CAG BUZZ: Victorious Boxers Revolution (Wii) Giveaway! Multiple Winners! [LAST WEEK!]

I think this game will appeal to gamer, boxing and anime fans have better media elsewhere. Personally, I an not interested in the book or anime. The success of this game solely depends on how good the controls are.
How do you feel about Victorious Boxers being the first boxing/sports game offered on Wii with the motion sensor feature of using the controller as if it were gloves?
1. I think it's good to finally see some developers working to realize the potential shown in Wii Sports Boxing. However, it all comes down to how good the controls, so it's biggest selling point is also its biggest point of equivocation.
2. Personally, it makes me more likely to buy. I'm no fan of Hajime No Ippo. Heck, I've never even seen a single episode of it. However, from what I've heard it's like anime meets Rocky. And I LOVE the Rocky movies.
3. To an extent both, but I'd have to say it appeals more to anime fans. Just intuitively, I'd imagine a boxing fan would perfer a realistic aesthetic, a la Fight Night, as opposed to the stylized anime style of VBR.
  1. How do you feel about Victorious Boxers being the first boxing/sports game offered on Wii with the motion sensor feature of using the controller as if it were gloves?
  2. The game is also based on an award winning manga and anime, “Hajime No Ippo,” AKA “Fighting Spirit” in USA. Whether you are a fan or not, would this affect your purchasing decision? Please specify.
  3. Do you feel this game best appeals to boxing fans, anime fans, or both? Please share your personal feelings as well.
1. This is a big deal for someone like who loves to stay active and occassionally trains by hitting the bag every once in awhile. When I first saw Wii Sports Boxing, I was excited but eventually disappointed at how shallow and terrible the controls were. With Victorious Boxers having more depth by being a full fledge motion sensing boxing game, I was instantly interested.

2. Yes, it would. I have a HUGE fan of Hajime No Ippo as I have watched the anime and read the manga. If anyone has done either of the two, then they would know how great the series is and that anything involving it (like this game) is like giving the fans a gift. Even if I wasn't the huge fan I was, Victorious Boxers being the first full-fledged motion sensing boxing game is enough appeal for me.

3. I feel the games appeals more to anime fans. This is especially true due to its obvious influences. The thing about anime is that it is a very imaginative culture, so being sucked into the story of Hajime No Ippo and feeling the lives of boxers (albeit overly exagerrated) just lets us experience something different. Not to mention the game happens to be based on a story that features anime characters. Of course, this isn't to say there is no appeal to real boxers. Obviously from the ads shown of real boxers, the general gist of the game is universally appealling to them in some way.
How do you feel about Victorious Boxers being the first boxing/sports game offered on Wii with the motion sensor feature of using the controller as if it were gloves?

The game is also based on an award winning manga and anime, “Hajime No Ippo,” AKA “Fighting Spirit” in USA. Whether you are a fan or not, would this affect your purchasing decision? Please specify.

Do you feel this game best appeals to boxing fans, anime fans, or both? Please share your personal feelings as well.
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1. I like the idea of using the motion sensor for boxing..but what i am worried about is how accurate it can be. Wii Boxing was innaccurate in itself....I really wonder how much can they improve on it.

2. For me, it would. I couldnt see why anyone would purchase the Victorious Boxing series games without it being based on the Anime. Its like if the Naruto Games didnt have naruto in it. Who would really go out and buy it even though..half of the games are subpar. Same goes for Hajime. Dont get me wrong the PS 2 titles are tough and fast paced..but its still no fight night. The Wii version would get the same from me. I would and probably will buy it sooner or later because i like Hajime but if i didnt know about...i wouldnt even look at the back of the box.

3. It definetly appeals to anime fans. if you dont know who Ippo or Takamura are...than your going to feel lost playing the game. You might of as well stuck to Wii Boxing. I feel with these games you have to know the story and the history behind it...same goes for Fight Night games. You cant get the most enjoyment if you dont know about the nuances in the game. A normal boxing fan wouldnt know a gut punch or what the heck a dempsey roll is. if you cant relate to the game..than what fun is their?
  1. I was excited about this game when I first heard of it. I love the Hajime no Ippo series and boxing in the wii sports pack was the best of all sports. The motion controls and different variations seemed like a very good idea that wasn't emplemented with great precision, but I think since this was the first boxing game, it'll leave the developers something to improve on with an already great idea.
  2. The Hajime no Ippo license definitely plays a factor in purchasing this game. My friend had pre ordered this game already solely based on the greatness of the series. I don't see casual fans buying a japanese game based on an american sport.
  3. Boxing fans would be turned off by the story elements of hajime no ippo because there is no "skip" feature. Maybe if they were fans of anime, but for casual fans, which seems to be the dominant type when it comes to the wii. This game is definitely for anime fans.
  1. I think that it would be the same as Wii Sports, but hopefully with a good concept that will make you play this instead. I'm not really anticipating it, but will give consideration.
  2. It was a good anime, and over Wii Sports and this I suppose I'd choose this just because of the franchise.
  3. It will appeal more to anime fans, but other gamers will like it as well. People whol enjoy boxing games probably would call this a mess, because it lacks reality in a boxing game. But I can't really say that; I'm not really a boxing fan.
1. That is excellent, I hope that it spurs any more developers to follow through without hurting their features

2. If I was an avid reader, yeah this would be a plus. But I'm not, so that speaks well for the game

3. Definitely boxing fans. This is like the unofficial sequel to Knockout that every gamer and non-gamer alike has been frothing at the mouth for since the NES
1. As long as its more in depth than Wii Sports Boxing then it sounds good to me. I hope the motion controls are accraute as well.

2. I've never even heard of the anime, so no.

3. Probably more to anime fans since animes tend to bend reality all the time to make the series more interesting instead of boring.
  1. I think its great- and about time! Wii boxing was a small taste of what is possible on the system- so I'm excited to get my hands on this and see what the system has in store.
  2. Well- I'm not a fan, but I am always down for a good story, so it would influence my decision on the purchase. Knowing that there is a good story driving the boxing makes me more apt to buy it.
  3. Definately both to a degree. As an anime game all those who like the characters will want to see the translation to the wii, and as a boxing game all those who want a deeper boxing game than wii sports offered will likely pick this one up. Personally, it appeals to me both as a gamer and a martial artist, my other driving hobby. Any game that even remotely helps me with martial principles (timing, dodging, body mechanics) is very valuable and few and far between.
1. I do believe it will use the motion sensors better than WII Boxing so i'm
excited to see how much better it "should" be.

2. I'm more interested now that i know its based off of, or spawned from,
Hajime no Ippo, i have heard that to be a great series, however, i have not
seen it. I am an anime fan however.

3. I think more for the anime fan over the boxing fan, however if a boxing fan
doesn't have a system with the ability to play fight night, then i feel this
would be appealing to them as well. Unless ofcoufse they somehow fit
anime boobs into the game... then the appeal will grow... big breasts
animated or not, can sell just about anything.
  1. It sounds like a fun game to me.
  2. It would probably get me more interested in the anime once I play the game.
  3. I think this game probably appeals more to anime fans than boxing fans.
1) It's about time we got a boxing game with more depth the Wii Sports!

2) I never heard of the manga it is based on but it seems like boxing would make a boring comic...

3) Boxing fans IMHO, since most Americans have never heard of the Manga.
  1. Really looking forward to it. I just hope you actually control the gloves instead of your actions just substituting for button presses.
  2. No because I don't really care about licenses. If a game is good I will play it regardless.
  3. I don't think someone who is an anime fan and not a boxing fan would play a boxing game just because it has anime characters.
  1. I am actually excited to see how this would be played. It gives me a reason to power up my Wii. In my eyes my wii gets overlooked to the lack of games availible. I just hope the game does not act as silly as the Wii sports boxing which felt hokey, and underdeveloped.
  2. Well If I was not a fan I would be open to at least checking it out before passing judgement. Because missing out on a sweet game due to lack of knowledge of the franchise would just be downright dumb.
  3. Many anime fans would not purchase a game just for the looks, But boxing fans looking for a game to utilize the action of the wiimote might!
1. Did we forget about wii sports? sure it's not a great boxing game but it uses the controllers as if they were gloves. I hope VB is more advanced in the movements available to a player.

2. Yes, i do believe that because VB is based off of an anime/manga that i would be more likely to buy it. This way i can watch the anime or read the manga and have a story line to go with my gaming.

3. I believe it appeals to both. The gameplay is for the boxing fans and the graphics/animation is for the anime fans.

(I hope this surpasses the one for the ps2, because if it does it will be a real good game)
  1. Think its looking to be a great game. Been hooked on Wii Boxing ever since I got my Wii at launch and now this one has so much depth it will keep me busy.
  2. No, I personally don't watch or read alot of Japanese Anime or manga so it wouldn't persuade me either way.
  3. I actually think it applies to both. The gameplay and look is catered more towards the anime side, but the depth is catered towards boxing enthusiats. So its something for everyone.
1. It's cool. More and more games need to take full advantage of the functionality.

2. Don't care either way.

3. Probably both. There is something in it for everyone I would say.
1) Well I'd say that Wii Sports did it first but I have a feeling that Victorious Boxers does it better. A full sport experience is really worth it when you think about it, because mini-games are fun but fully fleshed out games (like the Pangya Golf games for Wii were to golf) make a lot more sense in the long run.

2) If anything it'd inspire me more to get the game because I'm a huge anime fan even though I haven't seen Hajime no Ippo yet.

3) Quite clearly it is good for both as either can appreciate the game, and if you're a fan of both then I think it's safe to say you'll probably be getting this game (or have bought it already).
1. must be awesome, playing another boxing game but with a anime twist, i've see some gameplay action and i must say it looks great!

2. No, as a anime fan and no knowing this game before im very atracted to it i must say.

3. Both, i like sports games and i like anime, what more i can ask? and i coud be awesome for kids too.
1. With the intro of boxing in Wii Sports and all the other games in Wii Sports gaining entire games devoted to them, it is about time boxing gets the same respect. Better controls then what is in Wii Sports can only make boxing more entertaining.

2. The fact that this is based on something that is award winning will always influence my decision despite whether I am a fan or not. Going off such a strong idea will lead to a great game as they have a level of excellence they have to reach as to not insult the original.

3. I would say that the game is more so for boxing fans as there is more of a physical and combative element to it. However, it also opens itself up to anime fans from what it is based upon. So, the game is for both parties, but more heavily favors boxing fans.
1. I feel like it's about time. Real boxing is just perfect for the wiimote system.
2. The anime relation has no impact on my wanting this game.
3. I'd say boxing fans.
1. How do you feel about Victorious Boxers being the first boxing/sports game offered on Wii with the motion sensor feature of using the controller as if it were gloves?

While I'd rather a Nintendo made game like Punch Out, at least this is a well known franchise in Japan.

2. The game is also based on an award winning manga and anime, “Hajime No Ippo,” AKA “Fighting Spirit” in USA. Whether you are a fan or not, would this affect your purchasing decision? Please specify.

I'm into anime in general, so it would have a positive affect on my decision. More importantly, I would read impressions of the game before deciding to purchase.

3. Do you feel this game best appeals to boxing fans, anime fans, or both? Please share your personal feelings as well.

I think boxing fans would probably take this style less seriously - so I'd have to say anime fans.
  1. I'm looking forward to how they implemented this. I wonder how the specials from the anime will be executed (i.e. gazelle punch, dempsey roll, smash, etc). I just hope it doesn't feel like a generic boxing game w/o the anime touch.
  2. Yes. I am very interested in this game because I enjoyed the Anime. If i hadn't watched the anime, I'd have no interest in this game.. but since I was so impressed with the anime, this is a must have.
  3. I think this will be more of an anime fan game. Most games made off of anime's aren't great games. They appeal mainly to the fans of the anime. For a good game that is more realistic, I'd go w/ Fight Night. But I just want to play as Ippo (I created Ippo in Fight Night on the 360... and w/o his specials... it doesn't cut it).
  1. I think that many gamers may have had their fill of boxing on the Wii due to already owning Wii Sports. But, I would still be interested in playing it, provided I could play it before I purchase.
  2. I was unaware of the anime series, but my first reaction would be to stay away from the game, since I'm not an anime fan & have no knowledge of the existing plot or characters.
  3. I think it appeals to both, but probably more so toward fans of the anime. The characters are unfamiliar, at least to me. However, everyone understands the concep of boxing, and so it should be understood what type of game you'll be playing before you try it out.
1.) I feel that it's a great gameplay aspect, and hope other developers adopt similar styles in the future.

2.) I am a huge fan, and think it's great that they're using an established series to base the plot off of.

3.) Both, as this is a popular Anime property and boxing games have proven to be marketable with the genre being a steady seller.
  1. It sounds really cool. I would like to see how good the controls really are.
  2. I've never seen the anime or read the manga, but if I really liked the anime or manga, I would buy this game. I mean it just feels good to take control of one of your heros, or just an overall BA.
  3. Well if the game is really good I don't thing it should matter. Boxing fans will like it if it's good, and anime fans want a good game, not just the characters with a lame game.
  1. I think its awesome, the Wii Sports boxing game was the most fun.
  2. No, never heard of it but the game still sounds good.
  3. I guess both, if people follow the anime they would most likely be interested in the game, on the other hand, people like me who are not familiar with the anime and are very interested in boxing will still find the game appealing.
  1. How do you feel about Victorious Boxers being the first boxing/sports game offered on Wii with the motion sensor feature of using the controller as if it were gloves? I really enjoy the idea of having new options in wii games, we have needed a good boxer for the wii.
  2. The game is also based on an award winning manga and anime, “Hajime No Ippo,” AKA “Fighting Spirit” in USA. Whether you are a fan or not, would this affect your purchasing decision? Please specify. I have never read the manga or saw the anime but I do enjoy both and I think this would be a good place to test the waters to see if i would like to see it.
  3. Do you feel this game best appeals to boxing fans, anime fans, or both? Please share your personal feelings as well. I think it does a good job of appealing to both. I mean the boxing fans get their fights and the anime fans get their story.
1. I thinks its a good idea to cash in on the wii's current status. They saw how everyone loved to box on Wii Sports and now they're making a stronger version as a stand alone game. lets see how it does, hopefully its descent :)

2. This will highly impact fans of those series but for those who dont know about them and buy the game it could get them turned onto the magna.

3. Mostly boxing fans because there will be more people who know about that than the anime.
  1. How do you feel about Victorious Boxers being the first boxing/sports game offered on Wii with the motion sensor feature of using the controller as if it were gloves? I would have preferred one of the bigger names like Fight Night or Punch Out. But I don't mind too much, it's not who does it first but whomever perfects it first.
  2. The game is also based on an award winning manga and anime, “Hajime No Ippo,” AKA “Fighting Spirit” in USA. Whether you are a fan or not, would this affect your purchasing decision? Please specify. I am a long-time fan of the IPPO, and this definitely effects my purchasing decision. It's really only a matter of waiting for the price to drop on the game before picking it up myself (to put next to my IPPO DVD collection)
  3. Do you feel this game best appeals to boxing fans, anime fans, or both? Please share your personal feelings as well. I think it would appeal to boxing fans who own a Wii and want something a little more than Wii Sport's boxing. I don't believe it will appeal to anime fans, as I have a hard enough time getting my anime friends to watch an anime about boxing.
How do you feel about Victorious Boxers being the first boxing/sports game offered on Wii with the motion sensor feature of using the controller as if it were gloves?
It was something that was finally needed. Boxing on the Sports pak was fun yet simple. This could show what a real boxing game can do.

The game is also based on an award winning manga and anime, “Hajime No Ippo,” AKA “Fighting Spirit” in USA. Whether you are a fan or not, would this affect your purchasing decision? Please specify.
Liscencing does not affect my purchase decisions. Your not playing a movie, book, etc., you're playing the GAME.

Do you feel this game best appeals to boxing fans, anime fans, or both? Please share your personal feelings as well.

I feel anyone can enjoy it, but it's going to be more geared towards sports fans.
1) I think it was obvious choice to add such a feature to the game. Being first to add a feature is fine but it won't matter unless it was implemented correctly (aka Red Steel aiming compared to Medal of Honor 2)

2) Have been a fan of the series and have watched the entire anime series + movies. Even so, it wouldn't influence my decision as I only buy games I think are worth it. There are many anime franchises that have been translated to games and are horrible.

3) It would appeal to people who have played Wii Sports and would like to have a more expanded experience until a Fight Night or similar game comes out. It should certainly appeal to fans of the series as well since they can play familiar faces. People who don't belong to either of these categories may be more difficult to appeal to.
1. I'm surprised that this is the first boxing game for the Wii (besides Wii Sports), since you'd think Nintendo would capitalize on a revival of Punch Out or EA with Fight Night. Good to see at least someone is giving it a shot.

2.Not really; I never buy a game solely due to the license it carries.

3. I think it appeals more to anime fans versus boxing fans because I think the art style would turn off those who are into boxing.
1. How do you feel about Victorious Boxers being the first boxing/sports game offered on Wii with the motion sensor feature of using the controller as if it were gloves?

I would have like to have seen Punch Out first.

2. The game is also based on an award winning manga and anime, “Hajime No Ippo,” AKA “Fighting Spirit” in USA. Whether you are a fan or not, would this affect your purchasing decision? Please specify.

I sure that for fans of the anime this would be a must buy but I think it will sell well to non fans also.

3. Do you feel this game best appeals to boxing fans, anime fans, or both? Please share your personal feelings as well.

Both and neither...I happen to be an anime fan and not a boxing fan but I am interested in the game more for the Wii controls than anything else.
  1. Glad to see that it has been done. Honestly with this feature I thought more title would have used this by now (even a super punch out remake)
  2. No, I haven't read the story and that doesn't affect me. I play a game to enjoy the game if it leads me go check out other mediums then thats a good thing.
  3. Boxing fans more then the other. Boxing fans have been waiting for a game like this since we play wii sports.
  1. Enjoyed the boxing on the wii sports, so am interested in this boxing game.
  2. Never heard of either so would not influence me in buying this game.
  3. boxing fans and anyone interested in trying out the different styles of play that can be achieved via the wii sensor.
Question 1: I think that it was a great idea and it had a lot of potential from what i have seen from trailers. It would seem to be one of the first games that would come to mind with the motion sensor.

Question 2: It would definitely affect the purchasing of the game if i had read the manga/watched the anime and liked it but i have not seen it/read it. It would definitely boost the chances of me buying it if i did.

Question 3: I think it is a little bit of both, boxers will have fun with it and will be competitive when playing and others will enjoy playing it and possibly enjoy it even more with the anime looking characters. I like games that are very japanese like, such as zack and wiki, I loved the graphics and it made me want to buy the game even more.
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