CAG community opinions


CAG Veteran
How much do the opinions of other CAGs effect the chances of you buying a game. Like, on the DL with Shipwreck. Without that would you buy some of the games that you won't now because of that? Also, do you ask the opinions of other CAgs before you go out and invest your $50 or $60 in a game? If you are so-so about buying one will you go try it or look at CAG's opinions. Also, as sort of a side question, how much do reviews factor into your purchasing?
I have always liked to read through forum user reviews. Although, I never read reviews by IGN, Gamespot and other "professional" sites/magazines. There are tons of games that are reviewed great that I just despise for a lot of different reasons. I have to play something firsthand before I am willing to buy it. Reviews from a 3rd party never factor in to my actual buying. I appreciate the time that people spend to post feedback and it *might* sway me to demo a game that I had little interest in, but the only way I buy is after having played the game myself.
I agree, but if 20+ people all say the game is great I'm at least going to rent it. I like the marketplace for the demos too
I read reviews/opinions for key things. A few being game length, major flaws, and features not commonly advertised. As far as graphics and whatnot, I can determine for myself if the game looks good enough to warrant my investment in it.

I do my own research and choose my products alone. Sometimes, I win (Earth Defense) and sometimes I lose (Bulletwitch). But they're my choices so I only have myself to congratulate/blame.
i think a better question would be...

how much extra money do u spend on something you wouldn't have bought because someone posted a good deal.
bread's done