Blu-Ray Changer?


14 (100%)
Has anyone heard anything about Sony (or anyone else) making a Blu-Ray changer? I currently have a 400 disc DVD changer, and think it's the greatest thing ever. About the only way I can see getting a Blu-Ray set-up is by getting something similar...

It will probably be another 2-3 years before we get a changer of that size. Blu-ray has been on the market for over 18 months and we don't even have a 5 disc changer yet.

But I'm with you. I have 3 Kenwood 400 disc changers in my home theater and I love having them. Saves me a ton of space from not having to keep all the cases out on shelves.
sorry, can't say that i have. 400 disc changer? that boggles me someone would load that sucker up,sounds sweet though for storage/space.
Apparently that was an old article I pulled. I found the released version of the Sony HES-V1000. Amazon prices it to $2799.00, but Froogle lists it as low as $2500.00. Not bad considering Gizmodo said it would be around 3500.00 when launched.

That said, still light years more than what I'd be willing to spend yet.
[quote name='BillyBob29']It will probably be another 2-3 years before we get a changer of that size. Blu-ray has been on the market for over 18 months and we don't even have a 5 disc changer yet.

But I'm with you. I have 3 Kenwood 400 disc changers in my home theater and I love having them. Saves me a ton of space from not having to keep all the cases out on shelves.[/quote]

The technology should be the same though. The mechanisms responsible for changing the discs have nothing to do with what type of laser it uses. I bet they're just waiting for costs to go down before they introduce one.

Edit: Wow, I should read further down before hitting that 'reply' button :p
I find that my wife is a convenient disc changer for all media types, only because the cats just run from the thrown beer bottles.
[quote name='Shadows916']sorry, can't say that i have. 400 disc changer? that boggles me someone would load that sucker up,sounds sweet though for storage/space.[/QUOTE]

It's actually quite awesome. It's huge (won't fit in my tower, I actually put it on top of it), but when you're holding that many discs, well, it really can't be small.

We got it because we had a shelf with all our DVDs on it, and our 18 month old kept pulling the cases off the shelf. So we looked for a new shelving unit with a lock on it. What we were finding were in the $200+ range. I said, "Why not just get a changer?" and the wife agreed. We found the Sony one for under $300, and it's fantastic. I've become the very definition of sloth, as I can just sit on my couch and change from movie to movie without moving. Can't tell you how many times I will watch one of the Star Wars films, then change to another, then another.

Here's the unit I have:

I don't see why Sony couldn't just re-engineer this with a Blu-Ray mech, other than price. Would love to see it happen.

WrestleCrap'sRD;3960536]It's actually quite awesome. It's huge (won't fit in my tower said:[/URL]

I don't see why Sony couldn't just re-engineer this with a Blu-Ray mech, other than price. Would love to see it happen.

Well, at this point, Blu-Ray Players are still super expensive. So, why would you spend an extra $700 for a Blu-Ray changer, when you already have a $600 Blu-Ray player. When the price of Blu-Ray players drops a bit, they'll probably have a few on the market.
It would be nice to have a 400 disc bluray changer but I dont ever see me geting that large of a collection. I might have almost that in just dvd with all my box sets. Like a bluray changer that 400 disc dvd changer would be nice only pointless for me. I would still end up keeping the cases and forget what dvds were in it. Hell knowing the way i am when I get my own place I will chances are get the 400 dvd changer the 200 bluray and if they make one for HD I will get that. not to get off subject but do they make one for hd?
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