CAG BUZZ: Victorious Boxers Revolution (Wii) Giveaway! Multiple Winners! [LAST WEEK!]

1. I'm glad we're getting something more to Wii Boxing. I really like(d) Wii Boxing, but wanted something a little more to it. More realistic and in depth fighting is what I'm looking for and Victorious Boxers looks to be leaning in that direction.

2. Fighting Spirit - If I was a fan, I'd want to know that out of the gate it was based on it. There doesn't seem to be any indication in the title or otherwise that it's a licensed game. I've never gotten in to FS, so it makes no real difference to me.

3. I think this game appeals more to boxing fans, even with the anime/stylized look. There's no true realistic boxing game, so this is essentially it for either fan. Fans of the anime may enjoy it, but this game's true market is the group that like Wii Sports Boxing and is eager for something more.
How do you feel about Victorious Boxers being the first boxing/sports game offered on Wii with the motion sensor feature of using the controller as if it were gloves?

This is taking the Victorious Boxers video game to newer heights never been taken before. You will feel more connected with the character you're playing in the story as you take part in the action. With it being one of the first boxing games for Wii would have a great impact on those who're looking for boxing on Wii. With good promotion, I'm sure this game will do well. Lallapalooza!

The game is also based on an award winning manga and anime, “Hajime No Ippo,” AKA “Fighting Spirit” in USA. Whether you are a fan or not, would this affect your purchasing decision? Please specify.

Indeed it would, having seen the anime and knowing how intense the fighting scenes are, the gameplay will surely be as intense when you're actually moving using the Wiimote+Nunchuk. I also hope the game follows the story line as in the anime and the manga when playing Story Mode (1P). But I won't mind battling against my friend in 2P mode.
Go Makunouchi!

Do you feel this game best appeals to boxing fans, anime fans, or both? Please share your personal feelings as well.

Victorious Boxers will appeal to any one who enjoy the sport, and of course to the fans as well. I'd say I'm more on both side since I'm familiar with the anime and have waiting for a more challenging Boxing game to arrive on Wii. I have a friend who is a Mixed Martial Arts fan, and he visits my home every week just to play boxing on Wii Sports. I've told him about this Victorious Boxing game, and he's also very interested. It'll be a great experience
when I go head to head against my friend. Of course, I will take the VICTORY~! \:D/

// Roth
1. I think it's fantastic. I feel the wii is really lacking in sports games (which is odd because the motion controller really could make them a fresh experience again) and seeing this come up makes me happy. I'm also stocked for the game because it kinda seems like it'll play like a certain arcade boxing game (where you had to use actually punch at the screen and duck/dodge) . It makes the gameplay much more immersive and exciting.

2. Not really. I picked up the first Victorious Boxers on ps2 based on positive reader reviewers and I ended up loving it. I only recently picked up the anime it's based on and I also love that as well.

3. I would say this game appeals more to anime fans in many ways, but it's boxing engine (in past games) was extremely well made and it played more like a sim than Fight Night and almost every other boxing game I've ever played did. I understand the games aren't blockbusters and as such won't receive big budget advertising, but I feel the publishers should make the mainstream audiences aware of it's sim-like boxing engine and positive reviews it has receivced.
1. Awsome! I played a game in the Arcades that you used these big joystick gloves to punch and it was really fun, hopefully it will be simular!

2. Does not affect me at all, I don't know about the manga.

3. Probably Both, It appeals to me because of boxing, but people who like the anime will like it too.
1. How do you feel about Victorious Boxers being the first boxing/sports game offered on Wii with the motion sensor feature of using the controller as if it were gloves?

I just hope it plays better than Wii Sports Boxing. I think if done right it will be an enjoyable experience
2. The game is also based on an award winning manga and anime, “Hajime No Ippo,” AKA “Fighting Spirit” in USA. Whether you are a fan or not, would this affect your purchasing decision? Please specify.

I am not a fan of the show. But I have playing other games in this series. The past games do affect my decision because of the quality they were.

3. Do you feel this game best appeals to boxing fans, anime fans, or both? Please share your personal feelings as well.

I think it should appeal to both. Obviously fans of the show should get a kick out of the game. But like I stated above, I am not a fan of the show just a boxing game fan and I love this series.
[quote name='CheapyD']

Answer these questions for a chance at winning Victorous Boxers Revolution!
  1. How do you feel about Victorious Boxers being the first boxing/sports game offered on Wii with the motion sensor feature of using the controller as if it were gloves?
  2. The game is also based on an award winning manga and anime, “Hajime No Ippo,” AKA “Fighting Spirit” in USA. Whether you are a fan or not, would this affect your purchasing decision? Please specify.
  3. Do you feel this game best appeals to boxing fans, anime fans, or both? Please share your personal feelings as well.[/quote]
1. I've been wanting a good boxing game with good use of Wii controls, but it looks like the controls this time aren't what I was hoping for.
2. I'm a fan, and it would definitely affect my decision.
3. Probably anime fans. Boxing fans are stereotypically over-masculine, so they'd be turned off by the anime style.
1)I am very excited for this game because it claims to offer excellent motion sensor features. I am tired of waggling the Wii-mote to do motions that could easily be replaced with pressing a button. I bought my Wii to play games that do a good job of replicating my actions and Victorious Boxers looks to be that game.

2)I had no idea that the game is based on the anime, "Hajime No Ippo," but that does not negatively affect my interest for this game. To be honest, I just found out about this game a couple of days ago. the motion controls just looked so good.

3)Like the Wii, I think this game will appeal different demographics. The game touts 1:1 controls so Boxing fans will undoubtedly be happy, but that also applies to gamers who want to play with realistic motion controls. Fans of Hajime No Ippo will most likely give this game a look so it looks like Victorious Boxers will appeal to many different people. Here's hoping it won't disappoint.
1. I think its pretty cool that the game offered on Wii with the motion sensor, its make the game more interesting to try out.

2. I wont affect my decision since it would be pretty stupid to reject a game because you are not a fan. Best way is to try it out first, that is what that affect my decision.

3. I think anime fan, because boxing fans would want to play with more realistic stuff like real boxers.
1. Not to great since Cheapy blasted the crap out of it on the cagcast.

2. Nope. Like anime but have never seen this one.

3. It will appeal to fans of Punch-Out!, boxing and anime.
  1. I played a boxing game in the arcade using "gloves" about a decade ago. I loved it. And I really want to try Victorious Boxer as a result.
  2. No. I generally don't like manga. But a lame license is not going to keep me from playing a great game.
  3. Well, I don't really know the gameplay or how popular the manga is. But I would assume it would be a popular title for fight fans, unless it has SF-like special moves.
1. I have not yet play this game, but from what I have read, this game seems has some control issue. Maybe something just sound better on the paper... and yeah, a quick note for developer, you dont need to make every wii game using the motion sensor idea.

2. Totally! I am a fan of the anime and I even have it's manga on my bookshelf right now. Being a fan is what draws me to this title, but being a careful buyer and cag, I read review more carefully before I buy games now. Not born rich.. :(

3. I think it appeal to all level of audience. Personally I am the anime fan, so it's no brainer for me to notice this title.
1. I'm all for games trying new things. That doesn't necessarily mean that it'll work, but I'm more than happy to give anything a fair chance. If it does work though, hopefully it just opens the door for more new control methods, and then more new control methods... so that we have some good variety on the Wii.

2. I had no idea that it was based on anything. If I was a fan, I would be more likely to purchase the game. However, not being a fan doesn't mean I won't still enjoy it. I have plenty of games based on movies/anime/whatever that I'm not a fan of, but still like the game. I'll be paying attention to reviews and the comments of others to make my final decision.

3. Appeal is a funny word. Prior to opening this thread, I didn't know anything about this game beyond what you see on the cover art... a boxing glove. That said, I think it appeals to boxing fans. However, I could definitely see a wider audience if more features of the game (including it's anime background) were advertised and/or promoted.
1. I think it might be... too much like the boxing game in Wii Sports for me to really see a difference in gameplay.
2. I've never seen the anime but I'd be interested in checking it out. A boxing anime... sounds interesting.
3. Probably mostly the anime fans but I'd say the parents/kids crowd who want a full-on boxing title that's guaranteed not to feature "amazing bruise recognition technology" or something.
1. I think it's a brilliant idea. Not only is it an interesting way to market a licensed game (games that aren't exactly know for their innovation), thanks to wii sports, the average consumer is going to have a passing familiarity with the playstyle.

2. Well, as I mentioned, I tend to be skeptical of lincensed games. However, if a licensed game does its job, it will serve as a good introduction to that property. I've always heard great things about Hajime No Ippo and this game might served as the "first hit", so to speak.

3. For the US market, I think this game best appeals to boxing fans. The wii is the mass-market system and I'd say there are more people with an interest in boxing as a sport than people with an interest in sports anime.
1. I like the idea of using the controller as boxing gloves for the game. If it works right, it will be more of an immersive experience.

2. I have never seen the anime so it has nothing to do with my decision about the game. It is not a negative.

3. I think it appeals more to the arcade boxing fan. The since anime fans won't necessarly enjoy boxing, I wouldn't say it necessarly appeals to them. The screenshots suggest that super punchout fans would enjoy it.
1. If it uses the motion sensor well I think it'll be great. Wii Sports Boxing was one of the weaker games, because the controls seemed so haphazard and non-responsive. If this or future boxing games can solve the control issue, they'll be a lot of fun.

2. I'm not a big manga fan, but if I think that having a story could be useful to a boxing game, if they pull it off well.

3. I think the game appeals to both. I probably won't be picking this game up, based on Cheapy's review, but I am interested in a boxing game that works well with the 'controller as gloves' scheme. It could be really fun, if pulled off well.
1. Seems like the Wii was made for this type of game, really. Boxing on Wii Sports was great fun, though the controls were a little sluggish and awkward at times. If Victorious Boxers manages to overcome that, it should be great playing it.

2. I do enjoy the anime/manga series, so that sort of thing would influence my decision a lot. The characters are very stylized (but not cartoony as in, say, Punch Out) so people unfamiliar with anime or the series may not be too interested.

3. I'd say the game probably appeals a little bit more to anime fans than boxing fans. When a boxing fan thinks of the sport, I'm not so sure that buff Japanese men are the first thing that comes to mind... they'll have to be drawn to the gameplay first instead of the rest of the package. Meanwhile an anime fan knows exactly what this game is about, who the characters are and what to expect so they'll experience none of those hurdles.
  1. I feel excited to be able to play this game which i think will be great and get a workout in the process.:)
  2. I have watched the anime, and it's a good one, so if i don't win i will deff. purchase this myself. If i never heard of it though, i think i would overlook the title.
  3. Anyone should certainly try this game the characters are really cool, and u should also check out the anime, Fighting Spirit, its good, and yeah this game is gonna be fun!;)
-MTdrummer, :drool:
  1. Wii sports really was the first to have this feature. However, it wasn't pushed i hte ads or very much in the aftermarket products. It took a while for the glove/Wiimote holder to hit the market. Boxing is a perfect use of the motion sensors in the Wiimote and nunchuck.
  2. TI think this will appeal more to boxing/sports fans and not cause people to buy it merrely because of its anime ties. Thus, being based on anime will not affect my decision to purchase.
  3. this game will definitely attract boxing fans. Boxing is very physical and the Wii really captures th action with the Wiimote. For those that are into anime and follow it it is just an added bonus in the purchase of this game.
1. I think it's great. I'm for anything that takes advantage of the unique Wii controller and makes a game more immersive.

2. If I'm a fan of the license a game uses I'm more likely to buy it but only if it's a good game. Even if I'm not a fan of a license if it's a good game I'll still consider it.

3. I think this game would appeal to both. If it's a good game it'll appeal to gamers in general as well.
  1. It's about freaking time they brought Mike Tyson's Punch Out into the real world. *rim shot* Anyone? Anyone..?
  2. As a comparible game, I think it's going to be a very interesting experience. Not being a fan of anime, I'd buy it based solely on arcade-boxing love.
  3. I think this is going to appeal to anyone who likes having a good time, anime based or not. Can't wait.
1. I think it's absolutely fantastic that a developer finally created a boxing game that actually focused entirely on boxing. The boxing event in Wii sports was too buggy and random to create a fun boxing experience. With the creation of this game, it seems that one can finally take boxing on the Wii serious as an idea that can be implemented well. It is definitely the focus on the one sport that will get me to purchase this game when it gets cheaper.

2. I am a fan of anime myself. While I do enjoy watching the TV shows and reading the manga, I am in tune with the culture enough to know that there have been truckloads of terrible videogames based on anime properties. It is far to common to hear about volume seven of *anime series videogame* since they primarily tend to sell to fans in Japan. Even in America, if a videogame series based on an anime happens to sell well, we end up seeing handfuls of titles that come out in the future. Just take a look at Dragonball Z/Bleach/Naruto/Yu-Gi-Oh. Knowing that this is a videogame based on an anime caused me to be cautious about the whole idea. Knowing that it is based on a sports anime eased my fears a bit since sports translates to videogames more easily than random adventuring or making friends at school as seen in other anime titles. The bottom line? The anime theme pushes me away but the idea of a dedicated boxing title pulls me in.

3. I believe that this is a title that will appeal to boxing fans much more than anime fans. Just think about how the game is marketed in the US. For other anime titles (Bleach, DBZ, Naruto) the game is being marketed primarily by plastering pictures of the characters and the anime title on every square inch of the box that is possible. In the case of Victorious Boxers: Revolution, the anime title isn't on the cover or any clear view of the characters. There is only the title which directly says the game is about boxing, and a pair of boxing gloves. Whether or not more anime fans purchase this game than sports fans, the target audience seems to be sports fans in this case. Single-player sports fans who are males between the ages of 18 and 35.
1) let hope it is much more in depth than wii boxing.
2) never heared of the anime but i like this kind of game so i want it.
3) i think this game will appeal to more general audience include boxing and anime fans.
  1. If this game has 1:1 controls I feel that it could set the standard for Wii boxing games.
  2. No, it would not. I have not read/watched this manga/anime.
  3. I think that this game would appeal more to actual boxing game fans than anime fans. Boxing game fans who own a Wii have no boxing games to play on their Wii other than Wii Sports. Therefore they would probably like to play this game.
  1. Not counting Wii sports, I think its a very novel concept that, if done right, could bring the stratagy of boxing to people that may never have had that chance to try boxing. I only fear that the game will devolve into a rapid "puch faster to win" kind of gameplay.
  2. While it would not affect my decison, I think that average American might prefer a more relistic approch along the lines of the first two Fight Nights.
  3. I think it will definily apeal to fans of the series the most. Boxing fans will most likly check it out since it is the "first" boxing game for the Wii. I love anime as much as the next otaku, but I dont think that since the game has an anime touch to it that I will automaticly identify with it more. Maybe a demo on the Wii shop will entice?
1) I hope it's done better than Wii Sports. Rather than just swinging wildy, I really hope that there is at least some kind of strategy involved and that punches do in fact register when thrown.
2) Definitely, I bought the PS2 version only because I'm a huge fan of the anime. I just want to throw those special punches like in the anime.
3) Probably both, due to the fact that it's the first "real" boxing game out on the Wii and that it has a whole lot of characters from the anime.
1. its a little surprising that victorious boxers would be the first boxing game on the wii (figured EA would have tried cashing in alot earlier) but it was bound to happen sooner or later so props to xseed. and using the controller as gloves seems like the only logical way to do things with a game like this, or else it would be just another boxing game.

2. i think any game based of exsisting material (movies, anime, comics etc) is always more appealing to people who are allready fans. but even if it wasnt based off an exsisting property it looks fun enough and with a new control scheme seems like a good reason for boxing fans or anime fans to try it out without previous knowlegde of the franchise

3. it probably more appeals to anime fans seeing it is based off an anime series, but if done correctly i can see boxing fans jumping on board as well as long as it represents both correctly (anime and boxing) i can see it also appealing to both. my personal feelings im more an anime fan than iam boxing but this is something that looks fun enough to me to try out.
1. I think it's awesome (also see question 2 answer). I wouldn't necessarily pay full price for it, though.

2. I watched all of the anime, and am up to the latest chapters of the manga. I am definitely a fan and it does affect my purchasing decision.

3. I would say it appeals to anime fans the most. All a boxing game needs is to be fun, the true boxing fans probably don't care about games.
1 about time now i have a reason to take a swing at my tv screen

2.never heard of it but hey its boxing

3.boxing fans finally get to swing (tapping buttons to swing not fun)
[quote name='EmpyreanKnight']Congratz on your win, Medium_Pimpin![/QUOTE]


Got my copy in the mail yesterday but i've been really sick this week. Hopefully i get some time to play this weekend.

Been watching some of the anime again, that doesn't take much physical prowess.
1. I'm actually very disappointed a fully featured boxing game has yet to be developed for Wii. I think a refined boxing game that utilizes motion control would be amazing. I haven't followed this game closely, so I'm not entirely sure if this will be the game I've been waiting for, but atleast it's a start.

2. Honestly, I'm generally not much of an anime fan at all. But, if Victorious Boxers plays well, its anime roots would have very little bearing on my purchasing decision.

3. I think this game will best appeal to boxing fans due to the neglection of that market on Wii. But of course, its art style should be very interesting to anime fans too.
1. using the controllers as boxing gloves is a great idea, it worked fairly well for Wii Sports Boxing and i'm hoping this game irons out the kinks.

2. i've never read the manga or seen the anime but i like the art style, it looks very familiar to me

3. i think this game will attract box boxing fans and anime fans. me personally, i'm an anime fan and haven't played a boxing game since Punch Out (i don't count Wii Sports Boxing cuz it's not technically a full game heh). but the anime style grabs my interest and i'm hoping this will be a fun game to play.
If this is still open:

  1. It's about time. I've been waiting for a game like this since playing boxing in Wii Sports a year ago. Using the motion-sensing controlls is what will make this game.
  2. No, it would not. If I want to buy a boxing game, and this is the only option, I am going to buy it regardless. If you do enjoy the anime, then that is an added bonus.
  3. I would say it appeals more to boxing fans. I, myself, could care less for most anime. The boxing is what it draws to me. As stated above, if you are a fan of the anime, that's great. Otherwise, I see most people purchasing this strictly as a boxing game.
I signed up for the other contest but forgot this one.... hopefully it's still good.

1. I'm really happy with this game trying to be unique by using the motion controls. When I first got the Wii, I was hoping to play a lot of unique games using the remote is cool ways. But the best games have just been action/adventure games with motion controls thrown just because it's available. Except for Metroid Prime but that isn't my cup of tea.

2. I knew this was based on the series and even though I never watched/read the series, I was still thinking about getting this.

3. I would say boxing fans. Anybody who doesn't know this is based off an anime probably won't notice it since it isn't your average anime style art. So the anime-ness is sort of a non-issue. And since the boxing is the heart of the game, people would buy it for that.
  1. I find it to be pretty weird. After Wii Boxing I'd have accepted someone ot do it quickly. Even Nintendo with a Punch-Out follow-up.
  2. Since I'm not a fan, it doesn't affect me at all. If I was, I'd be more interested.
  3. I'd say this appeals to both boxing fans and fans of the anime equally.
  1. I think its a great idea, I enjoyed playing the boxing game in wii-sports against friends. The story/career will be interesting to play.
  2. Personally I am not famliar with "Fighting Spirit" so me purchasing it because it is based on an amine is slim. Since I live in the U.S. I dont really care.
  3. It should appeal to both fans of anime and boxing, it looks like it mixes both well and those anime fans will relate to the manga its based on.
  1. Wish it could of been Fight Night by EA.
  2. If I was a fan I'd be more likely to buy it
  3. anime fans. Most boxing fans don't know what Fighting Spirit is.
1. I really liked the boxing game in Wii Sports, but I've been hoping for something better. Hopefully, this delivers.

2. I'm not a fan of the anime/manga, but that doesn't affect my decision any because I've heard good things about Victorious Boxers in the past

3. I'm sure this will apeal to the anime fans, but if it really offers strong boxing gameplay (which is what i really want) then it should appeal to boxers as well.
1. How do you feel about Victorious Boxers being the first boxing/sports game offered on Wii with the motion sensor feature of using the controller as if it were gloves?

Um... Wii Sports?

Seriously, it's cool but, honestly, it was expected. You have two controllers, you have two hands. Boxing in it's simplest terms is defined as just that. So, an Ippo game isn't a bug surprise.

2. The game is also based on an award winning manga and anime, “Hajime No Ippo,” AKA “Fighting Spirit” in USA. Whether you are a fan or not, would this affect your purchasing decision? Please specify.

It would, simply because I had a buddy who raved about the last Ippo game. (I think that was on the GBA.)

3. Do you feel this game best appeals to boxing fans, anime fans, or both? Please share your personal feelings as well.

Probably most to anime fans. Boxing fans, at least American boxing fans, would probably wait for something like Fight Night to come out.
1. Sounds awesome. My son and I are definitely looking at this title.

2. I enjoyed playing Victorious Boxers 2 on the PS2 - in fact, I got it from a CAG deal! And yes - if I like a previous installment of a series, I'm much more likely to consider the next one in line.

3. I think it'll appeal to both. There has been a good balance between the action and the anime aspects in the previous game, so if the developer sticks to that ratio, it ought to work out just fine.
  1. I'm excited to see how it turns out, being the first boxing game to offer motion sensor feature. I know it's no Fight Night but VB has its own moment on PS2.
  2. I never judge a game just because it's based on an award anime/manga/movie or anything. A blockbuster movie does not equal a great game and vice versa. I will judge the game and movie alone.
  3. I don't think this game will make any impression on the Wii due the casual crowd on this system. Parents will think this game is too violent for kids and hardcore gamers don't consider an anime game published on a Wii seriously.
1. How do you feel about Victorious Boxers being the first boxing/sports game offered on Wii with the motion sensor feature of using the controller as if it were gloves?

I thought wii sports boxing technically did that already, although the controls were definitely not as precise as I would like. If Victorious Boxers can pull off awesome controls, it will be a definite must-have title for me.

2. The game is also based on an award winning manga and anime, “Hajime No Ippo,” AKA “Fighting Spirit” in USA. Whether you are a fan or not, would this affect your purchasing decision? Please specify.

I am generally not an anime fan, other than what became more mainstream such as Robotech, but I don't think it will affect my purchasing decision unless the game requires a lot of background knowledge about the anime to enjoy it. But since it is a boxing game, I don't think that will be a problem.

3. Do you feel this game best appeals to boxing fans, anime fans, or both? Please share your personal feelings as well.

I think it appeals to both, although the anime fans will probably be able to appreciate it slightly more. A well-done boxing title can be a huge success on the wii. If the boxing mechanics are enjoyable and the game is sufficiently deep, I will definitely be planning on getting it. (Although, being a CAG, I will probably wait until it hits the $29.99 or below mark, unless it is exceedingly impressive. :))
1. Seems awesome. But I wouldn't call it the first, because what about Boxing in Wii Sports?

2. I'm not a fan of the anime, but I was interested in it because it was boxing. If I was a fan of the anime, I would be interested because I was a fan of it to begin with.

3. It appeals to both.
1. Anything better than Wii Sports Boxing is a plus to me. If punche and combo detection is accurate and precise, I am stoked!

2. Although I am not an anime fan, from the various screen shots I can honestly say that I am excited.

3. With proper marketing in the U.S., this game could have tons of appeal to a crowd looking for something different than the only boxing experience available now, the Fight Night series.
1. How do you feel about Victorious Boxers being the first boxing/sports game offered on Wii with the motion sensor feature of using the controller as if it were gloves?

I'm really excited about the potential of this game, although the reviews haven't been great..

2. The game is also based on an award winning manga and anime, “Hajime No Ippo,” AKA “Fighting Spirit” in USA. Whether you are a fan or not, would this affect your purchasing decision? Please specify.

I don't know anything about this anime, so it doesn't matter too much for me.

3. Do you feel this game best appeals to boxing fans, anime fans, or both? Please share your personal feelings as well.

I'm much more excited about this game for the boxing aspects.
1. I'd be very impressed if it provides one-to-one game play, meaning it perfectly reflects your movement. If it does not provide one-to-one gameplay, then its just a prettier Wii Sports Boxing, which was not that great..

2. I've never read manga and I haven't watched any anime, besides Cowboy Bebop, in several years, so it has no influence on me.

3. It would probably appeal more towards anime fans because, from my experience, the hardcore boxing fans would prefer to have the most photo-realistic looking game, rather than something animated. I personally don't care either way, photo-realistic or animated, so long as its fun to play.
How do you feel about Victorious Boxers being the first boxing/sports game offered on Wii with the motion sensor feature of using the controller as if it were gloves?

Rather indifferent. This question - for me - would be better answered after playing it. Lookwise, I've no complaints as first boxing game, playwise may be totally different.

The game is also based on an award winning manga and anime, “Hajime No Ippo,” AKA “Fighting Spirit” in USA. Whether you are a fan or not, would this affect your purchasing decision? Please specify.

No. Things that influence my purchasing decision is the look of the gameplay, reviews, and when possible, previous rental/demo play. If I let names influence my decisions, I'd never have bought Poy-poy for the PS.

Do you feel this game best appeals to boxing fans, anime fans, or both? Please share your personal feelings as well.

I'd say currently both. While I do enjoy the Wii Sports boxing, the Miis can become bland over time. VBR does give more realistic visual - compared to Wii Sports, it wouldn't be that hard to do - and obviously gives anime lovers one more Wii game to add to their collection.
  1. How do you feel about Victorious Boxers being the first boxing/sports game offered on Wii with the motion sensor feature of using the controller as if it were gloves?

    - I think that it's great that they are finally bringing a boxing game taht expands off the success of Wii Sports. Many of us are still waiting for fully thought out games based on those base ideas and I hope that this game will succeed in that respect. The Wii needs more games that fully utilize motion controls like they were meant to be used.
  2. The game is also based on an award winning manga and anime, “Hajime No Ippo,” AKA “Fighting Spirit” in USA. Whether you are a fan or not, would this affect your purchasing decision? Please specify.

    - I would be more excited about it probably if I was a fan. Depending on how this game stands out as a game on its own outside the anime show will be the true test of its ability to sell well. I would buy it if it was a good game, not solely on the basis that its based on the anime, even if I was a fan.
  3. Do you feel this game best appeals to boxing fans, anime fans, or both? Please share your personal feelings as well.

    - I think it appeals to both, at least I would hope it would be. Having a game that is true to the anime is not enough. The gameplay needs to be there for people to truly enjoy the title.
  1. How do you feel about Victorious Boxers being the first boxing/sports game offered on Wii with the motion sensor feature of using the controller as if it were gloves?
If it gives me a workout like the one on Wii Sports, I'm in!

  1. The game is also based on an award winning manga and anime, “Hajime No Ippo,” AKA “Fighting Spirit” in USA. Whether you are a fan or not, would this affect your purchasing decision? Please specify.
Not particularly. I've liked shows but hated the game and vice versa. All depends on how good of a game it is if I'll actually buy it.

  1. Do you feel this game best appeals to boxing fans, anime fans, or both? Please share your personal feelings as well.
Probably a little of both. Certainly not as big of a boxing game as Fight Night, nor as big of an anime game like Naruto games, etc. But I'm sure it's fun either way. :)
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