BlueDragon more like boo it just drags on


1 (100%)
Saw it used at Gamestop for $10 and thought I'd give it a shot. Well an hour latter and I got nothing out of it. Its hard to say what I did exactly but I don't feel like I even played a game. Thank god I can take it back tomorrow and get my god damn money back.
It's a Japanese RPG. Sometimes, you have to give those more than an hour before you can tell if they're good. Blue Dragon got average to above average reviews, so I wouldn't expect something great, but I figure it'd be decent for that price. I bought it for $5 new a year and a half ago, but I haven't opened it.
I'm just done with JRPGS I mean whats the point. There is no game play and they're not "fun". I'm just going to get GTA4.
wow, you gave an rpg an hour and then decide it sucks because its boring? all jrpg's are boring at first for the most part... they are not shooters and take some time to develop.
[quote name='budsmoka']I'm just done with JRPGS I mean whats the point. There is no game play and they're not "fun". I'm just going to get GTA4.[/QUOTE]

I hear in the first hour of GTA4 you get to go bowling and also learn how to buy a hot dog. ;)

Also in the first hour, and huge spoliers here:

You get to wait outside in the car while someone else plays poker.
Just figured I'd post for how amazingly bad that pun was. So bad it was good.

If you're looking to not be bored with a game, and you're getting GTAIV, have fun...
[quote name='tcrash247']I'd really suggest buying Saint's Row 1 or 2 instead of GTA4.[/QUOTE]

Also, this is the best subject line of the year so far.
GTA4 seems like more of my type of game. I'm thinking of picking it and something else under $30 up. Haven't been able to make up my mind yet.
You poor naive gamer...

I bought GTA4 close to it's launch and thought it was the greatest thing ever; for 2 hours. After that, I realized that the game is all about interaction with NPC's. I want to play a single player game so that I can get away from people, why would I want to talk to fake people?
[quote name='bvharris']I hear in the first hour of GTA4 you get to go bowling and also learn how to buy a hot dog. ;)

Also in the first hour, and huge spoliers here:

You get to wait outside in the car while someone else plays poker.

you forgot the funniest thing to do in gtaIV

Well FF13 wasn't much of an actually game either. Only decent titles SquareEnix has put out in the past ten years are KH1&2 and The world ends with you.
Budsmoka try Eternal Sonata, if you can get past the uber-cute art style the battle system is a lot of fun.
[quote name='bvharris']I hear in the first hour of GTA4 you get to go bowling and also learn how to buy a hot dog. ;)

Also in the first hour, and huge spoliers here:

You get to wait outside in the car while someone else plays poker.
yea but thats only for like 30 seconds lol, plus its a car chase afterward so its all good
I agree it's pretty garbage. the combat is boring. exploring dungeons is boring. There are some good JRPGs on 360 though.
The Blue Dragon demo was dece at least. Have the game but I don't think I'll play it for a long time. I know I'll hate the story and characters.
[quote name='budsmoka']Battle system??? I don't want a game with a battle system that tries to emulate fun gameplay.[/QUOTE]

Lawd have mercy, you're picky.

Just buy Saints Row 2.
i played the blue dragon demon and i didn't like it much, mainly because i didn't know what i was doing but i'd still say it was worth $10.

i have gta4 and yes it can be boring but if you have friends who have it the online can be super fun, especialy the free play. the story isn't bad but im not all that into it. some of the mission are fun but i find some of them really hard, and im tired of dieing then driving back to just die again...

either way it's your choice and everyone has their own opinion for games so pick what you like.
If this is the best your prosecution can come up with looploop then.....NOT GUILTY!!!!!

In regards of Blue Dragon, never played it, but I do love Akira Toriyama's work, reminds me of a time when anime only existed in OAV's and fansubs in America.

Budsmoka, it sounds like you meant to buy Tobal 2


Akira Toriyama artwork? Check
Beating up hookers? See above picture.
RPG elements? Check
Yeah, I hate JRPGs, but if you're going to play any RPG it takes way more than an hour to get into them.

I wasn't digging either Fallout 3 or Oblivion for the first five or so hours, then gradually got into them and by 10 hours or so I was hooked. Put 70 some hours in Oblivion and it's DLC a couple years ago, 52 into Fallout 3 and its DLC over the past month or so with a bit more I want to finish up.

Some action games, shooters etc. you can play for an hour or two and if you're not digging it you probably won't, but RPGs are notorious for starting slow and taking a while to get into--both JRPGs and western RPGs so those take longer to get a feel for.

So the genre really isn't for people who don't like slow starts/learning curves etc. I kind of fit that bill, so I just play 1-2 RPGs every year or two.
Fallout 3 is the best RPG on the 360 in my opinion, better than Oblivion. Blue Dragon was okay, you have to give it a good 3-4 hours for it to start getting good though. Only complaint I have about it is that it's so repetitive at times. But, if it's a good JRPG you want, go for Tales of Vesperia or Eternal Sonata.
[quote name='Drive_Shaft']Fallout 3 is the best RPG on the 360 in my opinion, better than Oblivion. Blue Dragon was okay, you have to give it a good 3-4 hours for it to start getting good though. Only complaint I have about it is that it's so repetitive at times. But, if it's a good JRPG you want, go for Tales of Vesperia or Eternal Sonata.[/QUOTE]

THANK YOU!!!! Just because I said it has a great battle system doesn't mean that's the only good thing about it, that's just what the op was bitching the most about so I suggested the game. The game also has a really good story, and the cut scenes aren't TOO long (if you don't count the one in the middle, you know which one I mean). Its just the battle system is a very great part of the game.
[quote name='Gden']THANK YOU!!!! Just because I said it has a great battle system doesn't mean that's the only good thing about it, that's just what the op was bitching the most about so I suggested the game. The game also has a really good story, and the cut scenes aren't TOO long (if you don't count the one in the middle, you know which one I mean). Its just the battle system is a very great part of the game.[/QUOTE]

JRPG: OMG were so kawaii lets go on an adventure that makes no fucking sense. We have to take turns battling and it has to last a long time with a bunch of random encounters fighting random monsters that have nothing to do with the plot.
[quote name='budsmoka']JRPG: OMG were so kawaii lets go on an adventure that makes no fucking sense. We have to take turns battling and it has to last a long time with a bunch of random encounters fighting random monsters that have nothing to do with the plot.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='budsmoka']JRPG: OMG were so kawaii lets go on an adventure that makes no fucking sense. We have to take turns battling and it has to last a long time with a bunch of random encounters fighting random monsters that have nothing to do with the plot.[/QUOTE]

Did you just start gaming this generation or something? SMH
...if you didn't want to play a JRPG, why did you buy one? I mean, it even says "turn-based battle system" on the back of the box.
Agreed. Boring ass game. I played it for like 3 hours and then sold it.

I've given up on most JRPGs on the 360 for some reason.

Only JRPG I've beaten on 360 is Eternal Sonata.
bread's done