Blockbuster hates Riddick

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I was at a Blockbuster earlier today with a friend of mine and we're looking through their used game section. After about 3 minutes of hunting for a good deal, we spot a previously played copy of Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay priced for 40 dollars. The tag however, has lots of pen scratches on it, obviously marking it down in price. I get the idea to pull out my pen of the same color and mark it down to one dollar. My friend starts laughin and says they'll never believe it and so he grabs a different copy and we head over to the checkout line. Thank the glorius employees with dissabilities act, as the guy checking me out not only gave me the game for a dollar and a few cents in tax, but also took my friends copy (he was in line behind me) and told him, "o' it should only be a dollar for this" and sold a second copy of Riddick for only a dollar.

[quote name='BLarR']I was at a Blockbuster earlier today with a friend of mine and we're looking through their used game section. After about 3 minutes of hunting for a good deal, we spot a previously played copy of Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay priced for 40 dollars. The tag however, has lots of pen scratches on it, obviously marking it down in price. I get the idea to pull out my pen of the same color and mark it down to one dollar. My friend starts laughin and says they'll never believe it and so he grabs a different copy and we head over to the checkout line. Thank the glorius employees with dissabilities act, as the guy checking me out not only gave me the game for a dollar and a few cents in tax, but also took my friends copy (he was in line behind me) and told him, "o' it should only be a dollar for this" and sold a second copy of Riddick for only a dollar.

:rofl:[/quote]It's time to flame. I'm going to need a match and a nice big pot. :roll:
HAHA let the flaming begin!

I personally think it's great that you were able to do that, but the opinion here is dramatically in the opposite direction I imagine. Soooo Note to newbies, don't post any of this stuff unless you wanna get flamed,
[quote name='jimbodan']HAHA let the flaming begin!

I personally think it's great that you were able to do that, but the opinion here is dramatically in the opposite direction I imagine. Soooo Note to newbies, don't post any of this stuff unless you wanna get flamed,[/quote]If some 10 year old kid had gotten a pen and had already marked it down to $1, then it would've actually been funny to me. Instead you switched the price yourself and pretty much stole 2 copies of Riddick. Actually, I guess you didn't steal. That's the price that was marked and the store willingly sold it to you. We shouldn't flame you. We should praise you for leading the way to an unbelievable deal. :notworth:
last time i got a game for a buck was blockbuster, but THEY, marked it that. not me walking into the store.

way to steal and then post it on the internet.
not that i condone or would do it, but blockbuster sucks a fat one, and they deserve it. they charged me $4 for a movie that was an hour late and had even went our of their way to send a letter to my house demanding their money by a certain date.

it wouldnt have bothered me if it was no more than $2, but now they just lost a lifetimes worth of business from me for being greedy assholes.

screw blockbuster.
. Thank the glorius employees with dissabilities act, as the guy checking me out not only gave me the game for a dollar and a few cents in tax, but also took my friends copy (he was in line behind me) and told him, "o' it should only be a dollar for this" and sold a second copy of Riddick for only a dollar

So your saying that you did that to someone who was mentally handicapped? Way to F'ing be. If they were not, fine, it's not near as bad, but saying "thanks to the employee with disability act" makes me thing that the cashier was handicapped. If he was shame on you and your friend. You will both burn in hell. Again, if nothing is wrong with him, ignore this post :? .
[quote name='"WAJedi"']
. So your saying that you did that to someone who was mentally handicapped? Way to F'ing be. If they were not, fine, it's not near as bad, but saying "thanks to the employee with disability act" makes me thing that the cashier was handicapped. If he was shame on you and your friend. You will both burn in hell. Again, if nothing is wrong with him, ignore this post :? .

Lol, no, the guy's fine. It was just a joke to point out how dumb the guy musta been, tis all.
To all the BB haters, I love my BBs and the GRs that are in my area.I get daels at GameRush and then I rent movies at the regular BB that is 5 minutes away. Mine also gives me manuals to games that I didn't even buy at their store. I just tell them the truth that I bought this game at a GR and would like to have this manual from the renting copy.
No JSweeney yet?

Oh, and as for this...

[quote name='greatwhitedope']not that i condone or would do it, but blockbuster sucks a fat one, and they deserve it. they charged me $4 for a movie that was an hour late and had even went our of their way to send a letter to my house demanding their money by a certain date.[/quote]

Turn your damn movie in on time. PROBLEM SOLVED.

/Who can guess where the Clerk part of my username came from?
[quote name='"BLarR"'][quote name='WAJedi']
. So your saying that you did that to someone who was mentally handicapped? Way to F'ing be. If they were not, fine, it's not near as bad, but saying "thanks to the employee with disability act" makes me thing that the cashier was handicapped. If he was shame on you and your friend. You will both burn in hell. Again, if nothing is wrong with him, ignore this post :? .

Lol, no, the guy's fine. It was just a joke to point out how dumb the guy musta been, tis all.[/quote]

Actually, this doesn't point out how dumb the blockbuster employees points out how dumb you are.

Thanks, morons like you give gamers a bad name.
The manager of that store needs to pay more attention. The clerk should not have been able to do that on his own without a supervisor override. There are several good reasons for UPC codes and price databases. THis is but one example.
yeah how could they not scan the item and find out the real price ? Even the free crap from Best Buy has to be scaned and ring up for a penny.
Blockbuster owns the internet. Your actions have been logged and reported.

Anyhow, they didn't steal it. They just "pre-purchased" it for the price at which it will be selling in about three years. Game's a bit overrated anyway, though that's clearly beside the point.
And then you two got in the car that momma had all ready while she was waiting on you two outside right?

Way to go, sound like a couple of kids to me. Nothing wrong with being a kid, just sounds immature.
[quote name='kaji7p56']sweet deal. don't worry about any of these flamers.[/quote]

This isn't a Deal.

Deal (n): A bargain.

This is Fraud.

Fraud (n): A deception deliberately practiced in order to secure unfair or unlawful gain.

This is no more a deal than your average incident of Insider Trading.

And before someone pipes in with "That's big, this is little, blah blah blah", just don't bother. Either that, or tell me that you can stand behind Cloudspekk's legendary rip-offs. Then I'll listen to your moral relativism.

Personally, I don't believe this. If he posts the receipt then I will believe it. My blockbuster always scans the titles I buy, so I find it hard to believe that his doesn't. And the fact that he had the same color pen on him seems very suspicious.
nice story, way to try to impress us all. I for one am impressed at your story telling ability, too bad it's a load of crap.
my question is why do we flame when someone does something like this and the excuse of it would bring down prices of games will not work and we all know that it would not. I do not want to flame. I know it is wrong what he did.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']That is freakin' sweet, I been a blockbuster hater for a long time, thanks for getting back at them.


[quote name='Tromack']Personally, I don't believe this. If he posts the receipt then I will believe it. My blockbuster always scans the titles I buy, so I find it hard to believe that his doesn't. And the fact that he had the same color pen on him seems very suspicious.[/quote]

yeah i want to see a reciept, and uhh, for the op's sake, block the store info,just show us the body so the bb you did that from doesn't get a call from somebody reporting you.

why the hell did he have a pen? i carry pens around sometimes during the school year but i want to know why he had a pen and it just so happened to be the same as used to mark down the game,

i know why it was the same pen, his friend marked it down, then gave the pen back to him and he procedded to mark it cheapper.
[quote name='Scorch']*backs up into the thread in a truck full of Kerosene*

Sorry i'm late, did I miss anything?[/quote]

You're just in time, man. BBQ's just getting started...
The orginal poster is obviously a thief, unless he is a liar. Either way, he's
setting himself up to be regarded as a persona non grata around here... at least in my eyes.

Before anyone starts saying "nuh uh, that isn't theft", stop before you start. I'm more than willing to go get the laws and statutes pertainant to this section of criminal code. Ask the old-timers... I've done it before, and I don't have any qualms with doing it again. Of course, it'd rather save the worthwhile posters the hassle of having to read, glaze over, or just outright scroll past long sections of rather dry legal text.

We don't want scams here. All garbage like that will do is drive down the usefulness of the board as people post thier dubious exploits or outright criminal behavior... not to mention preventing CheapyD from getting any advertizing from any serious sources. I mean really, how many software vendors do you think actually advertize in 2600 or on hacker sites? It's the same idea. It's a great deal harder to seek forgiveness and show advertisers and affliates you aren't theives than to never put yourself in that position to begin with.
[quote name='Mustang O-Line 75']it's true, he's done it before, and he'll do it again[/quote]

This is all part of the new kinder, gentler JSweeny. Warning folk before dropping the legal barrage.
[quote name='BLarR']I was at a Blockbuster earlier today with a friend of mine and we're looking through their used game section. After about 3 minutes of hunting for a good deal, we spot a previously played copy of Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay priced for 40 dollars. The tag however, has lots of pen scratches on it, obviously marking it down in price. I get the idea to pull out my pen of the same color and mark it down to one dollar. My friend starts laughin and says they'll never believe it and so he grabs a different copy and we head over to the checkout line. Thank the glorius employees with dissabilities act, as the guy checking me out not only gave me the game for a dollar and a few cents in tax, but also took my friends copy (he was in line behind me) and told him, "o' it should only be a dollar for this" and sold a second copy of Riddick for only a dollar.


that's so ridiculous it could perhaps be true, but I doubt it. There's just too many faults in that story. I don't believe you, show me a reciet or something.
[quote name='BLarR']I was at a Blockbuster earlier today with a friend of mine and we're looking through their used game section. After about 3 minutes of hunting for a good deal, we spot a previously played copy of Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay priced for 40 dollars. The tag however, has lots of pen scratches on it, obviously marking it down in price. I get the idea to pull out my pen of the same color and mark it down to one dollar. My friend starts laughin and says they'll never believe it and so he grabs a different copy and we head over to the checkout line. Thank the glorius employees with dissabilities act, as the guy checking me out not only gave me the game for a dollar and a few cents in tax, but also took my friends copy (he was in line behind me) and told him, "o' it should only be a dollar for this" and sold a second copy of Riddick for only a dollar.


all I gotta say is...
[quote name='BLarR']Thank the glorius employees with dissabilities act[/quote]

I stopped reading right there. That line just pissed me off.
I think most of us know that this amounts to nothing more than stealing and is not something to brag about on this site.

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