CAG CONTEST: Win Vice City Stories (PSP)

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Post in this thread and tell us what you like best about Vice City.Courtesy of the CAGcast, Cheap Ass Gamer, and Rockstar.
Contest ends December 5th. Winner will be chosen at random. One entry per person.
Took Wombat long enough to get this contest up. I like Vice City because the concept of popped collars was stupid and it was cool to wear neon.
I love the setting and time period of the game.

Also, seeing how the game is set in a Miami type city, and I live right near Miami, just amplifies it's coolness.

Oh, and now we can swim!

I hope I win this!
Phil Collins! Phil Collins! Phil Collins! The best thing is Phil Collins being in the game and being able to play as him.
What do I love best about Vice City? Thats easy......everything, its the perfect game, and no game since has compared to its perfect blend of Humor with a Gritty touch..

Its soundtrack will go down as the best ever put in a videogame thanks to its diversity as well as selection of songs and artists.......I applaud Rockstar for chosing the songs they did, in many cases they weren't the big #1 hit that everyone remembers from the group at several cases they were the Also-Ran songs, not top 10...but maybe top 50. Familiar, but not "Top 40 radio played every day" familiar. Thank You!

Its playability is fantastic and unlike virtually all of the other GTA games, Vice City is a place I actually WANT to drive around in, even just sightsee. Driving in the "Daytona Spyder" convertible, listening to Jan Hammers "Crockett's Theme" while driving on Ocean Beach while the Sun is coming up over the water, its like playing a scene right out of Miami Vice.

The voice talent they chose is also legendary.....Ray Liottas voice is *perfect*, Burt Reynolds?? Phillip Michael Thomas (hello Miami Vice)?? Lee Majors?!?!
HELL even Debby Harry as the cab-driving dispatcher?!? Absolute BRILLIANCE........hell for a year I thought that the guy who did the voice for the Radio Station "Talk with Maurice" show was that Ziggy guy from Miami Vice, the voices sound so similar. BJ Smith? "Get Fit and Lose Weight...mostly in the Brain...". I still piss myself laughing when I hear that line...*every time I chuckle*.

And lets talk about the Radio Commercials and Announcers......perfect! Hitting on all the right trends of the day.....from Self-Help infomercials to the buying of Medallions and, my personal Cag Fav, THE DEGENETRON!!!..."Move your Red Block and attack the deadly Green Square". The first time I heard that I had to put the controller down from laughter........because thats EXACTLY what playing an Atari 2600 was LIKE! :D The Talk Radio scripts are hysterical...

even walking by people on the street is amusing.....I remember walking by one of the dudes on the street who was dressed like Eddie Murphy in Beverly Hills cop...and as I ran by him he did the eddie murphy "HEEH HEEEH HEEH" laugh and I crapped myself laughing.

This game hits on all cylenders, every little touch, every single base was covered....AND BECAUSE OF THAT Vice City became a TRUE Virtual World....
Hell I *STILL* play the game every now and then...change my suit, hop in one of my cars "Hmmm..Testarossa..or Porche today..", and do a run around Vice City picking up money from my "establishments".

Now thats a game.

If I had one wish....well ok if I had one wish it wouldn't have anything to do with Vice City, but lets say I had a BUNCH of wishes :) If I did, it would be that we'd get a Vice City II on one of the next gen platforms.

And this Vice City would have expanded suburbs beyond the 3 islands we have now.....or they'd simply expand on all the available layout...make it huge, make it sprawling, make the buildings enterable...make the world even more destructible....and bring back the incredible voice talent and soundtracks that Vice City had.

Phew...yeah man I digs me some Vice City...its like being 14 all over again, its like 1979-1986 all crammed down into one perfect stereotype :)
I was completely content w/ Vice City UNTIL I saw the ad w/Lance Vance in it! Now I really want to play the game and see what the new stories are all about.
My only gripe about Vice City Stories, besides the fact taht I haven't bought it yet, is that the main character is young and bald....but....thats not a really fashionable style from that time period.

If this game is set before Vice City, that makes it the EARLY 80's.....and back then the jerri-curl and tight eddie murphy afro cut were in style. Bald heads didn't show up in force until the early 1990's when the NBA guys went bald.....and even then it was bald head, or the flat top frankenstein cut with the lines in the sides of your head. See: Any rap video from Yo! MTV Raps between 1987-1992.
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