Building A Better Gamer! Screw Attack.

Awesome video! I agreed with absolutely everything he said. I could stand to do a lot more of what he mentioned too. I'm pretty bad when it comes to exercise and eating right.
Overall Score 10.1

Anyhow, in chronological order:

Referencing (And applauding to) "The only thing I know" instantly drops some credibility points from this IMO. That over-dramatized sap fest was a pathetic soap box of preaching about how I should handle my own life. I'm sorry if you have no life management skills, that's your problem.

From here this video seems to become a fluff piece from The Today Show about staying fit. Mhm...

The food: Again, that's more on a case by case basis. Also he said avoid cheese and then showed cheese in his suggested junk but this is just nitpicking

Social awareness: Gaming brought me to gaming forums and IRC/Vent. Gaming forums brought me to social aggregation sites like Reddit or (god forbid) 4chan. IRC/Vent/Forums etc. has probably been the bulk of my social exposure and yet I don't get sideways looks nor am I considered socially inept. I'll say it again, case by case basis.

Oh I love this, books and movies only made before a certain date and only made by famous people are fair game for becoming a well rounded person. Don't get me wrong, it's important to stay socially sharp with pop culture references but the rose tinted glasses seem strong with this one.

The politics thing is pretty spot on though I can't imagine anyone who's wired to the internet a lot being unaware of current events.

Behavior: Let me just point to this. Obviously this guy's main case is made from internet interaction.


90% of people being ballsacks online are probably decent people in real life. Games are where they let off steam or whatever. Go play with a small community or a guild in WoW and these people are for the most part stand up folks. Don't get me wrong, this isn't right but it's for the most part something that begins and ends with the gaming culture and doesn't spill over. I personally don't partake in the usual badmouthing but I'm not going to go all gung-ho ghandi on folks about their language because I take a live and let live stance on these things.


Guy with I'm sure problems of his own makes sweeping generalizations for the squeakiest wheels of the gaming community. He is, for the most part right but a tad preachy and long winded.

[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']
Guy with I'm sure problems of his own makes sweeping generalizations for the squeakiest wheels of the gaming community. He is, for the most part right but a tad preachy and long winded.


Sweeping generalizations is what the media and business reflects upon.

If he was still right, why the C-?

I'll be the first to admit that's me. I just love the art of griefing and trolling. I dont curse just to curse, but being an asshole to people and getting them angry in general makes my day.

Yes, I know I'm a shitty person.
[quote name='xycury']Sweeping generalizations is what the media and business reflects upon.

If he was still right, why the C-?[/QUOTE]

It's all in the delivery. The guy wasn't talking to me, he was talking AT me. Also just because the media does it doesn't mean he didn't. He didn't once say "Now I'm sure you don't all.... blah blah" He practically made it sound like every single one of us is calling people racial/sexual orientation slurs, that we're uncultured and we're the size of zeppelins with no initiative to change.
I need fresh air this week, and I finished my ice cream. Now I need to hold off on my puddings. I've got plenty of water and I just finished a V8. I'm starting my pushup "regimin" again, and will probably walk to the store to purchase a Mother's Day card, or maybe to the mall to get a gift on Friday. I also have to poop today, I've been thinking about that colon cleansing procedure. Because I don't poop every day.
the only things these videos ever do is
a) make me feel good about myself
b) question as to whether or not i can call myself a "gamer" i seem to meet none of the requirements :(
[quote name='crystalklear64']the only things these videos ever do is
a) make me feel good about myself
b) question as to whether or not i can call myself a "gamer" i seem to meet none of the requirements :([/QUOTE]

I hear you.

All of this 'hardcore gamer' talk and others that go fanatical over game releases never sit well with me.

I want to have fun when I play but gaming has to be a treat. If it's done for too long it begins to feel counter productive. If it takes too much involvement that my time gets sinked than I have to walk away. If the player base is 99% 'screamers' (that's what I call em) then there will be no true value in getting involved with those games. That's me.

Personally, I have key times in the year where I don't game (video game). 2 weeks prior to x-mas and august during archery tournaments and family vacation times. I remember years ago when I first started to establish this schedule that my friends were like 'DUDE, you GOTTA PLAY THIS, THOUGH!' happening.

Sadly, the marketing campaigns for video games is advocating for a counter productive gamer lifestyle.

Shoot, if I can get 45 minutes of gaming a day..I'm a happy gamer :) If not, no big deal.
Thanks for sharing this it's like he's saying everything I think about - especially with the behavior section.
Some good points, although he uses too many cuss words. I had to stopped watching close to the end because I couldn't stand the constant f-bombs.
bread's done