Bought Ps3 today...returning tomorrow.. read why

Got a question for all of you. I've heard a lot of people have been disappointed with the graphics, but I think the majority of those people haven't hooked it up by component or HDMI.

How do the graphics look through HDMI? I'm thinking about buying the 20gb system with the gamestop promo going on right now.

Also, does Final Fantasy XII look better on the ps2 or the ps3?
[quote name='chaarlieee']Got a question for all of you. I've heard a lot of people have been disappointed with the graphics, but I think the majority of those people haven't hooked it up by component or HDMI.

How do the graphics look through HDMI? I'm thinking about buying the 20gb system with the gamestop promo going on right now.[/quote]
I'll give you my example. I have an xbox360 hooked up to my 32"HDTV through the component HD cables - graphics look amazing on games like Rainbow Six Vegas, Call of Duty 2, trailers, etc.

I had a PS3 hooked up to the same TV through HDMI (can't believe a $600 system doesn't come with HD cables - but anyway), everything for the HDMI connection was enabled and setup properly, but I only played one game - Resistance. It honestly felt like I was playing Doom64 on Nintendo 64. The animations were jerky and not as fluid as the games I've played on 360.

I have only the one game to compare to, but then again, only 14 games exist for the PS3 right now. If you'll get a decent deal on the PS3 and know you'll eventually want one, I guess you should pick one up, but don't expect to be playing the PS3 more than a 360 system right now.
[quote name='iamthekiller']I'll give you my example. I have an xbox360 hooked up to my 32"HDTV through the component HD cables - graphics look amazing on games like Rainbow Six Vegas, Call of Duty 2, trailers, etc.

I had a PS3 hooked up to the same TV through HDMI (can't believe a $600 system doesn't come with HD cables - but anyway), everything for the HDMI connection was enabled and setup properly, but I only played one game - Resistance. It honestly felt like I was playing Doom64 on Nintendo 64. The animations were jerky and not as fluid as the games I've played on 360.

I have only the one game to compare to, but then again, only 14 games exist for the PS3 right now. If you'll get a decent deal on the PS3 and know you'll eventually want one, I guess you should pick one up, but don't expect to be playing the PS3 more than a 360 system right now.[/quote] funny, right after I made my post, I decided to drop the idea of buying a ps3 right now.

I'm going to wait to see which games appear on the 360 and which appear on the ps3, since some games are switching over or are going to be on both consoles. Also because all my games are on my ps2 hdd and I need that to play guitar hero 2 and Final Fantasy XII..

I do plan on just getting a 20gb because it's black, I can put in my own hdd, and I don't need wifi since I have a router 10 feet away.

If some companies stick with making their games for the ps3, I think the PS3 will catch fire in a year. The 360 had a slow start and now it's doing great, and the ps3 is going through its slow start right now.
[quote name='azjosho']I've got a Panasonic 50" plasma tv.

The Ps3 is a fucking pain in the ass if you are hooking up with an HDMI cable. The system worked fine the first time I turned it on, but if you make any changes to your swith over to a different input to check a football score, or turn off the tv while the game is paused when you eat get all sorts of problems..

I watched a regular dvd on it also and had to turn everything off and on to get volume when I switched from DVD to game mode or vice versa....i paused the game to take a break and turned the tv off so I wouldn't get an image burned into it... I came back, turned the tv on and nothing... i have spent 3 hours trying to figure out what the hell is going on

I finally figured out that I had to hook up the Ps3 to the tv using the included RCA cables (the red, white, and yellow) just so I could view the menu settings again. Now the controller won't operate, and a screen saying "An available HDMI device was detected. Do you want to output video and audio using HDMI?".... that's just fine and dandy, but what if you only are hooked up with HDMI like I was and cannot see this screen....

Anyway... it looks like if I do ever figure this out that I am going to have the same problem every time I use this... Sony has enough problems so they probably won't fix this with firmware in the immediate future... i'm returning this and getting a 360, like i should have in the first place instead of waiting for this thing....i'm hooked on that damn table tennis game for 360 anyway!...

If you are planning on using this with a high definition tv I would highly recommend reconsidering and searching more on this and other forums....i have found that there are more problems than this one... also do search for "hdtv upscaling" for another big problem....

Hope this helps someone before they have the same problem as me.....and Best Buy better let me return this shit and the game that I bought with it!!


shouldnt have a problem returning the ps3 but good luck returning opened video games for a refund.
[quote name='chaarlieee']Got a question for all of you. I've heard a lot of people have been disappointed with the graphics, but I think the majority of those people haven't hooked it up by component or HDMI.

How do the graphics look through HDMI? I'm thinking about buying the 20gb system with the gamestop promo going on right now.

Even though you've decided to hold off on a PS3, I thought I'd give you another perspective on the systems in a really informal side-by-side (since I've had my PS3 all of 3 days...)

I've not played Resistance, but I have both systems as well (hooked up via component and HDMI respectively), and I have the Untold Legends game for the PS3 (it's a run-of-the mill action RPG, but it's fun for what I like to play on consoles... not much of an FPS fan...)

So anywhoo.. I mostly play on the 360 games like Burnout:Revenge, Madden, and 99 Nights. To me, the graphics of both systems are superb. The one game I have for the PS3 looks sharper in terms of things going on in the background (flowing leaves, etc.) but it looks equally awesome to me. The background gets a little repetitive (since after all, it's an RPG series that started on the PSP, right?) but it's lovely to play... the animations are fluid and I see little or no slowdown.

For the 360, I love the graphics on it as well, and noticed little or no slowdown when oodles of enemies come raiding you in 99 Nights. Being as though both systems are pretty hefty, I think we'll see some good expansive games before the "slowdown ceiling" gets hit... (I did notice a little slowdown in Full Auto on the 360, but that was when LOTS of things were going on... that can be expected in such a title... not to mention it was only a rental, so I can't be sure.)

The only appreciable difference I can see is with the menus. The blades on the 360 are colorful and distinct, but they have a softer hue around their edges, whereas the menus on my PS3 look sharper. I use 1080i for both menus (but my Samsung 32" LCD is capable of 720p for gaming).

Other than that difference, I can't see any distinct issues that would make the PS3 suck more (or vice versa) graphics-wise. (Or sound-wise... they both sound great too.)

I got a 20GB for the same reasons you were thinking of getting one, and I do not regret my purchase. Like the 360, it'll take some time to get traction and a good library of games in its arsenal, but I think the PS3 is destined for a solid showing in the next-gen wars. I bought it because it looked (to me anyway) that the PS3 game library would have more RPGs and fighting games (the former is a requirement for me to consider purchasing it), which is why I purchased one... (and they had them in stock at Target...) Now granted, I don't know if the titles will be there, and I don't know if the 360 will change directions in the future and go less towards FPSes... but as of now, the larger # of titles are leaning towards my PS3 than my 360. (I still like sports games on the 360, and will probably keep with that trend... unless the PS3 gets a snazzy pool game... heh) :lol:

Sorry for the rambling on and on... hope this helps your future decision making.... :bouncy:
[quote name='iamthekiller']I only played one game - Resistance. It honestly felt like I was playing Doom64 on Nintendo 64. The animations were jerky and not as fluid as the games I've played on 360.[/quote]
Thanks to the OP for the info. While it sounds like there are a few fixes for the problem(and you may have had a lemon unit), I think the fact that systems are not as plug-and-play as they once were just proves that the technical barrier of entry to console gaming is very wide.
[quote name='Mechafenris']Even though you've decided to hold off on a PS3, I thought I'd give you another perspective on the systems in a really informal side-by-side (since I've had my PS3 all of 3 days...)

I've not played Resistance, but I have both systems as well (hooked up via component and HDMI respectively), and I have the Untold Legends game for the PS3 (it's a run-of-the mill action RPG, but it's fun for what I like to play on consoles... not much of an FPS fan...)

So anywhoo.. I mostly play on the 360 games like Burnout:Revenge, Madden, and 99 Nights. To me, the graphics of both systems are superb. The one game I have for the PS3 looks sharper in terms of things going on in the background (flowing leaves, etc.) but it looks equally awesome to me. The background gets a little repetitive (since after all, it's an RPG series that started on the PSP, right?) but it's lovely to play... the animations are fluid and I see little or no slowdown.

For the 360, I love the graphics on it as well, and noticed little or no slowdown when oodles of enemies come raiding you in 99 Nights. Being as though both systems are pretty hefty, I think we'll see some good expansive games before the "slowdown ceiling" gets hit... (I did notice a little slowdown in Full Auto on the 360, but that was when LOTS of things were going on... that can be expected in such a title... not to mention it was only a rental, so I can't be sure.)

The only appreciable difference I can see is with the menus. The blades on the 360 are colorful and distinct, but they have a softer hue around their edges, whereas the menus on my PS3 look sharper. I use 1080i for both menus (but my Samsung 32" LCD is capable of 720p for gaming).

Other than that difference, I can't see any distinct issues that would make the PS3 suck more (or vice versa) graphics-wise. (Or sound-wise... they both sound great too.)

I got a 20GB for the same reasons you were thinking of getting one, and I do not regret my purchase. Like the 360, it'll take some time to get traction and a good library of games in its arsenal, but I think the PS3 is destined for a solid showing in the next-gen wars. I bought it because it looked (to me anyway) that the PS3 game library would have more RPGs and fighting games (the former is a requirement for me to consider purchasing it), which is why I purchased one... (and they had them in stock at Target...) Now granted, I don't know if the titles will be there, and I don't know if the 360 will change directions in the future and go less towards FPSes... but as of now, the larger # of titles are leaning towards my PS3 than my 360. (I still like sports games on the 360, and will probably keep with that trend... unless the PS3 gets a snazzy pool game... heh) :lol:

Sorry for the rambling on and on... hope this helps your future decision making.... :bouncy:[/quote] Thanks for the info.

I had the exact same impressions you had--I thought the graphics were equally impressive, and it looks like we had the same interests regarding the ps3.

I'd really like to own both, but that won't happen for at least a year.
[quote name='iamthekiller']I'll give you my example. I have an xbox360 hooked up to my 32"HDTV through the component HD cables - graphics look amazing on games like Rainbow Six Vegas, Call of Duty 2, trailers, etc.

I had a PS3 hooked up to the same TV through HDMI (can't believe a $600 system doesn't come with HD cables - but anyway), everything for the HDMI connection was enabled and setup properly, but I only played one game - Resistance. It honestly felt like I was playing Doom64 on Nintendo 64. The animations were jerky and not as fluid as the games I've played on 360.

I have only the one game to compare to, but then again, only 14 games exist for the PS3 right now. If you'll get a decent deal on the PS3 and know you'll eventually want one, I guess you should pick one up, but don't expect to be playing the PS3 more than a 360 system right now.[/QUOTE]

Yeah that part about resistance is not even close to true. If you are going to bash something at least try to make some sort of sense. Resistance looks pretty awesome to me ,maybe your tv sucks.
[quote name='whoknows']To be fair the whole "Wii60 ftw" thing is stupid whether you want to admit it or not.

And I do agree with him to an extent. IMO the PS3 will be the best console just like the PS2 was the best last gen (all IMO of course). It has been 2 months since it was released, it needs time.[/QUOTE]Yeah, I agree. PS2 was the best last generation, despite a slow start IMO. I definitely have the faith in PS3.
[quote name='panasonic']mana doesn't look like a fanboy. He looks like a guy who can afford a 360 and PS3 and will defend both systems but since the ps3 is receiving the bashing he will defend that it is indeed a good console.[/QUOTE]I do enjoy both consoles. I definitely play to get a Wii in the future. I just get tired of all the PS3 hate, which is why I support Sony a lot here and I have a Sony defense force pic in my signature. If everyone here was mature and respected each console (or just didn't discuss ones they didn't care for), I wouldn't have but that pic in my signature.
[quote name='jeffreyjrose']Wii60 FTW!!![/QUOTE]Stay out troll.
[quote name='io']I dunno, man, I was a strictly Sony/Nintendo person before (both consoles and all handhelds). Now with Sony's one fuckup after another I am seriously considering going "Wii60" (as stupid as that term may be, it does reflect a valid option ;)). I have never been fond of MS, had no interest in the original Xbox, but I am on the fence now. Sony's price coupled with the lack of an upscaler has really pushed me off their bandwagon. I don't need to pay $600 for a 480p-playing brick, thank you very much. If it was half the price or had an upscaler I'd probably already have one. I also don't see a game coming up with a firm release date that interests me in the slightest (I'd be in only for the Jak/Ratchet type games and the JRPGs, none of this MGS/GTA/FPS crap). The same is true, mostly, for the Xbox 360, but at least it has a handful (just barely) of games already out that I'd want to play.[/QUOTE]PS3 is $500, only $600 if you want more stuff. If WiFi is a requirement for you (which is why some buy the 60GB model), then you'd have to pay $500 for a 360 (WiFi adapter is $100), and don't forget that the HDD is 40GB smaller on the 360, so you're actually getting a deal. If you want 60GB of HDD space on the 360, you gotta buy two $100, 20GB HDD, bringing the cost up to $700. If you want to watch a next generation movie format, there goes another $200 for an HD-DVD player. Basically, you'd have to pay $900 for a 360 to equal the 60GB PS3, and then you gotta pay $50 a year for XBL. You also pay $900 to not have HDMI.
[quote name='hupp']A Wii60 is up there with the lamest things I have ever heard.[/QUOTE]QFT.
[quote name='Mechafenris']Even though you've decided to hold off on a PS3, I thought I'd give you another perspective on the systems in a really informal side-by-side (since I've had my PS3 all of 3 days...)

I've not played Resistance, but I have both systems as well (hooked up via component and HDMI respectively), and I have the Untold Legends game for the PS3 (it's a run-of-the mill action RPG, but it's fun for what I like to play on consoles... not much of an FPS fan...)

So anywhoo.. I mostly play on the 360 games like Burnout:Revenge, Madden, and 99 Nights. To me, the graphics of both systems are superb. The one game I have for the PS3 looks sharper in terms of things going on in the background (flowing leaves, etc.) but it looks equally awesome to me. The background gets a little repetitive (since after all, it's an RPG series that started on the PSP, right?) but it's lovely to play... the animations are fluid and I see little or no slowdown.

For the 360, I love the graphics on it as well, and noticed little or no slowdown when oodles of enemies come raiding you in 99 Nights. Being as though both systems are pretty hefty, I think we'll see some good expansive games before the "slowdown ceiling" gets hit... (I did notice a little slowdown in Full Auto on the 360, but that was when LOTS of things were going on... that can be expected in such a title... not to mention it was only a rental, so I can't be sure.)

The only appreciable difference I can see is with the menus. The blades on the 360 are colorful and distinct, but they have a softer hue around their edges, whereas the menus on my PS3 look sharper. I use 1080i for both menus (but my Samsung 32" LCD is capable of 720p for gaming).

Other than that difference, I can't see any distinct issues that would make the PS3 suck more (or vice versa) graphics-wise. (Or sound-wise... they both sound great too.)

I got a 20GB for the same reasons you were thinking of getting one, and I do not regret my purchase. Like the 360, it'll take some time to get traction and a good library of games in its arsenal, but I think the PS3 is destined for a solid showing in the next-gen wars. I bought it because it looked (to me anyway) that the PS3 game library would have more RPGs and fighting games (the former is a requirement for me to consider purchasing it), which is why I purchased one... (and they had them in stock at Target...) Now granted, I don't know if the titles will be there, and I don't know if the 360 will change directions in the future and go less towards FPSes... but as of now, the larger # of titles are leaning towards my PS3 than my 360. (I still like sports games on the 360, and will probably keep with that trend... unless the PS3 gets a snazzy pool game... heh) :lol:

Sorry for the rambling on and on... hope this helps your future decision making.... :bouncy:[/QUOTE]Very good post. I bought a 20GB model myself and feel it was a great decision. Pretty much, 360 and PS3 both have awesome graphics and multi-platform games on both consoles, are better on one console in some ways, and better on another console in other ways. I'm thinking of buying Untold Legend Dark Kingdom, because it's definitely a game that interests me (I love Untold Legends on PSP).
bread's done