[quote name='SoulReaver']Ah forgot to pm you hotshotx, Manatee and I are possibly cross shipping my Mercs 2 and his Condemned 2/Chomehounds[/quote]
So wait, according to what I've been told, the following is going on between you, Mantaee, and captmurphy:
captmurphy - Call of Duty 4 / SoulReaver
Manatee - Mercenaries 2 / SoulReaver
SoulReaver - Project Gotham Racing 4 / captmurphy
SoulReaver - Condemned 2 / Manatee
SoulReaver - Chromehounds / Manatee
Not that I can really do anything to stop it, but here's the rules you're violating:
1. Manatee cannot borrow (his iTrader is below 15+/100%), he can only lend during this beta phase.
2. SoulReaver cannot borrow more than 1 game.
Since captmurphy & SoulReaver both submitted and confirmed the CoD4/PGR4 lending first, that will be the only lending recognized by the CAG GLC. If any issues arise in the other lendings, you are on your own. I have no jurisdiction over leaving Lending feedback for one another if it is implemented, but I imagine it would be considered as leaving fraudulent feedback for an unrecognized lending. (i.e., Whoopdie freaking doo.)
Either way, good luck. I know I'm trying to keep this reigned in to help prevent/limit abuse, but in the end it's your games, do as you please with them. Just try to be safe, I hate to see fellow gamers be ripped off.