Black Ops II $47.99 at Newegg PC/360/PS3

Thanks for the post. I just can't bring myself to pay more than $20 for any Call of Duty game since I bought Call of Duty 2 for that price years ago. I picked up Modern Warfare 3 for $20 when Best Buy recently had that Gamer's Zone promotion.
Yeah, I am waiting for a price drop this year or perhaps a Red Box rental for the campaign. Got MW3 near launch (with Kmart coupons I believe so it wasn't MSRP at least) and barely played it after I finished the campaign.
[quote name='DesertLeo']there's a campaign mode?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it's the mode where you shoot guys.
[quote name='Jackie Chandler']People play the campaign in CoD games?[/QUOTE]
Yup Campaign, Spec Ops mode, and Zombies is all I care about for Call of Duty nowadays. I still miss the Call of Duty 1/2 days, those campaigns were awesome.
[quote name='Thrinn']Yeah, it's the mode where you shoot guys.[/QUOTE] mean entitled 12 year olds spouting racial profanities into the headset?
[quote name='usagi']Yup Campaign, Spec Ops mode, and Zombies is all I care about for Call of Duty nowadays. I still miss the Call of Duty 1/2 days, those campaigns were awesome.[/QUOTE]

Yeah the add-on modes are much more entertaining than the multiplayer which is just the same thing over and over again. If they have a new twist on zombies it might be worth a rental from me.
I would be all over this if I didn't need the game at midnight release..maybe some of my friends who care less about cod will be into this..thanks tc.!
[quote name='threefiftyzzz']I would be all over this if I didn't need the game at midnight release..maybe some of my friends who care less about cod will be into this..thanks tc.![/QUOTE]
Buy it then return the one when you get it from newegg
[quote name='TooPoor']Wow I must the 0.01% that play COD only for the single player campaign and split screen co op.[/QUOTE]

I'm right there with you, although I only do the split screen because there are usually trophies associated with it. I actually like the campaigns and I have 0 interest in the multiplayer.
I dunno, black ops was a lot better than MW3. But it's still the same old shit. Left trigger, right trigger.
[quote name='Jackie Chandler']People play the campaign in CoD games?[/QUOTE]

It's the only thing worth playing, screw the lame multiplayer. I'm gonna pass on this one though.
I have no interest in the co-op modes but I played the competitive MP quite a bit in MW2 and Black Ops. MW3, on the other hand, I played online for a few hours and decided I really had no desire to keep playing. I did really enjoy the campaign in MW3 though.
[quote name='TooPoor']Wow I must the 0.01% that play COD only for the single player campaign and split screen co op.[/QUOTE]

same here this games multiplayer mode is terrible.

though this is not a launch day buy for me.
[quote name='Lyricsborn']Great another roster update.[/QUOTE]

Oh look, a COD hater in a COD thread. Douche.

Blops II looks downright amazing. Biggest change in COD yet.
[quote name='NeuralFizz']Does Newegg charge when it ships or when you order?[/QUOTE]

After it ships.

Anyone know if they have "release day shipping"? It's been a while since I pre-ordered a game from them. There were no options for it (I took the free shipping).
[quote name='FattyBeards']Oh look, a COD hater in a COD thread. Douche.

Blops II looks downright amazing. Biggest change in COD yet.[/QUOTE]

It looks good, I'm glad they took it in to the near-future... but it's kind of funny it's set in the future and called "modern warfare".

Edit: my bad, they dropped the "modern warfare" subtitle. Carry on...
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Gah. Hitman, Halo, and CoD all the same month. I'm in for this one though. Decent deal, preorder bonus map, and the goddamn CoD games take forever to come down in price otherwise. I hate Activision. Other games come down in price once they're a year old. Not Activision titles. Last years' Transformers game is still like $40. Goldeneye 007 Reloaded still $40. Cocksuckers. I like getting $20 titles from other publishers.
bread's done