Boondock Saints


Has anyone else seen this? I love this move almost as much as I do Star Wars (aka my obsession). The whole movie is just intense, and honestly, at some points it makes me really want to go kill all that is evil. Also, if you have seen it name your favorite quote. Mine would have to be "Were like 7-11. We're always open, but we're not always doing business."
I LOVE this movie. Unfortunately though since I haven't watched it in probably over a year, I can't throw out a favorite quote. This movie, while pretty intense, is actually pretty hilarious too!
I love that movie. It is so brutal, yet so funny. My favorite line is easily the entire rope conversation.

"Fine, get your stupid fucking rope."
My friend spent a good half-hour telling me about this movie the other day. He told me the whole rope conversation. I laughed at the thought of the two brothers getting into a fist fight in the air duct. Gotta check this movie out.
William Dafoe, Sean Patrick Flannery, and Norman Reedus. Flannery and Reedus play 2 catholic brothers who believe that God has selected them to rid the world of all that is evil.
I can't think of a good quote. Problem is I know there are some great one-liners. All I can think of is:

"Okay, I'll have a coke then."
[quote name='strayfoxx']I can't think of a good quote. Problem is I know there are some great one-liners. All I can think of is:

"Okay, I'll have a coke then."[/quote]

That does it. Now I must see this movie. :twisted:
Oh, and on the subject of Boondock Saints 2: All Saints Day, I check (the offical website) almost every day checking for an update, but there hasnt been one in a long long time. Alot of rumors say it is going to start shooting this month, but i'm not holding my breath. I would even be happy with a little update saying why it is taking so long to get a real update.
I also don't see BD2 coming out this year, as IMDB claims it will. Then again, if you check it's AKA list, it has 2 other titles listed with 2 other release years. I think this'll go down in history with Goonies 2 (the movie that never came out, not the horrible NES game)
my favorite quote:

Shut your fat ass lady, I can't even go to the store to get a pack of smokes without runnin into nine guys you've fucked.
I guess I'm one of the only people NOT to love this movie. Not saying that it's bad, just not great. The friend that introduced this to me is the friend that I introduced to Reservoir Dogs and other QT movies. I guess he thought I would fall in love w/ this which I didn't. I think it was slightly above average if that. I felt some stuff didn't work especially with....

Their father coming into the picture and the whole speech at the end in the courtroom
***SPOILER END***SPOLER END*************

Other than that Willem Dafoe is awesome as always. But here's my fav quote.

Dafoe - "What are you doin'?!"
Gay-Lover - "Cuddling."
Dafoe - "What a fag!"
Connor: Now you will receive us.
Murphy: We do not ask for your poor, or your hungry.
Connor: We do not want your tired and sick.
Murphy: It is your corrupt we claim.
Connor: It is your evil that will be sought by us.
Murphy: With every breath, we shall hunt them down.
Connor: Each day we will spill their blood, 'til it rains down from the skies.
Murphy: Do not kill. Do not rape. Do not steal. These are principles which every man of every faith can embrace.
Connor: These are not polite suggestions, these are codes of behavior, and those of you that ignore them will pay the dearest cost.
Murphy: There are varying degrees of evil. We urge you lesser forms of filth, not to push the bounds and cross over, in to true corruption, into our domain.
Connor: For if you do, one day you will look behind you and you will see we three, and on that day you will reap it.
Murphy: And we will send you to whatever god you wish.
Yeah I seen this movie a while back... and knew about All Saints Day for a while. Anyway my favorite quote was...

Doc: Why don't you make like a tree, and get the fuck outta here?
yeah...gotta go with peteloaf...
"i'll tip her!!!"

i find myself lately reciting the light bulb joke connor tells in the beginning

and don't forget the deleted scenes...the phone call from mom is the funniest scene ever
[quote name='darkmere']yeah...gotta go with peteloaf...
"i'll tip her!!!"

i find myself lately reciting the light bulb joke connor tells in the beginning

and don't forget the deleted scenes...the phone call from mom is the funniest scene ever[/quote]

Oh fuck you, i've had ice on mine.

Best. Line. Ever.
Reality's Fringe]My Latin is really rusty. I know "Veritas" means truth said:
think [/i] it means truth.

I'm very rusty too, but I think you're right. The other one may or may not mean justice, I can't remember exactly.
And shepards we shall be
for thee my lord for thee
power hath descended forth from
thy hand
that our feet may swiftly carry out
thy command
we shall flow a river forth to thee
and teeming with souls shall it ever be
In nomine patrie, et fili et spiritu sancti.
If you couldnt tell I love the movie, I was upset when they delayed the DVD from December to May (I had been watching the Canadian DVD), and on the day it finally came out I went to the mall right after Lacrosse still sweating and feeling nasty just to pick it up. Ever since I have been telling people of how good this movie is.
[quote name='fieldkillah']
In nomine patrie, et fili et spiritu sancti.

Yeah! That boring-ass, dead language is roaring back now! "In the name of the father, and son, and holy spirit". Yeah, rock on me. I'm also pretty sure the other one means "Justice" too. "Equita" being my main reasoning.
Reality's Fringe][quote name='fieldkillah'] In nomine patrie said:
Yeah learn that one in church, after hearing it over and over twice a week if I didn't know it I'd have to get a hearing aid...and yeah my latin kung-fu is strongest.
Paul Smecker (Willem Dafoe's character)]Brilliant. So now we got a huge guy theory said:
To anyone who hasn't seen the movie, or who has and wants to own it, you can find the DVD for $10 at a lot of places. I remember Target having it for that price a little while back. Here's a list of prices for the DVD, with the most expensive being around $15.
The river dancing quote really doesnt have the same effect untill you see William Dafoe river dancing on top of a couch thing with a dead body next to him.
My personal favorite part in the movie was the symbology/symbolism talk between Willam Dafoe and the other detective. Dafoe was just great in this movie.
[quote name='darkmere']i saved latin...what did you do?
(i know its the wrong movie, but it's another great quote)[/quote]

Boondock Saints and Rushmore are two of my all-time favorite movies! (Along with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead - which really needs to come out on DVD as my Laserdisc player is on its last legs...)
Connor : "You look like Mushmouth from Fat Albert"
Rocco : " Okay I'll just take the fucking mask off"
Murphy : "No no Roc, you look good in it! honest!"
Connor : "Now Rocco, are you sure you are OHBEEEE-KAYBEE?"


Dave Olson
Seems I'm in the minority, but the whole movie just seemed played-out and trying too hard to be neat-o hip n different without delivering. Which is a shame, cause I wanted to like it, but oh well.
bread's done