time. I went from midnight till now (9:30am) and look where I'm at. 1% because I had to start over. On one hand I'm happy BioShock, but on the other I'm pissed if this kills my 360 before Halo 3 :lol:

I guess in retrospect though, I shouldn't have left it on all night.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']They really need to institute lines for big downloads like this. That way the people who start the download first get their shit done in a timely manner and so does everyone else who downloads (they may have to wait to download, but once it starts it goes fast).

And myke did you watch the opening video (not the one in game, but at the menu)?
When they pan down there is a KNO radio station featured prominently.

If they institute lines, they'll need to prioritize both the first to log on and start downloads (obviously), and also prioritize Gold over Silver members, lest they infuriate those who are paying for the service.

I noticed what you mentioned in the spoiler, but I'm afraid I miss the reference. If anything, it reminds me of
RKO, whose stations broadcast War of the Worlds originally
That is what I was alluding to. I was just pointing it out as it further substantiates your claim made earlier of the character being based on that particular person.
I think there should be a peer to peer like service as well where if you finished downloading the game, you can help upload it as well to other members.
I would rather just wait the extra week and rent the game, instead of blowing the initial amazement period on a demo. When I play this game the FIRST time, I want to be able to do EVERYTHING, with the full retail copy. Playing a demo of BioShock is like art fans back in the day getting a "sneak peek" of the Mona Lisa before it's even finished.
[quote name='ananag112']I think there should be a peer to peer like service as well where if you finished downloading the game, you can help upload it as well to other members.[/quote]

god no I hate that peer to peer crap I always get worse downloads from that than I do from the source. WoW does this and it makes a 30 meg patch take an hr sometimes just due to losing connection with other gamers and waiting to pick up another freaking miserable! >_<

P.S. Sorry if that came out harsh I"m just very touchy about peer to peer downloads as you can see they commonly don't work well for me.
I agree with others about how good this game is going to be. Everything from the atmosphere, gameplay, level design all look top notch. Definitely a contender for GOTY.
[quote name='PhoenixT']god no I hate that peer to peer crap I always get worse downloads from that than I do from the source. WoW does this and it makes a 30 meg patch take an hr sometimes just due to losing connection with other gamers and waiting to pick up another freaking miserable! >_<

P.S. Sorry if that came out harsh I"m just very touchy about peer to peer downloads as you can see they commonly don't work well for me.[/QUOTE]

No worries :).

I see your point, but I am saying if they allow that in addition to their own private servers. That way if the servers are getting hammered, it would automatically switch them to other people. It can only benefit you.
I didn't even checkif mine finished or not. I used the low-power download method last night (I LOVE that feature). I guess XBOX Live went down last night, so that is why some may have been stuck. I was 22% after 45 minutes last night before I shut it down to low power mode.
You guys had problems getting it. I got it in no time at all last night as soon as my bro said it was up. This game is fucking awesome. i gotta buy it first day it comes out. Its not a lot of shooting but its enough to keep you happy.
I am excited so many of you guys are excited considering I thought not many of you played and 'Shock' games. If your looking for a great title to tide you over for one week and scare the living shit out of you (im serious) do yourself a favor and play system shock 2. I dont normally recommend it but theres a torrent of it and the game is top notch. The demo is amazing but hey we knew it would be.

Scorch will back me up on that.

All in all I have been waiting 8 years for this game cause I knew after system shock 2 they weren't done.

I have to say the texture work is phenominal and so is the lighting. Great radiosity and normal mapping.
I tried downloading this last night and it did not move an inch. This is one of the first downloads I had trouble with in a while. The last one I recall was crackdown demo.

Well I am going to wait this one out and download it at a later date. I give it a few days let the hype die down and then give it a go. I have it on preorder so no worry if I don't get to play the demo plus I saw the game in action at wizard world this weekend and it looks great!
I saw the demo was up this morning, started the download and it was finished by the time I got out of the shower. I had five minutes of awesomeness before I had to leave for work. Firewater is cool.
Finally downloaded the demo today. I only played twenty minutes before having to go to work, but it looked fun so far. Can anyone give me a rough idea of how much of the demo is left after you get the objective to find Atlas' family?
This game is the real deal!!! The water and fire are fucking incredible! Everyone needs to DL this demo and buy this would be a travesty if it didn't sell well
I really enjoyed the demo, top notch looking game. If you have a nice Dolby Digital system it really brings out the atmosphere of Bioshock. In a dark room with a big screen tv you actually get a feeling of being underwater. All the bulkheads creaking, water dripping behind you and other great creepy noises really adds to the enjoyment of this title.
hadn't played any of the "shock" games, but this demo blew me away.
[quote name='vinhjdao']Finally downloaded the demo today. I only played twenty minutes before having to go to work, but it looked fun so far. Can anyone give me a rough idea of how much of the demo is left after you get the objective to find Atlas' family?[/quote]

Not too much. From start to finish, the demo took me about 25 minutes to finish. Though, I didn't do as much exploring as I would have liked since I had to go to work.
Does anybody have one of those 48-hour trial codes?

My subscription ran out and I don't plan on renewing until this fall when some good multiplayer games come out. Itching to play this demo, though.
I looked around and played around, took me around 1 hour. I went through it two more times and completed a few tasks different ways, one of my favorite features about the shock games.
Glad I'm not the only one having download problems, had it download over night and when I woke up, it was stuck at 30%. Deleted it and restarted the download this morning, then got stuck at 48%. Here's hoping third time's a charm!
Demo was fun, but I really hope the sound works better for stereo, non-surround setups in the final product. Other games I can still make out where sounds are coming from, but this was pretty hard to distinguish.

Definitely way spookier than I thought the game would be, but looking at the release lists I may need to grab this to hold me off until November since there isn't really alot else coming out (I don't care about the big H).
bread's done