CAG Community Award 2010


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Which CAG, through his or her actions and contributions, best served the CAG community and exemplified it's ideals in 2010?

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[quote name='ShockandAww']SHC-Gamer. He worked (and still works) his ass off everyday to get us deals and help everyone out.[/QUOTE]

Problem is that he get's PAID to do this. It's in his best interest to get us in the door with his "deals". The vast majority of the users on this site (99.999999%) don;t and do it out of the goodness of their hearts to help out fellow users.
[quote name='LordVila']SHC-Gamer[/QUOTE]

[quote name='ShockandAww']SHC-Gamer. He worked (and still works) his ass off everyday to get us deals and help everyone out.[/QUOTE]

Much as I'd agree that he's very helpful (as much as he can be given the crap company he works for, anyway), I don't think that people who are actually getting paid to post deals on CAG and bring in business should qualify.
Meh I dont care if he gets paid or not it's still clear he goes above and beyond to help people out. He's got my vote.

props to JP on the gamestop thread though like someone else said. I usually avoid gamestop but still it's got to be a lot of work keeping it up to date.
[quote name='ShockandAww']Meh I dont care if he gets paid or not it's still clear he goes above and beyond to help people out. He's got my vote.

It's called a bonus and or promotion
I'm probably going to be the only person who does it, but that's fine.

I nominate DV8MAD for helping craft the trading forums into a strong community. The lowball sales may have slowed down a little bit, but it's impossible to miss some insane deals on the lowball sales. Plus, he's gone out of his way to try and give (an Xbox 360 for TLP? That's damn awesome) while in a sucky predicament. He even offered free shipping from Japan on a lowball sale.

Plus, he's always willing to lend a helping hand. He deserves at least some recognition.
[quote name='irishsoccermbw']JP for organizing the Gamestop trade in thread. A gentleman and a scholar.[/QUOTE]

Same JP is MVP
JP for his great work on the Gamestop trade in thread.

Aem and Sadikyo for their help in hunting down the best deals on the AWD thread and sharing them with others!
I'm gonna have to drop two names, as I thought they were both very helpful to specific deals I got this year: reddjoey for the awesome XBLA thread and hawaiiboy for the price/deal updates in the Blockbuster thread.
[quote name='spedmunki']It's called a bonus and or promotion[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure how much you even think he's getting paid to deal with all the crap he has to with everybody on this site.

Even people who work for charities get paid.

We get it, you don't like KMart, move on.

Also, I vote JP.
I'd have to put in nods for JP for the GS threads, reddjoey for the XBLM sales thread and DV8mad for all of his work trying to keep the lowball auctions in line.
SHC Gamer for obvious reasons and

Iamthecheapestgamer. Hear me out on this. Whether you like him or not, (1) he adds personality to the site, (2) he keeps his thread up to date, (3) he is constantly on here. (4) he posts TIVs in jp's thread, (5) he's an active trader (which helps cags), and he constantly bitches at people to read the thread before asking questions. That last one is more of a service than I think people realize.
SHC-Gamer, while he does get paid its been stated that he is not obligated to be on the forum or help out as much as he has. hands down the best thing to happen around here in some time..
1) IATCG for the Reduced Price Game Guide Thread

2) JP for the GS thread

3) redjoey for the XBOX live thread

4) Me for the Target Clearance Thread :bouncy:
[quote name='eastx']RedJoey all the way.[/QUOTE]I'll have to put in a nod for eastx, for his wish to take over threads that have gone dormant and keep them alive, plus all of his work in the Steam threads.
bread's done