Bridge Collapses into Mississippi River... 4 dead... 20-30 missing...

Well there are at least 7-8 cars in the water, so at least 7-8 people are in them dead.

Maybe if we didn't waste 500 billion dollars in Iraq we could have built a fucking new bridge!
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']updated the OP with more up to date info, the death toll was lowered to 4, but is expected to rise.

the thing i find most disturbing is tony snow saying that an inspection 2 years ago yielded a score of 50/120. i dont know how the rating system works exactly, but where i come from thats a big ol' F.[/QUOTE]

It means that it should start getting looked at for replacement, but that is was still structuraly capable of doing its job.
[quote name='Renegade_Zero']That might be the most selfish thing I've ever read on these forums.[/QUOTE]

Pfft...far from it. Just the cold hard truth. Perhaps your gauge is broken because calling it like it is isn't selfish. If you had any idea how fubar the freeway system already is here, then you'd know what kind of headache we're going to have to deal with for (what will likely be) 2+ years. So many other projects going on coupled with an already oversaturated infrastructure could be crippling for any rush hour travel in the whole metro area.
[quote name='Nogib']Pfft...far from it. Just the cold hard truth. Perhaps your gauge is broken because calling it like it is isn't selfish. If you had any idea how fubar the freeway system already is here, then you'd know what kind of headache we're going to have to deal with for (what will likely be) 2+ years. So many other projects going on coupled with an already oversaturated infrastructure could be crippling for any rush hour travel in the whole metro area.[/quote]

Finding another route IS a huge deal. I just wanted to defend Nogib on that.

That was the most heavily traveled bridge in our state, the impact on everything is really huge.. it wasn't selfish to fret about how to get where you're going.. it was the bottleneck.. now the bottle is broken, and its hard to figure out how to travel to that part of the city.
Buy a bicycle, then. Or use public transport. I can't see how begrudgingly continuing to use the means of transportation you have currently chosen (auto), knowing full well the problems that are going to be involved in using it for the foreseeable future, is any sort of solution.
[quote name='BattleChicken']It wasn't. it makes a mockery of a tragedy AND a group of people who have the audacity to believe something you don't.[/quote]

I agree.
I had no idea this happened until about 12 hours later. I drove under it about an hour before it fell. @_@

But right now, I'm just pissed it took me over an hour to drive 7 miles since the fucking bridge fell on my the road I drive on. :evil:
[quote name='Kayden']I had no idea this happened until about 12 hours later. I drove under it about an hour before it fell. @_@

But right now, I'm just pissed it took me over an hour to drive 7 miles since the fucking bridge fell on my the road I drive on. :evil:[/quote]

My God.... You are a sicko! Between 4 and 34 people are dead and all you can care about is the fact you wasted 7 hours because you're an idiot? I hope you burn in hell.
[quote name='mykevermin']Buy a bicycle, then. Or use public transport. I can't see how begrudgingly continuing to use the means of transportation you have currently chosen (auto), knowing full well the problems that are going to be involved in using it for the foreseeable future, is any sort of solution.[/quote]

That is a very good point Myke.. Perhaps some of it is being spoiled or impatient about having to wait to go somewhere... but for people doing the 9-5 commute, it isn't ALWAYS that easy because the public transit system, while amazing in a number of ways, can be spotty in many the suburbs of Minnesota.. nonexistant in the smaller towns. Where I am, it's about 45 mins - 1 hour between busses.. not terrible, but I would have to transfer twice to get within a mile of where I need to go, and those busses have a similar wait.

We have a relativly new light rail system that works GREAT for people going into Minneapolis, but for me personally, it would be an hour and a half worth of bus transfers to go 20 minutes (30-45 with lousy traffic) by car. I used to bus places all the time, but now that I work in a different city than I live, its a LOT harder to do public transit to get to and from work.
bread's done