CAG BUZZ: Victorious Boxers Revolution (Wii) Giveaway! Multiple Winners! [LAST WEEK!]


Head Cheap Ass
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Victorious Boxers Revolution (Wii) Giveaway!
Mutiple Winners!

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XSEED Games is publishing Victorious Boxers Revolution for Nintendo Wii, available on October 16th. The game is the first to dedicate realistic and intense boxing action for the Wii console while fully utilizing the remote and nunchuk motion sensors delivering an authentic real-life boxing experience.

Key Features:
  • 25 playable characters each with unique special moves with the ability to adjust speed, power, and strength parameters.
  • Go head to head with a friend or play through the massive story mode as Ippo Makunouch, a high school student rising to professional boxing ranks despite being bullied by his classmates.
  • Intense boxing experience allowing players to punch, move, and maneuver: jabs, straights, uppercuts, hooks, defend, etc.
Demo Victorious Boxers Revolution at E for All Expo by visiting booth #2338!
GameQuest Direct is also offering free shipping for preorders

Answer these questions for a chance at winning Victorous Boxers Revolution!
  1. How do you feel about Victorious Boxers being the first boxing/sports game offered on Wii with the motion sensor feature of using the controller as if it were gloves?
  2. The game is also based on an award winning manga and anime, “Hajime No Ippo,” AKA “Fighting Spirit” in USA. Whether you are a fan or not, would this affect your purchasing decision? Please specify.
  3. Do you feel this game best appeals to boxing fans, anime fans, or both? Please share your personal feelings as well.
Other CAG Buzz Titles:
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core (Wii)

Previous Winners:
Medium_Pimpin (Victorious Boxers)
Ikohn4ever (Victorious Boxers)
kinnysama (Victorious Boxers)
MrNEWZ (Guilty Gear Accent Core)
phear3d (Guilty Gear Accent Core)
1. I hope its received well by fans and sells well, so it will entice and inspire other companies to actually take advantage of the motion controls. Also maybe wake Nintendo up to make a Punch Out game.

2. I enjoyed the anime, so I would see it as a positive, but I think it might hurt the game overall because few people are familiar with the story.

3. I think it best appeals to anime fans, since its cell shaded and anime based. If it was more realistic boxers or had a couple actual boxers in it, it could get boxing fans into a game like this. Especially because they could use real boxers to advertise the game.
1] I was expecting Fight Night to be first, but hey xseed is going to beat them to the punch (pardon the pun), hopefully they've tweaked the controls cause when I played the japanese version, it felt very sluggish and unresponsive.

2] The license isn't really the selling point for me, I just want a deeper boxing experience, wii boxing was a nice taste, but someone needs to take it to the next level.

3] I'd say it appeals to anime fans more, since boxing fans would want to play with the famous names of boxing...they don't want to be use a bear in the ring (there was a bear in previous ippo games...not sure if the bear makes an appeance in this one)
1. I think it's a decent release for a first boxing game. It seems a bit over the top, which I think would make the game more enjoyable than a realistic boxing game.

2. I might not be as inclined to purchase it because I'm not familiar with the anime, but if I heard the gameplay was really good I'd give it a shot.

3. Probably anime fans, real boxing fans would probably want a more realistic boxing game. Fans of the anime will love it though. I'm not really a fan of either, but I would be interested in trying it because of the unique style.
1. I am hoping that this game will be fun. I've played a little bit of the previous games in this franchise and I enjoyed them. Hopefully the controls in this game will be better than Boxing in Wii Sports

2. I've never watched the anime, but I've played previous games in this franchise so I would be more inclined to buy this

3. This game will probably appeal more to anime fans. Alot of people I know will not play a game if the characters in it are anime looking. I myself do not watch much anime, but I like the anime look in video games
1. I think it's great, as I'm a big fan of the previous Victorious Boxers games.

2. Makes no difference, as I've never seen/read the anime/manga.

3. Both. Assuming the boxing engine is even half as good as the previous games, then it could theoretically be recommended on gameplay alone. Anime fans would also like it.
1. I think it will be an excellent game that sells well. It will be underrated at first but I think it will build momentum as comsumers buy it. I am thrilled by the motion sensor feature with boxing as well.

2. I haven't gotten into anime that much(outside of Bleach) so it would be an impartial descision on my part. It wouldn't increase or diminish my chances of buying the game.

3. A mixture of both. Anime fans would want something similar to the award winner. Boxing fans would want to see how it would stack up to the likes of Fight Night.
1. I think it's awesome, Nintendo touched a bit with this with Wii Boxing, but it wasn 't enough. This seems great and Wii boxing was addicting but got boring due to it limitivity. This seems like a cool boxing game. Using the controller will allow the player to be "more" into the game as the Wii was intended to be.

2. If I was a fan, as any fanboy would do I would immeadiately buy it. If not, I might have to ge my feet wet.

3.It's art style will appeal to anime fans wheras the controls and such will appeal to the gamer
1. I'm just glad that someone is finally doing this. The Wii NEEDS 1:1 motion sensing (your arm swings...the characters arm on screen swings exactly the same way, at the same time). It's 1:1 motion controls that will truly make the Wii a revolutionary console...none of this sloppy add-on waggle that is ultimately no different than hitting a button.

2. It might spark some more interest if I had actually seen or heard of the series, but typically Anime licensed games aren't exactly good, so it might not be a very good selling point for the hardcore gamers out there.

3. If it has a little bit of both in the game, then it will appeal to both. Since the game apparently has a massive story mode, it might appeal to the Anime fans a little more. Boxing fans usually want realistic graphics, boxers, etc. In general it should appeal to Wii owners that just want something a little less broken than Wii Sports Boxing. Either way, I hope they're able to pull it off so other developers take notice.
1. Being the first might mean a few mistakes, so i'll definately be weary about it at first. After hearing what some main magazines (Mainly EGM) have to say about it might sway my opinion a bit though.

2. Knowing it's based off of something could have some good or bad effects on this game. Looking at something like Superman, or some of the Spiderman games, it shows that a company might mess up the game worrying about certain aspects of what they're trying to produce. There are a lot of exceptions to this though, like Spiderman 2, or even the Dragonball Z Budokai series.

3. As long as it sticks true to the manga, than i'm sure Anime fans will love i. If it's a great boxing game, i'm sure boxing fans worldwide will love it too. I know my dad liked Wii Sports Boxing, so it shows that some people don't need a realistric or know who the boxers are to have fun with it.
1. I think that it is pretty neat. I'm sure many people have anticiapted for a boxing game since the Wii was mentioned. I thought EA would be the first to make a boxing game since their Fight Night games were received well by gamers. This might be a good boxing game if the controls are what fans of boxing are hoping it to be.

2. Most definetly. If I was a fan of the anime/manga, I would have a lot of interest in it. Since I am into boxing, I will keep my eye on this game.

3. I believe this game would appeal to both anime and boxing fans. If you are a fan of something, you are most likely interested in something that is simialr to it.
1. I'm surprised Fight Night wasn't first. But I think this game will use the controls effectively and show other developers how to use the Wii controls.

2. I'm not a fan of anime so I'm not interested in this game. The anime is not a selling point for me. If I had the chance to play the game I would play for the controls.

3. I think this game will appeal to anime fans more. I think a few boxing fans will try the game but anime fans will be the bigger draw.
1. I've heard a lot of good things about the previous entries in the series (and own the 2nd), so I'm glad to see that the first boxing game on the Wii (Wii Sports not withstanding) is coming from a quality boxing game franchise. I hope this game sells well on the basis of having well developed motion controls, in addition to being a quality game, to encourage more innovation and exclusives for the Wii.

2. The fact that the game is based on an anime does not affect my decision in the least. While I do watch anime, I see the game and the anime as separate entities that do not directly affect the quality of one another.

3. I feel that this game could appeal towards boxing fans and anime fans alike. One of my friends, who hates anime and enjoys playing Fight Night Round 3 on the Xbox 360, says that Victorious Boxers series is more technically realistic than the Fight Night series, which is more arcade-like. If this game was developed for the 360 (keeping the graphical style, but in HD), this game would be one of the few he'd be willing to purchase near release. As for fans of this anime, they'd enjoy being able to interact with characters from the series and feel like they're participating in the story. As for myself, I fall into the general gamer stance, whose main draw would be the motion controls to create a unique experience.
1) I'm really excited to try this out. Wii Boxing was a nice teaser to the possibilities, and I'd love for this to work out.

2) The anime style looks really cool.. With the Wii's graphic capabilities, I feel this style would better emphasize the "fun" factor rather than trying to make it realistic like Fight Night on the 360/ps3.

3) Mainly anime fans and kids.. I think the people who like hardcore boxing want something that looks more realistic and possibly more brutal.
  1. I'm excited to see a boxing game on the Wii. We need more innovative games for the Wii.
  2. I'm not familiar with the anime, but if the gameplay is good, I'll purchase it since I like boxing.
  3. I'd say both as long as the controls make it feel like you're boxing. Mostly to the anime fans though since it has a unique graphic style.
1. I appreciate it very much that such an idea is being considered seriously for this kind of game. Granted, 1:1 with the Wii remote means some adjustment by the player, but even the sense of boxing with your "own two hands" gives the game more authenticity, I guess.

2. I would not consider buying this game if it sucked pretty bad in gameplay, on which the Wii is built on to succeed. Personally, I am a fan of Hajime no Ippo, but just like the Dragon Ball Z and upcoming Bleach and Naruto games for the Wii, it is not the source material that would ultimately influence my purchase, but how much fun my friends and family will have with the game.

3. I think this game will appeal to folks who want a little more in their play-boxing, and titling the game under the Victorious Boxers label (as it has for the previous PS2 games) should garner those interested in the boxing part. As for the fans of Hajime no Ippo, I believe that a good number of them already know it's coming under this label and will support what is the closest thing to pulling off the Dempsey Roll without pulling every muscle in their body.
  1. I think it is a no-brainer, the wii remote was made for games like this, as it lets players really feel immersed in the gameplay.
  2. I have seen a couple episodes of the anime series but I don't think that alone would bring me to this title. What I want is the action-pumped fighting!
  3. Being able to choose over such a large variety of characters will allow players to choose that compliment their style, something that I think will draw in both fans and people who have never even heard of the anime/mange series but are fans of boxing or even the most casual gmaer
1. I feel sick and disappointed about this being the first boxing game, it should have been something more familar like a punch out, rocky or like fight night. It's sad to see there ain't that much sports or boxing games utilizing the motion sensor that is not anime like.

2. Will not affect my purchasing decision, i haven't seen a show ever. I'd have to base my decision on gameplay and most of all price, i am a CAG after all.

3. I feel its more targeted to anime fans, since playing previous versions of this game relies heavily in storyline and characters. Not being a fan, i look for more of a game being able to use real boxers or a familair boxing movie like rocky, needs blood or at least some strategy involved instead of random button mashing that the previous versions of this game has. Still upset, it should have been punch out. They should put Mike Tyson name in the game, maybe then i'd buy it.
1. If this game has excellent controls I think it has the ability to set a standard for the rest of the genre, so I am excited to see how it turns out being the first of its kind.

2. I don't think the anime relation will affect if I purchase it or not, it looks very close to an old boxing game I used to play in the arcade and thats the reaosn I would purchase it. I've never heard of the anime/manga so it wouldn't influence me at all.

3. Maybe a bit of both, I don't think anime fans are that into sports games but the hardcore ones may enjoy this if they liked the anime, the boxing enthusiasts will give it a try because its the first boxing game outside of Wii Sports to be on the Wii, it will give them a feel on how the next Fight Night will work.
1. About time we get a boxng game not called Wii Sports.

2. I could give two shits about any anime.

3. Given that most people that own a Wii are 'casual gamers' I hardly think that an obscure anime is going to appeal to them more than the fact that finally a stand-alone boxing game is coming out for the Wii.
1. I am very excited to try what will hopefully be the first full fledged boxing game on the Wii.

2. I have not seen the show, but if the game mechanics are good then I might check it out. It really has not effect on my purchasing decision.

3. It appeals to both if the boxing gameplay is good. Fans of the anime will pick it up regardless. :D
1. Finally, a use for those Wii boxing gloves I got from that site in hong kong!
2. Nope. If it was an anime I cared about, maybe. In all honesty I haven't heard of it and have no interest in an anime about boxing. An interactive Wii game for Ikkitousen, hell yes. Lodoss War on the PS3? Hell yes. Elfen Lied on the 360? Hell yes. This? Meh.
3. Well, I can say anime fans without playing it, but I'm not sure on boxing as I don't know how realistic it feels since I haven't played it.
1.) I love the idea of using the controllers as boxing gloves. Wii Boxing was great but the motion didn't always work the best. Hopefully Victorious Boxers Revolution motion will work great.

2.) I am not a fan of Anime so it would not affect my decision either way.

3.) I think this game will appeal to both Anime and Boxing Fans. I'm not a big fan of both but it appeals to me as a gamer becuase it has that Mike Tyson's Boxing/Super Punch Out! look to it which IMO are the 2 best boxing games out there hands down.

Awesome BUZZ! CheapyD. I love this idea.
1. I hope it works great, I remember the Wii Sports Boxing didn't register all your punches so I hope it works out in this boxing game.

2. It wouldn't affect my purchasing decision, I'm a fan of anime. If I wasn't it still wouldn't matter. I don't care if Master Chief's name was Kameo or something random, I would still play it. Games are games.

3. Possibly both, some may play the game for the boxing and others may play to play as their favorite anime character.
1. That's great, boxing games seem like they could benefit from the wiimote technology.

2. I love the series, bought it all from links on this site. I have bought a few games based on anime in the past that were terrible, so i think i would be willing to try it out(or read reviews) and then buy if the gameplay was there.

3.Gonna say this appeals to anime fans. I have tried to turn a few boxing fans onto the anime series without success. These people will usually stick to something like fight night.

EDIT:Ooh just got a PM from GameQuest. Thank you GQD and CAG!
1. I have high hopes for this game. It could open up the possibilities for more, and even greater boxing games on the Wii

2. The fact that I am a fan of Hajime no Ippo does slighty affect my purchase. When it comes to games based on movies, television, and others formats, knowing the characters and feeling what it's like to play as them can make a game seem just a bit better.

3. This game appeals to both. Anime fans get an interactive game that allows them to play as their favorite characters, while boxing fans also get the feeling of interactive boxing that's almost like the real thing.
1. I think that is great that someone finally did that, I think with the right amount of tuning Boxing games will be awesome on the Wii.

2. I am not a fan of that series, however if I was it would definately make me more likely to buy. Although as I said before, since I am not a fan of the series the anime looks does take away appeal for me.

3.I think it applies to both. However I think this applies to Anime fans way more then it does Boxing fans.
1. I don't really care, TBH.
2. Doesn't matter.. if it's good I'll buy it
3. Anime fans.. As a boxing fan it's not realistic enough. I prefer characters that look like boxers.
1. I think It Brings Innovation and A lot of Possibility for future Boxing Games onthe System. It will definetly Show what can come of the Controller. I look Forward to testing it out.

2.I have not personally heard of this Anime Series, so it would not be fair for me to judge it, but i don't think it would effect my decesion. even know there is this speculation on video games that if it is liscensed materials, that the game will be bad, i still try to give each game it's fighting chance.

3.If you are a Fan of the Anime, Of Course. If you are a Fan of Boxing, it will be Appealing Also. As for me, i would like to try it, just for the fact that it has that "arcade in your room" feel to it.
1. i think its great. this is what the wii needs, since this is the first if successful it might start a trend.

2. i love both the anime and the manga. it's sad that they haven't animated all the chapters after episode 75. i have enjoyed the victorious boxers games on the consoles that they have come out (ps2, gameboy advance, psx).

3. i believe this will appeal to everyone, you dont necessarily need to know about the manga to play this game. if its that realistic, it would appeal to boxing fans, anime fans will buy this for sure, and casual gamers who dont play boxing games, if they give this a try, i think they would have fun.
1. I enjoyed Wii Sports Boxing enough to actively search for reviews of this game. Wii Sports Boxing's detection wasn't superb, but it was still fun. If this game features spot-on control, I'd definitely give it a look since I like the concept of motion controlled boxing.

2. I have no knowledge of the anime, so it doesn't persuade me to purchase on that alone. However, the style doesn't dissuade me from purchasing it either. It's possible that some people might be put off by the anime style though.

3. I'd have to play the game or read a review to know for sure. If it's heavily focused on story and unlockables, I'd say it's for anime fans. If it's clear that the developers' efforts went into controls, then it'd probably be best for boxing fans in general. On first impressions, it seems like its more meant for the anime fan -- if they were really going for the true boxing fan, they would've sought after the appropriate "real-life" license. Really, I just want a game made for the "video game" fan. People who just enjoy good, addictive fun that has depth, controls well, and has lots of polish (like a Nintendo 1st party game).
1) About time. Especially if I get to box a bear. They're the number one threat to America.

2) Yes, because I just bought the series. I haven't watched it yet, but it'll giver me background on the events in the game.

3) It depends on how serious the game is. I'm expecting it to be casual so it'll attrack casual fans, but not necessarily anime or boxing fans.
1. I like the anime style graphics and I am glad that there is finally a stand alone boxing game for the Wii. Boxing is my favorite wii sports game, and using the wii remote and nunchuk as gloves is a neat idea.

2. I like boxing games in general and the fact that its anime style graphics is a real plus for me. I am not a fan of the anime series, but this won't affect my decision to buy or not buy this game.

3. This game appeals mainly to anime fans, but for folks like me who are boxing and anime fans, I think it will appeal to those people as well. I think its smart for Xseed games to be the 1st to deliver a dedicated boxing game for Wii, this will surely help its sale.
1. I'm excited that Victorious Boxers is getting a chance to come to the USA. I feel that the use of the controller as gloves is as intuitive as it would get. You pick it up, and your first instinct is to throw punches.

2. Being a fan of Hajime no Ippo definitely effects my decision in purchasing this game. In the end however, it all comes down to the gameplay and fun factor of the game.

3. I think that first and foremost, it should appeal to boxing fans. When people see the game, they'll first notice that it's a boxing game then the graphical style. Anime fans will probably familiar with the series and will have some sort of opinion already on the title.
1. Honestly, I didn't expect it. You would think EA would put out another Fight Night, but I guess not. But at least, there's something besides Wii Boxing.

2. Because its associated with an anime, I would be more influenced to buy it, if only because I recognize it. I haven't watched Hajime no Ippo, but I've heard good things.

3. Unfortunately, as much as I would like for it to appeal to boxing fans, because it is based off of an anime will turn away many of those that would have played Fight Night. Thus, it would appeal to the anime fan, especially those that are fans of the series. However, if there ends up being good press, that may change.
  1. I expect something that is much more responsive than Wii Sports boxing. If the game improves on Wii Boxing just by registering the punch correctly, I will be very pleased with this game.
  2. This doesn't affect my purchasing decision, but I guess each character will have a background now.
  3. Probably mostly boxing fans. I don't see someone that likes Pokemon going "Oh it is an anime game," and then just buying it because of that. I think it will appeal to anyone slightly interested in boxing, being it is the only stand-alone boxing game on Wii so far.
1. I think itd cool I enjoy boxing games and I enjoy my wii so this game should be awesome.

2. Nah I dont like anime that much.

3.Both,Im not a big boxing fan but I love boxing games. If I dont win this game Ill buy it anyway!
1.) Excited? Although this isn't the first boxing game to feature motion controls, as Wii Sports has a boxing game in it. But if this improves on those type of motion controls, then that's awesome.

2.) Absolutely. I can't say I'm a fan of this particular manga, but when it comes to other licensed games, I'm more willing to fork over the cash if it's from a series I like.

3.) I'd say it appeals more to fans of the anime, as this probably wouldn't satisfy fans of real boxing... there are other more realistic boxing games for them to play.
1.I've never played a Victorious Boxers game, but it looks promising. Obviously a boxing game is all about the tightness of control... But as as been stated earlier, I'm surprised that there hasn't been another boxing title that was released before VBR.
2.All I know about anime is that it is from the land of CheapyD.
3.Probably exclusively boxing fans, as the folk that I know that also enjoy anime are not sports enthusiasts.
1. The Wii remote is a very intuitive controller for a boxing game, as boxing is an area where conventional controllers often seem clunky and unresponsive.

2. The anime influence is interesting, as it indicates that there is a more complex backstory than, you're a guy, go punch this other guy. Not that a sports game needs a storyline, but a well-executed story never hurts.

3. I think it is more appealing from a boxing standpoint, as every Wii gamer has tried out Wii sports and it stands to reason that an expanded boxing game would be appealing. As the anime is fairly obscure (I believe), I would have to imagine that more people browsing the racks will pick this up for the boxing aspect than the anime connection.
1. I am looking forward to playing this for the Wii. I was very surprised that EA hasn't put out a Fight Night for the Wii yet.

2. This would make me want to buy it more. Being based on a manga/anime, I can expect interesting characters, a good story, and great animation and character art.

3. I think the game will appeal to both. Boxing fans will be looking for realisitic controls and anime fans will be happy to see their favorite characters in a video game.
1.) I'm pretty excited about it. I've played Wii Sports boxing quite a bit and had a lot of fun, but there really wasn't much depth to it. I'm pretty pumped to see a full featured and fleshed out boxing game coming to the Wii so I can kick some virtual ass and maybe get a workout in the process...

2.) It does not affect my purchasing decision. I personally have not seen or heard of the anime, so it has no affect on me at all. I've just been intrigued by the game due to it's unique visuals (now I know why they were so unique) and because the Wii controls seem perfect for boxing.

3.) I think it best appeals to boxing fans since many people may not be familiar with the anime that it's based upon. Seems like something that will go over well with the crowd that was a fan of the boxing portion of Wii Sports.
  1. Since Wii Boxing's release we've seen just what the controller can do as a boxing glove and I can see this games mechanics improving upon it. With a somewhat already set system I can picture there being more combos that I can pull off and just a general good experience. I'm actually looking forward to it.
  2. I HAVE seen a bit of the anime and I'm interested in seeing just how they plan on combining the two story lines yet even if I hadn't seen the series it wouldn't affect my purchase. A fun game is a fun game.
  3. A bit of both anime and boxing fans actually. The anime look and feel of course can be used to draw normal non-boxers to the plate and the fact that there is a deeper story line the anime fans can (and will) go back to watch the series/read the manga. And it will appeal to boxing fans because it has a good control scheme and looks to be a pretty solid boxing game which they will probably enjoy.
1. I am really excited to check this game out. One of the main reasons I got the Wii was for the games that are interactive like this one.

2. This does not affect my decision. I am not a fan.

3. I can see it being more attractive for sports fans in general who want an active game to play.
  1. The simplified controls allow for a wider set of users. It should be fun, if not exhausting.
  2. There is no effect if the game and story do not focus on unfamiliar material.
  3. It depends on how the game divides itself between boxing and over-the-top cartoon antics. I am not a fan of the flashing, slow-motion, super punch of death, but I also don't need an overly involved boxing simulator.
Answer these questions for a chance at winning Victorous Boxers Revolution!
  1. About time.
  2. This definitely affects my desire to purchase this game. As a fan of the anime, I would love to recapture the feeling i got while watching Ippo punch out some punk.
  3. Anime fans. If you were a boxing fan, you'd get Fight Night.
[quote name='CheapyD']
Answer these questions for a chance at winning Victorous Boxers Revolution!
  1. How do you feel about Victorious Boxers being the first boxing/sports game offered on Wii with the motion sensor feature of using the controller as if it were gloves?
  2. The game is also based on an award winning manga and anime, “Hajime No Ippo,” AKA “Fighting Spirit” in USA. Whether you are a fan or not, would this affect your purchasing decision? Please specify.
  3. Do you feel this game best appeals to boxing fans, anime fans, or both? Please share your personal feelings as well.
1. I loved the Wii Sports Boxing. With Victorious Boxers being the second but first FULL fledged boxing game for the Wii that uses motino sensor feature, its a great game. I know there was a huge following for the PS2 version and I know there will be one for the Wii. I know I will be interested in Victorious Boxers as it will be interesting to see what potentials the Wii will have. Not to mention, VB will definitely help me lose weight as I have already lost 3lbs playing Wii Sports Boxing. With the vigorous training that VB will offer, I will be able to shed extra weight.

2. I never played the PS2 version or read/seen the manga and anime. So this would be all new to me. Its not all about being a fan or follower. My purchases are based on gameplay and replay value. I could care less for graphics. If I want graphics, I might as well do it in real life. I'm spending money for something I can play and enjoy...not oogle over graphics. If the game has great gameplay and good replay value, I'm sold.

3. Victorious Boxer will appeal to both. There are Wii owners looking for a boxing game that uses motion and there are Wii owners who are either a fan of the series or just into anime style games. It all comes down to gameplay and whether or not the game will be fun. If the game lacks either of these, it wont sell. But with the talk of a Victorious Boxer coming to the Wii with a retail price of $39.99 and a good fan base, this game will sell.

If DCEmu Reviews is able to win a copy, expect to have a full review of the game along with links to CAG and for where we were able to receive a copy.
  1. I was a big fan of the PS2 games so I am excited about it, I just hope the controls are better than Wii boxing
  2. Haven't seen the manga or anime so not much.
  3. I think the games best appeals to both. I wouldn't call it a straight up boxing sim like Fight Night but regular matches plus a solid story mode should allow for widespread appeal.
1. Isn't Wii boxing the first boxing/sports game offered on the Wii?

2. I've never heard of the anime before so I guess I'm not a fan but the colorful, cel-shaded visuals are pleasant to look at for me as well as any others who watch/play so it would be a definate purchase. The fact that it might spawn 10 more sequels like the Dragon Ball or Naruto games might
scare me off of purchasing this one.

3. This game appeals to both fans of boxing and anime with the possibility of making fans of boxing into fans of anime and vice versa so it's great for all fans, unless the game controls horribly then it won't be a good game for fans of good games.

Being a CAG at heart, I will probably not pick this game up at full price, I'll wait a while for the price to change or some sort of improved version to be announced, but a free version of the game never hurts, if the price is free then that item is for me!

- B.Chan
bread's done