Blue sHELLs in Mario Kart?

Chris in Cali

13 (88%)
It seems like every single race, I'm getting nailed with like at least three blue shells each lap, it's ridiculous. I'm still winning, but it just ruins the pace of the game. Then, coming in at close second, is the Octopus guy who squirts ink at my about two times each lap. All I ever get are damn bananas. Fantastic game though.
[quote name='Chris In Cali']It seems like every single race, I'm getting nailed with like at least three blue shells each lap, it's ridiculous. I'm still winning, but it just ruins the pace of the game.[/quote]


But seriously, which annoys you more: the blue shells or the squids with the ink? Because i'm gettin' inked on like the third lap of every race, I think that's more annoying than the blue shell. I don't like how it has a radius of damage or whatever, I liked it better in the SNES Mario Kart when it hit JUST the first kart.
Eh, the octopus isn't that bad though, it doesn't slow you or stop you and a mushroom gets rid of it immediately. I agree on the blue shells though. I do like the Dry Bones item luck though, I've won many a race by getting a Gold Shroom on the last lap and shooting all the way to the victory...
the Squid Ink isn't as annoying. I only find it annoying when you are playing on a level that has a lot of stuff going on (Bowser's Castle GBA, Air Fortress, etc). other than that it's pretty easy to drive using the bottom screen.

the blue shell does get very annoying especially in Wi-Fi matches when you are in the lead for so long. I like the fact that it does radius damage because it gives whoever is around a chance to take the lead, instead of whoever is in 2nd and so on.
[quote name='Scorch']Okay.

But seriously, which annoys you more: the blue shells or the squids with the ink? Because i'm gettin' inked on like the third lap of every race, I think that's more annoying than the blue shell. I don't like how it has a radius of damage or whatever, I liked it better in the SNES Mario Kart when it hit JUST the first kart.[/QUOTE]

That's the best part of it. Being in first place you can use the "I'm going down so I'm taking you with me strategy" and by being the one firing it it actually gives you a chance to catch up by taking out hopefully a few of the people in the lead at once.

Why was a new thread started about this?
[quote name='Chris in Cali']It seems like every single race, I'm getting nailed with like at least three blue shells each lap, it's ridiculous. I'm still winning, but it just ruins the pace of the game. Then, coming in at close second, is the Octopus guy who squirts ink at my about two times each lap. All I ever get are damn bananas. Fantastic game though.[/QUOTE]

I felt the same way you do about this for the first few hours with the game. I counted two races out of well over 20 that I did not get hit by a blue shell, and was getting frustrated with it. As I've worked through 100cc and 150cc, though, I've found that (since I'm not always in the lead there) that it's even-keel and not a cheap computer tactic aimed only at me -- the comp gets blasted with blue shells at an equal rate.

Now if you're referring to multiplay, I'll have to agree that I hate blue shells. I've hated them since Double Dash, where I'd get hit by no less than 5 blue shells per race.
I don't mind getting ink on my screen because then I just use the bottom screen to drive.
Getting hit with a blue shell is annoying, but it doesn't happen very often to me (maybe I should try to spend more time in first place ;)).
yeah the ink is no problem at all, its a nice way to force you to use both screens, thats about it. now the blue shells, how can you complain, youre in first with a big lead, are you expecting lightning bolts or something, if youre in first youre stuck with bananas and green shells, of course the guy in fourth is going to get a blue shell... as annoying as it is to get hit with one at the end of a race only to lose by half a second, i like the blue shell. its a good equalizer when someone is way out in front. its very frustrating when someone gets way out in front because the other 3 guys are fighting for second.
Every single time I am in the lead I have lost it because of the Blue Shells. It has become annoying it happens so often.
I know that I am thread hijacking, but I just have a quick question...and didn't want to warrant another thread. But I think that I've lost the ability to drag items. Can anyone fill me in as to how to do the dragging of items....Something screwy is happening with my Karts. What do I press or hold down, etc.
[quote name='lurknomore']I know that I am thread hijacking, but I just have a quick question...and didn't want to warrant another thread. But I think that I've lost the ability to drag items. Can anyone fill me in as to how to do the dragging of items....Something screwy is happening with my Karts. What do I press or hold down, etc.[/QUOTE]

you cant drag items online, some kind of lag issue, ign talked about it. you just have to start timing your drops really well. youll also notice there arent triple bananas in the WFC matches, same reason.
Yeah, the leader tends to get bananas, while someone lagging behind is more likely to get a blue shell. And I think you can drag in single player by holding L, but not in multiplayer.
[quote name='b3b0p']Every single time I am in the lead I have lost it because of the Blue Shells. It has become annoying it happens so often.[/QUOTE]

Then you're not leading by enough. :p
The one major problem I have with all Mario Kart games is what some of you are talking about. You seem to get the most helpful items when you are losing (the bullet, the blue shell, the lightning bolt, the star, etc.) But I have never once gotten one of these items when I am in first place. Is it impossible to get these items in first place or what? I always feel kind of lame that as soon as I fall behind they will give me a bullet or something and I am right back in the game and I hardly had to do any work at all.
I've had a star and lightning bolt when i'm in first place.. i'm pretty sure you can't get the blue shell when you're in first place ;)
Alright Scorch I get your meaning about the blue shell in first place but you could hold it until you fell behind or just be stuck with it. It could be a fun new twist.
Personally I find the items to be balanced fairly well, I mean if you are in first imagine how unbalanced it would be if you started getting golden mushrooms, thunderbolts, stars, and bullets.

Overall I find the blue shell is underpowered, remeber the N64 Version? It used to hit everyone on the way to the person in first, well at least it followed along the AI pathing. If anything the big explosion it makes is a balancing issue, it will hit the person in first as well as the person slipstreaming them.
[quote name='Scorch']I've had a star and lightning bolt when i'm in first place.. i'm pretty sure you can't get the blue shell when you're in first place ;)[/QUOTE]

yeah, its always nice when you get a lightning bolt and then over take everyone with your skill, i love it. i dont see why some people are so bitter that they dont get good items when they are in first, i mean what do you expect, thats how mario kart is, if you want something normal play nascar 2006.

right now the thing i find most annoying about mario kart, is when you play a WFC match and cross the finsih line with someone really close, and it looks like youre in first, but after the race is over the lag catches up and somehow youre in second, very annoying! :bomb:
[quote name='DMFunk']Personally I find the items to be balanced fairly well, I mean if you are in first imagine how unbalanced it would be if you started getting golden mushrooms, thunderbolts, stars, and bullets.

Overall I find the blue shell is underpowered, remeber the N64 Version? It used to hit everyone on the way to the person in first, well at least it followed along the AI pathing. If anything the big explosion it makes is a balancing issue, it will hit the person in first as well as the person slipstreaming them.[/QUOTE]

I agree with you. I think this MKDS is actually more balanced and for once challenging. The past MK games never made me worried if I got first, but in this one I'm actually nervous and sweating (not literally) during some of the very heated 150cc matches.

It also forces me to really value the first place spot and watch my back (I periodically look at the bottom screen to see what item(s) they have and brace myself). This actually adds a slight dimension of depth and is a whole lot less random than the N64 version where the red shell or blue shell comes out of nowhere.
[quote name='SpottedNigel']You can get a blue shell in first place, and yes you can hit yourself...[/QUOTE]

So it looks like I'm not the only one who's tried it... the same thing goes with Blooper, even though it supposedly only hits everyone ahead of you. If you're in first you're just inking yourself, so it's best to try and use it right before a long straightaway or a booster.
[quote name='Scorch']Okay.

But seriously, which annoys you more: the blue shells or the squids with the ink? Because i'm gettin' inked on like the third lap of every race, I think that's more annoying than the blue shell. I don't like how it has a radius of damage or whatever, I liked it better in the SNES Mario Kart when it hit JUST the first kart.[/QUOTE]

There was none of that in the SNES Mario Kart. ;)
I feel your pain. Online, I went from first (leading the entire race) to last, twice in a row, due to a well placed blue shell.:bomb:

IMO blue shells need to be nerfed or taken out completely. It makes me just want to tail my opponent until the end of the race and then draft boost/ red shell him for the win. Not very conducive to fast, skilled driving. O well.
[quote name='Lan_Zer0']IMO blue shells need to be nerfed or taken out completely. It makes me just want to tail my opponent until the end of the race and then draft boost/ red shell him for the win. Not very conducive to fast, skilled driving. O well.[/QUOTE]

Oh, c'mon... was Mario Kart *ever* about fast, skilled driving? Maybe you've been playing different versions than I have, but I only ever recall it being about shelling the leaders and screwing people over. It's the second cruelest Nintendo series just behind Mario Party...
[quote name='Scobie']Oh, c'mon... was Mario Kart *ever* about fast, skilled driving? Maybe you've been playing different versions than I have, but I only ever recall it being about shelling the leaders and screwing people over. It's the second cruelest Nintendo series just behind Mario Party...[/QUOTE]

Haha thats true. I'm ok with all the other items. But man, those blue shells really screw you over. That coupled with no draging in online matches and red shells that hit from the side, really up the insecurity of any position. This game is harsh, and I like it.
Mario Kart isn't all about "fast, skilled driving," but I don't know... I feel like you should still win the vast majority of the time if you are a good player. The items add some luck, but nothing that skill can't overcome the vast majority of the time. I'm 40-6 in online matches so far, and I don't feel like my actual relative skill is far off that number.

Anyway, quit whining and just enjoy the thrills! Some of the online mismatches would be so much worse without these items. Besides, it wouldn't be Mario Kart.
[quote name='AHEADAMUS']
Anyway, quit whining and just enjoy the thrills! Some of the online mismatches would be so much worse without these items. Besides, it wouldn't be Mario Kart.[/QUOTE]

I agree. Forget what I said before, I'll just get better. =oP
[quote name='AHEADAMUS']
Anyway, quit whining and just enjoy the thrills! Some of the online mismatches would be so much worse without these items. Besides, it wouldn't be Mario Kart.[/QUOTE]

I disagree completely.

I remember playing SNES Mario Kart for hours and hours when my cousin visited (he was in college at the time, and it was all they'd play apparently) and maybe beating him once. He was just better than me at the courses, hopping and dragging around corners with precision. It took skill to stay close enough to him to be able to even use a red shell, much less longball him with some bullshit blue shell that never misses / can't be defended, or with those mega red shells they have now that track fully around corners and such. I remember feeling a particular rush when shooting red shells at a distance, because there was a good chance it'd miss. Now there is nothing, because unless i shoot it directly into something else, the shell will hit. Boring.

I'm not really sure why they'd go to such lengths to make things artificially 'even'. Isn't the point of competitive gaming (and I don't mean competitive in the sense of pro gaming, tournaments, etc) to prove you're better than someone else?

The other night I (finally) got a race that wasn't 1-on-1, and the kid that won was CONSISTENTLY in last until they got a barrage of ridiculous items and ended up in first. It's really frustrating to beat the pants off of someone for 2.75/3 laps only to get hit with a blue shell (or two, or three) and lose. That's not competition, it's not even fun.

Just now I was having a good round with a snaker (1-on-1) down one race going into the final. Last lap, I pull ahead of him by a hair. Rounding the last turn, I get hit with a blue shell. Are you SERIOUS? Not only was he right on my ass at the time, there was never more than 2 seconds separating us at any point in the race.

The blue shell is garbage. I'd even take the N64 version of the shell -- the one that stays on the ground and can hit anyone in front of the person firing it up until reaching the leader, who can defend it with a well placed shell or dragging banana peel. This flying, indefensible nuclear blue shell has got to go.

The point is, it WOULD be Mario Kart without the blue shells. In fact, it would be a better Mario Kart.
Wow, seriously, if you can't take losing, play something else. Blue Shells and the other power items are the great equalizer. Think it's fun to be left in the dust by everyone and never catch up? That's what makes Mario Kart races so great, regardless of driving skill, you never know what might happen. How about you stop looking at it as "Dang, I was gonna win!" and more of "Lucky shot, kid. I'll get you next time!"

And if you're really *that* good, a few little blue shells shouldn't matter anyway. ;) Take it less seriously and just have fun. It's the name of the game. :) Oh, and for the record, no shells or peels could block the N64 spiked shell. It blew through everything.
There is nothing else like Mario Kart, and it's because of the items. Yeah, you may hate it when you get hit by a blue shell and go from 1st to 6th, but when you look back and remember that the entire room let out an "OHHHHHH!" when it happened, you realize how FUN it is when something like that happens.
[quote name='Vegan']There is nothing else like Mario Kart, and it's because of the items. Yeah, you may hate it when you get hit by a blue shell and go from 1st to 6th, but when you look back and remember that the entire room let out an "OHHHHHH!" when it happened, you realize how FUN it is when something like that happens.[/QUOTE]

It'd only be an OHHHH if it were more rare. I don't think I've played in a multiplayer match that didn't have at least one blue shell fired (and no, not always on me, I'm not always that far ahead). It becomes less of a shocker and more of an instititution; there's little excitement in using one or having one used on you, when it happens all the time.

Hell, I remember when lightning bolts would only appear once in a blue moon. When it happened, it drastically changed the leaderboard, but it definitely made everyone go "dammit dammit dammit" and try to hang onto their lead as best they can. There's no tension involved in the blue shell, and that's a shame. You hear that Whoosh and you know you're getting hit no matter what.
[quote name='WildWop']You hear that Whoosh and you know you're getting hit no matter what.[/QUOTE]

Try slamming on the brakes and letting the guy in second ahead of you.

Also, I really think you must be exaggerating. I honestly see a blue shell once every three or four races. It's not that bad. Besides, there's some strategy to using it. (Right away or at the very end of the race? Do you try and nail multiple people with the blast?)

In any case, just try and have fun and not take winning so damn seriously. If you're good, you're still going to win the vast majority of the time. That's part of the reason the game is set up in four-race matches: The best player should be able to win a series.
I remember taht the GC version had the same problems, like computer assistance if you were in last or only bananas when your in first, it was really gay, so the only way to get some maps was to play forever or cheat and have your friend over and have him be in second and blow people up for you.
[quote name='AHEADAMUS']Try slamming on the brakes and letting the guy in second ahead of you..[/QUOTE]

That would work, except the blue shells in MKDS target whoever was in first when they're fired -- it doesn't matter if you aren't in first anymore by the time it gets to you.
[quote name='Genocidal']That would work, except the blue shells in MKDS target whoever was in first when they're fired -- it doesn't matter if you aren't in first anymore by the time it gets to you.[/QUOTE]

I try to slow down enough to let the second place guy get nailed also
[quote name='Genocidal']That would work, except the blue shells in MKDS target whoever was in first when they're fired -- it doesn't matter if you aren't in first anymore by the time it gets to you.[/QUOTE]

That's right... I've even gotten hit by a red shell, fallen to second place, then get hit by a blue shell. The blue shell hovered over my head, taunting me, waiting for the effects of the red shell to wear off before striking. I swear that blue bastard said something untoward about my mother while it was waiting.

[quote name='AHEADAMUS']
Also, I really think you must be exaggerating. I honestly see a blue shell once every three or four races. It's not that bad. Besides, there's some strategy to using it. (Right away or at the very end of the race? Do you try and nail multiple people with the blast?)

Strategy to USING it perhaps, but if you're in first you're basically screwed. You may be able to arrange to take the second place person down with you, but you're done as soon as you hear that WHOOSH.

And maybe I'm just cursed, but it's definitely more rare to make it through a race without a blue shell being used (on me or otherwise). I suppose I should be thankful that it doesn't occur nearly as often in multi as it does in single player. My record in SP is three blue shells in one lap -- one on the computer, and two on me. I've found myself longing for the days where rubber-band AI was all there was, instead of absurd item usage.

[quote name='AHEADAMUS']
In any case, just try and have fun and not take winning so damn seriously. If you're good, you're still going to win the vast majority of the time. That's part of the reason the game is set up in four-race matches: The best player should be able to win a series.[/QUOTE]

The fun for me is having tight competitive races, not just in winning. If I'm not as good as someone else, I'm fine with losing; I'll work at it and get better. Snaking your way to victory? Fine, I can't do that yet. Go ahead and beat me by half a lap. What am I supposed to do if I'm losing based on some guy blasting me from last place?

At the very least, blue shells should not appear in the classic tracks. A 20-second lap through Mario Circuit 1 gets thrown completely out of whack when blue shells are put in the mix.
I hate the blue shells just cuz of how many wfc games they have cost me. First place for most of the race, then BAM! 2nd place at the last minute. Ink I can deal with, cuz you can drive with the bottom screen, or boost it clean. There is just no defense against the blue shell, unless you are somehow in first place with a star or ghost you can use to make yourself invincible.
I think the blue shells are abit overpowered in MKDS as they seem abit easier to get in MKDS then some previous Mario Kart games. Sometimes I feel like a fool for trying to race to first place seems like 2nd with a blue shell late in the race is a better bet which isn't too hard to do with some characters in 1 on 1 races.
I don't have a problem with the blue shell in general but in a 1 vs. 1 race, no one should ever get a blue shell, regardless of the item rank of the cart.

I was beaten twice the other night by a player that hoarded a blue shell until the final lap. I kept letting him get ahead of me so he couldn't use it but I could not get any items to take it away from him or protect me (star) so at the end of each race, I bit the bullet and tried to quickly pass him only to get hammered with the shell.

In a 4 player race, I'm all for blue shells but there is no place for them in a 2 player race.
[quote name='lebowsky']I don't have a problem with the blue shell in general but in a 1 vs. 1 race, no one should ever get a blue shell, regardless of the item rank of the cart.[/QUOTE]

Good to know someone understands what I'm saying and agrees :D

Obviously it's not cheating in anyway but it does seem cheesy to me if someone wins all four races 1 on 1 by nursing a blue shell till the end of the 3rd lap to win every race.

It seems like lighting bolts came up more and blues shells less in in Mario Kart 64 when compared to MKDS. I liked it better like that as everyone was aftected excepted the guy that used the bolt. Even the Blue Shell would have a chance of hitting players on the way to the 1st place kart.
But if you hang back and run a neck-and-neck race with someone holding a blue shell till the very end, even if he hits you with the blue shell as you zip ahead by half a length, wouldn't he get hit by it too? The explosion seems to have a pretty big radius.
they key to being in first is to have a "If I go down I'm taking you with me" ability to nail 2nd (and maye 3rd and 4th) at the same time as you. If you can't do that, I guess I'd be frustrated too. Keep working at it. You'll get it! :)
[quote name='Genocidal']That would work, except the blue shells in MKDS target whoever was in first when they're fired -- it doesn't matter if you aren't in first anymore by the time it gets to you.[/QUOTE]

Now THAT sucks, I didn't realize that. Pulling a switcheroo when you realize that you've been targeted is the best.
[quote name='Vegan']Now THAT sucks, I didn't realize that. Pulling a switcheroo when you realize that you've been targeted is the best.[/QUOTE]

It actually doesn't. There is a point where you can't escape for it, but it doesn't immediately seek out #1 from the get go. I know this because I've had numerous times where I've been in 2nd, a blue shell has been launched, and then I pull ahead into first and boom, I get nailed with it. At some point along it's path down the road it targets you.
I tried that blue shell switch crap in Mario Kart DD and it was great since I just back up and it hits the person in front of me. I understand in MK: DS it won't do that at times (or most of the time). So I do find it annoying to some point that "that's freaking stupid". But hey that is just MK and it's like that.

I know Mario Kart series in general are never "fair". Yea at times I get the idea of "omg how the crap can I lose with a stupid shell" or whatever, of course that what makes it fun since it could be "anyone's game". If you take out that element, it going to be like those tournament SSBM with no items.

Mario kart I say is skill and luck. More like skills since the items at times seems so repetitive keeping up with the consistency of "okayyy 1-3 place people you get a banana cause you're only preventing people from taking your place with a bright fruit. And 4th and under you get anything depending on your place". I find all the "good stuff" is just all at the bottom. Yea yea because you get the good stuff it's not like you should get a star since you're in 1st or something that be err unfair or something. Of course I can see it being skill and luck too since you're lucky you got a shell when you're in second and near the finish line on your 3rd lap and BAM you got that sucker. So yea...

Blue shells annoying yet useful.
[quote name='daroga']Wow, seriously, if you can't take losing, play something else. Blue Shells and the other power items are the great equalizer. Think it's fun to be left in the dust by everyone and never catch up? That's what makes Mario Kart races so great, regardless of driving skill, you never know what might happen. How about you stop looking at it as "Dang, I was gonna win!" and more of "Lucky shot, kid. I'll get you next time!"

And if you're really *that* good, a few little blue shells shouldn't matter anyway. ;) Take it less seriously and just have fun. It's the name of the game. :) Oh, and for the record, no shells or peels could block the N64 spiked shell. It blew through everything.[/QUOTE]

daroga's got it right... this is the essence of Mario Kart for me. I'm not that great at the game, but I like playing, and I like knowing that I could finish first with a little luck once in a while.
I was racing at either Airship Fortress or one of the Bowser Castles (the one with the rotating cylinder), the blue shell actually flew a little past me and bounced off the wall, then it came and destroyed me. Weird, but interesting either way.

Still haven't found any kind of strategy to avoid them.
bread's done