CAG BUZZ Returns! Wild Arms XF (PSP) Giveaway! Multiple Winners!

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1 - I wish it was a JRPG :(
2 - I believe it is just one notch below Final Fantasy as far as RPG's go.
3 - I would like to see new games similar to the original Playstation versions but with new storylines.
Q1. Given the addition of the hex-based combat system starting in #4, it seemed a little natural for this series to delve into the strategy genre (I mean, even R-Type did it) My only big issue with it turning strategy is the probably reliance on random recruits to fill your ranks. Wild ARMs has traditionally been about a small group of adventurers trying to stop Filgaia's destruction. Perhaps if it works out like J'eanne D'Arc, then I won't have a problem.

Q2. Very few games exist in the same world throughout the series, and even fewer actually have a timeline that exists along each and every title (Suikoden has it, but each game takes place in a different country even through they're all within the same 150 years. CastleVania does the same thing, but there are a few recurring characters in each title.)

Q3. I wouldn't mind seeing another title before the fall of Filgaia. More of when ARMs aren't just some weapon to be feared.
Q1) Strat RPGS are one of my favorite types of games, hopefully wild arms, with this new sense of directions will be even more fun

Q2)back during the ps days, they were some of the more enjoyable games for me, but ps2 game slowly turned me away from the game

Q3)make the game more interesting than it was in the previous games. also now that its a srpg it should be more fun
1. As much as I like stratergy RPGs, the psp seems to have had a whole lot come out in the last year, it would of been nice to see a tradition Wild Arms RPG, but I'm looking forward to XF all the same.

2. I've always liked the Wild Arms series, mostly since the wild west theme is so different than the traditional fantasy setting.

3. Having not played the latest Wild Arms for the PS2 since it has compatibility problems with the PS3, I'm not sure how they have progressed, but I like the series to become more nontraditional when it comes to random encounters, I remember 3, or 4, can't remember which I played last, has way to many random encounters, though it did have some nice ways to avoid them, and I think thats a great thing to do, let players decide when they want to fight, sometimes I just was to get to the next location before quiting and don't want to fight 10 battles to get there, but sometimes I do.
1. I think it's great that the Wild Arms Series is taking a new route by being a strategy RPG. It's always nice to see developers take a chance once in a while.

2. Wild Arms is an above average RPG series, but it doesn't compare as well to other RPGs like Shadow Hearts or Dragon Quest.

3. I think it would be great if Wild Arms took another chance by changing gameplay elements in the future.
Q1. I don't really mind the fact that Wild ARMs XF is a strategy RPG. I've always enjoyed the battle systems from the Wild Arms games so I doubt I'll be disappointed.

Q2. The Wild ARMs series to me is the definition of average, not that that's a bad thing. The games are always enjoyable in every aspect, they just don't tend to push the boundaries.

Q3. I loved the cameos by the old casts in Wild ARMs 5, but what I would really love is to be able to play as some of them again. Like in Final Fantasy Tactics with Cloud, maybe allow the player to recruit the old members as units in the XF series.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
it doesnt bother me, as long as it pulls it off
Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
better random events like the messages in bottles than other rpg random events
Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the
future? anywhere to keep it as great as it has been
Q1. I'm intersted in seeing how it'll be pulled off. Just look at FF:T, that game is great!

Q2. It's pretty fun, like FF. I've played the first Wild Arms for like a couple of hours, so I don't really have a full say on how the game as a whole is.

Q3. Make a PS3 Wild Arms, and maybe mix it up a little with a dash of SRPG goodness as a side quest. :)
Q1. Doesn't bother me. I love Strategy RPGs. I imagine that once they go back to another numbered sequel (Wild ARMs 6) that it will be a tradition turn-based RPG but I love strategy RPGs and can't wait to try this one out.

Q2. I never played the first two Wild ARMs, but I enjoyed 3 and thought that 4 was also really fun and the platforming elements were a nice addition to what could otherwise been just a standard RPG world map. There aren't many western themed RPGs so I've always enjoyed that since any game based on a western theme is rare nowadays.

Q3. I really enjoyed the combat system of Wild ARMs 4 but the story, and characters weren't that great in my opinion. I would love to see that combat system continue (with some tweaks of course), but a more mature storyline. It has a western theme, and there are lots of possibilities for a great story.
1. I'm really happy it's now a SRPG. I LOVED Final Fantasy Tactics and Jean D'Arc. I'm glad to have another on the PSP.

2. It's a good series that can't stand out enough in a world of Final Fantasy's.

3. I like the direction it's going in, (as stated earlier) I love SRPG's. The older Wild Arms games were enjoyable, but not the greatest games. I like the new idea, and if it works, I hope they stick with it.
1. I think that it's a great change of pace and the screenshots look good as well.

2. It's been one of the better series but it has been getting stale lately.

3. It would be great if the themes of the games would be more varied in the future.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

As a big fan of strategy RPGs, seeing this change in format has caused my disposition change from indifference to serious interest. A well-implemented SRPG on the PSP is exactly the kind of game I would enjoy.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

As of late, the Wild ARMs series has very much fallen behind other higher-profile RPG series. I don't think the series ever realized its potential.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the future?

I think the Wild ARMs series needs to venture into new (or, at least, different) territory in order to become a viable RPG series once again. I like the idea of a SRPG, and I would also be interested in a true next-gen (i.e., PS3) sequel in the series.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

I think it would be interesting being a strategy RPG. I'm a fan of their hex style battle system in WA5, I'd love to see how they'll refine the battle system with more strategy elements thrown in.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

I was a big fan of WA1 during the PSX era but lost interests after WA2. Stories and Characters doesn't really stand out in WA games imo, but their action elements in dungeons are great.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

I'd love to see an action RPG Wild Arms game.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

I have honestly played very few RPG and SRPG games. My lifestyle (2 kids w/ one on the way and HS English/Drama Teacher) limits my time to play games. However through the wonder of my new psp and cfw and my collection of ps1 gems I am really enjoying FFTactics. So, if this can compare to that classic than I am sold on the game!

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

As you may infer from the answer to the previous question, I am not really up to date on RPG game series and have never played a Wild ARMs game. From reading some of the other comments it seems I should really check out some of the earlier installments.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

Not being "into" the series, I don't really know if I can answer this question adequately. Um, portable games are my friends when it comes to rpgs. It takes me forever to complete these type of games so it is really convienient (and I am more likely to purchase) when they are on a portable system.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

I guess I'm neutral on this. I'm interested, but would have rather seen a new, traditional entry in the series.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

Wild ARMs has been one of my favorites since the PS1 original. I felt that WA 1 + 2 were two of the best RPGs for the system, right up there with the PS1 Suikoden and Final Fantasy titles. The more recent entries have been good as well, but not great.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

I'd like to see a new game in the series for the PS3, with gameplay similar to the first 2 games. I enjoyed WA: Alter Code F and would like to see a similar remake of WA2.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
I feel that it's a good change for Wild Arms. I've always been a fan of the gameplay. I bet this one is just as fun.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
I've always liked Wild Arms because of the wild west setting. I'm still more fond of futuristic RPGs.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

I'd like to see them maintain the wild west feeling. It's what made it unique.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

Awesome, though i am a little Srpg, preoccupied with Disgaea, FFT, and Jeane D'arc. personally though i think that this would probably be a step up for the series as a whole.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

as a whole usually good stories, but the action had been dull until recent incarnations, so i am optimistic for this iteration.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

i think that this is a good step. the RPG Market in Gerenal is oversaturated, but that is not the case on the PSP, and i think that if you were to make some of the franchises PSP only much like Nintendo has done with the DS with games Like Advance Wars, and Goldent Sun, and i think moving the Wild Arms games to the PSP, and keeping them there would bee a benefit for the sereis in General
Q1. A little disappointed. The market for tradiational japanese-style turn-based rpg's seems to be shrinking in favor of strategy and MMO's, neither of which I've been a huge fan of. Most of my favorite games are traditional turn-based games. With that said, the hex system seems reminiscent of Shining Force, can't fault it there.

Q2. Stands out with its Western inspired locations and story, but production values are a bit lower than other games in the genre. The games do have a certain amount of charm though, a throwback to old-school RPG's.

Q3. A return to the traditional turn-based style with a deeper battle system and highly engaging narrative.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

I always liked the first one, but I could never really get into strategy RPG's its just not my type of game.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

I think Wild Arms is very story driven, and definitely has a better story then a lot of typical mediocre RPG's out there.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

I think right now they are on the right track with the art style, but not the strategic RPG, i think it should go back to normal.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
I'm mixed. I'm a fan of both genres, but when an established franchise steps into a new genre, it isn't always a winner. I'm definitely hopeful though. I love me some SRPGs

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
Wild ARMs will always have a special place in my heart because of the first game. While the series started to stray into SciFi areas, I've heard much praise about WA5 and need to give it a shot.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the
I'd love to see the game return to it's more western roots, maybe turn into more of an action/rpg style game.
Q1. I don't mind, I like almost all rpgs in general as long as the story is good. FFT, Disgaea, and tactics ogre are some of my favorite games and they are strategic rps. There seems to be a revival of the genre with the resent port of disgaea, and new games Jeanne d'ark and Luminous Ark.

Q2. I remember liking the first and second one, they seemed a bit above average. Haven't played anything past some of 3 and thinking it was just ok.

Q3. Well I have been away from the series for a while, so not sure where they are right now. But I like the idea of the next one being a handheld strategy rpg. I guess just bring a future game current gen console aside from handhelds.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

I generally don't like SRPGs, but Given the right features and story, I'm sure I could enjoy it.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

I would compare Wild Arms to other RPGs using a grading of: Music, Story, Sidequests, Gameplay, and overall Fun.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

Action-RPG(Think SD3 or a way more RPGish DMC)...That or Kart Rac*shot*...
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

I like some SRPGs (like fire emblem) but FF tatics sucked so I'm not really sure how this will be.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
It looks a lot better than most handheld rpgs

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the
future?I'd love to see an active time battle system.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

I guess its a hit or miss. Of all the strategy RPG's out there, I really only enjoyed Disgaea, Front Mission, and FFT. I'm a bigger fan of the traditional RPG.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

I loved the first game, was disappointed by the second, and enjoyed the third. Never had time to pick up the fourth yet. Compared to other RPG's though, Wild Arms 1 ranks within my top ten favorite RPGs along with the likes of the FFVI, Lunar:SSS, and Shadow Hearts 1.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

Return to the traditional JRPG formula on the PS3/360. I tend to find the games that adhere to that formula to remain the most enjoyable.
Q1. I've always kind of, secretly, liked Strategy Role Playing Games more than the average RPG. SRPGs always needed more skill and practice than your average everyday RPG.

Q2. Sean
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
Love it. Strategy RPGs are awesome in my opinion. The question is will it be as in depth as the staples?

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
Never played them until I had a PS2. After that I thought that they held their own pretty well against the "big names" of the JRPG/RPG. Having the different setting, style really helps

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the
Possibly find new ways to reinvent the gameplay. Sometimes JRPGs/RPGs feel slightly stale because of the same repetetiveness.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

Since from my understanding it's just a side-game, it doesn't bother me. I wouldn't want to see the main series turn into a strat-RPG tho.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

The basic world of Wild ARMs has always set it apart from other RPGs. They also seem to have more of a traditional slant that other current RPGs. However, the storytelling has always left something to be desired when compared to other series.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

Better stories with a less "kiddie" slant. Wild ARMs 3 was an excellent game, and pointed to a bright future for the series. Unfortunately, imo 4 & 5 took steps backwards.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

I love SRPGs, so I'm happy about it.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

Well, I've only played Wild ARMS 2, but i would say it's above average compared to other RPGs I've played. Plus the story (for the most part) kept my attention, unlike a lot of RPGs I've played.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

If this one turns out well, then I'd like to see more SRPGs in the series. The main reason i didn't continue buying the Wild ARMS series was because I had played too many traditional RPGs to want another one.
[quote name='CheapyD']Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

1. Good, I like strategy RPGs.

2. It's a solid series and I think holds its own against better known series like Final Fantasy.

3. I'm not sure as long as each game is fun and improves on past installments.
[quote name='CheapyD']
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

I love strategy RPGs! However I took a DS before the PSP was released.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

I don't feel like investing in RPGs, I don't play my DS enough.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

The Xbox 360, obviously!


Questions replied, consider me in!
Q1. I like SRPGs, so I don't mind it. Especially since it will probably help keep the series fresh.

Q2. I love its wild West theme. While the plots inevitably stray into science fiction, there's nothing like wondering the frontier to a lone cowboy's whistling.

Q3. Tough question. More Wild West, less crazy anime antics.
1. A bit surprised, didn't think they'd do a SRPG with this series.

2. Eh so-so. I've never been wowed by any of the Wild Arms games compared to other RPGs.

3. No clue
1. Looks like a new style for this series, so I'll see how it goes. Having something different is always a good try.

2. It's somewhat different. Western anime style RPGs are different from the others.

3. Maybe an action RPG game with COOP mode.
Q1. Bad move IMO. The group of people that buy strategy RPG's is far smaller than people that enjoy turn based RPG's.

Q2. Doesn't hold up too well.

Q3. It needs to not pigeonhole itself even further.
Q1 - It's great every series derserves a chance to break into a different genre and go agaist its norm even a sports feelign would change how a normal RPG would feel.

Q2 - I do think less of this series since there has been about 5 of them if i recall and not much has changed.

Q3 - Just keep the good old RPG is good but redo with a new art style, characters, music and in a way do a 180 on what it is now to test new waters gamers love old things with a new twist look and New Super Mario Brothers.
1. Its a different take on the series and i like it.
2. Its very unique and fun
3. A shooter/RPG mix would be nice but any new game is always fun.
1. Its a different take on the series and i like it.
2. Its very unique and fun
3. A shooter/RPG mix would be nice but any new game is always fun.
Q1. I enjoy strategy RPGs, but I feel that an action rpg style would have fit the Wild ARMs series a bit more. Unfortunately, since it is on the portable system an action rpg would be too taxing on the system.

Q2. Although I enjoy the Wild ARMs series, I do rate it lower than the final fantasy and Tales series. I feel that it's about on par with many of the Atlus made RPGs.

Q3. I would like to see it go to a next-gen console and take the form of an action rpg.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

Not sure. I'd really need to play the game first. SRPGs tend to be love or hate with me.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

I always liked Wild Arms. I actually like WA4 the best in the series.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

Just stay on the path WA4 and 5 are going. I had no problem with them.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
I love it becasue i love SRPG's and cant wait for to play it!

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
When i first played wild arms 2 i was like WTF is this **** but i continued to play this game then after awhile i loved and knew that it was no FF, and if it wasnt for wild arms i prob wouldnt of explores other RPGS other then FF.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the
Guess it would be cool if there was a WA game set in the future with lazers and stuff.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
A1. I don't really play srpgs, and I've never played the Wild Arms series before, but I suppose if made well, a srpg could be just as good as a regular rpg.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
A2. I've always liked the look of the Wild Arms games (actually more like the anime intros), but never really jumped into it before. The series must be doing something right while keeping it fresh to make it this far though. Wild Arms 5's hexagon system thing intrigued me.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the
A2. Since I'm not much of a srpg player, I'd like to see more rpgs go for a more traditional route. I find that a lot of rpgs today are overly complicated for a semi-casual gamer like myself (ff12 license board? no thanks), and would like to see more go back to what made earlier games in the genre great.
Q1. It really just depends, usually I'm pretty picky when it comes to strategy games, I'd have to play it first and see.

Q2. I really like the art and style of the game, and the game mechanics them self are on par with any other rpg that I've played.

Q3. Keep trying different things, and maybe try to step away from the traditional RPG format to make things even more interesting.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
I actually am looking forward to it, because it changes things up.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
I like WIild ARMs because it has that "OLD SCHOOL" feel, but with innovative graphics.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the
future? They should just keep it somewhat similar to the games they have produced in the past.
Q1. I've been a fan of the Wild Arm series since the first game came out on the PSX, and I have to say that while I am sure it will be a fun game, I prefer the classic feeling the old games have always given me. I feel like too many of our RPGs are straying away from the gameplay styles that made so many of them beloved, aside from their great stories.

Q2. The series has always had a special place in my heart that is reserved for the best games. I'll admit though that while I do enjoy the series very much there are a few other monoliths such as Final Fantasy and Lunar that I like much more.

Q3. I think they need to get a battle system down to the T and stick with it. Almost every game of the series has had some major change in the battle system and it makes the transitions between the games very wide. I hope that theycontinue to make the great stories that have been, and I want to eventually see them gain as much popularity and attention as other titles in their genre.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
Good choice for a portable game because SRPGs are good for pick up and play sessions.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
Western theme is refreshing and I like the fact that they mix in platforming elements. The games are usually solid but not spectacular.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the
Retain the western theme but take some chances in gameplay and design to help the series stand out more.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
I like it. Strategy RPGs are some of my favorites.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
I'm not going to lie, I haven't played a Wild ARMs game yet, but i've always heard that they stood out with a more western theme, and I like that type of originality.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the
I cant say for sure, but i'd be interested in both original rpg styled and SRPG games.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
Feel good about it because I love games like final fantasy tactics.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
The Wild ARMs series although does not get the same type of recognition as more popular RPG series, it still holds on its own because of its unique setting.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the
Cowboys in space
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
Ever since Fire Emblem on the GBA, I've been a big fan of strategy RPGs so I like the idea.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
I've never owned a Wild ARMs but I have noticed the interesting western setting and cel shaded graphics which is different than RPG norm.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the
Well, I'm more interested with this game than the older ones. And I'm assuming that the older games had a more traditional battle scheme... So obviously I'd want them to keep the SRPGness.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
I like it. When done well, it's nice to have a spinoff game based around a familiar environment. In this case, it's a hex-based SRPG, something I've wanted to find for a while. The team actions also look like a lot of fun.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
I've always enjoyed the western anime theme. There's something about the mix of magic and the wild west that's so unique to everything else out there.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the
I'd love to see an entry of the series on the DS.
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