Buy Final Fantasy XIII-2 at $49.99, Get Final Fantasy XIII Free at Amazon

My local Best Buy price matches Amazon according to the gaming rep I spoke with about 2 weeks ago. I still have the $15 off coupon as well from @gamer. Could be a great deal if all works out as the rep claimed. I won't hold my breath though.
[quote name='neuropunk']Final Fantasy 7 is the greatest game of all time.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='mrclutch']So noob question here. What was the first FF for the 360?[/QUOTE]

You could almost count Lost Odyssey as the first, as it's more FF like than 13 or 13-2. A lot of the same people made it anyway.

Prefer LO to 13/2 anyway.
yes, however xiii on 360 has lower quality cut scenes. also, its on 3 dvds placed on 1 spindle instead of separate spindles for each disc.

[quote name='KingBroly']Is it possible to mix and match here? Like get XIII-2 on PS3 and XIII on 360?[/QUOTE]
really? ff9 over ff7? zidane monkey boy and crossdresser kuja vs cloud and sephiroth? i even prefered squall emo more than zidane. and battle system in ff9 seemed super simple compared to ff6/7/8. too each their own tho ;)

and yeah neuropunk must have had a bad day just to fuss over everything. i thnk he said call of duty and final fantasy are horrible and those that like them are mainstream losers. lol
[quote name='AugustAPC']9 rapes the fuck out of all other FFs.[/QUOTE]
No it doesn't. It's an ok game. I've only finished that twice. It's not even half as popular and beloved as FF7. Characters like Buzz Lightyear Knight and monkey boy makes your statement a "no".
[quote name='The Lord of Awesome']
you like wrestling, so whatever opinions you have are invalid. For you I recommend Call of Duty (or some other generic fps or tps shooter) and wrestling games.

[quote name='4thHorseman']This generation is less than 10 years old and has had a drought on Japanese rpgs on consoles other than games like Blue Dragon, Infinite Undiscovery, and Lost Odyssey. I dont know about the handheld rpgs that have come out or the Wii games like Last Story and whether they are similar or not. But even without those, there are still 25+ years of jrpgs that did the exact same jrpg cliches that made it more generic than Call of Duty is.

Not to say its a bad thing, just think you are overlooking how most jrpgs are interchangeable.[/QUOTE]
You're wrong though since no JRPGs (aside from lost odyssey) are like previous gen jrpgs. if you think so then I think you must have never played a jrpg in your life.

[quote name='Rock_Dash3X']Is FF7 your first RPG ever or something?[/QUOTE]
Why is that always someone's cop out insult? No, my first ever jrpg I think, was super mario rpg. Now that is one of the greatest games of all time, but not very best, but it's up there.
[quote name='neuropunk']
you like wrestling, so whatever opinions you have are invalid. For you I recommend Call of Duty (or some other generic fps or tps shooter) and wrestling games.[/QUOTE]

He used a reaction gif. It doesn't mean he likes wrestling. It sure as hell doesn't mean his opinion is invalid. It's no more valid or invalid as yours. It makes as much sense as saying, "you watch a children's show, so whatever opinions you have are invalid". It doesn't make sense, now does it?

By your logic, check it out, I must like Jim Carrey.

Also, who the hell are you to say what constitutes a good game? You posted a deal about PartyBabyz. Which you thought was a "spectacular game".
In fact, in that thread, it is you yourself that says: "just let people embrace this deal and enjoy the game." This thread is about getting a great deal: you're getting two pretty good games (metacritic 83 and 89 respectively compared to partybabyz' 63) for the (reduced) price of one. You're telling me you'd rather play PartyBabyz (which you called spectacular) than Final Fantasy XIII or XIII-2 (which you called crap)? Hmm...Maybe you really are as immature as you make yourself out to be.

You've made your point. You hate the game. Got it. Now leave. You're really just turning this deal thread into a circle jerk for your own opinion. Seriously go back to gamefaqs or IGN. Also, if you're going to be making broad statements about which game is "more beloved" or "sold the best" you need you back that up with some proof of some sort. Your opinion does not constitute proof. This is CheapAssGamer. We're here for deals on video games. Please follow your own advice and "just let people embrace this deal and enjoy the game."

Enough troll feeding. Lets bring the thread back on track.
Its a decent deal especially for those that havent played the first one..
If you're thinking about getting XIII for the Xbox 360. Please dont. There is a pretty striking difference between the two in terms of graphics and performance. Check out:

Its true, as well, the game really opens up after about 15 or so hours and it is graphically stunning on the PS3

Thanks for the post OP. In for one.
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[quote name='astr0boy']Also, if you're going to be making broad statements about which game is "more beloved" or "sold the best" you need you back that up with some proof of some sort. Your opinion does not constitute proof[/QUOTE]
Not using an opinion as proof.

Let's see, FF7 is constantly talked about and is much more publicized to this day than FF9, by far. This is fact.


FF7 - almost 10 million copies sold

FF9 - 5.30 million copies sold

Lastly, if you guys don't want me to respond, why are you responding, asking me questions, and making statements in order to get me to respond?

oh and FFXIII-2 has sold a measly 2 million copies worldwide, total. That is very fucking sad. So sad to see my once favorite, once beloved video game series go down the fucking drain.
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[quote name='neuropunk']Not using an opinion as proof.

Let's see, FF7 is constantly talked about and is much more publicized to this day than FF9, by far. This is fact.


FF7 - almost 10 million copies sold

FF9 - 5.30 million copies sold

Lastly, if you guys don't want me to respond, why are you responding, asking me questions, and making statements in order to get me to respond?[/QUOTE] :lol:
Also, if you guys are going to be getting this, dont expect to play as Lightning very much in XIII-2. I loved playing as Lightning in XIII (woot Ali Hillis/Liara) but I was a little bummed out to see that she was really more of a "cameo" in XIII-2
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[quote name='neuropunk']Not using an opinion as proof.

Let's see, FF7 is constantly talked about and is much more publicized to this day than FF9, by far. This is fact.


FF7 - almost 10 million copies sold

FF9 - 5.30 million copies sold

Lastly, if you guys don't want me to respond, why are you responding, asking me questions, and making statements in order to get me to respond?

oh and FFXIII-2 has sold a measly 2 million copies worldwide, total. That is very fucking sad. So sad to see my once favorite, once beloved video game series go down the fucking drain.[/QUOTE]

Wtf VGChartz!? Hahaha! I don't even... lulz!
[quote name='neuropunk']
You're wrong though since no JRPGs (aside from lost odyssey) are like previous gen jrpgs. if you think so then I think you must have never played a jrpg in your life. [/QUOTE]

If you don't think Blue Dragon is like traditional JRPGs, then your opinion in invalid because you can't possibly be more wrong.

I see why you say this stuff now. It's so easy and takes little to no critical thought.
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[quote name='neuropunk']Let's see, FF7 is constantly talked about and is much more publicized to this day than FF9, by far. This is fact.[/QUOTE]

lol. So CoD/Avatar/Transformers suck because they are the most popular, but FF7 is the best for the same reasons.

[quote name='DesertLeo']I had the hardest time getting into XIII, though lord knows as a (once) die-hard FF fan I tried to. I put about 10-12 hours into it, did I give up too soon?[/QUOTE]

no, you kinda did the right thing. i forced myself to play through XIII, and poured in 90+ hours and after it was all over, i tried to think about my favorite part of the game, or even just a memorable story portion that i loved.....and I could think of none. hell i dont even really know why i fought the last guy aside from the fact that he was the end boss.
Not a bad deal I suppose...I played through both and I thought they were alright. Not best in franchise and I def wouldn't agree with or go as far as saying worst or ruined FF like some ppl say

[quote name='Kazaganthi']FF4 and FF6 are awesome and the best in the series still.
Your opinion is shared.
I find that most people who think FF7 is the best FF (or game of all are the ones looking through rose tinted glasses. They fondly remember playing the game way back when it was at its peak. Most others, however, realize how horribly it has aged. I still enjoy playing FF6 and the other sprite based FFs, but I honestly did not even get past 2 hours in FF7 when I tried to replay it recently.
[quote name='sylveranking']I find that most people who think FF7 is the best FF (or game of all are the ones looking through rose tinted glasses. They fondly remember playing the game way back when it was at its peak. Most others, however, realizes how horribly it has aged. I still enjoy playing FF6 and the other sprite based FFs, but I honestly did not even get past 2 hours in FF7 when I tried to replay it recently.[/QUOTE]

For me all my friends first Final Fantasy was 7 except 2 other friend. 1 being X (which he claims is the greatest and hates 7) and the other first was the original FF. When 7 came out it was new and refreshing. I can see why a good amount of people see it as the greatest game ever. But when I think about it it wasn't really that great. Yeah it was good, but nothing spectacular. The appeal maybe? I know everyone has their own opinions though.

EDIT. Final Fantasy 5 is the best FF game! Whose with me! Anybody?
I think that FF Tactics for me was the best FF game. I enjoyed a good 500 hours across both the PSX and GBA platform. I am a big fan of SRPGs though (Disgaea ftw) so keep that in mind.
I think FF3 (US) was best FF. followed closely by 7, 2 (US), Tactics and X.

Within the last year I replayed all of them and still enjoy 3 the most. 9, while good, really didn't live up to expectations for myself.

Still none of these hold a candle to Chrono Trigger! Man I miss SquareSoft. It used to be if you saw square on the title it was going to be good at worst. Then then split and sold out.
[quote name='The Lord of Awesome']Final Fantasy IV is the best. Completely. Totally. I still think Cecil is the best main character that came out of the franchise.

Hell 1-6 were easily the better of the series. 2D Final Fantasy ftw.

This is also the manliest thing in video game history -[/QUOTE]

Sabin -- Suplexing a train like a boss!

FFVI wins it for me. Despite the large cast, I felt like I actually knew enough about everyone to care. The opera is still Top 3 favorite scenes ever in a video game, and "Dancing Mad" is the best final boss theme -- EVAR! BUY THIS CD!!!

And Kefka is 1000x more awesome than Sephiorth -- a villain you love to hate! Seriously, the guy is totally crazy.
[quote name='The Lord of Awesome']Final Fantasy IV is the best. Completely. Totally. I still think Cecil is the best main character that came out of the franchise.

Hell 1-6 were easily the better of the series. 2D Final Fantasy ftw.

This is also the manliest thing in video game history -[/QUOTE]

That was just hilarious. Made my day.
bread's done