Bomberman: Act Zero (Xbox 360) $39.99 shipped

Nope, $50 is the MSRP, $39.99 was the price is was supposed to be, but Hudson felt that they could milk an additional $10 from us.

From all the impressions I've read, this should have been an XBLA game at 1200 points.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Nope, $50 is the MSRP, $39.99 was the price is was supposed to be, but Hudson felt that they could milk an additional $10 from us.

From all the impressions I've read, this should have been an XBLA game at 1200 points.[/QUOTE]

Or 400 points ;)
it's sad crap like this is showing up on next-gen systems so soon.

all projects with NPV of > $1 must get green lit......geesh.

okay, making fun of this title is just too easy......[next!]
[quote name='Mospeada_21']it's sad crap like this is showing up on next-gen systems so soon.

all projects with NPV of > $1 must get green lit......geesh.

okay, making fun of this title is just too easy......[next!][/QUOTE]

I wasn't really making fun of it -- if they would have stripped the visuals down a tad, this would have been a huge hit over XBLA, but as a full priced game disc is just unexcuseable.
It's already taken the cake as the worst game for the 360 , and It's gonna be awhile before something tops it. I'll be picking it up at $10 tho :p
In Japan it retails for around $25. Play Asia sells that version for $35, I think. Sad that Konami (not Hudson) decided to kill our version's chance of selling well by unjustifiably marking up the price.
yea I can confirm about Gamecrazy's price. It is $40 and not $50, despite what their flyer says. I had one guy correct the price at the one on display after he found out the system was selling it for $40.
i remember i had so much fun getting the SNES Bomberman w/ multitap. that was a well deserved $60 from me

this, i wont even touch if it was $6.

but yeah, if they do decide to bring the old school bomberman into XBLA, i'd be all over it in a heartbeat :bouncy: hint hint hudson/microsoft
Well, I bought it and surprise... It's really really fun online! The 1-player isn't too hot, but it's really a training mode for multiplayer. It plays like old-school Bomberman and lag is seldom an issue (when not playing with people from Asian countries).

Don't believe the haters. Play it for yourself... If you have Xbox Live Gold, that is. Otherwise, it's a jip.
[quote name='eastx']Well, I bought it and surprise... It's really really fun online! The 1-player isn't too hot, but it's really a training mode for multiplayer. It plays like old-school Bomberman and lag is seldom an issue (when not playing with people from Asian countries).

Don't believe the haters. Play it for yourself... If you have Xbox Live Gold, that is. Otherwise, it's a jip.[/quote]

Thanks man. I'll hopefully pick it up within the next day or so.
That's just it though. This is one of those cases where the reviews are just way off from the actual customer consensus. I play it with tons of people who love it. Act Zero is damn fun.

There are obvious problems, but unlike what most of the reviews have said, they don't keep it from being fun. If you want to play Bomberman online, you WILL be happy with this game. The online is just terrific.

Xizer you obviously haven't played it. Take a nap.
[quote name='eastx']That's just it though. This is one of those cases where the reviews are just way off from the actual customer consensus. I play it with tons of people who love it. Act Zero is damn fun.

There are obvious problems, but unlike what most of the reviews have said, they don't keep it from being fun. If you want to play Bomberman online, you WILL be happy with this game. The online is just terrific.

Xizer you obviously haven't played it. Take a nap.[/QUOTE]
No one should listen to you,your obviously a bomberman fanboy and would buy any shit that hes on...
I dont know how you guys can say its crap based of reviews and not based off of actual on-hand experience with the game. I have played numerous games that got 5 or lower ratings and had a blast with them. I'll be picking this up this weekend since Fry's has it listed for $39.99 still.
While reviews aren't everything, there are so many good games out there that I'm not going to pay full price to buy a game that's getting terrible reviews. If it was really cheap, it might be different.
[quote name='eastx']
Xizer you obviously haven't played it. Take a nap.[/QUOTE]

You don't know what I have and haven't done. Blow me.

And you really expect us to take your word over dozens of professional reviewers who all call the game a piece of shit? Yeah, okay buddy. Go back to sucking off Hudson.
If you love those professional reviewers so much, why don't you marry them? Guess what, I'm a freelance reviewer myself. It doesn't matter.

Yes, I am obviously a huge Bomberman fan. I own more games in the series and know more about it than anyone else in the US. That doesn't mean I have no taste in games. I can tell you which Bomberman games are better than others in the series, and my opinion is educated. In case you're wondering, the quality chart goes something like this: Saturn Bomberman > Bomberman Land 2 > Super Bomberman series > Bomberman Act Zero > Bomberman 94. Considering there's over 60 Bomberman games, that's not so bad.

The reviews offer many legitimate criticisms. However, what it all boils down to is: Is this game fun? Yes, it is. It's very fun. That's all that matters. Almost anyone who enjoys multiplayer Bomberman will have a great time online with this title. People who have not played this game are absolutely not qualified to say whether it is or isn't fun.

Being a mindless slave to the reviews rather than making your own decisions... Tsk, tsk.

Oh, and it was pretty obvious you hadn't played the game. You didn't deny it, didja son? But I could tell because someone who played it yet didn't like it would have said something more like, "I don't have Xbox Live, so I got tired of one-player real quick.." You know, a reasoned opinion that would be worth taking seriously. Not "Tis game iz the suxors! Fifty cent!!!"
Well if anyone is so inclinced to get this even cheaper (besides waiting) Amazon has a few copies through the users for near new condition for $30ish shipped. I'm sure eBay is even cheaper. By Xmas I can't see why someone would have difficulty snagging this for under twenty bones. If the Multiplayer over Live is good as some say then It might be worth something down the road, but I think paying $40 is pretty suicidial.
[quote name='eastx']...Saturn Bomberman...[/quote]

i made every effort to get a 10-player game going once; the closest we got was 7. it was WAY fun though. and yes, Saturn Bomberman is, without a doubt, the absolute BEST BM game, and one of the most fun party games ever.
Right on! We actually played 10-player once, but in such a setup, there's always 2-4 people who can't play for crap so it's not super-satisfying... But now I can play 8-player with good players all the time, so I'm happy. :)

Monsta Mack, it's definitely worth $20. $40 depends on how much you really love Bomberman. I sure hope we get lots of new players when the price drops, of course.
This is a game Bomberman fans will hate. I know, because I am a Bomberman fan. The pathetic attempt at making the game look like Halo just rapes the Bomberman franchise up the ass. Any true Bomberman fan wouldn't buy this piece of crap just to let Hudson know that the "mature" makeover is NOT WANTED.
Oh oh... Didn't detect any sign at all that you'd played it.

Being a graphics whore is a just and good thing. After all, why care about how a game plays when you can stare at the pretty colored pictures? But if you could somehow not care about the different graphics style, you'd be able to enjoy the only US-released online Bomberman game... Like I said, with 8 players, very little lag, and smooth voice chat.
I beat the game in 86 minutes. I might try again someday to get a better score. It gives you a crapload of Achievement points, thankfully.
Have you tried it?
[quote name='Xizer']This is a game Bomberman fans will hate. I know, because I am a Bomberman fan. The pathetic attempt at making the game look like Halo just rapes the Bomberman franchise up the ass. Any true Bomberman fan wouldn't buy this piece of crap just to let Hudson know that the "mature" makeover is NOT WANTED.[/quote]

why didn't you like it? what was your most hated part? of the levels you've played so far, what was the most frustrating or annoying? i'd be interested to know why you dislike this version so much. please give us your own mini-review, thanks!
[quote name='eastx']Oh oh... Didn't detect any sign at all that you'd played it.

Being a graphics whore is a just and good thing. After all, why care about how a game plays when you can stare at the pretty colored pictures? But if you could somehow not care about the different graphics style, you'd be able to enjoy the only US-released online Bomberman game... Like I said, with 8 players, very little lag, and smooth voice chat.[/QUOTE]

Do you know what games are? A series of pixels on a screen. It's a visual activity. Therefore, graphics are very important.

I don't know what you're trying to insinuate here. When you play a are just staring at pretty colored pictures consisting of millions of dots.

So yeah, since video games are, ya know, a visual activity, I like having decent graphics, not graphics that look like ass.
[quote name='eastx']I beat the game in 86 minutes. I might try again someday to get a better score. It gives you a crapload of Achievement points, thankfully.
Have you tried it?[/QUOTE]
I thought there were 99 levels. You beat them all in 86 minutes?
Xizer, graphics are nice, but no, I don't find disliking an art style to be sufficient reason for hating a game. Decent reason to pass on buying it, but like I said, art style does not impact fun at all.

ICruise, indeed there are 99 levels. However, with powerups you can become a fierce killing machine, beating levels in under a minute. Walk Through Soft Blocks means you can run up to someone and trap them right away.
The way you finish the stage is to defeat all the enemies. There can be from 1 to 7 enemies. Those occasional 1 enemy stages go by really quick. It's all good practice for the online portion.
[quote name='eastx']Xizer, graphics are nice, but no, I don't find disliking an art style to be sufficient reason for hating a game. Decent reason to pass on buying it, but like I said, art style does not impact fun at all.

ICruise, indeed there are 99 levels. However, with powerups you can become a fierce killing machine, beating levels in under a minute. Walk Through Soft Blocks means you can run up to someone and trap them right away.
The way you finish the stage is to defeat all the enemies. There can be from 1 to 7 enemies. Those occasional 1 enemy stages go by really quick. It's all good practice for the online portion.[/QUOTE]

With 1 life? How man, how? One mistake and you start all over!
[quote name='eastx']you'd be able to enjoy the only US-released online Bomberman game.[/quote]


Seriously though, I'm almost with you on this one. If you're down with Live and like Bomberman, then apparently the online mode is fine. My problem is the apparent lack of local multiplayer. It's all well and good than I can blow up strangers, but I'd like to be able to blow up my friends while we all sit on the same couch. I think that's pretty inexcusable.

I'm in the camp that thinks Hudson/Konami should have released Saturn Bomberman or equivalent on Live with online multi and be done with it. Seriously, the new art style and "first person bomber" modes aren't needed, and those are the only two new things to this game. But since they can't sell the old game with online for $40, they add in the unneeded crap and try to get us for more money. That's why so many people are upset with this game. I'm sure that the Live play is great, but for me personally, it's not worth $40, especially without local multi.
Yes, the lack of local multiplayer is Act Zero's biggest mistake. I wrote an angry letter to Konami and Hudson and got a legitimate response (they'll forward my complaints to the development team).

Art-style-wise, people act like the new art style is an insult. They seem to think it's meant to replace the Bomberman of old. It isn't. It's just a spin-off, a different direction. There will still be cute Bomberman games - just look at the great PSP and DS versions that are coming out soon. Yes, Act Zero has a very cold aesthetic style, but IMO people should be more adaptable. This is the dark, realistically proportioned Bomberman game. It's off on its own, but it still plays like the others.

Beating 99 levels on 1 life isn't hard at all. People don't seem to realize that you get Hearts... And lots of them. My 10 year old son finished the game with 17 hearts remaining; I had 37. Provided you actually know how to play Bomberman and use the items to your advantage, you will do fine. Still, you have to set aside 2 or 3 hours to actually finish the game. ;)

BTW, First Person Bomber is annoying in that you can't see the whole field, but it's still fun. No one else can see it either. You CAN spin the camera around to get a better look. I'm amazed at how well some people do in this mode.

Did I mention that I'm # 65 in the World overall right now? Booya!

Oh yeah, and I'm familiar with Bomberman Online for DC. I drove an hour to get it on launch day too... I really do look forward to these things. But firstly, the actual online play for that one sucked. The lag was absolutely attrocious. Secondly, it was rushed to market and crashed frequently. Offline though, quite a good game. But I think I was trying to say that there are no other US Bomberman games you can play online right now. The servers for DC Bomberman are long dead.
bread's done