Broken Xbox 360s Made My Baby Cry [Video]

[quote name='JadedJedi']Cheapy, you're not a smoker are you? I had my 360 since september of 2006 and it still works great. I play it at least 2 hours a day and no problems here.[/QUOTE]

I'm curious what statistical techniques you use to project the performance of your one Xbox 360 onto the millions that have been sold worldwide.

Aside from the obvious logical fallacies in your post, I think Cheapy's baby is older than his xbox, so even if he did smoke he wouldn't do it in his apartment.
This hasn't effected your runnings with Obama has it? Man that would be awesome. I can't imagine the horrible censored things that would happen to Thompson hahah.
Hey Cheapy- do you know what version of the 360 you have that died on you? I assume it's a Zephyr board? Falcon? Just curious...
[quote name='JadedJedi']Cheapy, you're not a smoker are you? I had my 360 since september of 2006 and it still works great. I play it at least 2 hours a day and no problems here.[/QUOTE]

Watch yourself, man. My 360 went strong for exactly two years and two months, until it died last night.


That was hilarious. I couldn't imagine it would take long to get it fixed. This is if MS has a separate repair center for Japanese 360s. Even if every 360 from Japan broke at the same time it would probably be less than the amount that break in the US monthly.
No more achievements for you! I am sorry for your loss. I chose to not purchase an Xbox for that very reason. It still sucks though, I remember your unboxing video and it really wasn't that long ago.
this is why I only use my ps3 now. I have gone through about 5 360's already. Still on my launch ps3 with not a single problem.
This is Japan, shouldn't you be able to get a free 360 with like, every can of Oxygen you buy from the 7-11???

PS: I do not think its cool letting your baby starve a few hours to get that "Oscar winning" performance out of him......method actors are all fucked in the head, DONT CONTRIBUTE TO THE PROBLEM.
[quote name='HeadRusch']This is Japan, shouldn't you be able to get a free 360 with like, every can of Oxygen you buy from the 7-11???

PS: I do not think its cool letting your baby starve a few hours to get that "Oscar winning" performance out of him......method actors are all fucked in the head, DON'T CONTRIBUTE TO THE PROBLEM.[/quote]

Hooray, I am not the only one who thinks that this is baby abuse!
[quote name='Slate']Hooray, I am not the only one who thinks that this is baby abuse![/QUOTE]

You can almost make out the reflection of Cheapy standing off-camera, pointing the Robocop pistol at him.."ACT...ACT, DAMNIT, ACT!!!" :D
[quote name='HeadRusch']You can almost make out the reflection of Cheapy standing off-camera, pointing the Robocop pistol at him.."ACT...ACT, DAMNIT, ACT!!!" :D[/quote]

:hot: I didn't see that! Hmm, I'll have to go over it with a fine toothed comb!

Yes I know you are being sarcastic.
[quote name='Spintah']this is why I only use my ps3 now. I have gone through about 5 360's already. Still on my launch ps3 with not a single problem.[/quote]

Ps2 had the dre problem.
Great video Cheapy - surely an Oscar nomination for Tai.

BUT... watch out out for the backlash from people calling this "child abuse." Be glad you're in Japan or there would already have been a Fox News story "Man ignores own distraught child to play his Sexbox!" along with multiple visits from Child Services. ;)
So now what Cheapy? Are you going to tough it out like us "regular folk" and wait for the coffin and all that crap while spending about a month with out a console or call in a favor with the Major?

If I was you, I'd give MN a call and get an Elite with the falcon chip and all that stuff!
This is the reason I bought mine from Costco. It is so funny that since I bought my original x-box it and the 360 were the only two systems I've ever had break. I have systems all the way back to the Atari 2600. You would think companies would use better technology to make products more reliable. Instead they just make them as cheap as possible to maximize profit. This guarantees return business as well.

Executives with big companies like MS will rob Peter to pay Paul because usually by the time Peter comes looking for his money that executive is already at a different job making more money to make the same decisions. Then the new executive can blame the old executive for his "terrible" decisions.

I originally backed MS starting with x-box thinking they would bring something to the gaming industry. I was correct about that, it is just too bad they brought their poor quality control that has always made dealing with Windows very frustrating. I would bet my next paycheck they knew of possible issues with the 360's prior to launch, someone crunched the numbers, the results were reviewed by the higher ups. They came to the conclusion that if they timed when they would acknowledge a problem existed they could use the loss to offset profits thus creating close to a wash when compared with the scenario of delaying the launch.

I'll stop now, but it just goes do show why people don't like MS.
[quote name='ma']I'm curious what statistical techniques you use to project the performance of your one Xbox 360 onto the millions that have been sold worldwide.

Aside from the obvious logical fallacies in your post, I think Cheapy's baby is older than his xbox, so even if he did smoke he wouldn't do it in his apartment.[/quote]
I didn't predict the performance of my 360, I just wonder how his died after a few months when mine lasted over a year with average use. Plus I don't use math unless I absolutely have to.
[quote name='Johnny Postman']Great video Cheapy - surely an Oscar nomination for Tai.

BUT... watch out out for the backlash from people calling this "child abuse." Be glad you're in Japan or there would already have been a Fox News story "Man ignores own distraught child to play his Sexbox!" along with multiple visits from Child Services. ;)[/quote]

This video gives me chills, mostly because my 360 sounds like a damn jetliner about to take flight when there's a disc in and as of yesterday, there's a funky rattle coming from the disc tray.

[quote name='JJSP']This video gives me chills, mostly because my 360 sounds like a damn jetliner about to take flight when there's a disc in and as of yesterday, there's a funky rattle coming from the disc tray.


You may want to call a priest in to give it it's last rights.
[quote name='milmanias']Funny, more so now that I got the RROD on my launch unit this weekend.[/quote]

It's weird cos I started thinking that as my 360 hasn't RROD'd after 2 years that maybe it wouldn't, but thats obviously a very false sense of security.

Ah well, I could do with one with an HDMI port anyway.:)
great movie. seems like cheapy keeps getting himself one of the 16% of xbox360s that fail. ^_- jkjk sorry for your loss.
That's terrible cheapy. You seriously need to use your clout to get a new one for yourself. At least the Japanese one is still under warranty.
At least I now know why you were on last night for 3 seconds. That Kane and Lynch game killed your system.
Wait, is that why you suddenly went offline during CoD4? Makes sense now. You should serious make his a documentary so we can see how the Japanese xbox 360 service is. Also both of your RROD 360s sitting next to each other would of added more impact.

SSBB on the Wii is now a must for you it seems.
Poor Tai. I hope they have good therapists in Japan.

Side note: did you shave him to make him look like you? I thought I remember Tai having more hair?
Excellent video. Where do you get one of those "achievement unlocked" onesies? (not like my wife would ever let me put the little girl in one)
bread's done