BIOSHOCK - Gen. Discussion & Info

Its true you forego some plasmids/tonics/other ADAM expensive things, but just for a level or two until you get better weapons, you can then return to levels to harvest/rescue since there are no BD's in teh three areas you cannot reaccess.
More progress:
I became a Big Daddy last night! It's kind of tough to see though... I hope the rest of the game isn't spent as one. Also, I know I didn't come close to finding everything in that level - it seems like the game pushed me along to become a Big Daddy and I didn't really explore at all - I only found like 2 audio diaries. I thought it was almost over but now it looks like I'm going to be escorting a Little Sister somewhere.

Oh yeah, I got the achievement for dealing with all the little sisters but NOT the one for saving them all. Should I be worried? I DEFINITELY saved them all but maybe that is reserved for the end of the game?
You have nothing to worry about regarding the "LS Savior" acheivement.

Be patient. Before you escort the LS, make sure you have everything done diary/tonic wise.
I was just thinking they can still add 150 more acheivement points to this game....maybe another update is in the offing?
[quote name='doc_zaius']I was just thinking they can still add 150 more acheivement points to this game....maybe another update is in the offing?[/QUOTE]

I hope so, it's awesome to see 2k pulling out all the stops when it comes to Bioshock. I mean, it got some incredible reviews but it also marked the beginning of the year-end videogame rush. It's like they're trying to keep it from being overshadowed by the other AAA games that have come out since then. In addition to even more free Bioshock stuff, my other Christmas wish is for Valve to really finish The Orange Box and release Half Life 1 as DLC. Hell, I'll even pay for it if I must.
[quote name='pittpizza']You have nothing to worry about regarding the "LS Savior" acheivement.

Be patient. Before you escort the LS, make sure you have everything done diary/tonic wise.[/quote]

Do I have to be a Big Daddy for the rest of the game? I'd like to search for everything without looking through the fish-eye...

Oops.... sorry guys...
[quote name='javeryh']Do I have to be a Big Daddy for the rest of the game? I'd like to search for everything without looking through the fish-eye...[/QUOTE]
You're stuck as a Big Daddy until the last boss.
I will probably beat this again going the bad route and on a harder difficulty when gaming slows down a little bit. I would also like to see further support for the game with new plasmids and maybe even new gameplay elements (splicers, weapons).
I messed around a bit last night
trying to grab the audio diaries I missed and for the life of me I could not find the "First Encounter" one in the Farmer's Market. I had 3 FAQs in front of me and a map and I still couldn't find it... and then I see this on another FAQ - "for some reason, this audio diary will be located when you look under the Neptune's Bounty section" - I want to scream... I spent 45 minute looking for it althoguh I did have fun killing 4 Big Daddies that wandered into the area...
[quote name='javeryh']I messed around a bit last night
trying to grab the audio diaries I missed and for the life of me I could not find the "First Encounter" one in the Farmer's Market. I had 3 FAQs in front of me and a map and I still couldn't find it... and then I see this on another FAQ - "for some reason, this audio diary will be located when you look under the Neptune's Bounty section" - I want to scream... I spent 45 minute looking for it althoguh I did have fun killing 4 Big Daddies that wandered into the area...

Jav this is exactly what I warned you about! Damn it! I was really hoping to be able to help you avoid doing that cuz the same fuckin thing happened to me. It was an FAQ on Gamefaqs that told you it was listed under the wrong area wasnt it?

Dude I told you and told you and told you taht one of the diaries was placed under the wrong area. Seriosuly like 2 or 3 times I warned. Check back the last couple pages and you'll see it.

Anyway to answer you other question, yeah
once you become a BD you stay a BD.
[quote name='pittpizza']Jav this is exactly what I warned you about! Damn it! I was really hoping to be able to help you avoid doing that cuz the same fuckin thing happened to me. It was an FAQ on Gamefaqs that told you it was listed under the wrong area wasnt it?

Dude I told you and told you and told you taht one of the diaries was placed under the wrong area. Seriosuly like 2 or 3 times I warned. Check back the last couple pages and you'll see it.

Anyway to answer you other question, yeah
once you become a BD you stay a BD.

No big deal. Anytime spent playing video games is good times to me. I plan to finish Bioshock tonight!!! Well, maybe tomorrow night if I get tired...
I tried to start this game again to get the brass balls achievement, but I just don't have the will to go through the game a third time in its entirety... Anyone else feel the same?
I feel the same, but not really by choice, more b/c I can't replay it b/c i got it on a free gamefly trial. Now it is sent back. Oh well.
I think I'll pick it back up (sold my original copy) when it's cheaper at a used place to finish off that brass balls achievement. I played once on normal, once on easy, will do it once more on hard without the chambers and hopefully the other 150 points worth of DLC will be out by then.
I think I will wait until the remaining points/content becomes available before going through this game again. It was a great first time experience, but it took me about 18 hours the second time through and I felt it became like work. I am addicted to the achievements though, so I will probably return to rapture at a later date.
OK, last night instead of finishing the game I went and got the remaining tonics (I was only missing EVE Link and Human Inferno - not bad). I also went and got the last audio diaries on the other levels so now I only have 5 to go on the Port Prometheus level to collect them all. Going from place to place made me really appreciate how well Rapture is designed - everything is extremely well marked and I really felt like I knew where I was going and if I didn't I could just look around for a sign instead of consulting the map.

I still need to find one or two more Power to the People stations and I think that's it. I'll be short the 40 points for playing on Hard (I'll get that if I play again) and the new 100 points for Brass Balls.... which I'm not even going to try to get. This is easily the most achievement points I've ever got on one game.
Son of a bitch! I'm just starting Olympus Heights and decided to check my collected diaries against the IGN guide. I've only missed 4 or 5 up until this point, and one of them was in Welcome to Rapture, which I've read is inaccessible now!!! Dammit! I was really hoping that I could get that achievement, but I guess I'm out of luck. How the hell did I miss it??? If anyone's wondering, it's the 'Hole in the Bathroom Wall' diary.
Oh, I forgot to mention - I have 600+ ADAM and I've saved every LS. I'm thinking of buying the Insect Swarm 3 Plasmid - it looks cool.

Does anyone know if I can start a second game and not lose the first game's save data? I think I'll be OK because of all the save slots but for something like Gears of War you can only have one campaign going at a time... I want to be sure because a friend is coming over and he wants to see the game from the beginning.
I did it! What a game. I was a little annoyed at the ending though - it seemed a bit short but it was still great. I ended up with 960/1100 achievement points which is good enough for me right now. I need to move on to something else... Mass Effect or CoD4...
It's startling that i have been going back to this game a surprising amount of times even after beating it more than once. It really does deserve all the attention it has gotten. A great game with great graphics and story, and art direction that can't be beat. Well, in the realm of the FPS...
anyone else find sonic boom to be a bit...underwhelming? i fired the game up on hard to go for the brass balls achievement and was looking forward to grabbing a new plasmid to play around with. has anyone found any decent use for it? at this point it just seems to have the same effect throwing something at splicers does.
[quote name='Shmitty']anyone else find sonic boom to be a bit...underwhelming? i fired the game up on hard to go for the brass balls achievement and was looking forward to grabbing a new plasmid to play around with. has anyone found any decent use for it? at this point it just seems to have the same effect throwing something at splicers does.[/quote]

Thats actually good to hear and helps the fact that I don't have it any more not sting as much.

BIOSHOCK WINS GOTY and nobody posts about it for 3 days!? FOR SHAME!!!

Anyway, I called it and was right. GOod for you Bioshock, you deserve it!

PS! Way to go Jav! Like I said before, Bioshock was by far my highest ach pt game and getting 960 on your first playthrough is perfect. As to your ability to save previous games, the answer is YES! Feel free to start a new one and just be cognizant of the dates and save files so you're certain not to save over an old file. Congrats man, Now move on to COD4 and send me a freind reqest!
GOTY from what site? i finally beat it 2 days ago, really enjoyed the ending. and i only had one missing audio dairy by the time i reached the last part of the game. turns out it was the one in fort frolic at that eve's garden.
[quote name='triforcer']GOTY from what site? i finally beat it 2 days ago, really enjoyed the ending. and i only had one missing audio dairy by the time i reached the last part of the game. turns out it was the one in fort frolic at that eve's garden.[/quote]

This was not just some website's GOTY award, do they even have them? This was "THE GOTY" award, awarded at the 5th Annual Video Game Awards hosted by Spike TV. Google it for news and links.

So did you go back and get that last diary triforcer?
[quote name='pittpizza']This was not just some website's GOTY award, do they even have them? This was "THE GOTY" award, awarded at the 5th Annual Video Game Awards hosted by Spike TV. Google it for news and links.

So did you go back and get that last diary triforcer?[/QUOTE]
I really hope you are being sarcastic about the Spike TV awards.
yes i did after i finished the game. had a hell of time figuring out which one i missed especially with the misplaced first encounter one. but luckily after getting that one from fort frolic i got the achievement. i think the reason why i missed it was because you had to chase someone out of eve's garden if i remember correctly.
[quote name='DomLando']I really hope you are being sarcastic about the Spike TV awards.[/QUOTE]

:lol: No shit. Personally, Bioshock is my GOTY, but SpikeTV? You've got to be kidding me.

TIME magazine is even in on the fray, from Wombat's Blog Bioshock nabs #5.

There is no single, all encompassing GOTY like the Oscars or Grammy's for games. Rapture will garner some love from some sites and not others, simple as that.
[quote name='DomLando']I really hope you are being sarcastic about the Spike TV awards.[/quote]

Hope in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first.
halo 3 is definitely not number 1, by a long shot. i'd probably put COD4 at number 1, followed by bioshock, then rockband, and then orange box.
I thought Bioshock was amazing, and im not one to like first person shooters. I would give it game of the year. Though i havent played COD4, but i heard the game is very short, and i dont know if you can give a game GOTY honors just for online play since not everyone plays online. Same thing with Halo 3. Multiplayer is fun, but single player is just good.
[quote name='soccerstud652']What is the fre DLC?[/quote]

Two tonics and a Plasmid. There is a widescreen fix and some other bug fixes in the game update too.
[quote name='triforcer']halo 3 is definitely not number 1, by a long shot. i'd probably put COD4 at number 1, followed by bioshock, then rockband, and then orange box.[/QUOTE]

Agree exactly.
Check out the Gold Box on Amazon. Sounds like they're going to have a deal on this game in a half hour.

Update: Eh, it's $40. Not a great deal.
[quote name='The 7th Number']I thought Bioshock was amazing, and im not one to like first person shooters. I would give it game of the year. Though i havent played COD4, but i heard the game is very short, and i dont know if you can give a game GOTY honors just for online play since not everyone plays online. Same thing with Halo 3. Multiplayer is fun, but single player is just good.[/QUOTE]
COD4's campaign is incredible. On Veteran (the only way it should be played), it took me longer than Bioshock.
Wow you must have died alot. Bioshock is quite a long game if played thoroughly. I replayed Bioshock too, almost immediately after I beat it, and I've never done that with any game before.

I'm moving through COD4 on hardened quite fast.
I finally have all 1000 achievement points. I can't be bothered to go through the game a third time for Brass Balls, I think I'd start getting sick of it if I did. Time to trade it in.
I bought my LE on release, but haven't actually listened to the included soundtrack, until today.

Now I wish I hadn't listen to it D: Seriously, WTF was with the Moby shit on it?

not sure if i wanna go back and play again on hard, at least not for a little bit. just doesn't seem like i'd get anything out of playing it again, although i guess those new plasmids are incentives.
I started over on HARD. I'm at the beginning of the Medical Pavilion and I can already tell it's going to be way tougher to beat. Splicers don't take nearly as much damage. I guess I could try playing it a little differently though since I don't really need to collect the audio diaries or anything else.

Also, I'm already having a much greater appreciation for the story and really how well everything was thought out and designed. Did anyone notice the two glowing red eyes of the Little Sister before going into the bathrooms on the first level? If you listen carefully you can hear her scamper away - it's creepy and cool and I didn't notice it at all on my first play through or even the 4 or 5 times I played the demo...
The attention to detail this game exhibits is amazing. I've never seen anything like it.

A perfect example: This is the only game where the enemies will actually run away when hurt to heal up. I loved shooting them up, only to watch them go get poisened at a hacked healing station. Sick!

Tips for Hard: Use your hacking/hypnotize to get help!
An update on the Big Daddy coffins from the 2K forums:

i wouldn't be worried if you haven't received yours yet. i'll check the status from the fulfillment center to make sure there aren't any glitches, but i know the figurines and the books are completed now and in packing/shipping processing. it's just a matter of getting them all into your hands!
[quote name='pittpizza']The attention to detail this game exhibits is amazing. I've never seen anything like it.

A perfect example: This is the only game where the enemies will actually run away when hurt to heal up. I loved shooting them up, only to watch them go get poisened at a hacked healing station. Sick!

Tips for Hard: Use your hacking/hypnotize to get help![/quote]they get poisoned when you hack a healing station? i never noticed, i would just shoot the hell out of them when they ran to one.

o and does no one else like insect swarm? i find that to be an awesome plasmids for multiple splicers. just don't use it with a big daddy around.
Question about an area in Fort Frolic after going through the Frozen Tunnel:

After that area where you kill Martin Finnegan and in that large room with the double stairs, on the far end are stairs that lead down with a sign that says "More Items Downstairs". Is there a switch I have to hit to open it, 'cause right now there's gratings that cover it and I can't head down to check it out.
bread's done