Blockbuster: the end of the end of no late fees


14 (100%)
My local blockbuster stopped the no late fees a while ago and I've already been burned twice with questionable fines.

I guess this is the only way they can stay in business...very very sad and crappy for us who now have to go back to "hot 2-night rentals!".

fuck YOU Blockbuster.

anyone else notice this?
[quote name='wildnuts02']My local blockbuster stopped the no late fees a while ago and I've already been burned twice with questionable fines.
I guess this is the only way they can stay in business...very very sad and crappy for us who now have to go back to "hot 2-night rentals!".
fuck YOU Blockbuster.
anyone else notice this?[/QUOTE]

I think you are about a year late to complain about this. They have already been sued, if you look around the store they clearly state the restocking fee after 7 days.

They got sued probably about a month after the no late fees started. So now about every 5 feet in the blockbuster I go to they have they details of the no late fee. Sometimes 2 or 3 signs in a 4 foot section.

I think the rule to dvd renting is if you are going to keep it more then 7 days your cheapass should buy it.
[quote name='Graystone']I think you are about a year late to complain about this. They have already been sued, if you look around the store they clearly state the restocking fee after 7 days.

They got sued probably about a month after the no late fees started. So now about every 5 feet in the blockbuster I go to they have they details of the no late fee. Sometimes 2 or 3 signs in a 4 foot section.

I think the rule to dvd renting is if you are going to keep it more then 7 days your cheapass should buy it.[/quote]

dude, my blockbuster doesn't have that anymore. it's back to the same ole regular late fees now. hence the thread title.
BB has always sucked and their selection is simply abysmal. That's why I got to Hollywood Video. They send me coupons anyhow for 99 cent rentals no matter if they are new release or even games.
My favorite part of this is how they advertised "the end of no late fees" all across the state of TN when none of the blockbusters in TN did this.. ever.

This is why I switched to Hollywood Video and their MVP membership.
I realy dont even see how they would be allowd to do this it seems above a casual rule that can be changed its advertised along with the blockbuster logo that its gaurenteed to work out this call corporate and complain just to make sure they may send u a giftcard atleast.
[quote name='Skelah']I realy dont even see how they would be allowd to do this it seems above a casual rule that can be changed its advertised along with the blockbuster logo that its gaurenteed to work out this call corporate and complain just to make sure they may send u a giftcard atleast.[/QUOTE]
The franchise stores can do whatever they want; same reason they may or may not have the same deals/sales as corporate stores.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']BB has always sucked and their selection is simply abysmal. That's why I got to Hollywood Video. They send me coupons anyhow for 99 cent rentals no matter if they are new release or even games.[/QUOTE]

Its funny you should say that, HV is owned by BB. :)
Well let me be more accurate, BB attempted to buy ALL of them in 2004, but in reality BB owns alot of their franchised stores, and most of the ones in IN, my gf works for BB.
I have not given Blockbuster a dime in years except to tryout a month of the online rental, which was pretty good.

How much are new and old movie rentals at Blockbuster? I only used my free rental coupons, so I never paid.

I'm now trying Netflix. Nothing different, but does have better selection and delivery times are much more consistant and shorter (1-2 days instead of 3-5). I'm doing only 2 at a time unlimited for $14.99. How many Blockbuster rentals in store is that?
[quote name='wildnuts02']dude, my blockbuster doesn't have that anymore. it's back to the same ole regular late fees now. hence the thread title.[/QUOTE]

One of two things happened then, its a franchise store and the owner decide not to do it anymore. Or people were raping the no late-fees so bad at that store they had to stop it.

I go to blockbuster every tuesday to pick up a couple of new release's. I only go to the same BB though. Every person that works in the one I go to, I know very well. One lady there gives me her discount, because our moms are friends. They gay guy that has worked there for 12 years, and again knows my mom. I think sometimes my mom knows the world, we can't go any where without people knowing her. She remebers everyones name and all that type of stuff.
I asked my gf and her store is corporate and they are no longer allowed to wear their "end of late fees" shirts in anymore. Apparently 45% of BB's profits are from charging late fees and they have been having trouble with new movies not being in stock for days on end.
I went to my local Blockbuster for the first time in about 2 years, and noticed the "restock fee" listed on their price list. What the fuck is that about? I knew they'd figure out a way to fuck people over once they stopped charging late fees.
a bit shockingly, here it white plains it appears (maybe i'm wrong since i'm still a bit new) that there is only one blockbuster for rentals. no hollywood videos (unfortunately).

i'll probably go back to netflix 3-day b/c blockbuster online was way too slow and kept fucking the discs up.
Comment to the end of the end of late fees! Franchise stores do whatever they want! They have a few things that they have to do like corporate stores such as uniform, store maps (the way the store is set up) but that just about it! They can offer deals that they want or give you nothing at all! The no more late fees thing was to help save people money so they wouldn't have to pay another rental fee each day that it was late.... but cheap people like to screw people and companies so they keep the movies for as long as they want and then get pissed when a movie they want is not it... BRING YOUR MOVIES BACK!! People have abused the no more late fees and that is why most if not ALL franchise stores have done away with them! Movies are never in! Blockbuster is actually a really good company. I have worked there for about a year now... I absolutely HATE corporate jobs, but they are really good to employees and customers!! Word of advice... bring your movies back on time, and you won't have to worry about spending more money. If you want to keep it longer than just freaking buy it cheap a$$. Not that difficult. It would make my job alot easier, and your blood pressure down. One more thing to those of you that get pissed at the employees over a fee on your account... WE have nothing to do with it!!! It is your mistake, WE are not scamming you, that money does not get added to my paycheck. They do not pay me enough to deal with you kind of people! You treat us like we are actually getting that 1.25 restocking fee!! Call corporate and cuss them out... don't hate the middle man!!!!!!!!!!!!
[quote name='Zero2cuTe']Comment to the end of the end of late fees! Franchise stores do whatever they want! They have a few things that they have to do like corporate stores such as uniform, store maps (the way the store is set up) but that just about it! They can offer deals that they want or give you nothing at all! The no more late fees thing was to help save people money so they wouldn't have to pay another rental fee each day that it was late.... but cheap people like to screw people and companies so they keep the movies for as long as they want and then get pissed when a movie they want is not it... BRING YOUR MOVIES BACK!! People have abused the no more late fees and that is why most if not ALL franchise stores have done away with them! Movies are never in! Blockbuster is actually a really good company. I have worked there for about a year now... I absolutely HATE corporate jobs, but they are really good to employees and customers!! Word of advice... bring your movies back on time, and you won't have to worry about spending more money. If you want to keep it longer than just freaking buy it cheap a$$. Not that difficult. It would make my job alot easier, and your blood pressure down. One more thing to those of you that get pissed at the employees over a fee on your account... WE have nothing to do with it!!! It is your mistake, WE are not scamming you, that money does not get added to my paycheck. They do not pay me enough to deal with you kind of people! You treat us like we are actually getting that 1.25 restocking fee!! Call corporate and cuss them out... don't hate the middle man!!!!!!!!!!!![/QUOTE]

Abusing exclamation points dosen't get your point across any better, FYI.

I would comment on the post, but it just reads like typical Blockbuster nonsense. And the only time Blockbuster got my "money" (or, store credit) is when I dumped 12 copies of the same shitty game at Gamerush, so a winner is me.
[quote name='Zero2cuTe']Comment to the end of the end of late fees! Franchise stores do whatever they want! They have a few things that they have to do like corporate stores such as uniform, store maps (the way the store is set up) but that just about it! They can offer deals that they want or give you nothing at all! The no more late fees thing was to help save people money so they wouldn't have to pay another rental fee each day that it was late.... but cheap people like to screw people and companies so they keep the movies for as long as they want and then get pissed when a movie they want is not it... BRING YOUR MOVIES BACK!! People have abused the no more late fees and that is why most if not ALL franchise stores have done away with them! Movies are never in! Blockbuster is actually a really good company. I have worked there for about a year now... I absolutely HATE corporate jobs, but they are really good to employees and customers!! Word of advice... bring your movies back on time, and you won't have to worry about spending more money. If you want to keep it longer than just freaking buy it cheap a$$. Not that difficult. It would make my job alot easier, and your blood pressure down. One more thing to those of you that get pissed at the employees over a fee on your account... WE have nothing to do with it!!! It is your mistake, WE are not scamming you, that money does not get added to my paycheck. They do not pay me enough to deal with you kind of people! You treat us like we are actually getting that 1.25 restocking fee!! Call corporate and cuss them out... don't hate the middle man!!!!!!!!!!!![/QUOTE]

Aww how cute, this guy actually thinks a job at Blockbuster matters.
[quote name='Zero2cuTe']Guess what.... Blockbuster OWNS Hollywood Video!!! We get your money one way or another!!! (I work there)[/QUOTE]

Uhhh.. no they don't. Blockbuster TRIED to buy them, but they didn't.

Purchase of Hollywood Video

Hollywood Video was the target of a hostile takeover attempt, initially announced at the end of December 2004 by competitor Blockbuster Video. In February 2005, Blockbuster announced an exchange offer of $14.50 per share ($11.50 cash and $3.00 in Blockbuster shares)[3].

In order to create a stronger position against the hostile takeover, Hollywood Video agreed to a buyout on Monday, January 10, 2005 by its smaller competitor Movie Gallery. Movie Gallery paid $860 million, $13.25 per share, and the assumption of $380 million in debt. Stocks closed at $13.85 on January 10th after this news. Blockbuster then dropped its purchase plans, citing anti-trust concerns. Movie Gallery completed its purchase of Hollywood Video on April 27, 2005.
[quote name='Roufuss']Abusing exclamation points dosen't get your point across any better, FYI.

I would comment on the post, but it just reads like typical Blockbuster nonsense. And the only time Blockbuster got my "money" (or, store credit) is when I dumped 12 copies of the same shitty game at Gamerush, so a winner is me.[/QUOTE]

Good job. Any place that charges like $8 to rent a fucking game should get raped like that.
The things that sucks is those of us who are willing to bring the movie back on time got the shaft on this 'no late fees' thing. I hadn't been to BB for quite some time (since they'd started the program) and I went to rent a live action Disney movie from the 70s to watch with my son (so nowhere near a new release or a popular title) and it was $4.50 plus tax.

I asked why it had gone up so much for an old movie and they said because they got rid of late fees.
Where else can you rent games and how much are they?
I've been with BBO for about 1.5 years, and apart from the first three months where selection/availability was sadly lacking, it's been great. Speed and selection is at least as good as Netflix was, if not better. I had a cheaper price--14.99 for 3 out--for 1 .25 years, so that beat Netflix [though I'm at 17.99/3 out now], and I get two game rentals a month for free [granted, in-store game selection is lacking, but I have at least 5 BB's I can choose from and hey, it's free], so I'm breaking even right there.

I think the No Late Fees, while sounding good, was not a wise move; I don't have a problem with the concept of late fees, I just think they were too high and didn't make sense. 1.00/day, or a new rental period, but prorated, would make sense, imho. And the restocking fee is nothing compared to the late fees.
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