Borderlands 2 $19.99 NEW at Gamestop 360/PS3

Does anyone have an idea of when a GOTY edition would be released? I have a feeling this holiday season.
Possibly the holidays but wasn't there a rumor they aren't done with DLC yet? I thought I heard that and usually they have to be done before the GOTY comes out

The first 'Season' of DLC is over tho, so they may just release a collection pack of the game plus all DLC. (Considering they released just a double add-on pack, this seems very likely.)
The first 'Season' of DLC is over tho, so they may just release a collection pack of the game plus all DLC. (Considering they released just a double add-on pack, this seems very likely.)
This. Any new DLC is likely to just be more skins or heads. Very slight chance of new characters or arenas, but I sincerely doubt we'll get any new full packs.

$20 is a decent deal. The funniest part is that it's following GS' trend of having new games on sale be less than used copies. $20 new and over $25 used. Silly Gamestop. Silly.

The next dlc isnt going to be "just skins." Randy Pitchford already said there will be a first dlc that will up the level cap to 72 and add some more things and then another dlc that will somehow involve the TK Baja character.
The next dlc isnt going to be "just skins." Randy Pitchford already said there will be a first dlc that will up the level cap to 72 and add some more things and then another dlc that will somehow involve the TK Baja character.
Then its going to come out at the sametime as the GOTY because the GOTY is comming around October last time I checked and will include it all.

bread's done