Building materials? Plastics, metals, tools..?? Steel Battalion related. :)


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I just got Steel Battalion, and I want to build a rig.

I'm wondering if anyone knows what the substance is, that cutting boards are made of?? --I think it's Corander, or something????--

Also,... where I might find some.

Also,... is there a place that sells custom metal pieces, and/or hardware??

Finally,... some tools.
Will Skil saws be alright,... or am I going to need an arsenal???
I have access to ANY tool,.... so I need some info.

I can't find a good site on building these, and I ahve my own ideas. I know about the CRAPPY collapsable table for $60 shipped,.... but I want to do my own.

I need to get these parts before I go to Japan.
I think it'd help if you explained a little better what you're trying to do. Are you just making a rig for set up to hold the controller or are you trying to go for like a full on mech cockpit or something?

Edit: Also, use you local phone book as a good reference...I don't know what kind of metal you need but a handful of hardware stores do some sheet metal work around here.
If you're making a cockpit just use MDF or even coated particle board. You can work with either easily, the materials are decently cheap and it will look fine.

Unless you have the equipment and the know-how, you won't be able to use metal. And plastics are way beyond the normal at-home project (unless you use brackets all over the place and make it look like shit in a bucket.)
Well,........ particle board is gross!!

I was going for a full cockpit,... but I just wanted to get started with the basic controller/pedal stand.

Then when I get overseas,.. I plan on modifying it to a full rig.

I want a plastic seat for the controller, with steel legs, and a steel base for the pedals.

I have an ab machine, which will act as the roof LATER,... and I have a car's bucket seat for the chair.

I plan on putting a dedicated sub woofer on the base of the chair, and satellites inside, mounted to the ab machine.

I'm thinking steel or aluminum skin for the whole unit, once I'm done.
I just wanted to pick up the materials before I left.
As it would be shipped for free,... and it's probably cheaper, and of better quality in the States.


[quote name='drone8888']Well,........ particle board is gross!!

I was going for a full cockpit,... but I just wanted to get started with the basic controller/pedal stand.

Then when I get overseas,.. I plan on modifying it to a full rig.

I want a plastic seat for the controller, with steel legs, and a steel base for the pedals.

I have an ab machine, which will act as the roof LATER,... and I have a car's bucket seat for the chair.

I plan on putting a dedicated sub woofer on the base of the chair, and satellites inside, mounted to the ab machine.

I'm thinking steel or aluminum skin for the whole unit, once I'm done.
I just wanted to pick up the materials before I left.
As it would be shipped for free,... and it's probably cheaper, and of better quality in the States.



Coated particle board.. not just particle board, you'd never know what it is underneath. And unless you know how to weld and have access to a welder.. I'd skip that idea, seriously.
Wow well I wish you luck....I may suggest looking up plans online or something to building a arcade cabinet for a racing game as they'd probably be similar in size somewhat. Also, I'd build a frame out wood and maybe purchase a premade seat or alter a cuurent one. You can then worry about placing metal sheeting (which won't be that easy either really) or sometyhing over the wood for a metal effect, otherwise like cornfedwb said you'll never get all that plastics and metal work done without major help, equipment and know-how.
I have access to ANY and EVERY tool imaginable.

I'm USAF,... and have access to 4 tool buildings, an engine shop, and a local fabrication shop, and 2 advanced backshops.

Not to mention a rec center, that houses some serious rentals.

I know 10 welders, so the metal working is doable.
I just don't want to ask them to steal metal for me.
I'm allowed to take a bit of the scrap,.... but I'd rather just get entire sheets.

Listen man, you can try it if you want, obviously. But trust me, if you don't know how to buy metal, you certainly don't know how to form it and attach it.
Well then start giving some local hardware shops a ring, doing some netowrking. Draw up and show you're plans to them (your buddies that is) before you get materials and they'll have an idea of what they need to do whatever it is you wanna do. Before purchase materials you'll need to know how much of the materials you need. And when it's done I'd like to see the pics as well.
I was looking for help Cornfed,........not discouragement.

I already know that I'm going to need specs, before ordering,... I was just looking for some advice and maybe some online resources.

bread's done