Bought a ds lite but wanting to know some games YOU think are great to have!


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I bought a Nintendo DS Lite recently, but I have no games on it. I've been looking at IGN's top games/reviews for the DS, however I don't want to just follow their list. I would like to know some of your favorite games on the system, and what you personally think is fun and good to have. I like a variety of games, so theres not just one genre I stick to. Thanks!
Most of the games I liked are fairly obvious choices, but I do have to recommend The World Ends With You. I normally can't stand JRPGs, but they did away with everything I hate about them and replaced it with something awesome. It was like crack. It's also cheap now -- $20 on Amazon, I think.
Out of the previously mentioned games, TWEWY is the best and most unique JRPG on the system (IMO, of course), and DQIX is damn good as well. 999 is in my backlog, so I don't have an opinion on that yet.

Other great games:
- Anything with Dragon Quest or Ace Attorney in the title
- Any of the main-series Pokemons on DS (skipped HG/SS and haven't yet delved into the current gen myself, tho'... once again, blame the backlog)
- Picross 3D, and, if you can find them, Planet Puzzle League and Tetris DS
- KORG DS-10, if you want a fantastic non-game piece of DS software
- ...and no collection of great DS games is complete without Mario Kart DS

Also, check out this thread for many, many excellent suggestions:
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I'd have to suggest Kirby Canvas Curse. It's one of the first games that really highlights the DS's features. Plus it's fun too. It's often not spoken of though, so I did I have to give it a voice here.
Not mentioned yet recommendations:
Hotel Dusk
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, Portrait of Ruin, Order of Ecclesia
Advance Wars: Dual Strike, Days of Ruin
Space Invaders Extreme 1, 2
Trace Memory
Kirby Super Star Ultra
Geometry Galaxies
All three Castlevanias are worth it, if you like that style of game play.

If that is the case, I would also recommend Legend of Kage 2, Contra 4, Megaman ZX (and its sequel), and Megaman Zero collection.

Beyond that, Chrono Trigger is always worth playing if you've never played it. Otherwise, you'll have an opinion and know that you want to buy it anyways :)

That's basically all I use my DS for, except the occasional Ultimate Mortal Kombat. I know there are a ton of rpgs and srpgs on the system, so it might be worth your time to look into those as well. In this case, avoid Black Sigil and Sands of Destruction (more trouble than worth on both, IMO). I am enjoying Luminous Arc, however, and I do see some potential in Fire Emblem and Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings.
I want to recommend two multitasking in play style, games:


The first is a hybrid action-platform puzzle game, with the top screen is where you control the action with Hatsworth and the bottom is where you play a Bejeweled type puzzle game to power him up and to deal with obstacles or enemies.


The second game I played on recommendation only. I hated the preteen anime art style (seems to be the consensus) and the first chapter but I'm really glad I played through because it has become my favorite DS game. It's an action-rpg where you control the main character with stylus attacks on the bottom screen and his partner with the D pad up top (which also has auto pilot if you don't want to deal with that). It's very addicting in an "I'm so close to leveling this up" way and has a pretty strange story as well.
Mario Kart is good but the online is plagued with cheaters and don't even bother going online if you don't know how to snake. If you can find a copy cheap, which is nearly impossible unless you get it from a family member or a garage sale then go for it but I wouldn't pay full price for this title. Which is why I don't own it yet.

Anything out of the main Pokemon series, avoid the spinoff games as they are generally terrible. I haven't played a Pokemon ranger since the first one, it was way too difficult and all that drawing circles will damage your touch screen for sure if you don't have a screen protector. I recommend Pokemon Black or White just for the speed of the game, it is so much better than the other titles and makes the other games feel ancient and slow. You can usually get Pokemon games on sale for 24.99 on Amazon in fact I think there are some on sale for that price now. Since Pokemon D/P/Plat/HG/SS are considered the last generation of games you might as well just jump in with Pokemon Black or White.

My main DS library consists of games like the Square Enix RPG's, Dragon Quest and Pokemon. Also some Atlus RPG's but not all Atlus games are good so check reviews first. Definitely look at the Trauma Center series.

Retro Game Challenge is also a very good game, and can be found cheaply these days, don't miss it. That along with Geometry Wars.

If you have a DS Lite don't forget about GBA games either, assuming you don't already own some, there is a big sale at Gamestop right now as they are phasing out GBA games, so be sure to pick up some good ones on the cheap!
Thank you all for giving some suggestions! I'll definitely be checking out quite a bit of these. However, for DQIX I was wondering if there's a lot of grinding still going on. The reason being that I bought DQVIII and I was put off by constantly having to level for a while before progressing throughout the story. I've never played DQ games so I guess maybe it's to be expected. I have a gba sp as well so I'm sure I'll be checking out more gba games as well. I still need to beat golden sun, I keep starting and stopping midway through. Also, is mario kart worth getting if you're not going to be playing with anyone? I suck at the game, but enjoy it, and now that the online is full of cheaters, I'm wondering if it's even worth getting.
I was going through the same search last week, trying to actually make use of my neglected DS Lite. I just got Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days and it's been pretty fun so far. Like all the KH games, there are a ton of cut scenes, but the game play is pretty fun.

And of course, no Nintendo game collection is complete without a Zelda game! Phantom Hourglass is a great game that showcases all of the DS features. But i'm sure you were aware of that one. :) Spirit Tracks is a lot of fun too.

If you want fun, mindless shooting/slashing with an incredibly familiar storyline, the Lego games will never let you down, and a bunch just came out, with Pirates of the Caribbean coming in May.

The Rune Factory series is great too with engaging storylines and utilizes touch screen controls really well.

Hope you find some awesome games!
I hate grinding too. In my experience with Dragon Quest IX, it's a non-issue until the very end of the game. I actually stopped playing because of this...

As my for recommendations, if you're a puzzle fan, you definitely need to check out the Professor Layton series. Once I started each game, I hardly put down my DS for the next couple of days. Straight-up addicting is what it is. Give Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes a shot too, if you're into puzzle-RPGs. Pretty well-reviewed, although they did just release HD versions for LIVE and PSN.

Also, I second all those who have recommended Picross 3D and 999. Picross 3D is really good if you just want to get in a quick bit of gaming while you're waiting for something. 999 on the other hand... not really much to say except this warning: DON'T PLAY THIS GAME RIGHT BEFORE GOING TO BED. This stuff is freaky. Will mess you up.
[quote name='jimmyn47']999 on the other hand... not really much to say except this warning: DON'T PLAY THIS GAME RIGHT BEFORE GOING TO BED. This stuff is freaky. Will mess you up.[/QUOTE]

Hah, that's how I'm playing it- lights out, headphones on, in bed right before going to sleep. It rocks! I couldn't imagine just playing it in the daytime on the couch or something. The atmosphere just wouldn't be the same.
I started playing new super mario bros. recently and it's pretty fun! I can't see it having a lasting appeal though once you beat it. Unless you're a completionist, otherwise it's enough just to unlock all the worlds. It's quite fun though! I might try a zelda game/castlevania game next. Lot's of games to get through after reading this thread. :D
I second Mad D's Henry Hatsworth suggestion. It's a must buy. Great level designs with that works in the match three type puzzle aspect for power-ups, etc. Can be difficult at times, but oh so fun if you like platformers.

Might want to add Clubhouse Games for some pick up and play.
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