Bundle Stars Horror Fest Bundle - 3 Games for $1

Oh boy, another bundle full of crappy games.
I didn't know that metacritic scores of 8.0 and 7.9 were now considered crappy. I've never played any of these, but user scores are usually a much better indication of how good a game is than the critic score.

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I didn't know that metacritic scores of 8.0 and 7.9 were now considered crappy.
I know, right? A site called "Four Fat Chicks" gave it an 8/10...now that's prestige!
User scores are usually a much better indication of how good a game is than the critic score.
Nah. Users only ever seem to have two speeds: "this is the greatest game I've ever played" and "this is the absolute worst game I've ever played"... I prefer a little nuance.

Still, it's a buck... not the biggest loss if you are unsatisfied. Of course, Pholly will make fun of you, and that type of shame is just IMPOSSIBLE to live down.

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I know, right? A site called "Four Fat Chicks" gave it an 8/10...now that's prestige!
Nah. Users only ever seem to have two speeds: "this is the greatest game I've ever played" and "this is the absolute worst game I've ever played"... I prefer a little nuance.

Still, it's a buck... not the biggest loss if you are unsatisfied.
Metacritic is all over the place for less-than-popular games.

That said, Scratches is a well regarded adventure horror game, it has some great reviews on GOG.

Opinions on Avencast that I've heard have been that it's a solid little ARPG.

Vigil strikes me as a 2deep4u game, but I know next to nothing about it.

Oh shiiiiiet boy, it's phollo's brother!


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For an adventure game? Yes, yes it is. That site has a deserved reputation for quality reviews of adventure (and some other) games.
That's what I was coming into here to say. They're a KNOWN adventure game review site, if you get a good score from them, you're golden.

bread's done