CAG Contest: Win a $250 Gift Card to the Gaming Network of Your Choice from CAG & Swappa - Winner stuntman21!


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Win a $250 Gift Card to the Gaming Network of Your Choice from CAG & Swappa
Thanks to our sponsor, Swappa.

Swappa believes that buying and selling games directly with other gamers is the best way to maximize value. No fees for games under $50!  Swappa just launched a new page that highlights the best game prices on their marketplace and are running a contest here on CAG to help spread the word.

Please click here to enter

About the contest
PlayStation Network, Xbox Live, Nintendo eShop, Steam...whatever! As long as I can email a
code and it's gaming-related, you can choose!
Contest ends 5/23/18

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$250 would go a long way to help my gaming budget.  I'm having huge car repair bills, so my gaming hobby is going to take a major hit otherwise.

How do you get the 4th?
Looks like you have to use social media to get it. The page that has the link
to the swappa site explains how to get the tickets, but it seems like you have to use the ‘full version’ setting to see it.
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bread's done