Black Ops Vita $29.99 at Amazon with FSSS

[quote name='Mospeada_21']Worst GOTY, period.

The creators of this game should be paying you $60 just to take a free copy, and another $60 for your 15 mins of suffering with it.[/QUOTE]

:applause:I would say it's not my cup of tea but i'll run with your version.....
[quote name='Mospeada_21']Worst GOTY, period.

The creators of this game should be paying you $60 just to take a free copy, and another $60 for your 15 mins of suffering with it.[/QUOTE]

Wouldn't go that far but if the Multiplayer is fixed then I might give this another shot down the road because COD is all about multiplayer.
[quote name='htz']
  • Shipping: This item is also available for shipping to select countries outside the U.S.
  • ASIN: B002I0H09Y
  • Product Dimensions: 5.3 x 4.1 x 0.4 inches ; 1.6 ounces
  • Media: Video Game
  • Release Date: November 13, 2012
  • Average Customer Review: 3.1 out of 5 stars See all reviews (44 customer reviews)
  • Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #158 in Video Games (See Top 100 in Video Games)
  • Discontinued by manufacturer: Yes
Anybody notice on the amazon product details section, it mentions discontinued by the manufacturer? I guess that before Christmas 1.02 patch was the last patch...[/QUOTE]

Now we wait to see if this will raise the price or lower it. That is, if it's true.
[quote name='WNYX585AM'][quote name='AwRy108']...the multiplayer--which is now fixed--is a ton of fun, and really does offer the complete CoD experience on the go. The maps are smaller (...tho not Nuketown small), but so is the player count...QUOTE]

You are really peaking my interest - especially with this comment. The descriptions of maps that I heard was more like they were just large rooms. "Nuketown" size maps seems to be a pretty decent size (especially for a smaller number of players). I guess this game may be going back on my radar.

I'm tempted at $30 but may wait for a further drop. Can anyone comment on the PSP game that's also included? Is it good enough to be worth considering as an enticement for purchase (I don't want to mess with selling it).[/QUOTE]

Sorry for the grammar police but the correct word you are searching for is not "peak my interest" but "pique my interest".

In response to your question, I don't know a lot about the PSP game but I know it got decent reviews. It got a 66 from IGN, and 64 overall.
[quote name='jsvalmont']

Sorry for the grammar police but the correct word you are searching for is not "peak my interest" but "pique my interest".[/QUOTE]

:roll: Seriously? You're going to clutter another thread with grammar corrections? This is getting very annoying. Everytime a thread is bumped lately, it's not even about a deal, but about someone correcting someone else's grammar. Congratulations, you can spell and use proper wording better than others.
I actually bought the Vita bundle that came with this game when BB had the $50 gift card attached to it.

I traded the game in about three days later. I couldn't get an online game going to save my life, AI is atrocious, controls are "meh" at best.
[quote name='Regian']I actually bought the Vita bundle that came with this game when BB had the $50 gift card attached to it.

I traded the game in about three days later. I couldn't get an online game going to save my life, AI is atrocious, controls are "meh" at best.[/QUOTE]

It sounds like a lot of comments here could be based on trying the game before the patch was implemented. I would be curious how much of a difference it made on people's perspectives. It is interesting how a patch can turn a poor game into a mediocre game (or possibly even into a good game). At the same time, it seems pathetic that a major game maker would release anything broken enough to need that crucial of a patch.

That being said, the patch doesn't extend the short campaign or add extra modes, etc. so I suppose it depends on what you value in the package. The game was obviously made for the appeal of multiplayer, so if that was significantly improved with the patch, it seems like it could be worth a shot.
If it is indeed sixed now, $30 is a fair price. The campaign is fun and solid enough to go theough and get ~25 trophies without too much hassle. The MP was decent too, but it didn't work as far as being able to connect on a reasonable basis. So if that's fixed, then it's definitley worth the money. I got it at Kmart with the $15 coupon (so essentially $35) and sold it to GS during that crazy promo for $32. Therefore I wasn't butthurt, but at full price I would have been mad at release.
Broke it out into short segments for the TLDR peeps.
I bought my dad a Black Ops Vita bundle for christmas. I played Resistance Burning Skies and enjoyed the campaign, platinumed it, and did not really play the MP more than twice.

I borrowed my dad's BOD and started playing it on my Vita (1.02 patch is out now btw). Took about 3 seconds to get a full 4v4 team deathmatch game going. I was hooked, it really does play just like COD and feels like COD in every aspect. My brother who is the COD King took a turn with it after and was 33/8 by the end of his first match. He loved it and played a few games. The multiplayer is actually REALLY good and addicting.

I will say the multiplayer is still a bit glitchy in the sense that sometimes a game is about to start, but does not and instead you have to join another match (no full freezes or anything like that). And the very rare instance where I can't sprint (has only happened to me in two matches out of the nonstop games I've been playing since I got the game yesterday - I'm level 15 already). I just wish you could use the microphone.

In terms of the levels, the only level that's small is Nukehouse, that's basically a nonstop shooting spree. Everything else is actually very decently sized and I sometimes have to run all over the map to find enemies in a 4v4. I've only ever seen the instance of someone spawning in front of me ONCE on Nukehouse.

Lately, I find myself picking up my Vita a lot more than turning on my PS3 sheerly for convenience sake and laziness. Needless to say, I have not given my dad his copy back yet and am now going to be purchasing my own off of Amazon (I just saw this deal and was coming here to post it, but of course you guys beat me!).

On a sidenote about the campaign. Where the hell are the retarded AI in the campaign? I'm playing in Veteran and they are raping the shit out of me. If you play the game on Regular of course the AI is going to be stupid...they're supposed to be.

One last item...Unit 13 is on sale on PSN that game is REALLY good too and I was kicking myself for not dling it sooner!
[quote name='ZincAlloy']Broke it out into short segments for the TLDR peeps.
I bought my dad a Black Ops Vita bundle for christmas. I played Resistance Burning Skies and enjoyed the campaign, platinumed it, and did not really play the MP more than twice.

I borrowed my dad's BOD and started playing it on my Vita (1.02 patch is out now btw). Took about 3 seconds to get a full 4v4 team deathmatch game going. I was hooked, it really does play just like COD and feels like COD in every aspect. My brother who is the COD King took a turn with it after and was 33/8 by the end of his first match. He loved it and played a few games. The multiplayer is actually REALLY good and addicting.

I will say the multiplayer is still a bit glitchy in the sense that sometimes a game is about to start, but does not and instead you have to join another match (no full freezes or anything like that). And the very rare instance where I can't sprint (has only happened to me in two matches out of the nonstop games I've been playing since I got the game yesterday - I'm level 15 already). I just wish you could use the microphone.

In terms of the levels, the only level that's small is Nukehouse, that's basically a nonstop shooting spree. Everything else is actually very decently sized and I sometimes have to run all over the map to find enemies in a 4v4. I've only ever seen the instance of someone spawning in front of me ONCE on Nukehouse.

Lately, I find myself picking up my Vita a lot more than turning on my PS3 sheerly for convenience sake and laziness. Needless to say, I have not given my dad his copy back yet and am now going to be purchasing my own off of Amazon (I just saw this deal and was coming here to post it, but of course you guys beat me!).

On a sidenote about the campaign. Where the hell are the retarded AI in the campaign? I'm playing in Veteran and they are raping the shit out of me. If you play the game on Regular of course the AI is going to be stupid...they're supposed to be.

One last item...Unit 13 is on sale on PSN that game is REALLY good too and I was kicking myself for not dling it sooner![/QUOTE]

This!!! x3
[quote name='WNYX585AM']It sounds like a lot of comments here could be based on trying the game before the patch was implemented. I would be curious how much of a difference it made on people's perspectives. It is interesting how a patch can turn a poor game into a mediocre game (or possibly even into a good game). At the same time, it seems pathetic that a major game maker would release anything broken enough to need that crucial of a patch.

That being said, the patch doesn't extend the short campaign or add extra modes, etc. so I suppose it depends on what you value in the package. The game was obviously made for the appeal of multiplayer, so if that was significantly improved with the patch, it seems like it could be worth a shot.[/QUOTE]

Actually, the three days later mentioned in my last post was this past Wednesday night. All my comments about the game are post-patch.
[quote name='gatordeve86']

link isnt working for me i will have to check it out though[/QUOTE]

Thank God I don't pay attention to those worthless opinion sites.
I play my Vita EVERY day and love the hell out of it. In fact I constantly remind my gf how it's the best gift she's ever given me.

Funny anecdote in fact!
I was in the hospital waiting room with my 21 year old sister and 28 year old brother waiting for my mom to undergo a procedure. My brother brought comic books and his laptop to be entertained, and my sister had her phone. 1 hour later both of them were whining on how bored they were, meanwhile I played the hell out of Unit 13 with my earphones on. 3 hours later my brother fell asleep of boredom and my little sister was staring off into nothingness while I switched over to AC3: L and was jumping through the swamps of Louisiana. My mom finally came out, a total of 4 hours passed, perfectly fine, and I hadn't even noticed the passing of time. I love my Vita :D
[quote name='ZincAlloy']Thank God I don't pay attention to those worthless opinion sites.
I play my Vita EVERY day and love the hell out of it. In fact I constantly remind my gf how it's the best gift she's ever given me.

Funny anecdote in fact!
I was in the hospital waiting room with my 21 year old sister and 28 year old brother waiting for my mom to undergo a procedure. My brother brought comic books and his laptop to be entertained, and my sister had her phone. 1 hour later both of them were whining on how bored they were, meanwhile I played the hell out of Unit 13 with my earphones on. 3 hours later my brother fell asleep of boredom and my little sister was staring off into nothingness while I switched over to AC3: L and was jumping through the swamps of Louisiana. My mom finally came out, a total of 4 hours passed, perfectly fine, and I hadn't even noticed the passing of time. I love my Vita :D[/QUOTE]

Cool story, bro (not being sarcastic). It worked for me at the airport and while waiting for the train. The bad side about being immersed in a game is when the train comes and you miss it because you have your headphones on and are looking down at the screen playing your game :lol: it's happened to me...more times than I care to admit :lol:
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[quote name='ZincAlloy']Thank God I don't pay attention to those worthless opinion sites.
I play my Vita EVERY day and love the hell out of it. In fact I constantly remind my gf how it's the best gift she's ever given me.

Funny anecdote in fact!
I was in the hospital waiting room with my 21 year old sister and 28 year old brother waiting for my mom to undergo a procedure. My brother brought comic books and his laptop to be entertained, and my sister had her phone. 1 hour later both of them were whining on how bored they were, meanwhile I played the hell out of Unit 13 with my earphones on. 3 hours later my brother fell asleep of boredom and my little sister was staring off into nothingness while I switched over to AC3: L and was jumping through the swamps of Louisiana. My mom finally came out, a total of 4 hours passed, perfectly fine, and I hadn't even noticed the passing of time. I love my Vita :D[/QUOTE]

i dont pay attention to them either lol I love my Vita and Lumia 900 and i have even thrown around the idea of buying a Dodge Dart.
I'm currently addicted to my Lego LOTR i play Vita more than my 360 currently
[quote name='Ed_']Cool story, bro (not being sarcastic). It worke for me at the airport and while waiting for the train. The bad side about being immerse in a game is when the train comes and you miss it because you have your headphones on and are looking down at the screen playing your game :lol: it's happened to me...more times than I care to admit :lol:[/QUOTE]

Thanks. Tell me about it. I did 6 months (March-September) of flying back/forth to Miami/California and the only thing that got me through the airport and flights was my Vita.
[quote name='gatordeve86']i dont pay attention to them either lol I love my Vita and Lumia 900 and i have even thrown around the idea of buying a Dodge Dart.
I'm currently addicted to my Lego LOTR i play Vita more than my 360 currently[/QUOTE]

I've never tried a Lego game, I'm always so skeptical and every LOTR game I've ever played (minus WC3 custom levels) are always fail. Does it do the series justice?
[quote name='ZincAlloy']I've never tried a Lego game, I'm always so skeptical and every LOTR game I've ever played (minus WC3 custom levels) are always fail. Does it do the series justice?[/QUOTE]

pretty much follows the movie... im only 31.3% through right now (work+kids=minimal gaming time lol)
This is by far my favorite Lego game (Lego Batman 2 is a close second)
I haven't touched any of other games since i got this
[quote name='gatordeve86']pretty much follows the movie... im only 31.3% through right now (work+kids=minimal gaming time lol)
This is by far my favorite Lego game (Lego Batman 2 is a close second)
I haven't touched any of other games since i got this[/QUOTE]

Are you playing it on the vita? The reviews have slammed the portable versions but praise the console version. I'd like to try the vita version...
[quote name='Ed_']Are you playing it on the vita? The reviews have slammed the portable versions but praise the console version. I'd like to try the vita version...[/QUOTE]
yea i am playing on vita... my only issue so far is the game crashed once
I haven't played console yet but i would def recommend the vita version
[quote name='Ed_']Are you playing it on the vita? The reviews have slammed the portable versions but praise the console version. I'd like to try the vita version...[/QUOTE]

The Vita versions of the LEGO games are just ports of the 3DS versions, so they also lack the open-world elements that have "revolutionized" the series on consoles. IMHO, the biggest draw back from the omission of the open-world elements is that you can only bring a set number of characters along when replaying missions; in other words, you'll have to replay missions multiple times in order to access all of their character-specific hidden areas. The goal of trying to collect/unlock everything--which is a huge element of the LEGO games--is made incredibly tedious due to the aforementioned design choice, so keep that in mind.

I've played a bit of LEGO Batman 2 on the Vita, and it looks/runs very well; but, to be honest, it is discouraging knowing in the back of my head that if I want to get 100% of the secrets, I'll have to replay each level numerous times. Needless to say, that won't be happening.
[quote name='AwRy108']The Vita versions of the LEGO games are just ports of the 3DS versions, so they also lack the open-world elements that have "revolutionized" the series on consoles. IMHO, the biggest draw back from the omission of the open-world elements is that you can only bring a set number of characters along when replaying missions; in other words, you'll have to replay missions multiple times in order to access all of their character-specific hidden areas. The goal of trying to collect/unlock everything--which is a huge element of the LEGO games--is made incredibly tedious due to the aforementioned design choice, so keep that in mind.

I've played a bit of LEGO Batman 2 on the Vita, and it looks/runs very well; but, to be honest, it is discouraging knowing in the back of my head that if I want to get 100% of the secrets, I'll have to replay each level numerous times. Needless to say, that won't be happening.[/QUOTE]

Why the hell would they port the 3DS versions? The Vita can clearly handle open world games e.g. Gravity Rush, AC3:L. I can see how that can be frustrating though!
If Activision was nice enough, this should be in the Vita IGC for PS plus. But considering this is Activision and its highest selling IP is CoD, don't expect a $5 price tag until 2014.

Just a reality check for you people that likes to post your ideal price right when a thread is created.

I did bought this game at full price and regretted it. Luckily, I sold this game when a family friend bought my Vita 3G when I got the Amazon PS Vita BF deal. So I broke even.
[quote name='granturismo']VITA rocks, cannot believe the negative press[/QUOTE]

I stopped listening to the press a while ago, I suggest everyone else do as well. Now when IGN tells me a game is terrible, that's when I go pre-order it!
I have seriously played my Vita more than my PS3 and 360 combined in the last few weeks thanks to Persona 4...I got CoD as well and just started playing LBP co-op. The system is amazing, I seriously dislike fanboys these days. Apple, Nintendo, Sony, MS, android, etc etc...any fanboy is a bad one.
[quote name='mightymek']:roll: Seriously? You're going to clutter another thread with grammar corrections? This is getting very annoying. Everytime a thread is bumped lately, it's not even about a deal, but about someone correcting someone else's grammar. Congratulations, you can spell and use proper wording better than others.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for your congratulations, I am actually a published author :) Now that my bit of sarcasm is out of the way, I did post about more than just the grammar correction that time. This time though, is just about the grammar. It should be noted there is nothing wrong with a little actual information that someone might actually learn from in these forums. And further, I don't know why you say "You're going to clutter another thread..." when I actually can't even think of another thread where I have done this.
[quote name='jsvalmont']Thank you for your congratulations, I am actually a published author :) Now that my bit of sarcasm is out of the way, I did post about more than just the grammar correction that time. This time though, is just about the grammar. It should be noted there is nothing wrong with a little actual information that someone might actually learn from in these forums. And further, I don't know why you say "You're going to clutter another thread..." when I actually can't even think of another thread where I have done this.[/QUOTE]

There just isn't a point in correcting spelling in a's just a forum :lol:
ANYWAY...I will most likely jump on this game if it ever hits $15. Doesn't seem worth the headache and money.
[quote name='AwRy108']The Vita versions of the LEGO games are just ports of the DS versions..."[/QUOTE]

FIFY. Seriously, the 3DS is getting the shafted with (most) recent Lego titles as well. Pretty much all the 3DS's Lego games have been DS ports, and the Vita gets these ports as well. Both handhelds are more than capable of running what the home consoles are, especially when you consider that the Wii gets full versions of the game like the PS3 and Xbox do. Really pisses me off- the reason it's this way, is because TT Fusion has full control over TT's handheld versions. TT used to handle some of the portable versions (the PSP versions only- which were Lego Star Wars: The Original Trilogy, Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures, and Lego Batman. DS versions were initially handled completely externally, but TT Fusion was made to develop DS versions 'in-house'), but they gave TT Fusion full responsibility for all portable Lego games.

On topic- this is tempting, but I don't know about it, even at this price. Think I'll wait until it is $20 or less. Seriously, they should have released this as a $10 downloadable game.
The controls felt awfully floaty in this game so that was the dealbreaker for me, didn't even bother with the online.
Uncharted has much tighter analog controls, but is it just me or did the Syphon Filter psp games control better even though they only used one tiny joystiq?
bread's done