CAG 3.0 Upgrade - News, Updates And Progress - Dark Theme, Feedback are Live - EVERYTHING is Coming Back Soon!

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Oh, few things:

  • I can't seem to edit any options other than my birthday and my member title. Either that or I'm blind and can't find the option to change anything else. I'd like to change my interests and whatnot.
  • I'd like to see join date return underneath the user's avatar, as opposed to CAGiversary! or whatever else takes its place. It just looks weird, especially when a user doesn't have a member title and instead has CAGiversary! above and below their avatar.
  • The reply box is still white. Not sure if that was intentional or if I need to clear my cache or what.
Everything else on my end looks fantastic. Font is clean and crisp and the dark theme is gorgeous.

The dark theme looks great, glad to see things moving along well, thanks John! Looking forward to seeing the return of collections and (I hope) recent forum deals to the front page. 

Now it looks like CAG around here. The quick reply box needs to be turned dark to go with the theme.

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The dark theme looks absolutely gorgeous and really showcases all of your hard work, John. Also, I am so happy to see the return of the latest post on the forum home. I hated the double column forum listings before.

This site is well on its way to being incredible! Great work so far.
how do i get the dark theme?

I notice there is an option to "delete" messages from PMs.  I don't know if this deletes it from the system entirely, or just for the person who deleted it, but if it is deleted entirely then this is something of a security risk where trades are involved.  In a case of he said/she said, the PM record provides some easy proof of what was actually said during the trade.

:whee: Dark theme - hell yeah!

I can read the tiny font so much better now (though I still wish it was bigger/thicker).  Yeah, I know that's what she said ;).

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I notice there is an option to "delete" messages from PMs. I don't know if this deletes it from the system entirely, or just for the person who deleted it, but if it is deleted entirely then this is something of a security risk where trades are involved. In a case of he said/she said, the PM record provides some easy proof of what was actually said during the trade.
It just deletes it on the end of the deleter.

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Dark theme is great, and I don't really mind any of the changes EXCEPT the font. It's all choppy and difficult to read as others have pointed out. Please fix that.

I feel like giving Cheapy and John literal feedback just because I feel like I should paying for this service. Great job guys.

Loving the Dark theme. I liked the white, but the dark just feels much more like home. Great job Cheapy & John!

I have to say, I didn't really have complaints about the old system, but I do really like the changes!
Hooray for Progress!

Can someone please help me?  I've been searching for a way to have the posts show the latest one first.  It was easy to do with the old CAG setup, but I can't find the option in any of my settings.   Also does anyone know how to hide the signatures?

Oh, and I agree with nearly everyone else, once you change over to the dark theme, the site looks very nice.

Love the dark theme!  Will this become the default like on old CAG?

Also, I love how you re-arranged the forum list layout with the dark theme.  However the layout did not change with the light theme, only the dark.

Sorry if it's been mentioned before, but are we going to do away with the nested quotes?  One thing I liked about CAG was that it only quoted the most recent post.  When you've got multiple nested quotes, it becomes a bit of a mess.

Also, even on the Dark theme, the text is still small and choppy-looking on my Firefox.  Not sure if this is an issue with Firefox in general or just with old versions (3.26) like mine.

Didnt read through whole thread, was wondering if there was way to "search within forum" For example I want to search something in the 360 forum, I dont see that option unless Im overlooking it.

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Sorry if it's been mentioned before, but are we going to do away with the nested quotes? One thing I liked about CAG was that it only quoted the most recent post. When you've got multiple nested quotes, it becomes a bit of a mess.
5 quote limit - should be fine.

Didnt read through whole thread, was wondering if there was way to "search within forum" For example I want to search something in the 360 forum, I dont see that option unless Im overlooking it.
it's coming

Oh, few things:

  • I can't seem to edit any options other than my birthday and my member title. Either that or I'm blind and can't find the option to change anything else. I'd like to change my interests and whatnot.
  • I'd like to see join date return underneath the user's avatar, as opposed to CAGiversary! or whatever else takes its place. It just looks weird, especially when a user doesn't have a member title and instead has CAGiversary! above and below their avatar.
  • The reply box is still white. Not sure if that was intentional or if I need to clear my cache or what.
Everything else on my end looks fantastic. Font is clean and crisp and the dark theme is gorgeous.
click on your profile and there is an Edit Profile button in the top right corner.

Yeah, we will add join date to the postbit and fix it up more. The themes are still pretty rough.

Dark is so much better, thanks! What about the layout though? It feels like posts use much more screen space.
Will fix.

0% of your quota (50000 messages)


On the feedback, awesome to see it back, but will it be adjusted to only count the unique feedback like the original system? Currently it looks like all feedback left counts, unless I had more unique trade partners than I remember. Which is possible. I'm not picky either way, but if it is going to be adjusted back to the way as before I would definitely make mention of it before people start going "I LOST FEEDBACK RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE!"

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Damn this site was blinding with the all white. Dark theme is the best way to go. Perhaps it should be default and ppl that want to white should have to change.

Is there a way to delete your own posts?  I can't find the option when I click edit.

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First and foremost, hats off to the CAG staff.  Everything looks great, thanks for kicking so much ass.

Perhaps I have missed this, but I cannot seem to find where you manage your 'game collection' list.  I am sure it will return, but if it is live now - please let me know where it is.  

Thanks again.

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First and foremost, hats off to the CAG staff. Everything looks great, thanks for kicking so much ass.

Perhaps I have missed this, but I cannot seem to find where you manage your 'game collection' list. I am sure it will return, but if it is live now - please let me know where it is.

Thanks again.
Game collection is on the way.

My useless comments after a few days...

First, so relieved at the white background, I got used to the dark theme but black forum themes should have died out in the 2000s and I could never properly escape it (either dark or ugly mobile version).

I like the look, nice and clean.

My issues:

Font is wonky, on my Surface Pro, everything looks crisp, on my large monitor W7 desktop, the fonts look blurry, like they don't scale properly, or I just don't have the correct font and it is replacing it with something ugly.

Site is so much slooooooowwwwwwerrrr.  I first thought it was a cache issue but this is how many days now?  Every time I enter the forum, it is like it is the first time.  I end up staring at a blotchy white page for 5 seconds or so.  Might be time to upgrade the backend.

Bring back the drop down lists, please.  I am a forum jumper, when I am in the Video Game Deals forum, I like to jump to the Blu-Ray deals forum.

The old way was a simple click on the drop down.

Now I have to click on the Forums link, then select it.

It was so much more smoother the old way.

This is probably the forum software but I haven't been on a forum that wouldn't let you do that yet.

Just my constructive criticism.



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