Buy a DSi and get Rhythm Heaven for $16 at Amazon


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Pre-order a copy of Rhythm Heaven along with a new Nintendo DSi handheld gaming console, enter promotional claim code heaven10 at checkout, and $10 off savings will apply instantly at checkout. Must be shipped and sold by to qualify. Offer valid while supplies last and ends April 5, 2009.

So am I to assume the preorders for the DSi being taken now will ship at launch? I placed 3 preorders when the first went up but the offer only works if the order is done at the same time. It sounds silly, but I would hate to receive my handhelds a week or two later...
do you have to cancel your previous order to get this to work? I've had my order sitting there since mid feburary. I've also been applying Coinstar amazon gift certificates weekly.. I'd order rhythm heaven seperately if it worked that way.
[quote name='doodofdoods']$10 off is kind of lame for a $200 commitment.[/quote]

Their price on Rhythm Heaven was already $10 cheaper than anywhere else before this promotion.
[quote name='CheapyD']Their price on Rhythm Heaven was already $10 cheaper than anywhere else before this promotion.[/quote]

Eh, that's stretching it. has it for $28.99.
Thanks for the heads up Cheapy, but I still can't decide if it's worth the upgrade for a DSi. Plus, are there any reviews for rhythm heaven out there? I haven't really heard of it.
I ordered both together on the first day DSi preorders were up... Anyone have experience with getting Amazon to retroactively apply coupons? I don't want to reorder and wind up on backorder.
I'm just wondering if Amazon has enough units to fill in all the pre-orders. I want to cancel my original order but wont until I'm assured I will receive the dsi with rythem heaven.
I don't see why you couldn't just order rhythm heaven, combine the rhythm heaven order with the dsi order, then edit that new order and apply the coupon code.
man. I already had Rhythm Heaven pre-ordered and was planning on picking up a DSi at a brick and mortar store, but with this, I'm saving about $22 on shipping and tax. I guess its worth it to get it a little later. Hmm...
Would jump on this in a sec but since I'm pushing it with my daughters BDay on the 4th she will not wait another couple of days.

And I have to admit I don't think I could either ...
[quote name='doodofdoods']I don't see why you couldn't just order rhythm heaven, combine the rhythm heaven order with the dsi order, then edit that new order and apply the coupon code.[/QUOTE]

If you can't do it yourself, surely customer service would be able to combine and discount.
Being as almost every website still has the DSi available for pre-order I think there are plenty to go around at this point. And Amazon is pretty good about shutting down preorders when their quantity is reached. I just cancelled my order and reordered, not worth the hassle of dealing with their CSRs who, while usually helpful, don't always understand English and as such don't always know what you're asking them to do.
I guess i would have to reorder mines and my friends DSi pre-order for this deal. Why couldn't they do this earlier.
[quote name='cheapgamerboy']It is lame, but its better than nothing off and paying the full retail.[/quote]
The amount you're saving with this $10 and from the lack of sales tax is pretty much this game for free.

Retail $221.89 (with state tax)
Amazon $185.xx

$36 dollar difference, that's how much the game would have been retail for me.
Rhythm Tengoku is one of the best GBA/Musical/Mini games I ever played. I spend $40 for the GBA version 2 years ago and it has been worth every single penny. I dont know if the DS is same or worse than the original but I ordered anyway. I love this game! The music in the original GBA version is really nice and catchy. Well if you had to try some mini games like 20 times, it helps to have good music to go with it. =)
I had a pre-order in at BB (with in-store pickup so I could get it release day) and Amazon, my new Amazon order with Rhythm Heaven (a game I wanted anyway) is 75 cents more than my order at BB (for just a DSi) after sales tax, plus the CA sales tax is jumping on April 1 (not sure if BB charges the tax at time of order or time of pickup), so it'll probably be cheaper and I get a 'free' game.
I'm going to do a very un-CAG thing and keep my Gamestop preorder. I guess I'm willing to pay extra to get my DSi release day. I'm such a nerd, I can't wait 2 or 3 or how ever many days.
I pre-ordered 3. I was thinking of giving my sister one for her birthday, although a Wii would be more appropriate. But since supply seems to be a non-issue right now, I think I might cancel 2 of them.

But I would like this game so maybe I'll call Amazon and see if they'll tack this on at a discount. I would hate to lose my place in line.
[quote name='skubish']I am really surprised Amazon isn't going to be able to ship these out so they arrive on Monday April 6th.[/QUOTE]

They might. Amazon likes to under-promise and over-deliver when it comes to ship dates. they probably are just trying to keep it realistic so they aren't bombarded with "OMG U L!ARZZZ" emails if people don't get them on Monday.

I know for the Wii they shipped to try to get them to people the Monday after launch...
Does Amazon charge before shipping or right when it ships? I have a pre-order on Super Saver but I'm not sure I can have the money in time.
[quote name='Nohbdy']Does Amazon charge before shipping or right when it ships? I have a pre-order on Super Saver but I'm not sure I can have the money in time.[/quote]
They charge when they ship.
Just a note, if you do free shipping (which I was going to do, but figured I was saving enough already that an extra $8 was worth 2 day shipping), the estimated shipping date is the 10th, but if you do paid shipping, the estimated ship date is the 5th. I'm hoping they ship early, but I opted for 2-day anyhow.
So, they estimate shipping on the 10th. Do I give myself until the 7th or so to get that money in there?
[quote name='Justin42']They might. Amazon likes to under-promise and over-deliver when it comes to ship dates. they probably are just trying to keep it realistic so they aren't bombarded with "OMG U L!ARZZZ" emails if people don't get them on Monday.

I know for the Wii they shipped to try to get them to people the Monday after launch...[/quote]

LOL, that made me chuckle.
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Oh man now I'm really hoping my friend buys my DSLite off me. I want someone I KNOW to play co-op with, I want a DSi, and I already have an order on Amazon for Rhythm Heaven, so this would work out perfectly. Guess I'll have to badger him some more, and entice him with the idea of being able to borrow my games.
Yes!!! For those who haven't read my deleted 3rd post, I got the DSi for $140 reduction by mistake. I asked CS to take off $10 with the purchase of RH & DSi, instead of $30, cuz I have 3 DSi. In this case, I saved $30 each which is almost like buy a DSi and get RH for free.
bread's done