C&C: Red Alert 3 Premium Edition [PC] $29.99 @ Amazon.com

Sounds like a nice deal.

Thanks for the info
None taken. It's just a little over what the regular edition costs and it has hot (IMO) chicks in it. My brief scan of reviews suggest it's ok for an RTS, if not spectacular.

Then again, I dunno if my PC will run it either. :p
This game doesn't suck at all, it's classic Red Alert. If you're expecting something else then don't bother but if you liked any of the C&C games you'll like this.
Red Alert? Isnt that a really really old game? I think I remeber playing it like 10 years ago. Who would buy it now for 30 dollars?
[quote name='dealighted']Red Alert? Isnt that a really really old game? I think I remeber playing it like 10 years ago. Who would buy it now for 30 dollars?[/QUOTE]

Because it's Red Alert 3?
Has the C&C control schema been updated yet?

i.e. does it control like starcraft now instead of dune?

I know C&C3 had the updated left click/right click scheme but just wanna verify that RA3 has it also.
[quote name='BlueScrote']Has the C&C control schema been updated yet?

i.e. does it control like starcraft now instead of dune?

I know C&C3 had the updated left click/right click scheme but just wanna verify that RA3 has it also.[/QUOTE]

It's the same as C&C3.
does the "premium" edition have the same DRM issues as the regular version?(and spore..)

if so,.. id rather pay whatever it is to get it on Steam
The DRM issues don't exist anymore... you get unlimited installs because you can remove old installations from your install history.

I bought the Steam version but kind of regret it now, you have to be logged in to Steam to play it so you can't play it while offline (I use a laptop). And you don't need the disc in the drive to play the retail version so it really isn't less convenient.
In my opinion it's one of the best games from last year. A total throwback to old school, fast-paced RTS. Over the top units, great campy movie sequences, and a ton of fun. It also controls way better than Starcraft or those other old school games. Now there's unit formations, much better build menus, and lots of alternate attacks. It doesn't use cover like the more stratgic modern games, but if you like fast-paced RTS titles like in the old days, it's easily one of the best out there. DEFINITELY worth the asking price. Expansion pack is coming out in March, too, and keeps Gemma and the Russian in movie form. The XP is download only, I believe, and $20 rather than the typical $30. Also, it's stand alone, too, but why WOULDN'T you own the first one if you wanted the second one? Anyway, looking forward to that.
this game doesn't suck imo, but I absolutely loved RA 1 and 2 and I tried this game. It did not draw me in one bit. I don't know why though. I wanted to like it. I think I'll give it another shot when I can find it cheaper. I only played it at a friend's house :/
I really like the renewed emphasis on naval combat that was missing in C&C3.

That being said, there is so much micro-managing complexity (land units, air units, naval units, amphibious units, all with special abilities) to this game that it's not so much rock-paper-scissors anymore. Makes the learning curve very steep for playing competitively online--I'm getting my butt kicked.

My last game I built a dominating land force and took out all my opponents land bases, only to lose because he took out my base and he had many structures built over water out of my tanks' range.
It's weird, because I know of other people who feel the same way, even though it's pretty much superior to the other titles in every way. It may just be a maturing taste, since modern RTS titles have cover systems and a lot more depth. But for most people I talk to, they all agree that it's the best in the C&C series. It's almost like an arcade version of modern RTS titles that relies as much on speed as it does strategy. I guess it depends on what you want in an RTS, now, but I enjoyed it enough that I bought both the PC version and the 360 version (to play with a couple of my friends who don't have the PC to push it), and both copies together were still cheaper than the PC version on release date. It's hard to imagine anyone not getting twenty or thirty dollars of fun out of the game.
I think this is a universal price drop, because I just received an email from EBGames.com that shows it to be a price drop they have as well.
[quote name='Aleman']I really like the renewed emphasis on naval combat that was missing in C&C3.

That being said, there is so much micro-managing complexity (land units, air units, naval units, amphibious units, all with special abilities) to this game that it's not so much rock-paper-scissors anymore. Makes the learning curve very steep for playing competitively online--I'm getting my butt kicked.[/quote]

Same here. The online play is incredibly competitive, which keeps me off those for the most part. I tend toward the co-op play, which I think is a load of fun.
[quote name='shrike4242']I think this is a universal price drop, because I just received an email from EBGames.com that shows it to be a price drop they have as well.[/quote]

Got that email too. Hm, mebbe I just wait for another sale then.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Question for anyone who owns this already: is the "tin case" mentioned in the description, a genuine Steelbook case?[/QUOTE]

Genuine Steelbook branded? No. However the size and the way it looks is almost exactly the same. I looked on the inside and it was branded "MetalPack" or something like that.

The spine is held together differently than Steelbooks and so is the second disc. Also the "metal" feels almost more tin like.

However I wasn't able to figure this all out until I opened and inspected it, and in the store in my hands it felt like a Steelbook.

So it depends on how much that matters to you!
Just played the demo on Steam. Was not impressed.

RA2 is one of my favorite RTS games. Really disappointed to see the series totally ruined by EA.
[quote name='Aleman']I bought the Steam version but kind of regret it now, you have to be logged in to Steam to play it so you can't play it while offline (I use a laptop). And you don't need the disc in the drive to play the retail version so it really isn't less convenient.[/quote]

Unless this game is treated differently, you can play any Steam game offline. Just set Steam into offline mode. You won't be able to get patches or play online (of course), but you should be able to play single-player just fine.

Also thinking about this one... I knew it would drop at some point because of all of extra copies I saw in stores, but I didn't expect this soon or this low.
loved starcraft for great gameplay and fabulous story. like the co-op feature to for me and my wife but could really care less about online.

does this game have an enjoyable quest? co-op? Also is there flexability in screen aspect ratio options. Some games I output to my tv play fine others have problems. when my CPU tries to ouput full 1080X1920 it goes beyond the screen of my TV a bit. I have to tell windows to resize to 1804X1004. Some games are fine and use that others try to overide back to the 1080x1920 putting some of the game off screen (typically menu's...) I would much rather enjoy this game on a 57" rather than a 8 year old 14"...

Thanks for any and all help
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