Black Teen Shot, Killed By Neighborhood Watch

This is the only verdict that could be reached if you went by the letter of the law exactly.
And thus, the correct verdict.


I fully expect the Federal Government to bring Zimmerman up on Civil Rights Violation charges, though.

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All I can say is, keep your kids in the house. Precedent has been set for them to be legally stalked and killed. What a terrifying world we live in. 

This type of case will happen again and it will go the other way.  Why?  More evidence, accurate eye-witness accounts, etc.  No precedents are set by juries.

wonder how long it will take  AL and  Jesse   to play the   RACE card      it was  whites who  let him go...

wonder how long until  the  so called riots  start...

even though i   was  saying the same thing    he is  


I  still feel sorry for   martins  family....and hopefully  everyone   can now get on   with their lives  

love how they are holding up   end  racial  ...... hell none  gave a care about   last year  (after this case happen)  down in  texas how  a  black women  cut off a white man.. Both  pulled off .....    Man starts screaming at the women.  She pulls out a  gun and shoots and kills him  though her window and she was never  even charged with nothing... he never put a finger on her 

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Teach your kids not to assault someone with a gun.
When did Trayvon Martin commit assault? He was not the one aggressively stalking someone and causing said person to feel like there was an imminent threat, which is the definition of assault.

Assault is not battery.

When did Trayvon Martin commit assault? He was not the one aggressively stalking someone and causing said person to feel like there was an imminent threat, which is the definition of assault.

Assault is not battery.
When he slammed GZ's head into a concrete sidewalk.

Does George get his gun back btw?

He should once he signs the papers. The state is to return all that is Zimmerman's in the condition it was taken in.
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America...A country where you go to jail for killing dogs and shooting yourself in the leg but not for killing a teenager in cold blood.

America...A country where you go to jail for killing dogs and shooting yourself in the leg but not for killing a teenager in cold blood.
Way to totally not understand the legal system. You think klling dogs should be ok then? Hmmm. Seems like you've been spending too much time on twitter with the mindless black racists.


Seems like somebody is going to get his ass fired or sued or both.

Clearly the right decision from a legal standpoint.

^ Did I say anything about it being legal to kill dogs? I never said anything about the legality of anything. I was just stating a fact.

 If you think it is ok to stalk teenagers with a gun and then kill them when you are getting your ass kicked then there is something wrong with you. The minute GZ left his car he was the aggressor. But rabble....oh yeah reverse race card...blam!

^ Did I say anything about it being legal to kill dogs? I never said anything about the legality of anything. I was just stating a fact.

If you think it is ok to stalk teenagers with a gun and then kill them when you are getting your ass kicked then there is something wrong with you. The minute GZ left his car he was the aggressor. But rabble....oh yeah reverse race card...blam!
This is not a place to troll.

Roddy White ‏@roddywhiteTV
"All them jurors should go home tonight and kill themselves for letting a grown man get away with killing a kid"
When did Trayvon Martin commit assault? He was not the one aggressively stalking someone and causing said person to feel like there was an imminent threat, which is the definition of assault.
Four minutes. He had four minutes to go the fuck home, call 911 himself, or simply not assault George Zimmerman.

Four fucking minutes of being free to take whatever peaceful action he deemed necessary to figure the situation out, but he decided that violence was the answer, like so many who subscribe to his lifestyle.

They almost always get away. Between 10 and 15% of burglaries are ever cleared, which means the rest get away. If citizens got more involved in their communities, maybe we would catch some of these fucking punks.
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I'm actually surprised by the verdict, I didn't think the jury would not have a biased opinion about GZ. I totally thought this was going to end up in a guilty verdict.


Can't they track you on twitter or find out who are? These idiots think there threats are going to go unheard from?

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So I haven't followed this closely so please someone help me out. I read on another site where they were saying that GZ should sue NBC now. What did NBC say that he should sue them? Thx.
Four minutes. He had four minutes to go the fuck home, call 911 himself, or simply not assault George Zimmerman.

Four fucking minutes of being free to take whatever peaceful action he deemed necessary to figure the situation out, but he decided that violence was the answer, like so many who subscribe to his lifestyle.

They almost always get away. Between 10 and 15% of burglaries are ever cleared, which means the rest get away. If citizens got more involved in their communities, maybe we would catch some of these fucking punks.
Please explain this 4 minutes? Seriously. What 4 minute time frame are you speaking about? If one goes looking for confrontation and finds it, I have no sympathy for them. What was TM guilty of that gave GZ the right to chase after him? You think GZ would have been doing the same thing if that gun was not in his back waist band...or was it his wait is was in the front...yeah I am sure he would have been doing it with some pepper spray also.

I'm actually surprised by the verdict, I didn't think the jury would not have a biased opinion about GZ. I totally thought this was going to end up in a guilty verdict.
You were not paying attention or willfully ignored the facts about the lack of evidence. Do you only watch MSNBC or CNN? If yes, then you would have been gravely misinformed about this case.

So I haven't followed this closely so please someone help me out. I read on another site where they were saying that GZ should sue NBC now. What did NBC say that he should sue them? Thx.
He already sued NBC.

NBC edited the non-emergency call in such a way to suggest he was a racist. Specifically, they edited it so that Zimmerman is the first to mention that Trayvon Martin looked black, when it was actually the non-emergency operator that asked him what his race was.
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Please explain this 4 minutes? Seriously. What 4 minute time frame are you speaking about?

But one of the most dramatic moments of O'Mara's closing argument occurred when the attorney looked at his watch and instructed everybody in the court room to remain still.

The clock kept ticking for what seemed like an interminable length while jurors, the judge, the parents of Zimmerman and Martin stared at the defense table as silence befell the courtroom and O'Mara sat down.

Four minutes later, O'Mara stood up and indicated the purpose of his demonstrative inaction.

"That's how long Trayvon Martin had to run," said O'Mara pointing out the length of time from when Zimmerman told the police dispatcher that he saw the teenager running to the moment he and Zimmerman began the lethal confrontation. "The person who decided this was going to be a violent event was the person who planned his move."
Chased? Confronted? It doesn't make any sense. He couldn't have chased him for four minutes. The distances don't allow for that. He was probably offended by Zimmerman "mad-dogging" him or whatever stupid bullshit he believed, and decided to lay him out on the sidewalk and teach that "cracka" a lesson.

The only comeback the prosecutor had was emotion.

John Guy, who got the last word, scoffed at O'Mara's suggestion that Martin had four minutes to go home, but instead confronted Zimmerman.

"Four minutes is not the amount of time that Trayvon Martin had to walk home," said Guy. "Four minutes is the amount of time Trayvon Martin had left on this earth."
I wasn't paying to much attention to it, only bits and pieces of what I saw in the courtroom. What I posted was just an opinion and nothing about the case.

Dude is definitely gonna sleep with 1 eye open from now on


Honestly with all the goofy shit that happens this couldnt be any more true with regards to florida

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About the NBC thing read here if you want full details of the media's desperation to ignite a race war

It's actually funny people give fox news so much shit when these media outlets do things like this.

On the specific NBC thing


March 27, 2012 - NBC News Edits 911 Audio to Make Zimmerman Look Racist

On the storied Today Show, NBC News told America Zimmerman said this on the 911 call:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.

When the truth is that the unedited audio actually went like this:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.

Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?

Zimmerman: He looks black.

After the fraudulent editing was discovered by the New Media (first by Breitbart News), former NBC News president Steve Capus would claim that the edit was "a mistake and not a deliberate act to misrepresent the phone call."

Eventually, several NBC producers would be fired (without being named), and Zimmerman would file a lawsuit against NBC; it remains unresolved.''

CNN reported fhe said fucking coon when he didn't and they took ages to retract it also.

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I work in an office and most of the people I work with seemed to think it was going to come back with a not guilty verdict. I work with a mix of race and gender in my unit and they were watching the case on a daily basis so I guess this wont be a surprise to them. Is this a surprise to you all?
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Why would you bother with security when you can just slap on the red headband and rambo it up. look at me wrong? bitch please im in fear for my life -machine guns-

Please explain this 4 minutes? Seriously. What 4 minute time frame are you speaking about? If one goes looking for confrontation and finds it, I have no sympathy for them. What was TM guilty of that gave GZ the right to chase after him? You think GZ would have been doing the same thing if that gun was not in his back waist band...or was it his wait is was in the front...yeah I am sure he would have been doing it with some pepper spray also.
When responding to Spokker you have to remember the fact that he has an obsession with black people only rivaled by your average /b thread.

I work in an office and most of the people I work with seemed to think it was going to come back with a not guilty verdict. I work with a mix of race and gender in my unit and they were watching the case on a daily basis so I guess this wont be a surprise to them. Is this a surprise to you all?
I didn't think the murder 2 charge would stick, but I actually thought he'd get a couple of years for manslaughter. If you rob a house, and the person inside dies of a heart attack from your break-in, you can be convicted of manslaughter. And all these events did happen because he stalked a black kid.

I didn't think the murder 2 charge would stick, but I actually thought he'd get a couple of years for manslaughter.
If he had been convicted of manslaughter in this case, and the jury did consider it, he would have gotten 30 years minimum.

And all these events did happen because he stalked a black kid.
Not even close to stalking. None of the evidence supports stalking.
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Simply put this was a classic case of self defence.  Turned by the media and certain figures into a crazy race issue.

All anti right figures on twitter or wherever, are making comments like ''eh black kids are scary, so i guess it's ok to shoot them right?''  It's just nothing relevant with the case. Just race hype to fuel the fire and be divisive. So somehow a Hispanic guy shooting a black guy attacking him is instead portraying the right wing conservatives as anti black.  How does that even happen?  But through constant bias, and bandwagon jumping, race hype, that's actually the outcome here.

Anybody who viewed all the evidence knew Zimmerman could not be found guilty.

The left view people by race and color not just as people.  This should have never been blown up as a race thing.  I think going to trial was probably right,  You cannot end up killing someone when you were told not to follow the person and just cite self defence & that be that.  Those circumstances alone warrant a trial, arrest etc.  But really he could not be found guilty by the law given the laws on self defence and the injuries and witnesses that described the scene/fight/incident.   Who knows what really happenend?   Not me or anyone else not there.  So it's fruitless to act like we do.  Those who are 100% adament he is guilty do not do so out of facts or evidence, but more bias in some form or another.

Who knows what really happenend? Not me or anyone else not there. So it's fruitless to act like we do. Those who are 100% adament he is guilty do not do so out of facts or evidence, but more bias in some form or another.
My general consensus about this entire case lies in my belief that unless you are certain your intervention is required you keep to yourself. Once you inject yourself into a situation, especially one that may end up in confrontation the idea of self defense becomes very murky to me. Add to that, carrying a gun into these situations only makes me less sympathetic if you end up shooting someone. Race really is not the issue for me here. My issue is if GZ stays in his car TM is not dead. To me, that is GZ fault and the fact he is not held accountable for this is an issue for me.

It is like when my ex liked to interject herself into other people's arguments when walking out of the bars. She would yell at people from across the street to stop fighting. It drove me nuts because she is not the one who is going to have to deal with some drunk dude if he decides to cross the street and start something. Drunk dude may be at fault for coming over and taking a swing but it was HER dam fault for yelling at him in the first place.

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I never did follow this Zimmerman trial all that much, but I read about in earlier today at least. Ad I gotta say, I agree with the overall decision that was reached. It could have also been Manslaughter, but it is such a close case. It was never ever gonna be murder 2, that seemed it was pretty much admitted by the prosecutor themselves during the trial. Manslaughter I could see, but I also see the not guilty to be correct. It's such a close thing. It's at least done. In the end, I think no honest person can truly say it was ever proven "beyond" a reasonable doubt, which is what the law actually requires, so I have to agree with this outcome based on that.
Half the posters in this thread are ready to toss their white hoods on and party in the streets.

It's a disappointing verdict, I knew we went soft on people who kill blacks but I am still surprised.

Kitty Genovese says hi.
Yeah perfectly valid point. I like where you ignore that part where I say you still should intervene when needed or the fact the Kitty Genovese case was found to be extremely inaccurate in the accounts of bystanders ignoring her murder. But this is the shit you guys like to argue with. Everyone on this site does the right thing all the time and shits rainbows in the process.

Edit: Side note: What crime was GZ stopping?

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bread's done