CAG Buzz - Final Fantasy Crisis Core (PSP) Giveaway! Multiple Winners!

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Head Cheap Ass
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14 (100%)
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CAG BUZZ: Final Fantasy Crisis Core (PSP) Giveaway

You are a young SOLDIER 2nd Class who aspires to become a 1st, those who are strong enough and who are respected and idolized by the citizens. SOLDIER is a group of skilled combat operatives within the Shinra Company, who is rapidly increasing its influence through its monopoly on mako energy and military might. A large number of SOLDIER members have gone missing during an operation in Wutai. You are charged with finding them, along with your 1st Class mentor Angeal, and the 1st Class superhuman hero Sephiroth. A cruel and fateful struggle waits!

Key Features:
  • Complete the FINAL FANTASY VII experience and reunite with the most recognized RPG characters created by world-renowned character designer Tetsuya Nomura
  • Witness stunning graphics, inspiring visuals, and gorgeous CG cut scenes coupled with top-notch voice acting in a 16:9 widescreen presentation, made possible by the PSP system hardware
  • Innovative D.M.W (Digital Mind Wave) system enhances the action-packed, engaging, real-time battle system, allowing players to unleash special attacks or call upon iconic Final Fantasy summons
  • Take on challenges with the all-new “Hard Mode” developed exclusively for the North A merican audiences
  • Acquire unique accessories made available through 300 side missions to further enrich the gameplay experience
  1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?

  2. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?

  3. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?
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1) I would like for it to be really loosly based on FF7.
It also needs to have less cinematics, or maybe more interactive cinematics than normal FFs.
2) I would support the remake since I never finished the mountain part near the end and a friend borrowed the disc and never brought it back.
3) Needs to be able to stand on it's own. It needs very little help from FF7.
1) More backstory/info on FF7 characters included. Make it worth a new story, not just a rehash of things we already know.

2) I would absolutely love to see it remade, either for the PS3 or DS. VII and VIII are a huge part of gaming nostalgia for me, and it'd be great to see either redone.

3) I'd suggest sticking to new installments in traditional RPG formats rather than spinoffs/remakes and forays into RTS, etc. I just want some good ol' fashioned role-playing.
1. Character development and game play would be the 2 main factors for me.

2. I would definitely support the remake of FF:VII on PS3. I would even purchase a PS3 for it.

3. It has to be epic and has great battle system. If they want to crank up crap RPG, make it under the Unlimited Saga series.
If Crisis Core were like FF7 but good that'd be enough to make me pick it up. The basic combat in FF7 was decent enough (since it was basically the same as FF6), and I'd like to see more of it, but the characters just weren't unique enough and the insanely long summon spells were horrible. I couldn't care less about a FF7 remake as it is probably the worst in the series since it came to Super Nintendo, with the possible exception of FF11 that isn't even cannon. Maybe if they give it a good script, drop the annoying side quests that are nothing but boring filler, retune the combat to have more unique characters and less wasted time, and either fill out or trash the last third of the game that is nothing but grinding long after the story has lost any interest. But otherwise leave this dead dog where it is. The only positive I can see with a FF7 remake is that at least it'd hold off the inevitable, and inevitably bad, remake of Final Fantasy 6, a classic that actually _does_ deserve its place in history.

At this point I don't think the Final Fantasy series needs to be improved, it needs to be killed. It's not even that the games have been bad lately. They hit their low point with FF7, but came back with some interesting new twists on the tried-and-true ATB combat system in 8 and threw it back old school in 9. Even though ATB was removed in 10 that game was still really solid and had some incredible characters, really showing that perhaps FF was getting back on track. Despite the terrible demo FF12 was actually really great, but it's also come a long way from actually being a Final Fantasy game. I'd like to see them just end this thing with lucky number 13 and move on to a new name with new series of unrelated games with consistent recurring characters and world elements. It's not really Final Fantasy any more and no matter how good they make the games in the future they really deserve to have their own identity.
1. The story line would be the biggest factor for me, I'd want a really well done story to really flesh out the FF7 world. Game play would also have to be well done and I'd appreciate it if it kept in mind that it was a hand held game, so plentiful save points and no really long parts where you either can't skip cut-scenes or can't save.

2. I'm all for it. I loved FF7 and I would love to see it re-done with better graphics. I'd definitely buy it.

3. I'd love to see all the FF games get simultaneous worldwide releases. I don't know why, but it really bothers me that almost all the FF games come out 6months to a year earlier in Japan.
  1. Battle mode, and the story. and the characters themselves are the key factors that tend to affect my decision in any RPG title. As for this one I"m buying it period. I've always been a fan of the series so it is a given for me.

  2. I would support this whole heartedly. Since I'm more of an old school FF fan, I would have to say that this was the last of my true favorite ones.

  3. Hmm, I suppose I would only suggest keep the storyline well written, and the characters themselves well developed. Have options open for both the hardcore as well as the more casual type gamer (like have two endings or something like that to help encourage or reward those that take the time to play)
1) finally learning about zack and clouds past is a big factor for me to grab this game, another factor would be the story since its a prequel

2)like everyone that has played ff7, i would support a remake of ff7 it'd be nice to see the characters not being blocky anymore .
but id prefer a ff6 remake first though that will never happen :whistle2:#

3) male leads are starting to look too girly for my taste, free world roaming, no linear story i liked getting lost in the world
  1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)? I think the gameplay first and foremost i love action rpg's over turn based rpg's. I also think the fact that the materia system is back is another reason i would buy it. Lastly as a huge fan of Final Fantasy VII just being able to learn more about all of the characters is a major selling point.
  2. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it? Absolutely i would support it i have been waiting for a remake of the original since the days of the ps2 and especially after seeing that tech demo of the opening sequence of FFVII they should do it. I still play the original every so often but updated graphics would make the game just that much more perfect.
  3. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be? Don't mess with success to much. The stories are always entrhalling but like i stated earlier i love the fighting in my all time favorite square enix games the Kingdom Hearts series. So making the fighting like that in full console versions would be great.
1. The story has to be good, as well as high replay value. And of course, gameplay is important too. ;)

2. Yes, I would. It's a game that I've been waiting too see for a long time, and it would be a day one purchase for me. :)

3. Downloadable dungeons/caves/missions/etc. would be nice... It would give the FF series some much needed replay value after a completed game.
1. A good battle system, good story, and have a good save system.
2. I'd buy it for sure.
3. Non turn based combat system would be a good start. FFXII sort of did this, but I'd rather it be faster paced.
  1. Graphics (Sadly, in this case I must be a graphics whore) Story. (I want to know backstory, damnit!)
  2. Hell yes I would buy a remake for the PS3!
  3. Don't *ever* make a game like X. Again. Also, wipe XI off the face of the Earth too if you get the chance. How will it help? Restore my faith in the Squenix. Also, I demand VC releases. Future releases will be ignored until demands are met.
1. The story is my main driving point and the battle system looks to be good with the slot system.

2. Bring it! I'd buy it day 1. With a prequel, sequel and a movie out already a remake of 7 would complete the collection.

3. Limit fetch quests. They stray away from the main story and stick you in a dungeon that takes forever to finish.
1. I would want it to be either turn-based or not, as opposed to FFVII, which had a mixed sort of battle system which annoyed me. Also, I would like there to be occasional mini-games to break up the monotony of slashing enemies over and over again.

2. I would absolutely support it. I think it would generate many new Final Fantasy and RPG fans who never played the original FFVII ( and likely wont since the graphics are dated by today's standards ). Also, more Final Fantasy on the PS3 is never a bad thing.

3. I would suggest maybe changing things around more radically in each iteration in terms of character design and battle system. But of course nothing TOO zany; otherwise they might end up with another Unlimited SaGa.
1. Character development, story, and battle system.

2. Yes I believe that it is going to happen and I will buy it the day it comes out.

3. Less level grinding and DLC.
1. The main factor for me is the story, with gameplay bringing up a close second.. Like everyone else, I loved FF7 for PSX and I would love to continue the story with a relatable character. Also, I have seen the FF7 series and it's characters go through so many renditions/games that I honestly am open to trying anything... I even played Ehrgeiz:God Bless the Ring in an EBGames Tournament and thought it was ok! :D

2. I would support it! I supported previous remakes (FFT:War of the Lions and FF1 for PSP as of late) and if it was a specific Square-Enix game that I liked (Especially 7) I would buy it on PS3 in a heartbeat... Honestly I don't think Square-Enix will ever do it because of the fear of damaging the nostalgia, but I have faith that they could do it justice if they tried hard enough.

3. My best suggestion is to create a classic FF RPG game where the battle modes are interchangable/selectable. I know that it would be hard to create a game like this, but I know plenty of people who hated FFXII for it's realtime battle system, but I know I personally got tired of the Queue attack system and loved FFXII for the change. If Square had a way to make everyone happy, it would seem like a new idea to support multiple game modes and would get better fan response, IMHO.
1.) The story is biggest factor in my opinion. This is the closest thing to the official FF7 series, while Dirge was a complete spin-off (but still good). The battle system would be next factor. I loved the turn base setup, but now I'm really interested in checking the new system out as it's gotten pretty good reviews. Character development would be awesome if done right. Zack appears very little in the original game and the final scene in Advent Children, so I would like to get to know the character's past, etc. And I just realized I wrote too much for the first question. Sorry guys.

2.) I think the remake could happen. I still watch the PS3 Tech demo almost everyday and think about how bad ass it would be. Alright, I own the PC version of this game, the black label PS One copy, and the Greatest Hits PS One copy. Why wouldn't I add this to the collection?

3.) I love the series so much, but if I could make a couple suggestions, they would be simple. I want the characters to be more rememberable. Everyone remembers Cloud, Squall, and Zidane, but after that it seemed to go downhill. Tidus was alright, but nothing like the first three that made appearances on the playstation. And I played through XII and had mixed thoughts on that main character. I also want (as cheesy as this sounds) there to be more drama in the series, like 7 brought us. Those are my simple suggestions, but hell, nothing will stop me from buying Final Fantasy games!!
1) List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?

Storyline and gameplay

2) There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?

There's no need for a remake. Make the game downloadable from the PSN as has been done for other PSOne games and focus on new games.

3) If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?

Stay away from spin-offs like Dirge of Cerberus.
1. Gameplay as always as well as story are important.
2. That would be great and I would buy it.
3. More drastic improvements over the battle systems. While it has gotten better it feels like there is room for more improvement and for more fast paced action.
1) Mostly the storyline. Graphics, to a somewhat lesser, but still heavy extent. (yeah, yeah, graphics whore, sorry)
2) If it uses the art style from Advent Children, I'd be all over it. Seriously. Aside from that, it'd be nice because it's still a timeless classic RPG. Give it a retail of $30 or 40 and it'd make a killing, I bet.
3) FFXII played too much like an MMO to me. Personally, I didn't find it nearly as enticing as its predecessors simply because of the battle system - I much preferred the older style of ATB (though hopefully not as fast as the PSX FF4 version, I found that game to be much, much too frenetic).

Someone mentioned earlier, don't make spin-offs - this is fine, since it's a chance to experiment with different game styles, but FF made its name by being a classic RPG, and I would prefer to see it stay in that vein...
1. The battle system and story are the two key factors for me.

2. I think this would be interesting. Depending on how much time and effort is put into it, and what changes are made I might support it.

3. Less grinding
1. Gameplay, graphics and nostalgia would be three key factors for me. I really couldn't care less about Zack's story in the FFVII universe since he isn't a character I wanted to know more about. I'm interested in the gameplay, where it's basically an action-RPG and also has loot drops. I'm interested in the graphics because I really don't ever want to play FFVII again just because of the really bad 3D and nostalgia kicks in here because seeing places or characters in good 3D sounds enticing.

2. I'll start out by saying my #1 Final Fantasy game is still FFVI (FFIII on the SNES), but that graphically still holds up and it'll probably get a DS remake. FFVII on the other hand looks ugly as shit and as much as I called it overrated during the couple of years after its release, I still love the characters and the game. I would definitely support it but I doubt it will show up in a timely manner since they wouldn't bunch it with FFXIII and FF Versus XIII, release schedule-wise.

3. *shrugs* Keep far away from random battles now. I don't mind going into a battle screen but let me avoid or try to avoid enemies in real time.
1. Story is pretty important to me. I don't want the story to be too convoluted (for a FF game) and overly pretentious. The game play is pretty important to me as well. I don't care what type of game play it is, as long as it's well done and shows polish, unlike Dirge of Cerberus.

2. A remake sounds pretty good to me, as long as they actually put some work and improve the original instead of trying to milk as much money out of the franchise as possible. I don't see any reason not to support the remake as long as it doesn't take away time from FFXIII.

3. I'd like to see the original Japanese voices available as an option, a co-op option with the battle system like the one in FFXII, and a story that can branch based on the player's decisions.
1. Remade worlds of FF7 with great new CGI movies are going to be fun to see and explore. It would be nice to have a choice on the battle system for the orginal FF7 style or the new Crisis Core style.

2. I would like to see a FF7 remake on the PSP using this Crisis Core Engine with great new CGI cutscenes. The PS3 version will end up being a must buy if it ever becomes a reality though since I am a fan of the series.

3. Less random battles would be nice since sometimes you kill a set of monsters, walk 5 feet and have to kill another random set again.
1) Two key factors in regards to my purchasing decision for Final Fantasy Crisis Core would be good reviews from professional reviewers and opinions of established CAG members, and (in the true CAG spirit) if I can find the game for a good price! In regards to the gameplay, I am hoping for more of a backstory on all the FF7 characters and also some more spectacular summons which FF games always deliver on.

2) A remake for the PS3 would be fantastic. I've never passed the original and playing it with updated graphics (even if it's the same gameplay mechanics) would be a definite buy for me. I think it would be beneficial to the gaming community to let everybody know what the hype is all about and also because the ps1 version sells for a ridiculous amount on Ebay.

3) I just started to play the Xenosaga games on the PS1 and one of the best things about the game is the ability to pause the cutscenes. The cutscenes in an rpg are often important to the story and many of them are too looooong! I hope all the FF games in the future incorporate this function. Also, let's get away from the "feminine, whiny" male lead character cliche for a bit. :lol:

  1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?
The battle system would definitely be important as JRPGs tend to be repetitive by nature. It would need to be fun and engaging--maybe even real time or partially real time--to keep the action interesting. A good story and likeable characters kind of goes without saying, and there should be some new feature or story twist to separate this from other games of its type.

  1. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?
Honestly, I'm tired of the FF remakes already. I want some new IP for sure. If not, I'll settle for a "real"/original sequel to the franchise (at least we're getting FFXIII for sure).
  1. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?
Hard to say. I'll need to see and play FFXIII to know for sure because that is where FF finally upgrades to HD and cell power.
  1. Gameplay, music, and story are always key factors in the purchase of games from the Final Fantasy series. ^.^
  2. Definitely. It feels so weird going back and playing Final Fantasy VII because of the graphics and controls and I think more people would play this great game if it was remade.
  3. No more spinoffs, please? And please don't make your games play like they're an MMO when THEY'RE NOT! lol. I just want a new fresh battle system that won't just please me, but other people as well.
  1. Gameplay and Story, Story especially since you end up playing these games for hours on end and you don't want to spend that much time playing a game that has a dull story.

  2. Absolutely. The gameplay in FF7 is still very playable even today, however the presentation such as the graphics kind of set it back, especially for new players.

  3. I can't stand random encounters, but it seems like Final Fantasy is straying way from that more often now.
1) The battle system, the story, and the graphics.
2) I would LOVE to see a PS3 remake of the original. I remember when the PS3 was announced they remade the opening scene as a tech demo for the machine and I was really hoping that was a preview of things to come.
3) Don't make the story so frickin' convoluted. I really wanted to enjoy the Final Fantasy CGI movie but the story was hard to follow.
1. Comprehendable FFVII backstory, no/reasonable random encounters, motivation for replay.
2. Heck yeah! I'd probably buy a remake day one.... but I'm a huge nerd.
3. Final Fantasy Tactics 2!
1. if it had good refreshers during the game so i dont have to play the original to get the references
2. I might finally give ff7 a try after the remake, the original hurt my eyes
3.Chrono trigger 2
  1. Hopefully the gameplay is entretaining, gameplay goes along way when it comes to handhelds. You need something fun for the bus/train. Also the story. I want to be entretained in those long rides.
  2. 2.As long as its a real reamke and not just the old game with nicer graphics. FF7s gameplay wasnt as good as people remember
3.More interesting characters. FF6 was the pinacle of the series and you need to look back at that game to see why it was soo good.
1) Graphics and relation to the original FF7.

2) I'm all for it and would def buy it once I get the MGS4 PS3 nundle ;)

3) Quit being such a Sony lover.
1) a. It looks amazing and I can't believe this is on PSP (much like God of War before it)
b. Brings back memories of FFVII
c. Have to support Square-Enix on the PSP so we get more stuff like FFT and this

2) I don't own a PS3. so That dosen't affect me. However if it would bring the price down on the PS1 game since I had mine taken from me years ago that would be sweet. :)

3) As much as like the idea of Crisis Core, no more spin offs. If CC is great then it's great, but for every CC we get a X-2 or a Dirge of Cerberus, I don't like either.
1. I'm interested to see if they can actually make a good supplement story to final fantasy 7 and I want to see how well the slot machine mechanic works.
2. I would most likely support it, especially if it had dual languages.
3. I would make them a little shorter. With such a linear story, I can't justify spending a minimum of 40+ hours not counting level grinding.
1. The real time battle system, background story to ff7, more great ff7 music I can never get enough.

2. FF7 would be the reason I buy a PS3 even if it just had that one game available and that was it, I would still buy one to play a remake.

3.Keep the Materia system ,Sphere grid, Battle System and all the other crap after FF7 I never liked. Materia was a great and easy way to manage your skills and magic.
1. I hope it keeps the storyline close to the original FFVII and gives us greater insight of the FFVII universe. Another factor would be the gameplay mechanics but then again, this is FF so the gameplay should be really good.

2. I would love to see a remake of FFVII on the PS3. I would want to see the main story unaltered but add lots of new sidequests, new towns, enemies and bosses.

3. Stick to the roots that made FF great and don't try to make lame spin offs (i'm looking at you, dirge of cerberus).
1. I'm most interested in the story. I'm really looking forward to learning more about the Aerith x Zack relationship to see how it affects Aerith and Cloud in FFVII. (What can I say? I'm a sucker for the love triangle/square.) It will also be nice to see "normal" Sephiroth. It's easy to forget because of his events during FFVII that he wasn't always a psycho bent on controlling the Planet. He was a well-respected hero before he discovered the truth about himself. I know reviews about it have been mixed, but I think the DMW looks pretty cool.

2. I'm really torn on this issue. If a remake were to ever be released, I would definitely buy it. However, a PS3 remake is a lot more work than a FFIII/FFIV DS remake, and I can see how it could take a good portion of the development team away from other projects. I think perhaps a port (probably PSP due to space) would be a nice compromise, including retconning information from the Compilation along with a brand-new translation. (Come on, I know I wasn't the only one suckered in by "Attack while the tail is up" or spent a long time searching my inventory for a "Last Elixir.")

3. Simultaneous world-wide releases. This would not only reduce the number of complaints (especially since PS3 is region-free), but may reduce the number of those international editions. FFX-2: International + Last Mission and Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix+ particularly stand out.
1] Expansion of the Final Fantasy VII universe is the major selling point, everything else is just icing on the cake. Although the DMW system is a little weird

2] I'd buy it, I'm a sucker for remakes, and this time I'd get multiple copies and put them in a vault...for posterity sake?

3] As mentioned by some CAGs, simultaneous worldwide releases or at least the "international" edition.
  1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)? Well if the game hard card battles no way, And it has to be some what long.

  1. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it? A Remake is long over due for this game seeing it's popularity. I support it and would most likely buy a PS3 if the announced it.

  2. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be? Get rid of the card battle games, stay true to the turn-based heavy story games that made the series what it is now. If your going to make spin offs make sure they are good.
1. A real time battle system that allows for more of a dynamic gameplay experience and an engrossing storyline that keeps me interested (ala MGS3).

2. I would support FFVII for the PS3, but I would much rather see it come to the PSN via the Playstation Originals so that I could play it on my PSP. I believe that I would be more apt to play this on a portable.

3. For me, I would love to see Final Fantasy go the way of The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion and make the game much more open and allow for more freedom but with the "over the top" summons and limit breaks.
I am excited for this game. Granted its been years since I've booted up part 7, and I played it all wrong as it was my first RPG ever. But I'm a sucker for nostalgia.
  1. I guess one of the factors would be warm fuzzy feeling since it might remind me of my teenage years. Also, pretty graphics help a lot if you're playing in the subway. Third and last would be the storyline, I somewhat curious about Cloud's and Zack's past.
  2. I think it would be great, however Square really should waste their time on making the same game over again. Seems like a waste of talent that could be better utilized elsewhere.
  3. I guess they could add more interesting characters. A full music score that support 5.1 surround sound would be a start. Anything opera related is a plus.
List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?

I'm not a big FF gamer, only tried some of the many titles, never finished FFVII. So one big factor would be if they had a demo of this game so I could try it out first and see if it's for me. The battle system is important, I kinda like action RPG hack and slash type combat over turn based. Story and character dev aren't huge drivers for me, I value fun and addictive gameplay over story, but if the story is pathetic and characters bland then it does hurt the experience for me.

There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?

I don't see the need for that. But I imagine they would enhance it a lot and "reinvent" it to appeal to those who never played it as well as fans.

If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?

More Action RPG-oriented titles please.
1) The story would be the most major factor for me since that is what I like about Final Fantasy games. Gameplay will be the second I guess. Since most rpgs have a typical formula, anything that doesn't really stray far from that formula.

2) Wasn't really interested in FF7 compared to the other Final Fantasies, but if they remade it, I'd prolly buy it.

3) I think Square Enix is doing a decent job. I wish their products would come out sooner, but you can't rush out great games I guess
  1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?

    If it came out for the DS, fun, easy to play on the subway.

  2. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?

    I would love a GOOD remake of the original FF7

  3. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?

    I was a big fan but I think the series has reached its peak and is on its way out.
1. A continuation of the characters and themes from FF7 would be critical, as well as the battle system being used and the upgrade capabilities of the characters. Cost of course would also impact my purchase of the game.
2. I would definitely support a PS3 version of FF7, I've enjoyed many of the FF releases since 7 but none has had the impact of 7. I also think that rereleasing FF7 would increase the amount of interest in FF as a whole and could only benefit the franchise. All the people that hear us "oldies" drone on about how great FF7 is would finally get to experience it in all it's next gen greatness.
3. While I believe many would applaud the constant change in each release I believe some continuity between the games would be great (aside from Cid appearing in many of the editions) but in the end I can live without the change as each game has offered a fresh and new perspective.
1.) Key Factors for me would be the use of Materia again. Another key factor would be a party system which from what I hear FFCC lacks. I also like when you equip armor or weapons they show up on your actual character.

2.) I would support it with open arms, FF7 was one of my favorite RPG's when I was growing up. I always told myself if they ever remade FF7 for the PS3 that would make me immediately run out and buy a PS3. FF7 would sell a ton of consoles. I thinkk a game like FF7 on the PS3 is what Sony needs.

3.) I'm not too sure. I really like everything Square Enix has done with the FF Series. I have no suggestions.
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