Brad Shoemaker jumps ship at Gamespot


Yes, thats right, after the whole Gerstmann-Gate incident, Gamespot is slowly imploding. There is nothing left to that site other than advertising dollars putting a pretty facade on the mainpage.

BTW, CheapyD; your comments were totally out of line about Editors being totally replacable at a wim. I mean sure they might be to the casual audience who does not look past the number score, but to the hardcore games who blew the thing up to what it was back last Thanksgiving Day weekend, I think we have really made a difference. I mean Eidos forums were shutdown for a day, gamespot is in shambles right now, GiantBomb has a huge following, I mean there are 100+ comments on a news story within a given 2-3 hour period after the story has been posted...and thats only people who care to register or post, not total viewerbase. Personally I hope Giantbomb really does blow up and at least personally for me, I hve no reason to go back to gamespot other than the forums and the little community that is still there.
[quote name='HatchbackMustang']
BTW, CheapyD; your comments were totally out of line about Editors being totally replacable at a wim.[/QUOTE]

I didn't hear/read his comments, but assuming it's just that they are replacable.

No, I'd say he's pretty much right.

I couldn't name five editors for any gaming magazine/website/communities and I've been following the industry since the days of Sega Visions.
[quote name='HatchbackMustang']Yes, thats right, after the whole Gerstmann-Gate incident, Gamespot is slowly imploding. There is nothing left to that site other than advertising dollars putting a pretty facade on the mainpage.

BTW, CheapyD; your comments were totally out of line about Editors being totally replacable at a wim. I mean sure they might be to the casual audience who does not look past the number score, but to the hardcore games who blew the thing up to what it was back last Thanksgiving Day weekend, I think we have really made a difference. I mean Eidos forums were shutdown for a day, gamespot is in shambles right now, GiantBomb has a huge following, I mean there are 100+ comments on a news story within a given 2-3 hour period after the story has been posted...and thats only people who care to register or post, not total viewerbase. Personally I hope Giantbomb really does blow up and at least personally for me, I hve no reason to go back to gamespot other than the forums and the little community that is still there.[/QUOTE]

I don’t think Cheapy was out of line at all. His comments were perfectly in line with the general reactions I have observed around the various internet forums, people (I’m speaking in generalities) don’t have an attachment to the editors, they attribute content directly to the website or media outlet. I think the Gamespot incident and the aftermath that followed with the mass exodus of editors, is a special case. I would guess that the following GiantBomb has garnered from its inception, the shutdown of the Eidos forums, and “Gamespot in shambles” is more a reaction by the audience to the gamespot controversy, rather than a long standing loyalty to the particular Gamespot editors. In the Gamespot incident, it wasn’t that Jeff Gertssman wasn’t replaceable, it was about the scandal surrounding the reasons he was fired.

I’m also unsure about Gamespot imploding, is that just hyperbole, or is the amount of traffic and amount of editorial content actually declining?
Only time will tell if the Editors leaving will make much of a difference. The quality of the content may change, but so long as the traffic to the site doesn't, I don't think the powers that be of GS will care.

Judging by the graph below, it doesn't seem like Gerstmann-gate is having any effect on their site traffic. It's higher in 2008 than it was in 2006.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Brad was the ONLY person left who didn't come off as a tool (Brian Eckberg is next in line). So does this mean that the HotSpot will start grabbing the night janitor for gaming discussions because these guys are dropping like flies.

On a side note, have you guys listened to Gertsmann and Davis's "Arrow Pointing Down" podcast? I listened to the first two and it sounded more like they were just getting together to fuck around. It'd be nice if they can get more structure because these guys know their games. I could do without 15 minute discussions on the newest Gatorade on the market.

Edit: Just listening to the latest HotSpot ... I wish Tor Thoreson would give his two weeks, that guy is nothing but annoying.
[quote name='CrimsonPaw']N
On a side note, have you guys listened to Gertsmann and Davis's "Arrow Pointing Down" podcast? I listened to the first two and it sounded more like they were just getting together to fuck around. It'd be nice if they can get more structure because these guys know their games. I could do without 15 minute discussions on the newest Gatorade on the market.[/quote]
I only found it last week. I didn't mind the whole thing on energy drinks, but it could have been a little shorter. I'm going to listen for a few weeks and see what happens.
[quote name='CrimsonPaw']
On a side note, have you guys listened to Gertsmann and Davis's "Arrow Pointing Down" podcast? I listened to the first two and it sounded more like they were just getting together to fuck around. It'd be nice if they can get more structure because these guys know their games. I could do without 15 minute discussions on the newest Gatorade on the market.[/QUOTE]
Arrow Pointing Down is based on Davis's blog, which is more about his personal life then just gaming. The first few episodes don't really have any structure because they had no idea what they were doing at the time so it was just them dicking around.

Once Giant Bomb gets rolling along it'll be better. The latest Giant Bombcast is good and they do talk a lot about games.
There are editors you trust and those you don't, so them being replaceable is not the way I see it. I follow the 1UP Network editors and trust certain ones depending on genre. I read a Game Informer review and I don't feel like the review is worth reading but just look at the score. Then there's the podcasts these video game editors do now that makes them even easier to relate to.

Brad Shoemaker was about the only person left that I wanted to see going somewhere else (specifically to Giant Bomb). I wasn't a huge fan of Gamespot but they made their names on that show, in my opinion, and I'm glad Alex, Ryan, Jeff, and hopefully Brad will make that site great. I already love the 5-star system though that's not the way I would use it.
[quote name='CrimsonPaw']NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Brad was the ONLY person left who didn't come off as a tool (Brian Eckberg is next in line). So does this mean that the HotSpot will start grabbing the night janitor for gaming discussions because these guys are dropping like flies.

On a side note, have you guys listened to Gertsmann and Davis's "Arrow Pointing Down" podcast? I listened to the first two and it sounded more like they were just getting together to fuck around. It'd be nice if they can get more structure because these guys know their games. I could do without 15 minute discussions on the newest Gatorade on the market.

Edit: Just listening to the latest HotSpot ... I wish Tor Thoreson would give his two weeks, that guy is nothing but annoying.[/quote]
Listen to this week's show and they talk a lot more about games and throw some energy drink talk into it, too. It fits their style to not just talk about games, for me at least.
bread's done