Blockbuster Movie + Games New Rental Policy


Blockbuster has finally done something right. Now if you have a monthly plan on their movies you can now rent games with it. Here is the breakdown

By Mail 1 Disc 2 Disc 3 Disc
Movie + Games 8.99 13.99 16.99

Total Access 11.99 16.99 19.99
Movies + Games
5 + instore exchanges

Here are the links:
50% off first month
2 week free trial

This deal is a lot better than what Gamefly is offering in which
1 game for 15.99
2 game for 22.95
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So I cancelled my trial a little over a week ago, and today I get more Blu-rays in the mail?? fucking idiots, after contacting them they tell me that my trial has been cancelled and they dont know why more movies were sent out to me, but to enjoy them for 10 days.
[quote name='Brother Daz']So I cancelled my trial a little over a week ago, and today I get more Blu-rays in the mail?? fucking idiots, after contacting them they tell me that my trial has been cancelled and they dont know why more movies were sent out to me, but to enjoy them for 10 days.[/QUOTE]

They told me that I will continue to receive movies for 10 days after the cancellation.
[quote name='GeddyThePolack']Blockbuster's service is absolute garbage. I just canceled it because every single game in my queue was a 2-8 week wait. What a waste of money. I'm so happy I went back to Gamefly and Netflix. It may cost more but at least I get what I want.[/QUOTE]

Gamefly never had anything in stock unless you had a slot open the day before a game shipped. Otherwise you were screwed.
[quote name='sillymonkey321']Gamefly never had anything in stock unless you had a slot open the day before a game shipped. Otherwise you were screwed.[/QUOTE]

I'm doing the 15 day trial right now, and I should get my first games today. I believe I'm getting Mafia 2 and Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles.
[quote name='sillymonkey321']Gamefly never had anything in stock unless you had a slot open the day before a game shipped. Otherwise you were screwed.[/QUOTE]

Not necessarily true. If you clear your queue of everything except the game you want, more often than not, they will ship it out to you. I wanted RDR recently, and even though it had "low" availability, they shipped it out the day they received my latest return. Sometimes, you do have to wait a few days, though, which blows, especially if you live further away from one of their centers and have to add more time for shipping.
Yes games are back up now, and I have my queue back. But you are right, the availability is worse. Before the queue disappeared I had about ten games in my queue available, now it is down to 3 !!! I am definitely canceling before my trial ends.
Anyone else getting ALOT more games at home than their plan allowed for?

I am one the 1 game at a time, limit 2 a month plan.... I have 5 things at my house RIGHT NOW. I kept getting shipping notices that games were coming this week. But the games at home were always blank on my account. They fixed it today to show what I have but again I have 5 game one a 1 at a time plan PLUS I renewed today and it says I have 2 more rentals this coming month. :D LOL

I never had anything like this happen or any troubles at all when I used them for movies until they closed by my house...
I just checked and I still have a queue. Checking the games section, yeah, seems like 3/4th of the list is unavailable, including at least one game that's actually IN my queue already. I'm only on the $4.99 plan, but I still may decide to quit at this rate.
My queue didn't have anything else in it. I'm just doing the 2 discs per month option since turnaround time is 1 week and all I have right now is the Force Unleashed. I'm not at all satisfied with the service mostly because of the huge wait times.
I started the 1 month trial on 8/25. It took one week for 2 games to come. After 1 day I sent one game back. Every single game in my queue is "short wait" and has been for weeks. I don't think their selection is that big and why do we have to wait several months after a game is released to rent it?
I have 25 games in my queue, about 6-8 of which show available at any given time. I have like 3-4 movies at the very bottom of my queue and every time, I get shipped the movies. I've gotten one game in a month. Ridiculous.
At first I thought it was cool blockbuster was getting into games and the price was cheaper than gamefly, but the extremely slow shipping times, the lack of availability, waiting four months or so after a game is released to rent it (and god knows how long it'll take to ship and be available), having thousands more less game choices then gamefly etc etc makes it a for sure no go. Now the $5 for 1 game at a time, 2 in a month sounded really good considering I used to rent games there for $5 for a week. About a yr or 2 ago it was $9, but you got to keep it another week, I feel like I'd only get one game in one month if it ever becomes available.

I've never tried gamefly though, so I think I'm going to have to see how that is. But blockbuster has done a terrible job.
Beware people. I was charged the 1st of September which was fine as I decided to keep the service after the trial. I checked out of curiosity and saw that I was supposed to be billed again September 13th. I just put my account on hold and I am going to get this cleared up tomorrow when the customer service phone line opens. I was just about to cancel GameFly too but I guess I'm staying with it now...
[quote name='I LIEK CHOCOLATEMILK']At first I thought it was cool blockbuster was getting into games and the price was cheaper than gamefly, but the extremely slow shipping times, the lack of availability, waiting four months or so after a game is released to rent it (and god knows how long it'll take to ship and be available), having thousands more less game choices then gamefly etc etc makes it a for sure no go. Now the $5 for 1 game at a time, 2 in a month sounded really good considering I used to rent games there for $5 for a week. About a yr or 2 ago it was $9, but you got to keep it another week, I feel like I'd only get one game in one month if it ever becomes available.

ALL OF THIS. I was so ready to get the $5 plan, but they just suck so damn much. Vote with your wallet say no. Gamefly is pretty sweet, my shipping times and getting brand new game times are great, but then i live in austin where there is a shipping center.
Not only are the games not getting mailed out, but all of the new movie releases for the past month are showing ON ORDER. Movies and tv shows that were supposed to be released a month ago, still are not even stocked at my local shipping center.

Does anyone else have this problem?

I have 77 items in my queue. They are all movies, games and tv shows. I have been waiting for 3 weeks for something to be sent. But it is all extremely long wait or ON ORDER.

I am so glad I held off on cancelling netflix and gamefly.
Deciding to cancel. I live in a town with a distribution center and it takes 4-5 days to get new titles. Netflix... distribution center is not in town and it takes 2-3 days to get new titles. You do the math.
I will be canceling the service at the end of this month, man, BBV online queue sucks big time. The interface has changed, but the queue is still a dinosaur, it simply don't work with games (you get movies all the time even if games showing AVAILABLE). I have no problem with shipping and returns, the damn queue sucks and that's where all of the waiting time went to...

Blu-ray rental still rocks though, but meh, not sll of the movies are blu-ray worthy...
I may be the lucky one here... $5/month plan, 1-2 day turnaround, I've got enough games in my queue ready to ship if needed, but I'm a slow gamer so don't need a game right away and the few month wait for new games doesn't bother me much, especially with my huge backlog. Cheap enough for me to let the game lie around until I'm in the mood to play.

If you're a hardcore gamer, just go Gamefly, leave Blockbuster for the rest of us.
[quote name='BinaryTB']I may be the lucky one here... $5/month plan, 1-2 day turnaround, I've got enough games in my queue ready to ship if needed, but I'm a slow gamer so don't need a game right away and the few month wait for new games doesn't bother me much, especially with my huge backlog. Cheap enough for me to let the game lie around until I'm in the mood to play.

If you're a hardcore gamer, just go Gamefly, leave Blockbuster for the rest of us.[/QUOTE]

Same here. The shipping times aren't that quick and the turnaround time is disappointing compared with Netflix, but so far I've had much better luck with BB than I've had with GameFly. Also, since they just shipped me Red Dead Redemption, I figure playing it for two months and only paying $10 and some change is a really good deal.
I think the problem is just that they don't have enough distribution centers to go around, and now with the huge increase of stores closing by the end of this month, it's probably making things even less worthwhile for most people that don't have any BBVs around them anymore.
I'm possibly the only person here who absolutely loves this service right now... :D

I posted last week around the same time as everyones queues were disappearing that BB kept sending me games like every other day even though I had something at home already. I'm on the $4.99 1 game plan and I had 5 things at my house at the end of last week! Friday I sent back the game i'd finished and another that I had bought cheap, 3 at home now plus one in the mail.. My new month just started and looks like i'll get another in the mail after I finish one of these. So 4 at home for $5 a month. I'm just catching up on some games I put off playing last year. :D
[quote name='$hady']I'm possibly the only person here who absolutely loves this service right now... :D

I posted last week around the same time as everyones queues were disappearing that BB kept sending me games like every other day even though I had something at home already. I'm on the $4.99 1 game plan and I had 5 things at my house at the end of last week! Friday I sent back the game i'd finished and another that I had bought cheap, 3 at home now plus one in the mail.. My new month just started and looks like i'll get another in the mail after I finish one of these. So 4 at home for $5 a month. I'm just catching up on some games I put off playing last year. :D[/QUOTE]

WHAT? How does that works? I mean 1 at a time means 1 at a time right? So, how did you end up with 5 at home for $5 a month?
Yea i'm on 1 at a time plan but while everyone elses queue was vanishing just as mine did they kept sending me games... :D glitch!
My games at home remained blank for days but eventually they showed what I had: 5 instead of 1... Now my service is back to normal and i'm on a new month and the 2 I returned got another mailed. It was the first i'd rented in this months time so I should get another rental this month putting me on a 4 at home plan now for $5 until they figure it out or I ship back more than 1 game at a time.
After having a slot sit vacant for a week and a half (pointedly did not include any movies in my queue), I emailed CS to ask what was up. Shockingly, I got a reply within half a day even though it was Saturday.

The bad news is that apparently the availabilities they have listed on the site don't actually mean that your distribution center actually has any of the disc in question - if it says "available", that means they think they have availability nationally, but you can be sitting with an empty slot on your queue and multiple games listed as "available" and not get anything. CS recommends that you keep 10 titles that are "available" in your queue at all times to increase the chance that at least one will ACTUALLY be available. My mental response to that is that I'd be more willing to take my number 10 (or number 30, when you consider all of the delayed titles) choice if it didn't take two weeks to swap out a game.

The good news is that shipping speed seems to have improved after that snafu a few days back where all the games temporarily disappeared from queues. Suddenly, they've mailed out a pair of discs (neither of which has arrived yet, suggesting that perhaps they're mailing them from further away), both of which had previously been listed as short or long wait.

Overall, this service definitely has a long way to go until it gets to the point of working as advertised. That said, if the latest round of games arrive on schedule this week, I might still declare the service worthwhile in the short term. If I can get and beat four games per month (unambitious for a 2/out sub, but my expectations are low at this point) for $14, that's still probably the best deal I'm going to get on playing through those games.
Hmm...I mailed back my game that I had on Monday and it still hasn't arrived. I wonder what the deal is. Anytime I send anything back to Netflix it's next day.
[quote name='$hady']Yea i'm on 1 at a time plan but while everyone elses queue was vanishing just as mine did they kept sending me games... :D glitch!
My games at home remained blank for days but eventually they showed what I had: 5 instead of 1... .[/QUOTE]

yeah i had that happen too -im on the $5 plan as well-
now im getting charged-$4 per extra game they sent me so 3x $4-$12 plus the $5=$17-so get ready to dispute some charges my friend-
"Disputing Charges"-looks like thats the next game ill be playing-

(^ all lies im just hating cuz i haven't got one game in my first 2 weeks-movies come pretty fast thought)
My experience with BB service is not to bad. I live in NYC and the shipping times to me feel a bit faster than Gamefly. The lower price and the fact that I play games usually a year older makes the service good for me. Give it a try.
This is much better than GameFly for me. I sent a game and they received it the next day. They then shipped a game 25 minutes later. It should be here soon :]
I was going to cancel and then found out Alpha Protocol, which I had in my queue for awhile (the game also came out in June, go figure) was 'available'. I sent in my game several days ago, it got to them, and now it says 'short wait'. As if waiting 3 and a half months wasn't enough now people have to wait even longer to play it. But anyways, my trial membership is canceled. At least I got to play Conviction.

One other thing I found odd, not sure if anyone else has had it happened to them. When I click sign-in, which is required if you go to my account, it'll say my password is wrong. I have to click it several times for it to work.
[quote name='youenvy']yeah i had that happen too -im on the $5 plan as well-
now im getting charged-$4 per extra game they sent me so 3x $4-$12 plus the $5=$17-so get ready to dispute some charges my friend-
"Disputing Charges"-looks like thats the next game ill be playing-

(^ all lies im just hating cuz i haven't got one game in my first 2 weeks-movies come pretty fast thought)[/QUOTE]

LOL I was like WTF and went straight to the website and checked my billing history. Then I came back and read the last line... :lol::applause:

$5.29 this month, sending 1 game back today wonder if they'll ship another since i've only got 3 at home. ;)
[quote name='mikespit1']Do these plans allow you to take out blurays?[/QUOTE]

Yes, and no extra charge like Netflix. Even on the in store exchanges you can get blurays.
:lol: I love to have your glitch, $hady. I'm on the 3 at a time plan, movies are fine, games on the queue don't move at all.

I do love the blu-rays though, just watched Mother last night (Korean flick), it's quite stunning in blu-ray. My monthly rental came out to be $2 per movie, not all movies are available in blu-ray, but good enough.

When you watch enough blu-rays, you can tell inferior dvd and streamed stuff right away. Not that you can't enjoy the movie/show in lower resolutions, but it's not the samething :lol:
Hmm..I shipped Star Wars TFU back on Monday and no confirmation that it arrived yet. I think it's lost. What should I do?

EDIT go to report a problem and say that you sent it more than 3 days ago but your queue hasn't cleared. I suppose they rely on the honesty system pretty good with that, or they just never updated the queue...
Damn, was hoping this would be good. GameFly has been great lately, but I just can't afford it anymore.
[quote name='mr_bungle'] go to report a problem and say that you sent it more than 3 days ago but your queue hasn't cleared. I suppose they rely on the honesty system pretty good with that, or they just never updated the queue...[/QUOTE]

This is how most of the rental-by-mail services work. They rely on your an extant. If one or two items get lost, they will excuse it and move along. It's part of the way they do business. After all, considering all of the mail the postal service processes, some of it is going to get lost. If you report a bunch of missing stuff, though, they will eventually cut you off and cancel your account.
Yeah, not much time left before bankruptcy:

As published reports indicated that Blockbuster would file for bankruptcy this week, its stock dropped 31% to just 6 cents, making the formerly mighty movie renter worth just $12 million, not including $900 million of debt.
[quote name='mr_bungle']What happens if they file bankruptcy on the 30th? Will we just keep these games? lol[/QUOTE]

No the liquidators will want it back to sell.
[quote name='judgedee']No the liquidators will want it back to sell.[/QUOTE]

Blockbuster is filing for Chapter 11 (reorganization) bankruptcy, not Chapter 7 (liquidation), e.g. Circuit City.
So that means you can keep the games right? Since there won't be liquidators and all, since it's not that kind of bankruptcy ... Right? ;)
circuit city said they were doing chapter 11 until the bond holders forced them into chapter 7. I don't see blockbuster remaining in chapter 11. I'm betting on liquidation. that doesn't mean you keep the games though. they are the property of the bond holders. If you do not return them, you will be pursued by them instead of the previous company.

I'm not a lawyer but my understanding is that all contracts are voided in bankruptcy. I would strongly recommend cancelling your membership ASAP. If the company goes into bankruptcy on the 30th but your new month's payment is on the 29th, you lose all rights to receive disks and you lose all rights to that money you paid them before they went into bankruptcy.

It has begun:
Sigh, why would you want to keep the rental games knowing you're not suppose to? Even if a company is bankrupt, that still doesn't give you the right to keep what's not yours (unless they specifically give you instructions to do so).

I finally got my games, when they come, they come all at once :whistle2:( I had to put movies on top in case they send me a 3rd game (already have two at hand, can't finish them that fast).
Blockbuster is not going to go chapter 7, yet. They are strongly backed by Carl Icahn.

so, you will have to return rentals. Unless your local store closes, you probably won't even notice a difference
bread's done