Black and Red DS Lite - Is the screen really dimmer?

Jimbo Slice

29 (100%)
I remember reading about it awhile ago on I think Joystiq (although I couldn't seem to find it now), that the screens on the black and red DS Lite are dimmer then the ones on the other style DS's. Is this the case with the non-bundled one?

I'm looking to pick up a new DSL and was wondering about that, because I really dig the look of the red/black one.
From what I've heard its that the viewing angle is smaller. Meaning that you can't tilt the DS from side to side very much and still see.

Also, theres been some people talking about a yellow-ish tint on the lower screen.
I read an article about that not to long ago either...don't know where though

Also, I was at Sam's Club yesterday and noticed that on the inside its all black - sorta discouraged me from buying it as I thought the whole top was red while the bottom would be black..
I remember being obsessed w/wanting to know these things, but I gave in and bought the red/black DS anyway. It's great. The yellow tint is not that noticeable and even if you are that picky, you'll forget about it when you start playing. I don't play on the brightest setting (ever) so no complaints on the dimness.
I've recently picked up (non-bundled crimson/black) one last week as well, I didn't noticed the yellow tint until someone had mentioned it.

I try and compare the brightness later this week with someone else.
[quote name='Pajama_Man']I've recently picked up (non-bundled crimson/black) one last week as well, I didn't noticed the yellow tint until someone had mentioned it.

I try and compare the brightness later this week with someone else.[/QUOTE]

Please do, I'm really interested in finding out any first person accounts that people have.

I want this one but will buy the Onyx one if need be.
[quote name='jimfoley16']Please do, I'm really interested in finding out any first person accounts that people have.

I want this one but will buy the Onyx one if need be.[/quote]
My friend bought an onyx DS this week (solely for Zelda) and his DS has a yellow tint, too. Just a heads up. I believe I read somewhere that Nintendo is using a new bottom screen that is more scratch-resistant (and apparently yellowish).
I also bought the Crimson/Black DS. I was afraid of the screen issue at first, but like someone above said, it's really not that noticeable. Zelda: Phantom Hourglass looks beautiful on it.

I say if you like the color, go for it.
I bought one to replace my Onyx DS because red is my favorite color. The only time the tint is really noticeable is when the white warning screen comes on before a game. Brightly colored stuff like NSMB, Zelda, Animal Crossing, etc. all look great.

I really like the fact that the back of the DS is textured instead of glossy. It cuts down on the fingerprints significantly, and I don't feel like my hands are all sweaty after playing for long periods of time.
someone posted a pic of the black and red DS screen next to the old DS Lite, and the black and red one looks dimmer
Alright I finally got to compare my crimson/black DS with a friend of mine whom had a Pink one. At full brightness hers and mine had the same quality of light, no dim. The only diffrence was that her's didn't have the slightly yellow tinted bottom screen.

If you like the color combo, go ahead and grab it now would be my suggestion. If you're a adament about it because of the yellow tint, then you're still probably going to have a hard time finding new DS in any color w/o it, since I've heard it seems to be on all new models now.

Hope this helped a bit.
[quote name='Pajama_Man']you're still probably going to have a hard time finding new DS in any color w/o it (yellow tint), since I've heard it seems to be on all new models now.[/quote]

And don't forget, OP: Yellow tint = better scratch protection. (not literally, but the newer yellowtint touchscreens are of better quality material).

I would actually recommend getting one with yellowtint over an older whitey.
Here's the topic from NeoGAF, where I believe has the comparison shot you're looking for:

However, before anyone jumps to conclusions, just look at the text below the picture:
Note the following:
1) It is most important to note that while the red/black DS Lite screens appear much darker they are not. This is merely an effect of the colors inverting themselves much more quickly than my older black DS Lite. At a normal viewing angle the screen appears equally as bright.
2) The red at the top screen is quickly muted and most all colors have inverted themselves much more quickly like the calendar/clock in particular. (at extreme angles the older DS Lite will appear to have these same colors)
As you can see, the person who posted the comparison pic that made its way around the net admits that when viewed from the normal angle, the screens are equal in brightness. The point of that topic was to look at the viewing angle and ghosting issues in the new screen, but it seems numerous users and blogs took it as "proof" that the new screen was significantly darker than the old screen, while disregarding the rest of the OP's comments.
[quote name='62t']however from the rest of that person's comment it still suggests that the old screen is better.[/QUOTE]
Yes, in terms of viewing angle and ghosting, the old screen is better. However, both issues are not as major as a dimmer screen. The viewing angle he was displaying in the picture was not the angle that you would normally play the DS, and the sensitivity to slightly more ghosting can vary, depending on the person viewing the screen.
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