Buying Broken PS3?

koolhand nick

31 (100%)
I am looking at purchasing a Broken PS3 from a friend.I may try and resell it to somebody who wants to fix it, or attempt to fix it myself.He is wanting $50 for a backwards compatible 4 USB model,not sure how many gigs.My question is, is this a decent price in broken condition, and how much to fix it?
If anybody knows, your help is appreciated:) now this is what is wrong with it;
It needs a new fan I think, said something about it will power on but not work.I don't believe it is YLOD though.
Also he said something about he cracked the case taking out the memory, so it will need a new mounting box? and a hard drive.
Thanks for reading, and for your imput.
I would say it's a good deal. Don't quote me but isn't it $120 to send it in to Sibby and get a replacement. So if they send you a new slim, you're looking at $170 for a new ps3. Pretty solid. Otherwise throw it up on craigslist for $150 and see if you get any takers
I don't know how good of a deal it is, but I would pay that much (if he won't budge on the price) so I could fix it up. Not sure how easy it would be to make a profit in its current condition.
I think shadowkast meant to say Sony, OP. They will exchange an older system that's outta warranty for a refurb for a certain amount. But I do NOT believe they will ship you a new/sealed PS3 for that amount.
I'm sorry, but you're completely crazy if you buy a broken PS3; it broke for a reason, and will break again. Don't make the same mistake as I did (and countless others). The fat PS3s are inherently flawed.
bread's done